Example #1
 * Adds the transformation attribute to the given XMLAttributes object.
 * @param transformation the transformation to add as attribute.
 * @param att XMLAttributes where the attribute needs to be added to
void Transformation2D::addTransformation2DAttributes(const Transformation2D& transformation,XMLAttributes& att)
    if(transformation.isSetMatrix() && memcmp(transformation.mMatrix,getIdentityMatrix(),12*sizeof(double))!=0)
Example #2
 * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes
 * to the XMLOutputStream.  Be sure to call your parents implementation
 * of this method as well.  For example:
 *   SBase::writeAttributes(stream);
 *   stream.writeAttribute( "id"  , mId   );
 *   stream.writeAttribute( "name", mName );
 *   ...
void Transformation2D::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const
  if(this->isSetMatrix() && memcmp(this->mMatrix,getIdentityMatrix(),12*sizeof(double))!=0)
        stream.writeAttribute("transform", getPrefix(), this->get2DTransformationString());
Matrix HaloRenderingThread::getOrientationMatrix(CrystalDescriptor::OrientationType orientation)
    Matrix m;
    switch (orientation)
        case CrystalDescriptor::OT_RANDOM:
            /* First rotate the crystal around the Z axis:*/
            Matrix zRot = createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 0, 1), randFloat(-3.14159265, 3.14159265));
            /* Then rotate the Z axis into an uniformly distributed position*/
            const Vector3 newAxis = getRandomVector();
            Vector3 rotAxis = Vector3(0, 0, 1) % newAxis;
            Matrix axisRot = getIdentityMatrix();
            if (rotAxis * rotAxis != 0)
                rotAxis /= ~rotAxis;
                double rotAngle = acos(Vector3(0, 0, 1) * newAxis);
                axisRot = createRotationMatrix(rotAxis, rotAngle);

            return zRot % axisRot;
        case CrystalDescriptor::OT_PARRY:
            /* For hexagonal prisms, one side face is horizontal. */
            m = createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 1, 0), randFloat(0, 3.1415926536));
        case CrystalDescriptor::OT_COLUMN:
            /* Main axis horizontal. */
            Matrix n = createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 0, 1), randFloat(0, 3.1415926536));
            Matrix o = createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 1, 0), randFloat(0, 3.1415926536));
            m = n % o;
        case CrystalDescriptor::OT_PLATE:
            /* Main axis vertical. */
            m = createRotationMatrix(Vector3(1, 0, 0), 3.14159265636 * 0.5) % createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 1, 0), randFloat(0, 3.1415926536));
        case CrystalDescriptor::OT_LOWITZ:
            /* Rotation around a diagonal axis. The axis is horizontal.*/
            m =
                createRotationMatrix(Vector3(1, 0, 0), 3.14159265636 * randFloat(-3.1415 * 0.5, 3.1415 * 0.5)) %
                createRotationMatrix(Vector3(0, 1, 0), randFloat(0, 3.1415926536));
            sendNotifyString(wxT("Invalid orientation type."), 1);
    return m;
Example #4
void LOElectricBall::render(SunnyMatrix *MV)
    if (status != LO_Active) return;
    SunnyMatrix m = position **MV;
    m = getRotationZMatrix(sRandomf()*2*M_PI) * m;
    glUniformMatrix4fv(globalModelview[LOS_TexturedTSA], 1, GL_FALSE, &(m.front.x));
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (LOObject_VAO+44+sRandomi()%6)*4, 4);
    const float scale = 1.0/((116.-50.)/640*mapSize.y);
    SunnyMatrix mat = getIdentityMatrix();
    for (short i = 0 ;i<attackCount;i++)
        SunnyVector2D v = attack[i]->position;
        mat.pos.x = v.x;
        mat.pos.y = v.y;
        mat.up.x = (position.pos.x - mat.pos.x)*scale;
        mat.up.y = (position.pos.y - mat.pos.y)*scale;
        mat.front = mat.up ^ mat.right;
        m = mat **MV;
        glUniformMatrix4fv(globalModelview[LOS_TexturedTSA], 1, GL_FALSE, &(m.front.x));
        glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (LOObject_VAO+50+sRandomi()%3)*4, 4);
Example #5
File: main.c Project: etoestja/inf
void getInverseDestroy(matrix *m, matrix *dest)
    getIdentityMatrix(dest, m->R);
    int i;
    int j;

    int si;

    nType temp;

    for(i = 0; i < m->R; i++)
        j = getMaxInRow(m, i);
            dest->R = 0;
            dest->C = 0;
        temp = m->ptr[i][j];
        if(temp != 1)
            #ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr, "dividing row %d by %lf\n", i + 1, temp);
            eop1(m,    i, ((nType) 1.) / temp);
            eop1(dest, i, ((nType) 1.) / temp);
            #ifdef DEBUG
                printMatrices(m, dest);

        for(si = 0; si < m->R; si++)
            if(si != i)
                temp = m->ptr[si][j];
                if(temp != 0)
                    #ifdef DEBUG
                      fprintf(stderr, "subtracting row %d multiplied by %lf from row %d\n", i + 1, temp, si + 1);
                    eop2(m,    i, temp, si);
                    eop2(dest, i, temp, si);
                    #ifdef DEBUG
                        printMatrices(m, dest);

    int k;
    for(k = 0; k < m->R; k++)
        for(i = 0; i < m->R; i++)
            j = getMaxInRow(m, i);
            if(i != j)
                #ifdef DEBUG
                    fprintf(stderr, "swapping rows %d and %d\n", i + 1, j + 1);
                eop3(m,    i, j);
                eop3(dest, i, j);
                #ifdef DEBUG
                    printMatrices(m, dest);