Example #1
static const gchar *
log_matcher_string_match_string(LogMatcherString *self, const gchar *value, gsize value_len)
  const gchar *result = NULL;
  gboolean match = FALSE;
  const gchar *pattern = self->super.pattern;

  if (self->pattern_len > value_len)
    return NULL;
  if (G_LIKELY((self->super.flags & (LMF_SUBSTRING + LMF_PREFIX)) == 0))
      if (self->super.flags & LMF_ICASE)
        match = strncasecmp(value, pattern, value_len) == 0;
        match = strncmp(value, pattern, value_len) == 0;
  else if (self->super.flags & LMF_PREFIX)
      if (self->super.flags & LMF_ICASE)
        match = strncasecmp(value, pattern, MIN(value_len, self->pattern_len)) == 0;
        match = strncmp(value, pattern, MIN(value_len, self->pattern_len)) == 0;
  else if (self->super.flags & LMF_SUBSTRING)
      if (self->super.flags & LMF_ICASE)
          gchar *buf;
          gchar *res;

          APPEND_ZERO(buf, value, value_len);
          res = strcasestr(buf, pattern);
          if (res)
            result = value + (res - buf);
          result = g_strstr_len(value, value_len, pattern);

  if (match && !result)
    result = value;
  return result;
Example #2
File: pbap.c Project: Sork007/obexd
static gboolean entry_name_find(const struct cache_entry *entry,
		const char *value)
	char *name;
	gboolean ret;

	if (!entry->name)
		return FALSE;

	if (strlen(value) == 0)
		return TRUE;

	name = g_utf8_strdown(entry->name, -1);
	ret = (g_strstr_len(name, -1, value) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	return ret;
Example #3
static gint google_get_size_value (gchar * ref, gchar * name)
    gint number = 0;
    gchar * start = g_strstr_len (ref,256,name);
    if (start != NULL)
        start += strlen (name);
        gchar * end = strchr (start,' ');
        if (end != NULL)
            gchar numbuf[MAX_NUM_BUF] = {};
            gsize span = MIN (end - start,MAX_NUM_BUF-1);
            strncpy (numbuf,start,span);
            number = strtol (numbuf,NULL,10);
    return number;
Example #4
File: mu-str.c Project: ardumont/mu
static void
cleanup_contact (char *contact)
	char *c, *c2;

	/* replace "'<> with space */
	for (c2 = contact; *c2; ++c2)
		if (*c2 == '"' || *c2 == '\'' || *c2 == '<' || *c2 == '>')
			*c2 = ' ';

	/* remove everything between '()' if it's after the 5th pos;
	 * good to cleanup corporate contact address spam... */
	c = g_strstr_len (contact, -1, "(");
	if (c && c - contact > 5)
		*c = '\0';

	g_strstrip (contact);
Example #5
 * gst_gl_context_check_feature:
 * @context: a #GstGLContext
 * @feature: a platform specific feature
 * Some features require that the context be created before it is possible to
 * determine their existence and so will fail if that is not the case.
 * Returns: Whether @feature is supported by @context
gst_gl_context_check_feature (GstGLContext * context, const gchar * feature)
  GstGLContextClass *context_class;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_GL_IS_CONTEXT (context), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (feature != NULL, FALSE);

  context_class = GST_GL_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context);

  if (g_strstr_len (feature, 3, "GL_"))
    return gst_gl_check_extension (feature, context->priv->gl_exts);

  if (!context_class->check_feature)
    return FALSE;

  return context_class->check_feature (context, feature);
Example #6
static void
_finalize (
        GObject *object)
    GumdDbusServerP2P *self = GUMD_DBUS_SERVER_P2P (object);
    if (self->priv->address) {
        if (g_str_has_prefix (self->priv->address, "unix:path=")) {
            const gchar *path = g_strstr_len(self->priv->address, -1,
                    "unix:path=") + 10;
            if (path) {
                g_unlink (path);
        g_free (self->priv->address);
        self->priv->address = NULL;
    G_OBJECT_CLASS (gumd_dbus_server_p2p_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
notify_chat_nick (PurpleAccount *account,
				  const gchar *sender,
				  const gchar *message,
				  PurpleConversation *conv,
				  gpointer data)
	gchar *nick;

	nick = (gchar *)purple_conv_chat_get_nick (PURPLE_CONV_CHAT(conv));
	if (nick && !strcmp (sender, nick))

	if (!g_strstr_len (message, strlen(message), nick))

	notify_msg_sent (account, conv, sender, message);
awn_ua_alignment_list_cmp (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
  const gchar * str1 = a;
  const gchar * str2 = b;
  gchar * search = NULL;
  GStrv tokens = g_strsplit (str1,"::",2);
  g_return_val_if_fail (tokens,-1);
  search = g_strstr_len (str2,-1,tokens[0]);
  g_strfreev (tokens);
  if (!search)
    return -1;
  return 0;
Example #9
static const char *
str_utf8_search_first (const char *text, const char *search, int case_sen)
    char *fold_text;
    char *deco_text;
    const char *match;
    const char *result = NULL;
    const char *m;

    fold_text = (case_sen) ? (char *) text : g_utf8_casefold (text, -1);
    deco_text = g_utf8_normalize (fold_text, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);

    match = deco_text;
	match = g_strstr_len (match, -1, search);
	if (match != NULL)
	    if ((!str_utf8_iscombiningmark (match) || (match == deco_text)) &&
		!str_utf8_iscombiningmark (match + strlen (search)))

		result = text;
		m = deco_text;
		while (m < match)
		    str_utf8_cnext_noncomb_char (&m);
		    str_utf8_cnext_noncomb_char (&result);
		str_utf8_cnext_char (&match);
    while (match != NULL && result == NULL);

    g_free (deco_text);
    if (!case_sen)
	g_free (fold_text);

    return result;
Example #10
static void clip_receive_html ( GtkClipboard *c, GtkSelectionData *sd, gpointer p ) 
  VikLayersPanel *vlp = p;
  gsize r, w;
  GError *err = NULL;
  gchar *s, *span;
  gint tag = 0, i;
  struct LatLon coord;

  if (sd->length == -1) {

  /* - copying from Mozilla seems to give html in UTF-16. */
  if (!(s =  g_convert ( (gchar *)sd->data, sd->length, "UTF-8", "UTF-16", &r, &w, &err))) {
  //  g_print("html is %d bytes long: %s\n", sd->length, s);

  /* scrape a coordinate pasted from a geocaching.com page: look for a 
   * telltale tag if possible, and then remove tags 
  if (!(span = g_strstr_len(s, w, "<span id=\"LatLon\">"))) {
    span = s;
  for (i=0; i<strlen(span); i++) {
    gchar c = span[i];
    if (c == '<') {
    if (tag>0) {
      span[i] = ' ';
    if (c == '>') {
      if (tag>0) tag--;
  if (clip_parse_latlon(span, &coord)) {
    clip_add_wp(vlp, &coord);

Example #11
static AsIcon *
as_app_desktop_create_icon (AsApp *app, const gchar *name, AsAppParseFlags flags)
	AsIcon *icon = as_icon_new ();
	gchar *dot;
	g_autofree gchar *name_fixed = NULL;

	/* local */
	if (g_path_is_absolute (name)) {
		as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_LOCAL);
		as_icon_set_filename (icon, name);
		return icon;

	/* work around a common mistake in desktop files */
	name_fixed = g_strdup (name);
	dot = g_strstr_len (name_fixed, -1, ".");
	if (dot != NULL &&
	    (g_strcmp0 (dot, ".png") == 0 ||
	     g_strcmp0 (dot, ".xpm") == 0 ||
	     g_strcmp0 (dot, ".svg") == 0)) {
		*dot = '\0';

	/* stock */
	if (as_utils_is_stock_icon_name (name_fixed)) {
		as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_STOCK);
		as_icon_set_name (icon, name_fixed);
		return icon;

	/* stock, but kinda sneaky */
	if ((flags & AS_APP_PARSE_FLAG_USE_FALLBACKS) > 0 &&
	    _as_utils_is_stock_icon_name_fallback (name_fixed)) {
		as_icon_set_kind (icon, AS_ICON_KIND_STOCK);
		as_icon_set_name (icon, name_fixed);
		return icon;

	/* just use default of UNKNOWN */
	as_icon_set_name (icon, name_fixed);
	return icon;
Example #12
_gumd_dbus_server_p2p_start (
        GumdDbusServer *self)
    g_return_val_if_fail (GUMD_IS_DBUS_SERVER_P2P (self), FALSE);

    DBG("Start P2P DBus Server");

    GumdDbusServerP2P *server = GUMD_DBUS_SERVER_P2P (self);
    if (!server->priv->bus_server) {
        GError *err = NULL;
        gchar *guid = g_dbus_generate_guid ();
        server->priv->bus_server = g_dbus_server_new_sync (
                server->priv->address, G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE, guid, NULL,
                NULL, &err);
        g_free (guid);

        if (!server->priv->bus_server) {
            WARN ("Failed to start server at address '%s':%s",
                    server->priv->address, err ? err->message : "NULL");
            g_error_free (err);
            return FALSE;

        g_signal_connect (server->priv->bus_server, "new-connection",
                G_CALLBACK(_on_client_request), server);

    if (!g_dbus_server_is_active (server->priv->bus_server)) {
        const gchar *path = NULL;
        g_dbus_server_start (server->priv->bus_server);
        path = g_strstr_len(server->priv->address, -1, "unix:path=") + 10;
        if (path) {
            if (g_chmod (path, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) < 0) {
                WARN("Setting server socket permission failed with error '%s'",
    DBG("Dbus server started at : %s", server->priv->address);

    return TRUE;
Example #13
 * na_core_utils_str_subst:
 * @pattern: the pattern.
 * @key: the key string to be substituted.
 * @subst: the string which will replace @key.
 * Returns:
 * a copy of @pattern where the first occurrence of @key has been
 * substituted with @subst, as a newly allocated string which should be
 * g_free() by the caller,
 * or a copy of @pattern if @key is not found in @pattern.
gchar *
na_core_utils_str_subst( const gchar *pattern, const gchar *key, const gchar *subst )
	GString *result;
	gchar *found;

	result = g_string_new( "" );
	found = g_strstr_len( pattern, -1, key );
	if( found ){
		result = g_string_append_len( result, pattern, ( gssize )( found - pattern ));
		result = g_string_append( result, subst );
		result = g_string_append( result, found + g_utf8_strlen( key, -1 ));

	} else {
		result = g_string_append( result, pattern );

	return( g_string_free( result, FALSE ));
Example #14
static gboolean bbcode_parse_tag(const gchar *raw_tag, gsize raw_tag_len,
        BBCodeTag *current_tag, BBCodeTag **ret_tag,
        gchar **ret_tag_argument, gboolean *ret_close_tag) {
    BBCodeTag *bbtag;
    const gchar *start = raw_tag + 1, *end = raw_tag + raw_tag_len - 1;
    const gchar *split = g_strstr_len(raw_tag, raw_tag_len, "=");
    gchar *tag, *arg;
    gboolean close_tag;

    if(raw_tag[1] == '/') {
        start += 1;
        close_tag = TRUE;
    } else {
        close_tag = FALSE;

    if(split) {
        tag = g_strndup(start, (gsize) (split - start));
        arg = g_strndup(split + 1, (gsize) (end - (split + 1)));
    } else {
        tag = g_strndup(start, (gsize) (end - start));
        arg = g_strdup("");

    bbtag = g_hash_table_lookup(tag_table, tag);
    if(bbtag) {
        if(close_tag && bbtag == current_tag) { /* we're closing a tag ... */
            *ret_close_tag = TRUE;
            return TRUE;
        if(!close_tag && (!current_tag || current_tag->nesting)) { /* we're opening a tag ... */
            *ret_tag = bbtag;
            *ret_tag_argument = arg;
            *ret_close_tag = FALSE;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #15
gboolean is_livecd ()
    const gchar *filename = "/proc/cmdline";
    gchar *contents = NULL;
    gboolean result = FALSE;
    gsize length = 0;
    if (g_file_get_contents(filename,&contents,&length,NULL))
        gchar* ptr = g_strstr_len(contents, -1, "boot=casper");
        if (ptr == NULL) {
            result =  FALSE;
        } else {
            result = TRUE;
            g_message("====is livecd os=====");
    return result;
Example #16
/* @str points to the start of "#version", "#    version" or "#\tversion", etc */
static const gchar *
_check_valid_version_preprocessor_string (const gchar * str)
  gint i = 0;

  if (!str || !str[i])
    return NULL;

  /* there can be whitespace between the '#' and 'version' */
  do {
    if (str[i] == '\0' || str[i] == '\n' || str[i] == '\r')
      return NULL;
  } while (g_ascii_isspace (str[i]));
  if (g_strstr_len (&str[i], 7, "version"))
    return &str[i + 7];

  return NULL;
Example #17
    GHashTableIter iter;
    gchar *key;
    GValue *gval;

    GValue *icons = ghb_resource_get("icons");
    ghb_dict_iter_init(&iter, icons);
    // middle (void*) cast prevents gcc warning "defreferencing type-punned
    // pointer will break strict-aliasing rules"
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(
            &iter, (gpointer*)(void*)&key, (gpointer*)(void*)&gval))
        gint colorspace, bps, width, height, rowstride;
        gboolean alpha;
        ghb_rawdata_t *rd;
        gint size;
        GdkPixbuf *pb;
        char *name = g_strdup(key);
        char *pos;

        pos = g_strstr_len(name, -1, ".");
        if (pos != NULL)
            *pos = '\0';

        colorspace = ghb_value_int(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "colorspace"));
        alpha = ghb_value_boolean(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "alpha"));
        bps = ghb_value_int(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "bps"));
        width = ghb_value_int(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "width"));
        height = ghb_value_int(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "height"));
        rowstride = ghb_value_int(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "rowstride"));
        rd = g_value_get_boxed(ghb_dict_lookup(gval, "data"));
        pb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(
                rd->data, colorspace, alpha, bps,
                width, height, rowstride,
                NULL, NULL);
        size = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pb);
        gtk_icon_theme_add_builtin_icon(name, size, pb);
Example #18
static void fb_login_captcha_cb(FacebookAccount *fba, gchar *response, 
		gsize len, gpointer userdata)
	const gchar *challenge_start = "challenge : '";
	gchar *challenge;
	gchar *image_url;
	challenge = g_strstr_len(response, len, challenge_start);
	if (challenge)
		challenge += strlen(challenge_start);
		challenge = g_strndup(challenge, strchr(challenge, '\'') - challenge);
		image_url = g_strdup_printf("/image?c=%s", challenge);
		fb_post_or_get(fba, FB_METHOD_GET | FB_METHOD_SSL, "api-secure.recaptcha.net",
			image_url, NULL, fb_login_captcha_image_cb, NULL, FALSE);
Example #19
char* _find_app_id_by_filter(const char* name, const char* keys_str, GKeyFile* filter)
    if (filter == NULL) return NULL;
    g_assert(name != NULL && keys_str != NULL);
    if (g_key_file_has_group(filter, name)) {
        gsize size = 0;
        char** keys = g_key_file_get_keys(filter, name, &size, NULL);
        for (gsize i=0; i<size; i++) {
            if (g_strstr_len(keys_str , -1, keys[i])) {
                char* value = g_key_file_get_string(filter, name, keys[i], NULL);
                return value;
        /*g_debug("find \"%s\" in filter.ini but can't find the really desktop file\n", name);*/
    return NULL;
Example #20
 * as_utils_is_category_id:
 * @category_name: an XDG category name, e.g. "ProjectManagement"
 * Searches the known list of registered XDG category names.
 * See https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html#category-registry
 * for a reference.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the category name is valid
 * Since: 0.9.7
as_utils_is_category_name (const gchar *category_name)
	g_autoptr(GBytes) data = NULL;
	g_autofree gchar *key = NULL;

	/* custom spec-extensions are generally valid if prefixed correctly */
	if (g_str_has_prefix (category_name, "X-"))
		return TRUE;

	/* load the readonly data section and look for the category name */
	data = g_resource_lookup_data (as_get_resource (),
	if (data == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	key = g_strdup_printf ("\n%s\n", category_name);
	return g_strstr_len (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), -1, key) != NULL;
/* If the PROP_DEVICE_NAME is set, find the mixer related to device;
 * otherwise we get the default input mixer. */
static gboolean
gst_directsound_src_mixer_find (GstDirectSoundSrc * dsoundsrc,
    MIXERCAPS * mixer_caps)
  MMRESULT mmres;
  guint i, num_mixers;

  num_mixers = mixerGetNumDevs ();
  for (i = 0; i < num_mixers; i++) {
    mmres = mixerOpen (&dsoundsrc->mixer, i, 0L, 0L,

    if (mmres != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)

    mmres = mixerGetDevCaps (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (dsoundsrc->mixer),
        mixer_caps, sizeof (MIXERCAPS));

    if (mmres != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
      mixerClose (dsoundsrc->mixer);

    /* Get default mixer */
    if (dsoundsrc->device_name == NULL) {
      GST_DEBUG ("Got default input mixer: %s", mixer_caps->szPname);
      return TRUE;

    if (g_strstr_len (dsoundsrc->device_name, -1, mixer_caps->szPname) != NULL) {
      GST_DEBUG ("Got requested input mixer: %s", mixer_caps->szPname);
      return TRUE;

    /* Wrong mixer */
    mixerClose (dsoundsrc->mixer);

  GST_DEBUG ("Can't find input mixer");
  return FALSE;
Example #22
gint gnc_state_drop_sections_for (const gchar *partial_name)
    gchar **groups;
    gint found_count = 0, dropped_count = 0;
    gsize i, num_groups;
    GError *error = NULL;

    if (!state_file)
        PWARN ("No pre-existing state found, ignoring drop request");
        return 0;


    groups = g_key_file_get_groups (state_file, &num_groups);
    for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++)
        if (g_strstr_len (groups[i], -1, partial_name))
            DEBUG ("Section \"%s\" matches \"%s\", removing", groups[i], partial_name);
            if (!g_key_file_remove_group (state_file, groups[i], &error))
                PWARN ("Warning: unable to remove section %s.\n  %s",
                g_error_free (error);

    g_strfreev (groups);

    LEAVE("Found %i sections matching \"%s\", successfully removed %i",
            found_count, partial_name, dropped_count);
    return dropped_count;

Example #23
static int qio_channel_websock_handshake_read(QIOChannelWebsock *ioc,
                                              Error **errp)
    char *handshake_end;
    ssize_t ret;
    /* Typical HTTP headers from novnc are 512 bytes, so limiting
     * total header size to 4096 is easily enough. */
    size_t want = 4096 - ioc->encinput.offset;
    buffer_reserve(&ioc->encinput, want);
    ret = qio_channel_read(ioc->master,
                           (char *)buffer_end(&ioc->encinput), want, errp);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return -1;
    ioc->encinput.offset += ret;

    handshake_end = g_strstr_len((char *)ioc->encinput.buffer,
    if (!handshake_end) {
        if (ioc->encinput.offset >= 4096) {
                       "End of headers not found in first 4096 bytes");
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;

    if (qio_channel_websock_handshake_process(ioc,
                                              (char *)ioc->encinput.buffer,
                                              errp) < 0) {
        return -1;

                   handshake_end - (char *)ioc->encinput.buffer +
    return 1;
Example #24
 * pk_iso8601_to_date: (skip)
 * @iso_date: The ISO8601 date to convert
 * Return value: If valid then a new %GDate, else NULL
 * Since: 0.5.2
GDate *
pk_iso8601_to_date (const gchar *iso_date)
	gboolean ret = FALSE;
	guint retval;
	guint d = 0;
	guint m = 0;
	guint y = 0;
	GTimeVal time_val;
	GDate *date = NULL;

	if (iso_date == NULL || iso_date[0] == '\0')
		goto out;

	/* try to parse complete ISO8601 date */
	if (g_strstr_len (iso_date, -1, " ") != NULL)
		ret = g_time_val_from_iso8601 (iso_date, &time_val);
	if (ret && time_val.tv_sec != 0) {
		g_debug ("Parsed %s %i", iso_date, ret);
		date = g_date_new ();
		g_date_set_time_val (date, &time_val);
		goto out;

	/* g_time_val_from_iso8601() blows goats and won't
	 * accept a valid ISO8601 formatted date without a
	 * time value - try and parse this case */
	retval = sscanf (iso_date, "%u-%u-%u", &y, &m, &d);
	if (retval != 3)
		goto out;

	/* check it's valid */
	ret = g_date_valid_dmy (d, m, y);
	if (!ret)
		goto out;

	/* create valid object */
	date = g_date_new_dmy (d, m, y);
	return date;
Example #25
static gboolean size_fits (GlyrQuery * s, gchar ** ref)
    gboolean result = FALSE;
    if (ref != NULL)
        gchar * search_ptr = ref[0];
        if (search_ptr != NULL)
            search_ptr = strchr (search_ptr,'"');

            gint ratio = 0;
            gchar * width_string  = get_search_value (search_ptr,"width=\"","\"");
            gchar * height_string = get_search_value (search_ptr,"height=\"","\"");
            if (width_string && height_string)
                ratio  = (strtol (width_string,NULL,10) + strtol (height_string,NULL,10) ) /2;
            g_free (width_string);
            g_free (height_string);

            gboolean original_size_allowed = TRUE;
            if (g_strstr_len (ref[0],100,"original") != NULL)
                /* Deny extremelly large images by default, except explicitely wanted */
                if (! (ratio >= 1000 && s->img_min_size >= 1000 && s->img_max_size == -1) )
                    original_size_allowed = FALSE;

            if (size_is_okay (ratio, s->img_min_size, s->img_max_size) == TRUE && original_size_allowed == TRUE)
                result = TRUE;

            search_ptr = strchr (search_ptr,'>');
        ref[0] = search_ptr + 1;
    return result;
Example #26
File: rgbe.c Project: jonnor/gegl
/* Read each component of an rgbe file header. A pointer to the scanlines,
 * immediately after the header, is cached on success.
static gboolean
rgbe_header_read (rgbe_file *file)
  gchar    *magic_end;
  gchar    *data;
  gsize     data_size;
  gboolean  success = FALSE;
  goffset   cursor  = 0;

  g_return_val_if_fail (file,                   FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (file->file,             FALSE);

  rgbe_header_init (&file->header);

  /* g_mapped_file_get_contents() returned value is not assured to be
   * zero-terminated. So we must protect any search and compare calls
   * with max size to stay in bounds. Hence strstr() is not usable.
  data_size = g_mapped_file_get_length (file->file);
  data      = g_mapped_file_get_contents (file->file);

  if (! data || strncmp (&data[cursor], RADIANCE_MAGIC,
                         MIN (strlen (RADIANCE_MAGIC), data_size)))
      goto cleanup;

  magic_end = g_strstr_len (&data[cursor], data_size, "\n");
  if (! magic_end)
    goto cleanup;
  cursor += magic_end - data + 1;

  if (!rgbe_header_read_variables (file, &cursor))
      goto cleanup;

  if (!rgbe_header_read_orientation (file, &cursor))
      goto cleanup;

  file->scanlines = &data[cursor];
  success = TRUE;
  return success;
Example #27
static void
as_node_string_replace_inplace (gchar *text,
				const gchar *search,
				gchar replace)
	const gchar *start = text;
	gchar *tmp;
	gsize len;
	gsize len_escaped = 0;

	while ((tmp = g_strstr_len (start, -1, search)) != NULL) {
		*tmp = replace;
		len = strlen (tmp);
		if (len_escaped == 0)
			len_escaped = strlen (search);
		memcpy (tmp + 1,
			tmp + len_escaped,
			(len - len_escaped) + 1);
		start = tmp + 1;
Example #28
static void
parse_one_option( struct working_parameter_s *pParam, char *pStr, int len )
	char *pEq;
	pEq = g_strstr_len( pStr, len, "=" );
	if (!pEq) {
		ERROR("Invalid UNIX socket argument format. Must be key=value");
	} else {
		char *pK, *pV;
		pV = pEq+1;
		pK = pStr;
		*pEq = '\0';
		DEBUG("UNIX socket option found: k=[%s] v=[%s]", pK, pV);
		if (0==g_ascii_strcasecmp(pK,"mode")) {
			parse_option_mode( pParam, pV );
		} else {
			ERROR("Unrecongnized UNIX socket option [%s] with value [%s]", pK, pV);
Example #29
static gchar *
find_token_type (const gchar *str, TokenType *token_type)
    gchar *ptr = NULL;
    *token_type = TOKEN_NONE;

    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_FILE_LIST);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_PATH_LIST;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_URI_LIST);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_URI_LIST;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_PARENT);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_PARENT_PATH;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_FILE_NAME);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_PARENT_NAME);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_LABEL_FILE_NAME);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME;
        return ptr;
    ptr = g_strstr_len (str, -1, TOKEN_EXEC_DEVICE);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        *token_type = TOKEN_DEVICE;
        return ptr;
    return NULL;
	void check_alias(gpointer alias)
		char *alias_name = _get_real_name(alias);
		/* add to beans list or common prefix */
		char * r = NULL;
		if (lp->params.s3.delimiter)
			r = g_strstr_len((!lp->params.s3.prefix) ?
					alias_name : alias_name + strlen(lp->params.s3.prefix),
					-1, lp->params.s3.delimiter);
		if (r) {
			GRID_DEBUG("Found common prefix : %.*s",
					((int)( r - alias_name)) + 1,
						r + 1 - alias_name));
		} else  {
			_get_cb(obc, alias);
