Example #1
status CAFFile::writeDescription()
	Track *track = getTrack();

	Tag desc("desc");
	int64_t chunkLength = 32;
	double sampleRate = track->f.sampleRate;
	Tag formatID("lpcm");
	uint32_t formatFlags = 0;
	if (track->f.byteOrder == AF_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN)
		formatFlags |= kCAFLinearPCMFormatFlagIsLittleEndian;
	if (track->f.isFloat())
		formatFlags |= kCAFLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat;
	uint32_t bytesPerPacket = track->f.bytesPerFrame(false);
	uint32_t framesPerPacket = 1;
	uint32_t channelsPerFrame = track->f.channelCount;
	uint32_t bitsPerChannel = track->f.sampleWidth;

	if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ULAW)
		formatID = "ulaw";
		formatFlags = 0;
		bytesPerPacket = channelsPerFrame;
		bitsPerChannel = 8;
	else if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ALAW)
		formatID = "alaw";
		formatFlags = 0;
		bytesPerPacket = channelsPerFrame;
		bitsPerChannel = 8;
	else if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_IMA)
		formatID = "ima4";
		formatFlags = 0;
		bytesPerPacket = track->f.bytesPerPacket;
		framesPerPacket = track->f.framesPerPacket;
		bitsPerChannel = 16;

	if (!writeTag(&desc) ||
		!writeS64(&chunkLength) ||
		!writeDouble(&sampleRate) ||
		!writeTag(&formatID) ||
		!writeU32(&formatFlags) ||
		!writeU32(&bytesPerPacket) ||
		!writeU32(&framesPerPacket) ||
		!writeU32(&channelsPerFrame) ||
		return AF_FAIL;
	return AF_SUCCEED;
Example #2
    void summarizeLibraryTypeCounts(boost::filesystem::path& opath){
        LibraryFormat fmt1(ReadType::SINGLE_END, ReadOrientation::NONE, ReadStrandedness::U);
        LibraryFormat fmt2(ReadType::SINGLE_END, ReadOrientation::NONE, ReadStrandedness::U);

        std::ofstream ofile(opath.string());

        fmt::MemoryWriter errstr;

        auto log = spdlog::get("jointLog");

        uint64_t numFmt1{0};
        uint64_t numFmt2{0};
        uint64_t numAgree{0};
        uint64_t numDisagree{0};

        for (auto& rl : readLibraries_) {
            auto fmt = rl.format();
            auto& counts = rl.libTypeCounts();

            // If the format is un-stranded, check that
            // we have a similar number of mappings in both
            // directions and then aggregate the forward and
            // reverse counts.
            if (fmt.strandedness == ReadStrandedness::U) {
                std::vector<ReadStrandedness> strands;
                switch (fmt.orientation) {
                    case ReadOrientation::SAME:
                    case ReadOrientation::NONE:
                    case ReadOrientation::AWAY:
                    case ReadOrientation::TOWARD:

                fmt1.type = fmt.type; fmt1.orientation = fmt.orientation;
                fmt1.strandedness = strands[0];
                fmt2.type = fmt.type; fmt2.orientation = fmt.orientation;
                fmt2.strandedness = strands[1];

                numFmt1 = 0;
                numFmt2 = 0;
                numAgree = 0;
                numDisagree = 0;

                for (size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
                    if (i == fmt1.formatID()) {
                        numFmt1 = counts[i];
                    } else if (i == fmt2.formatID()) {
                        numFmt2 = counts[i];
                    } else {
                        numDisagree += counts[i];
                numAgree = numFmt1 + numFmt2;
                double ratio = static_cast<double>(numFmt1) / (numFmt1 + numFmt2);

                if ( std::abs(ratio - 0.5) > 0.01) {
                    errstr << "NOTE: Read Lib [" << rl.readFilesAsString() << "] :\n";
                    errstr << "\nDetected a strand bias > 1\% in an unstranded protocol "
                           << "check the file: " << opath.string() << " for details\n";

                    log->warn() << errstr.str();

                ofile << "========\n"
                      << "Read library consisting of files: "
                      << rl.readFilesAsString()
                      << "\n\n"
                      << "Expected format: " << rl.format()
                      << "\n\n"
                      << "# of consistent alignments: " << numAgree << "\n"
                      << "# of inconsistent alignments: " << numDisagree << "\n"
                      << "strand bias = " << ratio << " (0.5 is unbiased)\n"
                      << "# alignments with format " << fmt1 << ": " << numFmt1 << "\n"
                      << "# alignments with format " << fmt2 << ": " << numFmt2 << "\n"
                      << "\n========\n";
            } else {
                numAgree = 0;
                numDisagree = 0;

                for (size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
                    if (i == fmt.formatID()) {
                        numAgree = counts[i];
                    } else {
                        numDisagree += counts[i];
                } // end for

                ofile << "========\n"
                      << "Read library consisting of files: "
                      << rl.readFilesAsString()
                      << "\n\n"
                      << "Expected format: " << rl.format()
                      << "\n\n"
                      << "# of consistent alignments: " << numAgree << "\n"
                      << "# of inconsistent alignments: " << numDisagree << "\n"
                      << "\n========\n";

            } //end else

            double disagreeRatio = static_cast<double>(numDisagree) / (numAgree + numDisagree);
            if (disagreeRatio > 0.05) {
                errstr << "NOTE: Read Lib [" << rl.readFilesAsString() << "] :\n";
                errstr << "\nGreater than 5\% of the alignments (but not, necessarily reads) "
                       << "disagreed with the provided library type; "
                       << "check the file: " << opath.string() << " for details\n";

                log->warn() << errstr.str();

            ofile << "---- counts for each format type ---\n";
            for (size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
                ofile << LibraryFormat::formatFromID(i) << " : " << counts[i] << "\n";
            ofile << "------------------------------------\n\n";