Example #1
void dJointGetScrewAnchor2( dJointID j, dVector3 result )
    dxJointScrew* joint = ( dxJointScrew* )j;
    dUASSERT( joint, "bad joint argument" );
    dUASSERT( result, "bad result argument" );
    checktype( joint, Screw );
    if ( joint->flags & dJOINT_REVERSE )
        getAnchor( joint, result, joint->anchor1 );
        getAnchor2( joint, result, joint->anchor2 );
Example #2
void dJointGetPUAnchor( dJointID j, dVector3 result )
    dxJointPU* joint = ( dxJointPU* ) j;
    dUASSERT( joint, "bad joint argument" );
    dUASSERT( result, "bad result argument" );
    checktype( joint, PU );

    if ( joint->node[1].body )
        getAnchor2( joint, result, joint->anchor2 );
        // result[i] = joint->anchor2[i];
        dCopyVector3( result, joint->anchor2 );
Example #3
void dJointGetPRAnchor( dJointID j, dVector3 result )
    dxJointPR* joint = ( dxJointPR* ) j;
    dUASSERT( joint, "bad joint argument" );
    dUASSERT( result, "bad result argument" );
    checktype( joint, PR );

    if ( joint->node[1].body )
        getAnchor2( joint, result, joint->anchor2 );
        result[0] = joint->anchor2[0];
        result[1] = joint->anchor2[1];
        result[2] = joint->anchor2[2];
Example #4
dxJointPU::getInfo2( dReal worldFPS, dReal worldERP, 
    int rowskip, dReal *J1, dReal *J2,
    int pairskip, dReal *pairRhsCfm, dReal *pairLoHi, 
    int *findex )
    const dReal k = worldFPS * worldERP;

    // ======================================================================
    // The angular constraint
    dVector3 ax1, ax2; // Global axes of rotation
    getAxis(this, ax1, axis1);
    getAxis2(this,ax2, axis2);

    dVector3 uniPerp;  // Axis perpendicular to axes of rotation
    dNormalize3( uniPerp );

    dCopyVector3( J1 + GI2__JA_MIN, uniPerp );

    dxBody *body1 = node[1].body;

    if ( body1 ) {
        dCopyNegatedVector3( J2 + GI2__JA_MIN , uniPerp );
    // Corrective velocity attempting to keep uni axes perpendicular
    dReal val = dCalcVectorDot3( ax1, ax2 );
    // Small angle approximation : 
    // theta = asin(val)
    // theta is approximately val when val is near zero.
    pairRhsCfm[GI2_RHS] = -k * val; 
    // ==========================================================================
    // Handle axes orthogonal to the prismatic 
    dVector3 an1, an2; // Global anchor positions
    dVector3 axP, sep; // Prismatic axis and separation vector
    getAnchor(this, an1, anchor1);
    getAnchor2(this, an2, anchor2);

    if (flags & dJOINT_REVERSE) {
        getAxis2(this, axP, axisP1);
    } else {
        getAxis(this, axP, axisP1);
    dSubtractVectors3(sep, an2, an1);

    dVector3 p, q;
    dPlaneSpace(axP, p, q);

    dCopyVector3( J1 + rowskip + GI2__JL_MIN, p );
    dCopyVector3( J1 + 2 * rowskip + GI2__JL_MIN, q );
    // Make the anchors be body local
    // Aliasing isn't a problem here.
    dSubtractVectors3(an1, an1, node[0].body->posr.pos);
    dCalcVectorCross3( J1 + rowskip + GI2__JA_MIN, an1, p );
    dCalcVectorCross3( J1 + 2 * rowskip + GI2__JA_MIN, an1, q );

    if (body1) {
        dCopyNegatedVector3( J2 + rowskip + GI2__JL_MIN, p );
        dCopyNegatedVector3( J2 + 2 * rowskip + GI2__JL_MIN, q );
        dSubtractVectors3(an2, an2, body1->posr.pos);
        dCalcVectorCross3( J2 + rowskip + GI2__JA_MIN, p, an2 );
        dCalcVectorCross3( J2 + 2 * rowskip + GI2__JA_MIN, q, an2 );

    pairRhsCfm[pairskip + GI2_RHS] = k * dCalcVectorDot3( p, sep );
    pairRhsCfm[2 * pairskip + GI2_RHS] = k * dCalcVectorDot3( q, sep );
    // ==========================================================================
    // Handle the limits/motors
    int currRowSkip = 3 * rowskip, currPairSkip = 3 * pairskip;

    if (limot1.addLimot( this, worldFPS, J1 + currRowSkip, J2 + currRowSkip, pairRhsCfm + currPairSkip, pairLoHi + currPairSkip, ax1, 1 )) {
        currRowSkip += rowskip; currPairSkip += pairskip;

    if (limot2.addLimot( this, worldFPS, J1 + currRowSkip, J2 + currRowSkip, pairRhsCfm + currPairSkip, pairLoHi + currPairSkip, ax2, 1 )) {
        currRowSkip += rowskip; currPairSkip += pairskip;

    if (  body1 || (flags & dJOINT_REVERSE) == 0 ) {
        limotP.addTwoPointLimot( this, worldFPS, J1 + currRowSkip, J2 + currRowSkip, pairRhsCfm + currPairSkip, pairLoHi + currPairSkip, axP, an1, an2 );
    } else {
        limotP.addTwoPointLimot ( this, worldFPS, J1 + currRowSkip, J2 + currRowSkip, pairRhsCfm + currPairSkip, pairLoHi + currPairSkip, axP, an1, an2  );
Example #5
File: pu.cpp Project: JohnCrash/ode
dxJointPU::getInfo2( dReal worldFPS, dReal worldERP, const Info2Descr *info )
    const int s1 = info->rowskip;
    const int s2 = 2 * s1;
    const dReal k = worldFPS * worldERP;

    // ======================================================================
    // The angular constraint
    dVector3 ax1, ax2; // Global axes of rotation
    getAxis(this, ax1, axis1);
    getAxis2(this,ax2, axis2);

    dVector3 uniPerp;  // Axis perpendicular to axes of rotation
    dNormalize3( uniPerp );
    dCopyVector3( info->J1a , uniPerp );
    if ( node[1].body )
        dCopyNegatedVector3( info->J2a , uniPerp );
    // Corrective velocity attempting to keep uni axes perpendicular
    dReal val = dCalcVectorDot3( ax1, ax2 );
    // Small angle approximation : 
    // theta = asin(val)
    // theta is approximately val when val is near zero.
    info->c[0] = -k * val; 
    // ==========================================================================
    // Handle axes orthogonal to the prismatic 
    dVector3 an1, an2; // Global anchor positions
    dVector3 axP, sep; // Prismatic axis and separation vector
    if (flags & dJOINT_REVERSE) {
        getAxis2(this, axP, axisP1);
    } else {
        getAxis(this, axP, axisP1);

    dVector3 p,q;

    dCopyVector3(( info->J1l ) + s1, p );
    dCopyVector3(( info->J1l ) + s2, q );
    // Make the anchors be body local
    // Aliasing isn't a problem here.
    dCalcVectorCross3(( info->J1a ) + s1, an1, p );
    dCalcVectorCross3(( info->J1a ) + s2, an1, q );

    if (node[1].body) {
        dCopyNegatedVector3(( info->J2l ) + s1, p );
        dCopyNegatedVector3(( info->J2l ) + s2, q );
        dCalcVectorCross3(( info->J2a ) + s1, p, an2 );
        dCalcVectorCross3(( info->J2a ) + s2, q, an2 );

    info->c[1] = k * dCalcVectorDot3( p, sep );
    info->c[2] = k * dCalcVectorDot3( q, sep );
    // ==========================================================================
    // Handle the limits/motors
    int row = 3 + limot1.addLimot( this, worldFPS, info, 3, ax1, 1 );
    row += limot2.addLimot( this, worldFPS, info, row, ax2, 1 );

    if (  node[1].body || !(flags & dJOINT_REVERSE) )
        limotP.addTwoPointLimot( this, worldFPS, info, row, axP, an1, an2 );
        axP[0] = -axP[0];
        axP[1] = -axP[1];
        axP[2] = -axP[2];
        limotP.addTwoPointLimot ( this, worldFPS, info, row, axP, an1, an2  );