Example #1
static fz_error
gatherpsobjs(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *xobjdict;
		fz_obj *type;
		fz_obj *subtype;
		int k;

		xobjdict = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(xobjdict))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		type = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype");
		if (!fz_isname(type))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Form"))

		subtype = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype2");
		if (subtype && !fz_isname(subtype))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject subtype (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "PS") &&
			(strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Form") || strcmp(fz_toname(subtype), "PS")))

		for (k = 0; k < psobjs; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(psobj[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(psobj[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < psobjs)


		psobj = fz_realloc(psobj, psobjs * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!psobj)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		psobj[psobjs - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!psobj[psobjs - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		psobj[psobjs - 1]->page = page;
		psobj[psobjs - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		psobj[psobjs - 1]->ref = ref;

	return fz_okay;
Example #2
static int
pdf_resourcesuseblending(fz_obj *rdb)
	fz_obj *dict;
	fz_obj *tmp;
	int i;

	/* stop on cyclic resource dependencies */
	if (fz_dictgets(rdb, ".useBM"))
		return fz_tobool(fz_dictgets(rdb, ".useBM"));

	tmp = fz_newbool(0);
	fz_dictputs(rdb, ".useBM", tmp);

	dict = fz_dictgets(rdb, "ExtGState");
	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		if (pdf_extgstateusesblending(fz_dictgetval(dict, i)))
			goto found;

	dict = fz_dictgets(rdb, "Pattern");
	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		if (pdf_patternusesblending(fz_dictgetval(dict, i)))
			goto found;

	dict = fz_dictgets(rdb, "XObject");
	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		if (pdf_xobjectusesblending(fz_dictgetval(dict, i)))
			goto found;

	return 0;

	tmp = fz_newbool(1);
	fz_dictputs(rdb, ".useBM", tmp);
	return 1;
Example #3
static fz_error
gathershadings(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *shade;
		fz_obj *type;
		int k;

		shade = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(shade))
			return fz_throw("not a shading dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		type = fz_dictgets(shade, "ShadingType");
		if (!fz_isint(type) || fz_toint(type) < 1 || fz_toint(type) > 7)
			fz_warn("not a shading type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
			type = nil;

		for (k = 0; k < shadings; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(shading[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(shading[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < shadings)


		shading = fz_realloc(shading, shadings * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!shading)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		shading[shadings - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!shading[shadings - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		shading[shadings - 1]->page = page;
		shading[shadings - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		shading[shadings - 1]->ref = ref;
		shading[shadings - 1]->u.shading.type = type;

	return fz_okay;
Example #4
static void sweepobj(fz_obj *obj)
	int i;

	if (fz_isindirect(obj))

	else if (fz_isdict(obj))
		for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(obj); i++)
			sweepobj(fz_dictgetval(obj, i));

	else if (fz_isarray(obj))
		for (i = 0; i < fz_arraylen(obj); i++)
			sweepobj(fz_arrayget(obj, i));
Example #5
static void renumberobj(fz_obj *obj)
	int i;

	if (fz_isdict(obj))
		for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(obj); i++)
			fz_obj *key = fz_dictgetkey(obj, i);
			fz_obj *val = fz_dictgetval(obj, i);
			if (fz_isindirect(val))
				val = fz_newindirect(renumbermap[fz_tonum(val)], 0, xref);
				fz_dictput(obj, key, val);

	else if (fz_isarray(obj))
		for (i = 0; i < fz_arraylen(obj); i++)
			fz_obj *val = fz_arrayget(obj, i);
			if (fz_isindirect(val))
				val = fz_newindirect(renumbermap[fz_tonum(val)], 0, xref);
				fz_arrayput(obj, i, val);
Example #6
static fz_error
gatherpatterns(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *patterndict;
		fz_obj *type;
		fz_obj *paint = nil;
		fz_obj *tiling = nil;
		int k;

		patterndict = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(patterndict))
			return fz_throw("not a pattern dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		type = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "PatternType");
		if (!fz_isint(type) || fz_toint(type) < 1 || fz_toint(type) > 2)
			fz_warn("not a pattern type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
			type = nil;

		if (fz_toint(type) == 1)
			paint = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "PaintType");
			if (!fz_isint(paint) || fz_toint(paint) < 1 || fz_toint(paint) > 2)
				fz_warn("not a pattern paint type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
				paint = nil;

			tiling = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "TilingType");
			if (!fz_isint(tiling) || fz_toint(tiling) < 1 || fz_toint(tiling) > 3)
				fz_warn("not a pattern tiling type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
				tiling = nil;

		for (k = 0; k < patterns; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(pattern[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(pattern[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < patterns)


		pattern = fz_realloc(pattern, patterns * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!pattern)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		pattern[patterns - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!pattern[patterns - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		pattern[patterns - 1]->page = page;
		pattern[patterns - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		pattern[patterns - 1]->ref = ref;
		pattern[patterns - 1]->u.pattern.pattern = type;
		pattern[patterns - 1]->u.pattern.paint = paint;
		pattern[patterns - 1]->u.pattern.tiling = tiling;

	return fz_okay;
Example #7
static fz_error
gatherforms(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *xobjdict;
		fz_obj *type;
		fz_obj *subtype;
		fz_obj *group;
		fz_obj *reference;
		int k;

		xobjdict = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(xobjdict))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		type = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype");
		if (!fz_isname(type))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Form"))

		subtype = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype2");
		if (subtype && !fz_isname(subtype))
			return fz_throw("not a xobject subtype (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (strcmp(fz_toname(subtype), "PS"))

		group = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Group");
		if (group && !fz_isdict(group))
			return fz_throw("not a form xobject group dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		reference = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Ref");
		if (reference && !fz_isdict(reference))
			return fz_throw("not a form xobject reference dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		for (k = 0; k < forms; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(form[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(form[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < forms)


		form = fz_realloc(form, forms * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!form)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		form[forms - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!form[forms - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		form[forms - 1]->page = page;
		form[forms - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		form[forms - 1]->ref = ref;
		form[forms - 1]->u.form.group = group;
		form[forms - 1]->u.form.reference = reference;

	return fz_okay;
Example #8
static fz_error
gatherimages(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *imagedict;
		fz_obj *type;
		fz_obj *width;
		fz_obj *height;
		fz_obj *bpc = nil;
		fz_obj *filter = nil;
		fz_obj *mask;
		fz_obj *cs = nil;
		fz_obj *altcs;
		int k;

		imagedict = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(imagedict))
			return fz_throw("not an image dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		type = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Subtype");
		if (!fz_isname(type))
			return fz_throw("not an image subtype (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Image"))

		filter = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Filter");
		if (filter && !fz_isname(filter) && !fz_isarray(filter))
			return fz_throw("not an image filter (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		mask = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "ImageMask");

		altcs = nil;
		cs = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "ColorSpace");
		if (fz_isarray(cs))
			fz_obj *cses = cs;

			cs = fz_arrayget(cses, 0);
			if (fz_isname(cs) && (!strcmp(fz_toname(cs), "DeviceN") || !strcmp(fz_toname(cs), "Separation")))
				altcs = fz_arrayget(cses, 2);
				if (fz_isarray(altcs))
					altcs = fz_arrayget(altcs, 0);

		if (fz_isbool(mask) && fz_tobool(mask))
			if (cs)
				fz_warn("image mask (%d %d R) may not have colorspace", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (cs && !fz_isname(cs))
			return fz_throw("not an image colorspace (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (altcs && !fz_isname(altcs))
			return fz_throw("not an image alternate colorspace (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		width = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Width");
		if (!fz_isint(width))
			return fz_throw("not an image width (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		height = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Height");
		if (!fz_isint(height))
			return fz_throw("not an image height (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		bpc = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "BitsPerComponent");
		if (!fz_tobool(mask) && !fz_isint(bpc))
			return fz_throw("not an image bits per component (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
		if (fz_tobool(mask) && fz_isint(bpc) && fz_toint(bpc) != 1)
			return fz_throw("not an image mask bits per component (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		for (k = 0; k < images; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(image[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(image[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < images)


		image = fz_realloc(image, images * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!image)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		image[images - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!image[images - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		image[images - 1]->page = page;
		image[images - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		image[images - 1]->ref = ref;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.width = width;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.height = height;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.bpc = bpc;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.filter = filter;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.cs = cs;
		image[images - 1]->u.image.altcs = altcs;

	return fz_okay;
Example #9
static fz_error
gatherfonts(int page, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++)
		fz_obj *ref;
		fz_obj *fontdict;
		fz_obj *subtype;
		fz_obj *basefont;
		fz_obj *name;
		int k;

		fontdict = ref = fz_dictgetval(dict, i);
		if (!fz_isdict(fontdict))
			fz_warn("not a font dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		subtype = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "Subtype");
		if (!fz_isname(subtype))
			fz_warn("not a font dict subtype (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		basefont = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "BaseFont");
		if (basefont)
			if (!fz_isname(basefont))
				return fz_throw("not a font dict basefont (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
			name = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "Name");
			if (name && !fz_isname(name))
				return fz_throw("not a font dict name (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));

		for (k = 0; k < fonts; k++)
			if (fz_tonum(font[k]->ref) == fz_tonum(ref) &&
				fz_togen(font[k]->ref) == fz_togen(ref))

		if (k < fonts)


		font = fz_realloc(font, fonts * sizeof (struct info *));
		if (!font)
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		font[fonts - 1] = fz_malloc(sizeof (struct info));
		if (!font[fonts - 1])
			return fz_throw("out of memory");

		font[fonts - 1]->page = page;
		font[fonts - 1]->pageobj = pageobj;
		font[fonts - 1]->ref = ref;
		font[fonts - 1]->u.font.subtype = subtype;
		font[fonts - 1]->u.font.name = basefont ? basefont : name;

	return fz_okay;