Example #1
 * g_freopen:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @mode: a string describing the mode in which the file should be
 *   opened
 * @stream: an existing stream which will be reused, or %NULL
 * A wrapper for the POSIX freopen() function. The freopen() function
 * opens a file and associates it with an existing stream.
 * See the C library manual for more details about freopen().
 * Returns: A <type>FILE</type> pointer if the file was successfully
 *    opened, or %NULL if an error occurred.
 * Since: 2.6
ws_stdio_freopen (const gchar *filename,
	   const gchar *mode,
	   FILE        *stream)
      wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      wchar_t *wmode;
      FILE *retval;
      int save_errno;

      if (wfilename == NULL)
	  errno = EINVAL;
	  return NULL;

      wmode = g_utf8_to_utf16 (mode, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

      if (wmode == NULL)
	  g_free (wfilename);
	  errno = EINVAL;
	  return NULL;

      retval = _wfreopen (wfilename, wmode, stream);
      save_errno = errno;

      g_free (wfilename);
      g_free (wmode);

      errno = save_errno;
      return retval;
Example #2
static gunichar2* marshal_bstr_alloc(const gchar* str)
#ifdef WIN32
	gunichar2* ret = NULL;
	gunichar2* temp = NULL;
	temp = g_utf8_to_utf16 (str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	ret = SysAllocString (temp);
	g_free (temp);
	return ret;
	gchar* ret = NULL;
	int slen = strlen (str);
	gunichar2* temp;
	/* allocate len + 1 utf16 characters plus 4 byte integer for length*/
	ret = g_malloc ((slen + 1) * sizeof(gunichar2) + sizeof(guint32));
	if (ret == NULL)
		return NULL;
	temp = g_utf8_to_utf16 (str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	memcpy (ret + sizeof(guint32), temp, slen * sizeof(gunichar2));
	* ((guint32 *) ret) = slen * sizeof(gunichar2);
	ret [4 + slen * sizeof(gunichar2)] = 0;
	ret [5 + slen * sizeof(gunichar2)] = 0;

	return (gunichar2*)(ret + 4);
Example #3
void subsurface_set_conf(char *name, const char *value)
	/* since we are using the pointer 'value' as both an actual
	 * pointer to the string setting and as a way to pass the
	 * numbers 0 and 1 to this function for booleans, one of the
	 * calls to RegSetValueEx needs to pass &value (when we want
	 * to pass the boolean value), the other one passes value (the
	 * address of the string. */
	int wlen;
	wchar_t *wname = NULL, *wstring = NULL;

	wname = (wchar_t *)g_utf8_to_utf16(name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (!wname)

	wlen = g_utf8_strlen((char *)value, -1);
	wstring = (wchar_t *)g_utf8_to_utf16((char *)value, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (!wstring || !wlen) {
	RegSetValueExW(hkey, (LPCWSTR)wname, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)wstring,
	               wlen * sizeof(wchar_t));
Example #4
/* Copy of glib's g_fopen due to win32 libc/cross-DLL brokenness: we can't
 * use the 'file pointer' opened in glib (and returned from this function)
 * in this library, as they may have unrelated C runtimes. */
static FILE *
gst_fopen (const gchar * filename, const gchar * mode)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  wchar_t *wmode;
  FILE *retval;
  int save_errno;

  if (wfilename == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return NULL;

  wmode = g_utf8_to_utf16 (mode, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  if (wmode == NULL) {
    g_free (wfilename);
    errno = EINVAL;
    return NULL;

  retval = _wfopen (wfilename, wmode);
  save_errno = errno;

  g_free (wfilename);
  g_free (wmode);

  errno = save_errno;
  return retval;
  return fopen (filename, mode);
Example #5
static gboolean
file_filter_to_win32 (GtkFileFilter *filter,
                      COMDLG_FILTERSPEC *spec)
  const char *name;
  char **patterns;
  char *pattern_list;

  patterns = _gtk_file_filter_get_as_patterns (filter);
  if (patterns == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  pattern_list = g_strjoinv (";", patterns);
  g_strfreev (patterns);

  name = gtk_file_filter_get_name (filter);
  if (name == NULL)
    name = pattern_list;
  spec->pszName = g_utf8_to_utf16 (name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  spec->pszSpec = g_utf8_to_utf16 (pattern_list, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  g_free (pattern_list);

  return TRUE;
Example #6
File: util.c Project: kjell/libvips
/* fopen() with utf8 filename and mode, setting errno.
vips__fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode )
	FILE *fp;

#ifdef OS_WIN32
	wchar_t *path16, *mode16;
	if( !(path16 = (wchar_t *) 
		g_utf8_to_utf16( filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL )) ) { 
		errno = EACCES;
		return( NULL );

	if( !(mode16 = (wchar_t *) 
		g_utf8_to_utf16( mode, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL )) ) { 
		g_free( path16 );
		errno = EACCES;
		return( NULL );

	fp = _wfopen( path16, mode16 );

	g_free( path16 );
	g_free( mode16 );
#else /*!OS_WIN32*/
	fp = fopen( filename, mode );

	return( fp );
Example #7
 * mono_unicode_from_external:
 * @in: pointers to the buffer.
 * @bytes: number of bytes in the string.
 * Tries to turn a NULL-terminated string into UTF16.
 * First, see if it's valid UTF8, in which case just turn it directly
 * into UTF16.  Next, run through the colon-separated encodings in
 * MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS and do an iconv conversion on each,
 * returning the first successful conversion to UTF16.  If no
 * conversion succeeds, return NULL.
 * Callers must free the returned string if not NULL. bytes holds the number
 * of bytes in the returned string, not including the terminator.
gunichar2 *
mono_unicode_from_external (const gchar *in, gsize *bytes)
	gchar *res=NULL;
	gchar **encodings;
	const gchar *encoding_list;
	int i;
	glong lbytes;
	if(in==NULL) {
	encoding_list=g_getenv ("MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS");
	if(encoding_list==NULL) {
		encoding_list = "";
	encodings=g_strsplit (encoding_list, ":", 0);
	for(i=0;encodings[i]!=NULL; i++) {
		/* "default_locale" is a special case encoding */
		if(!strcmp (encodings[i], "default_locale")) {
			gchar *utf8=g_locale_to_utf8 (in, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
			if(utf8!=NULL) {
				res=(gchar *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (utf8, -1, NULL, &lbytes, NULL);
				*bytes = (gsize) lbytes;
			g_free (utf8);
		} else {
			/* Don't use UTF16 here. It returns the <FF FE> prepended to the string */
			res = g_convert (in, strlen (in), "UTF8", encodings[i], NULL, bytes, NULL);
			if (res != NULL) {
				gchar *ptr = res;
				res = (gchar *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (res, -1, NULL, &lbytes, NULL);
				*bytes = (gsize) lbytes;
				g_free (ptr);

		if(res!=NULL) {
			g_strfreev (encodings);
			*bytes *= 2;
			return((gunichar2 *)res);
	g_strfreev (encodings);
	if(g_utf8_validate (in, -1, NULL)) {
		gunichar2 *unires=g_utf8_to_utf16 (in, -1, NULL, (glong *)bytes, NULL);
		*bytes *= 2;

Example #8
 * g_rename:
 * @oldfilename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @newfilename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding
 * A wrapper for the POSIX rename() function. The rename() function
 * renames a file, moving it between directories if required.
 * See your C library manual for more details about how rename() works
 * on your system. It is not possible in general on Windows to rename
 * a file that is open to some process.
 * Returns: 0 if the renaming succeeded, -1 if an error occurred
 * Since: 2.6
g_rename (const gchar *oldfilename,
          const gchar *newfilename)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *woldfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (oldfilename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    wchar_t *wnewfilename;
    int retval;
    int save_errno = 0;

    if (woldfilename == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    wnewfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (newfilename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (wnewfilename == NULL)
        g_free (woldfilename);
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    if (MoveFileExW (woldfilename, wnewfilename, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING))
        retval = 0;
        retval = -1;
        switch (GetLastError ())
#define CASE(a,b) case ERROR_##a: save_errno = b; break
#undef CASE
            save_errno = EIO;

    g_free (woldfilename);
    g_free (wnewfilename);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return rename (oldfilename, newfilename);
SMKY_STATUS SmkyManufacturerDatabase::dbCallback(
    SMKY_REQ_MODE eMdbRequestType,   /**< I   - MDB request type. Should be one of the values defined above */
    uint16_t    wWordLen,          /**< I   - word length */
    uint16_t    wMaxWordLen,       /**< I   - maximum word length */
    uint16_t  *psBuildTxtBuf,     /**< O   - word to return */
    uint16_t   *pwActWordLen,      /**< O   - length of the returned word */
    uint32_t   *pdwWordListIdx)    /**< I/O - MDB word list index */
	//g_debug("In MDB Callback: idx=%lu, type=%u (%s)", *pdwWordListIdx, eMdbRequestType, (eMdbRequestType == SMKY_REQ_MODE_GETEXACTWORDS) ? "exact words" : (eMdbRequestType == SMKY_REQ_MODE_GETALLWORDS) ? "all words" : "neither exact nor all words");

	// first and follow-up callbacks: return words one-by-one, using *pdwWordListIdx as the index of the word to return in the list built above
	while (m_lastHunspellResult && (int) *pdwWordListIdx < m_lastHunspellResultCount)
		const char * word = m_lastHunspellResult[*pdwWordListIdx];
		*pdwWordListIdx += 1;
		if (word && *word)
			glong len(0);
			auto_g_free_array<gunichar2> utf16 = g_utf8_to_utf16(word, -1, NULL, &len, NULL);
			if (utf16)
				memcpy(psBuildTxtBuf, utf16, len * sizeof(uint16_t));
				*pwActWordLen = len;
				DEBUG_CALLBACK("SmkyManufacturerDatabase::dbCallback: returning Hunspell word: '%s' for '%s' (%d-%d)", word, m_lastHunspellQuery.c_str(), wWordLen, wMaxWordLen);
				return SMKY_STATUS_NONE;
				g_warning("SmkyManufacturerDatabase::dbCallback: Hunspell returned a word that can't be converted to utf16: %s", word);

	while (*pdwWordListIdx < m_lastFirstLastLetterResults.size())
		glong len(0);
		const char * word = m_lastFirstLastLetterResults[*pdwWordListIdx];
		auto_g_free_array<gunichar2> utf16 = g_utf8_to_utf16(word, -1, NULL, &len, NULL);
		*pdwWordListIdx += 1;
		if (utf16)
			memcpy(psBuildTxtBuf, utf16, len * sizeof(uint16_t));
			*pwActWordLen = len;
			DEBUG_CALLBACK("SmkyManufacturerDatabase::dbCallback: returning first-last letter word: '%s' (%d-%d)", word, wWordLen, wMaxWordLen);
			g_warning("SmkyManufacturerDatabase::dbCallback: m_lastFirstLastLetterResults contains a word that can't be converted to utf16: %s", word);

	return SMKY_STATUS_ERROR;	// we're done
Example #10
 * Set the string value of a key/name registry entry
bool RegistryTool::setStringValue(const Glib::ustring &keyNameArg,
                                  const Glib::ustring &valueName,
                                  const Glib::ustring &value)
    Glib::ustring keyName = keyNameArg;
    bool ret = false;

    HKEY rootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; //default root
    //Trim out the root key if necessary
    for (KeyTableEntry *entry = keyTable; entry->key; entry++)
        if (keyName.compare(0, entry->strlen, entry->str)==0)
            rootKey = entry->key;
            keyName = keyName.substr(entry->strlen);
    //printf("trimmed string: '%s'\n", keyName.c_str());

    //Get or create the key
    gunichar2 *keyw       = g_utf8_to_utf16(keyName.data(), -1, 0,0,0);
    gunichar2 *valuenamew = g_utf8_to_utf16(valueName.data(), -1, 0,0,0);

    HKEY key;
    if (RegCreateKeyExW(rootKey, (WCHAR*) keyw,
                       0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
                       KEY_WRITE, NULL, &key, NULL))
       fprintf(stderr, "RegistryTool: Could not create the registry key '%s'\n", keyName.c_str());
       goto fail;

    // Set the value
    if (RegSetValueExW(key, (WCHAR*) valuenamew,
          0,  REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) value.data(), (DWORD) (value.size() + 1)))
       fprintf(stderr, "RegistryTool: Could not set the value '%s'\n", value.c_str());
       goto failkey;

    ret = true;
    return ret;
Example #11
void *
frida_winjector_helper_factory_spawn (const gchar * path, const gchar * parameters, FridaWinjectorPrivilegeLevel level, GError ** error)
  HANDLE process_handle;
  WCHAR * path_utf16;
  WCHAR * parameters_utf16;


  ei.cbSize = sizeof (ei);

    ei.lpVerb = L"runas";
    ei.lpVerb = L"open";

  path_utf16 = (WCHAR *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (path, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  ei.lpFile = path_utf16;

  parameters_utf16 =
      (WCHAR *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (parameters, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  ei.lpParameters = parameters_utf16;

  ei.nShow = SW_HIDE;

  if (ShellExecuteExW (&ei))
    process_handle = ei.hProcess;
    process_handle = NULL;

    g_set_error (error,
        "Unable to spawn helper executable at '%s': 0x%08lx",
        path, GetLastError ());

  g_free (parameters_utf16);
  g_free (path_utf16);

  CoUninitialize ();

  return process_handle;
Example #12
File: UgUtils.c Project: Endz0/uget
int  ug_copy_file (const gchar *src_file_utf8, const gchar *new_file_utf8)
	gboolean	retval;
	gunichar2*	src_file_wcs;
	gunichar2*	new_file_wcs;

	src_file_wcs = g_utf8_to_utf16 (src_file_utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	new_file_wcs = g_utf8_to_utf16 (new_file_utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	retval = CopyFileW (src_file_wcs, new_file_wcs, FALSE);
	g_free (src_file_wcs);
	g_free (new_file_wcs);
	if (retval == 0)
		return -1;
	return 0;
Example #13
 * g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8:
 * @utf8filename: a UTF-8 encoded filename.
 * Converts a filename from UTF-8 to the system codepage.
 * On NT-based Windows, on NTFS file systems, file names are in
 * Unicode. It is quite possible that Unicode file names contain
 * characters not representable in the system codepage. (For instance,
 * Greek or Cyrillic characters on Western European or US Windows
 * installations, or various less common CJK characters on CJK Windows
 * installations.)
 * In such a case, and if the filename refers to an existing file, and
 * the file system stores alternate short (8.3) names for directory
 * entries, the short form of the filename is returned. Note that the
 * "short" name might in fact be longer than the Unicode name if the
 * Unicode name has very short pathname components containing
 * non-ASCII characters. If no system codepage name for the file is
 * possible, %NULL is returned.
 * The return value is dynamically allocated and should be freed with
 * g_free() when no longer needed.
 * Returns: The converted filename, or %NULL on conversion
 * failure and lack of short names.
 * Since: 2.8
gchar *
g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8 (const gchar *utf8filename)
  gchar *retval = g_locale_from_utf8 (utf8filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  if (retval == NULL)
      /* Conversion failed, so convert to wide chars, check if there
       * is a 8.3 version, and use that.
      wchar_t *wname = g_utf8_to_utf16 (utf8filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if (wname != NULL)
	  wchar_t wshortname[MAX_PATH + 1];
	  if (GetShortPathNameW (wname, wshortname, G_N_ELEMENTS (wshortname)))
	      gchar *tem = g_utf16_to_utf8 (wshortname, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	      retval = g_locale_from_utf8 (tem, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	      g_free (tem);
	  g_free (wname);
  return retval;
Example #14
 * Used to get printer device information from a printer name.  This
 * can fail if the user has no right to read printer properties, so
 * this function can return NULL.
GtkPrintWin32Devnames *
gtk_print_win32_devnames_from_printer_name (const char *printer_name)
  HANDLE hprinter;
  gunichar2* win32_printer_name;
  GtkPrintWin32Devnames *devnames;

  win32_printer_name = g_utf8_to_utf16 (printer_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (OpenPrinterW (win32_printer_name, &hprinter, NULL))
      DWORD needed;
      PRINTER_INFO_2W* printer_info;

      GetPrinterW (hprinter, 2, NULL, 0, &needed);
      printer_info = (PRINTER_INFO_2W* )g_malloc ((gsize) needed);
      GetPrinterW (hprinter, 2, (LPBYTE) printer_info, needed, &needed);
      devnames = g_new (GtkPrintWin32Devnames, 1);
      devnames->driver = g_utf16_to_utf8 (printer_info->pDriverName, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      devnames->device = g_strdup (printer_name);
      devnames->output = g_utf16_to_utf8 (printer_info->pPortName, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      devnames->flags  = 0;
      ClosePrinter (hprinter);
      g_free (printer_info);
      /* Could not open printer */
      devnames = NULL;
  g_free (win32_printer_name);

  return devnames;
Example #15
 * g_utime:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @utb: a pointer to a struct utimbuf.
 * A wrapper for the POSIX utime() function. The utime() function
 * sets the access and modification timestamps of a file.
 * See your C library manual for more details about how utime() works
 * on your system.
 * Returns: 0 if the operation was successful, -1 if an error
 *    occurred
 * Since: 2.18
g_utime (const gchar    *filename,
         struct utimbuf *utb)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    int retval;
    int save_errno;

    if (wfilename == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    retval = _wutime (wfilename, (struct _utimbuf*) utb);
    save_errno = errno;

    g_free (wfilename);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return utime (filename, utb);
Example #16
/* Copy of glib's g_open due to win32 libc/cross-DLL brokenness: we can't
 * use the 'file descriptor' opened in glib (and returned from this function)
 * in this library, as they may have unrelated C runtimes. */
static int
gst_open (const gchar * filename, int flags, int mode)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  int retval;
  int save_errno;

  if (wfilename == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  retval = _wopen (wfilename, flags, mode);
  save_errno = errno;

  g_free (wfilename);

  errno = save_errno;
  return retval;
#elif defined (__BIONIC__)
  return open (filename, flags | O_LARGEFILE, mode);
  return open (filename, flags, mode);
Example #17
// http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/datastreamformat.html
// A QString has the length in the first 4 bytes, then the string in UTF-16 encoding
// Has to be stored as big endian!
static gchar* char2qstring(const gchar* in, gsize* size)
  glong read, written;
  GError* error = NULL;
  gunichar2* out = g_utf8_to_utf16(in, -1, &read, &written, &error);

    dt_print(DT_DEBUG_PWSTORAGE,"[pwstorage_kwallet] ERROR: error converting string: %s\n", error->message);
    return NULL;

  glong i;
  for(i=0; i<written; ++i)
    out[i] = g_htons(out[i]);

  guint bytes = sizeof(gunichar2)*written;
  guint BE_bytes = GUINT_TO_BE(bytes);
  *size = sizeof(guint)+bytes;
  gchar* result = g_malloc(*size);

  memcpy(result, &BE_bytes, sizeof(guint));
  memcpy(result+sizeof(guint), out, bytes);

  return result;
_frida_fruity_host_session_provider_extract_details_for_device_with_udid (const char * udid, char ** name, FridaImageData ** icon, GError ** error)
  gboolean result = FALSE;
  WCHAR * udid_utf16 = NULL;
  FridaMobileDeviceInfo * mdev = NULL;
  FridaImageDeviceInfo * idev = NULL;
  FridaImageData * idev_icon;

  udid_utf16 = (WCHAR *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (udid, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  mdev = find_mobile_device_by_udid (udid_utf16);
  if (mdev == NULL)
    goto beach;

  idev = find_image_device_by_location (mdev->location);
  if (idev == NULL)
    goto beach;

  idev_icon = _frida_image_data_from_resource_url (idev->icon_url, FRIDA_ICON_SMALL);
  if (idev_icon == NULL)
    goto beach;

  *name = g_utf16_to_utf8 ((gunichar2 *) idev->friendly_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  *icon = idev_icon;
  result = TRUE;

  if (!result)
    g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Failed to extract details for device by UDID");

  frida_image_device_info_free (idev);
  frida_mobile_device_info_free (mdev);
  g_free (udid_utf16);
Example #19
 * g_chdir:
 * @path: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * A wrapper for the POSIX chdir() function. The function changes the
 * current directory of the process to @path.
 * See your C library manual for more details about chdir().
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 if an error occurred.
 * Since: 2.8
g_chdir (const gchar *path)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *wpath = g_utf8_to_utf16 (path, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    int retval;
    int save_errno;

    if (wpath == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    retval = _wchdir (wpath);
    save_errno = errno;

    g_free (wpath);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return chdir (path);
Example #20
// WIN32
static const gchar* create_fsel_3(const gchar *dirname, const gchar *filename, const gchar *ext, gboolean save)
#ifdef WIN32
	char lpstrFile[2048] = "\0";
	char lpstrFilter[512];
	char *p;
	gchar **sarray;
	int i, n;
	int have_widechar = G_WIN32_HAVE_WIDECHAR_API();
	void *sdirname;

	// clear structure
	memset (&o, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));

	// set default filename
		void *temp;
		if (have_widechar)
			temp = g_utf8_to_utf16(filename,-1,NULL,NULL,NULL);
			if(!temp) return NULL;
			wcsncpy((wchar_t *)lpstrFile, temp, sizeof(lpstrFile)>>1);
			temp = g_locale_from_utf8(filename,-1,NULL,NULL,NULL);
			if(!temp) return NULL;
			strncpy(lpstrFile, temp, sizeof(lpstrFile));
Example #21
 * g_open:
 * @filename: (type filename): a pathname in the GLib file name encoding
 *     (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @flags: as in open()
 * @mode: as in open()
 * A wrapper for the POSIX open() function. The open() function is
 * used to convert a pathname into a file descriptor.
 * On POSIX systems file descriptors are implemented by the operating
 * system. On Windows, it's the C library that implements open() and
 * file descriptors. The actual Win32 API for opening files is quite
 * different, see MSDN documentation for CreateFile(). The Win32 API
 * uses file handles, which are more randomish integers, not small
 * integers like file descriptors.
 * Because file descriptors are specific to the C library on Windows,
 * the file descriptor returned by this function makes sense only to
 * functions in the same C library. Thus if the GLib-using code uses a
 * different C library than GLib does, the file descriptor returned by
 * this function cannot be passed to C library functions like write()
 * or read().
 * See your C library manual for more details about open().
 * Returns: a new file descriptor, or -1 if an error occurred.
 *     The return value can be used exactly like the return value
 *     from open().
 * Since: 2.6
g_open (const gchar *filename,
	int          flags,
	int          mode)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  int retval;
  int save_errno;
  if (wfilename == NULL)
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;

  retval = _wopen (wfilename, flags, mode);
  save_errno = errno;

  g_free (wfilename);

  errno = save_errno;
  return retval;
  int fd;
    fd = open (filename, flags, mode);
  while (G_UNLIKELY (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR));
  return fd;
Example #22
CString TextEncoding::encode(const UChar* characters, size_t length, UnencodableHandling handling) const
    if (!m_name)
        return CString();

    if (!length)
        return "";

    // FIXME: What's the right place to do normalization?
    // It's a little strange to do it inside the encode function.
    // Perhaps normalization should be an explicit step done before calling encode.

    const UChar* source = characters;
    size_t sourceLength = length;

    Vector<UChar> normalizedCharacters;

    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (unorm_quickCheck(source, sourceLength, UNORM_NFC, &err) != UNORM_YES) {
        // First try using the length of the original string, since normalization to NFC rarely increases length.
        int32_t normalizedLength = unorm_normalize(source, length, UNORM_NFC, 0, normalizedCharacters.data(), length, &err);
        if (err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
            err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            normalizedLength = unorm_normalize(source, length, UNORM_NFC, 0, normalizedCharacters.data(), normalizedLength, &err);

        source = normalizedCharacters.data();
        sourceLength = normalizedLength;
    return newTextCodec(*this)->encode(source, sourceLength, handling);
    QString str(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(characters), length);
    str = str.normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C);
    return newTextCodec(*this)->encode(reinterpret_cast<const UChar *>(str.utf16()), str.length(), handling);
    GOwnPtr<char> UTF8Source;
    UTF8Source.set(g_utf16_to_utf8(characters, length, 0, 0, 0));
    if (!UTF8Source) {
        // If conversion to UTF-8 failed, try with the string without normalization
        return newTextCodec(*this)->encode(characters, length, handling);

    GOwnPtr<char> UTF8Normalized;
    UTF8Normalized.set(g_utf8_normalize(UTF8Source.get(), -1, G_NORMALIZE_NFC));

    long UTF16Length;
    GOwnPtr<UChar> UTF16Normalized;
    UTF16Normalized.set(g_utf8_to_utf16(UTF8Normalized.get(), -1, 0, &UTF16Length, 0));

    return newTextCodec(*this)->encode(UTF16Normalized.get(), UTF16Length, handling);
#elif OS(WINCE)
    // normalization will be done by Windows CE API
    OwnPtr<TextCodec> textCodec = newTextCodec(*this);
    return textCodec.get() ? textCodec->encode(characters, length, handling) : CString();
Example #23
/* utf8 version of getenv, needed to get win32 filename paths */
char *
getenv_utf8(const char *varname)
	char *envvar;
	wchar_t *envvarw;
	wchar_t *varnamew;

	envvar = getenv(varname);

	/* since GLib 2.6 we need an utf8 version of the filename */
	/* using the wide char version of getenv should work under all circumstances */

	/* convert given varname to utf16, needed by _wgetenv */
	varnamew = g_utf8_to_utf16(varname, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (varnamew == NULL) {
		return envvar;

	/* use wide char version of getenv */
	envvarw = _wgetenv(varnamew);
	if (envvarw == NULL) {
		return envvar;

	/* convert value to utf8 */
	envvar = g_utf16_to_utf8(envvarw, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	/* XXX - memleak */

	return envvar;
Example #24
test_utf8_seq ()
	const gchar *src = "\xE5\xB9\xB4\x27";
	glong in_read, out_read;
	//gunichar2 expected [6];
	GError *error = NULL;
	gunichar2 *dst;

	//printf ("got: %s\n", src);
	dst = g_utf8_to_utf16 (src, (glong)strlen (src), &in_read, &out_read, &error);
	if (error != NULL){
		return error->message;

	if (in_read != 4) {
		return FAILED ("in_read is expected to be 4 but was %d\n", in_read);
	if (out_read != 2) {
		return FAILED ("out_read is expected to be 2 but was %d\n", out_read);
	g_free (dst);

	return OK;
Example #25
const gchar *
g_getenv (const gchar *variable)
  GQuark quark;
  gchar *value;
  wchar_t dummy[2], *wname, *wvalue;
  int len;

  g_return_val_if_fail (variable != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (g_utf8_validate (variable, -1, NULL), NULL);

  /* On Windows NT, it is relatively typical that environment
   * variables contain references to other environment variables. If
   * so, use ExpandEnvironmentStrings(). (In an ideal world, such
   * environment variables would be stored in the Registry as
   * REG_EXPAND_SZ type values, and would then get automatically
   * expanded before a program sees them. But there is broken software
   * that stores environment variables as REG_SZ values even if they
   * contain references to other environment variables.)

  wname = g_utf8_to_utf16 (variable, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  len = GetEnvironmentVariableW (wname, dummy, 2);

  if (len == 0)
      g_free (wname);
      return NULL;
  else if (len == 1)
    len = 2;

  wvalue = g_new (wchar_t, len);

  if (GetEnvironmentVariableW (wname, wvalue, len) != len - 1)
      g_free (wname);
      g_free (wvalue);
      return NULL;

  if (wcschr (wvalue, L'%') != NULL)
      wchar_t *tem = wvalue;

      len = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW (wvalue, dummy, 2);

      if (len > 0)
          wvalue = g_new (wchar_t, len);

          if (ExpandEnvironmentStringsW (tem, wvalue, len) != len)
              g_free (wvalue);
              wvalue = tem;
            g_free (tem);
Example #26
 * g_stat:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @buf: a pointer to a <structname>stat</structname> struct, which
 *    will be filled with the file information
 * A wrapper for the POSIX stat() function. The stat() function
 * returns information about a file. On Windows the stat() function in
 * the C library checks only the FAT-style READONLY attribute and does
 * not look at the ACL at all. Thus on Windows the protection bits in
 * the st_mode field are a fabrication of little use.
 * On Windows the Microsoft C libraries have several variants of the
 * <structname>stat</structname> struct and stat() function with names
 * like "_stat", "_stat32", "_stat32i64" and "_stat64i32". The one
 * used here is for 32-bit code the one with 32-bit size and time
 * fields, specifically called "_stat32".
 * In Microsoft's compiler, by default "struct stat" means one with
 * 64-bit time fields while in MinGW "struct stat" is the legacy one
 * with 32-bit fields. To hopefully clear up this messs, the gstdio.h
 * header defines a type GStatBuf which is the appropriate struct type
 * depending on the platform and/or compiler being used. On POSIX it
 * is just "struct stat", but note that even on POSIX platforms,
 * "stat" might be a macro.
 * See your C library manual for more details about stat().
 * Returns: 0 if the information was successfully retrieved, -1 if an error
 *    occurred
 * Since: 2.6
g_stat (const gchar *filename,
        GStatBuf    *buf)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    int retval;
    int save_errno;
    int len;

    if (wfilename == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    len = wcslen (wfilename);
    while (len > 0 && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (wfilename[len-1]))
    if (len > 0 &&
            (!g_path_is_absolute (filename) || len > g_path_skip_root (filename) - filename))
        wfilename[len] = '\0';

    retval = _wstat (wfilename, buf);
    save_errno = errno;

    g_free (wfilename);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return stat (filename, buf);
Example #27
std::vector<gunichar2> BootupAnimation::convertToUtf16(const std::string& s) const
	glong charsWritten = 0;
	gunichar2* utf16Str = g_utf8_to_utf16(s.c_str(), -1, NULL, &charsWritten, NULL);
	std::vector<gunichar2> res;

	if (!utf16Str || charsWritten <= 0) {

		g_warning("%s: Failed to convert banner message to utf16: %s",
				  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, s.c_str());

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
			res[i] = s[i];

	else {
		for (int i = 0; i < charsWritten; i++) {
			res[i] = utf16Str[i];


	return res;
Example #28
 * g_rmdir:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * A wrapper for the POSIX rmdir() function. The rmdir() function
 * deletes a directory from the filesystem.
 * See your C library manual for more details about how rmdir() works
 * on your system.
 * Returns: 0 if the directory was successfully removed, -1 if an error
 *    occurred
 * Since: 2.6
g_rmdir (const gchar *filename)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    int retval;
    int save_errno;

    if (wfilename == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    retval = _wrmdir (wfilename);
    save_errno = errno;

    g_free (wfilename);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return rmdir (filename);
Example #29
 * g_access:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @mode: as in access()
 * A wrapper for the POSIX access() function. This function is used to
 * test a pathname for one or several of read, write or execute
 * permissions, or just existence.
 * On Windows, the file protection mechanism is not at all POSIX-like,
 * and the underlying function in the C library only checks the
 * FAT-style READONLY attribute, and does not look at the ACL of a
 * file at all. This function is this in practise almost useless on
 * Windows. Software that needs to handle file permissions on Windows
 * more exactly should use the Win32 API.
 * See your C library manual for more details about access().
 * Returns: zero if the pathname refers to an existing file system
 * object that has all the tested permissions, or -1 otherwise or on
 * error.
 * Since: 2.8
g_access (const gchar *filename,
          int          mode)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    int retval;
    int save_errno;

    if (wfilename == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

#ifndef X_OK
#define X_OK 1

    retval = _waccess (wfilename, mode & ~X_OK);
    save_errno = errno;

    g_free (wfilename);

    errno = save_errno;
    return retval;
    return access (filename, mode);
Example #30
 * g_stat:
 * @filename: a pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)
 * @buf: a pointer to a <structname>stat</structname> struct, which
 *    will be filled with the file information
 * A wrapper for the POSIX stat() function. The stat() function
 * returns information about a file.
 * See the C library manual for more details about stat().
 * Returns: 0 if the information was successfully retrieved, -1 if an error
 *    occurred
 * Since: 2.6
ws_stdio_stat64 (const gchar *filename,
	ws_statb64 *buf)
      wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      int retval;
      int save_errno;
      size_t len;

      if (wfilename == NULL)
	  errno = EINVAL;
	  return -1;

      len = wcslen (wfilename);
      while (len > 0 && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (wfilename[len-1]))
      if (len > 0 &&
	  (!g_path_is_absolute (filename) || len > (size_t) (g_path_skip_root (filename) - filename)))
	wfilename[len] = '\0';

      retval = _wstati64 (wfilename, buf);
      save_errno = errno;

      g_free (wfilename);

      errno = save_errno;
      return retval;