Example #1
static void
fmd_ckpt_restore_events(fmd_ckpt_t *ckp, fcf_secidx_t sid,
    void (*func)(void *, fmd_event_t *), void *arg)
	const fcf_event_t *fcfe;
	const fcf_sec_t *sp;
	fmd_timeval_t ftv;
	fmd_log_t *lp, *errlp;
	uint_t i, n;
	uint32_t e_maj, e_min;
	uint64_t e_ino;

	if ((sp = fmd_ckpt_secptr(ckp, sid, FCF_SECT_EVENTS)) == NULL) {
		fmd_ckpt_error(ckp, EFMD_CKPT_INVAL,
		    "invalid link to section %u: expected events\n", sid);

	if (sp->fcfs_size == 0)
		return; /* empty events section or type none */

	fcfe = fmd_ckpt_dataptr(ckp, sp);
	n = sp->fcfs_size / sp->fcfs_entsize;

	 * Hold the reader lock on log pointers to block log rotation during
	 * the section restore so that we can safely insert refs to d_errlog.
	(void) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&fmd.d_log_lock);
	errlp = fmd.d_errlog;

	e_maj = major(errlp->log_stat.st_dev);
	e_min = minor(errlp->log_stat.st_dev);
	e_ino = errlp->log_stat.st_ino;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		fmd_event_t *ep;

		ftv.ftv_sec = fcfe->fcfe_todsec;
		ftv.ftv_nsec = fcfe->fcfe_todnsec;

		if (e_ino == fcfe->fcfe_inode &&
		    e_maj == fcfe->fcfe_major &&
		    e_min == fcfe->fcfe_minor)
			lp = errlp;
			lp = NULL;

		ep = fmd_event_recreate(FMD_EVT_PROTOCOL,
		    &ftv, NULL, NULL, lp, fcfe->fcfe_offset, 0);
		func(arg, ep);

		fcfe = (fcf_event_t *)((uintptr_t)fcfe + sp->fcfs_entsize);

	(void) pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fmd.d_log_lock);
Example #2
fmd_run(fmd_t *dp, int pfd)
	char *nodc_key[] = { FMD_FLT_NODC, NULL };
	char nodc_str[128];
	struct sigaction act;

	int status = FMD_EXIT_SUCCESS;
	const char *name;
	fmd_conf_path_t *pap;
	fmd_event_t *e;
	int dbout, err;

	 * Cache all the current debug property settings in d_fmd_debug,
	 * d_fmd_dbout, d_hdl_debug, and d_hdl_dbout.  If a given debug mask
	 * is non-zero and the corresponding dbout mask is zero, set dbout
	 * to a sensible default value based on whether we have daemonized.
	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "dbout", &dbout);

	if (dp->d_fmd_debug != 0 && dbout == 0)
		dp->d_fmd_dbout = dp->d_fg? FMD_DBOUT_STDERR : FMD_DBOUT_SYSLOG;
		dp->d_fmd_dbout = dbout;

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "client.debug", &dp->d_hdl_debug);
	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "client.dbout", &dbout);

	if (dp->d_hdl_debug != 0 && dbout == 0)
		dp->d_hdl_dbout = dp->d_fg? FMD_DBOUT_STDERR : FMD_DBOUT_SYSLOG;
		dp->d_hdl_dbout = dbout;

	 * Initialize remaining major program data structures such as the
	 * clock, dispatch queues, log files, module hash collections, etc.
	 * This work is done here rather than in fmd_create() to permit the -o
	 * command-line option to modify properties after fmd_create() is done.
	name = dp->d_rootdir != NULL &&
	    *dp->d_rootdir != '\0' ? dp->d_rootdir : NULL;

	if ((dp->d_topo = topo_open(TOPO_VERSION, name, &err)) == NULL) {
		fmd_error(EFMD_EXIT, "failed to initialize "
		    "topology library: %s\n", topo_strerror(err));

	dp->d_clockptr = dp->d_clockops->fto_init();
	dp->d_xprt_ids = fmd_idspace_create("xprt_ids", 1, INT_MAX);

	(void) door_server_create(fmd_door);

	dp->d_rmod->mod_timerids = fmd_idspace_create(dp->d_pname, 1, 16);
	dp->d_timers = fmd_timerq_create();
	dp->d_disp = fmd_dispq_create();
	dp->d_cases = fmd_case_hash_create();

	 * The root module's mod_queue is created with limit zero, making it
	 * act like /dev/null; anything inserted here is simply ignored.
	dp->d_rmod->mod_queue = fmd_eventq_create(dp->d_rmod,
	    &dp->d_rmod->mod_stats->ms_evqstat, &dp->d_rmod->mod_stats_lock, 0);

	 * Once our subsystems that use signals have been set up, install the
	 * signal handler for the fmd_thr_signal() API.  Verify that the signal
	 * being used for this purpose doesn't conflict with something else.
	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "client.thrsig", &dp->d_thr_sig);

	if (sigaction(dp->d_thr_sig, NULL, &act) != 0) {
		fmd_error(EFMD_EXIT, "invalid signal selected for "
		    "client.thrsig property: %d\n", dp->d_thr_sig);

	if (act.sa_handler != SIG_IGN && act.sa_handler != SIG_DFL) {
		fmd_error(EFMD_EXIT, "signal selected for client.thrsig "
		    "property is already in use: %d\n", dp->d_thr_sig);

	act.sa_handler = fmd_signal;
	act.sa_flags = 0;

	(void) sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
	(void) sigaction(dp->d_thr_sig, &act, NULL);

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "schemedir", &name);
	dp->d_schemes = fmd_scheme_hash_create(dp->d_rootdir, name);

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "log.rsrc", &name);
	dp->d_asrus = fmd_asru_hash_create(dp->d_rootdir, name);

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "log.error", &name);
	dp->d_errlog = fmd_log_open(dp->d_rootdir, name, FMD_LOG_ERROR);

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "log.fault", &name);
	dp->d_fltlog = fmd_log_open(dp->d_rootdir, name, FMD_LOG_FAULT);

	if (dp->d_asrus == NULL || dp->d_errlog == NULL || dp->d_fltlog == NULL)
		fmd_error(EFMD_EXIT, "failed to initialize log files\n");

	 * Before loading modules, create an empty control event which will act
	 * as a global barrier for module event processing.  Each module we
	 * load successfully will insert it at their head of their event queue,
	 * and then pause inside of fmd_ctl_rele() after dequeuing the event.
	 * This module barrier is required for two reasons:
	 * (a) During module loading, the restoration of case checkpoints may
	 *    result in a list.* event being recreated for which the intended
	 *    subscriber has not yet loaded depending on the load order. Such
	 *    events could then result in spurious "no subscriber" errors.
	 * (b) During errlog replay, a sequence of errors from a long time ago
	 *    may be replayed, and the module may attempt to install relative
	 *    timers associated with one or more of these events.  If errlog
	 *    replay were "racing" with active module threads, an event E1
	 *    that resulted in a relative timer T at time E1 + N nsec could
	 *    fire prior to an event E2 being enqueued, even if the relative
	 *    time ordering was E1 < E2 < E1 + N, causing mis-diagnosis.
	dp->d_mod_event = e = fmd_event_create(FMD_EVT_CTL,
	    FMD_HRT_NOW, NULL, fmd_ctl_init(NULL));


	 * Once all data structures are initialized, we load all of our modules
	 * in order according to class in order to load up any subscriptions.
	 * Once built-in modules are loaded, we detach from our waiting parent.
	dp->d_mod_hash = fmd_modhash_create();

	if (fmd_builtin_loadall(dp->d_mod_hash) != 0 && !dp->d_fg)
		fmd_error(EFMD_EXIT, "failed to initialize fault manager\n");

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "self.name", &name);
	dp->d_self = fmd_modhash_lookup(dp->d_mod_hash, name);

	if (dp->d_self != NULL && fmd_module_dc_key2code(dp->d_self,
	    nodc_key, nodc_str, sizeof (nodc_str)) == 0)
		(void) fmd_conf_setprop(dp->d_conf, "nodiagcode", nodc_str);

	dp->d_running = 1; /* we are now officially an active fmd */

	 * Now that we're running, if a pipe fd was specified, write an exit
	 * status to it to indicate that our parent process can safely detach.
	 * Then proceed to loading the remaining non-built-in modules.
	if (pfd >= 0)
		(void) write(pfd, &status, sizeof (status));

	 * Before loading all modules, repopulate the ASRU cache from its
	 * persistent repository on disk.  Then during module loading, the
	 * restoration of checkpoint files will reparent any active cases.

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "plugin.path", &pap);
	fmd_modhash_loadall(dp->d_mod_hash, pap, &fmd_rtld_ops, ".so");

	(void) fmd_conf_getprop(dp->d_conf, "agent.path", &pap);
	fmd_modhash_loadall(dp->d_mod_hash, pap, &fmd_proc_ops, NULL);

	 * With all modules loaded, replay fault events from the ASRU cache for
	 * any ASRUs that must be retired, replay error events from the errlog
	 * that did not finish processing the last time ran, and then release
	 * the global module barrier by executing a final rele on d_mod_event.

	(void) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&dp->d_log_lock);
	fmd_log_replay(dp->d_errlog, (fmd_log_f *)fmd_err_replay, dp);
	(void) pthread_rwlock_unlock(&dp->d_log_lock);

	dp->d_mod_event = NULL;

	 * Finally, awaken any threads associated with receiving events from
	 * open transports and tell them to proceed with fmd_xprt_recv().
	fmd_gc(dp, 0, 0);

	dp->d_booted = 1;