Example #1
// Get the PID from the selection list in CLIENT_DATA
static int get_pid(Widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer)
    IntArray pids;
    Widget processes = Widget(client_data);
    if (processes != 0)
	getPIDs(processes, pids);

    if (pids.size() == 1)
	return pids[0];
	return 0;
Example #2
// kill previous procnannies
void killOldProcNannies()  {
  int numberOfProcNanniePIDs = getNumberOfPIDsForProcess("procnanny.cli");
  debugPrint("found %d old procnanny clients\n", numberOfProcNanniePIDs);
  while (getNumberOfPIDsForProcess("procnanny.cli") == 0) {
    debugPrint("found %d old procnanny clients\n", numberOfProcNanniePIDs);
  if (numberOfProcNanniePIDs > 1) {
    char * inputBuffer = malloc(150);
    FILE * fp;
    //printf("found %d processes of procnanny running. Commencing deletion... \n", numberOfProcNanniePIDs);
    int * procNanniePIDs = malloc(numberOfProcNanniePIDs + 50);
    getPIDs("procnanny.cli", procNanniePIDs, numberOfProcNanniePIDs);

    // remove current pid
    int currentProcPID = getpid();
    int tmpCounter = 0;
    for (tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter < numberOfProcNanniePIDs; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) {
      if (currentProcPID != procNanniePIDs[tmpCounter]) {
	snprintf(inputBuffer, 140, "kill -9 %d", procNanniePIDs[tmpCounter]);
	//printf("%s \n", inputBuffer);

	if ((fp = popen(inputBuffer, "r")) != NULL) {
	  snprintf(inputBuffer, 120, "An old procnanny.client (%d) was killed \n",  procNanniePIDs[tmpCounter]);
	  writeToLogs("Warning", inputBuffer);


Example #3
// Create list of processes
static void update_processes(Widget processes, bool keep_selection)
    StatusDelay delay("Getting list of processes");

    string cmd = sh_command(app_data.ps_command) + " 2>&1";
    FILE *fp = popen(cmd.chars(), "r");
    if (fp == 0)
	delay.outcome = strerror(errno);

    StringArray all_process_list;
    int c;
    string line = "";
    bool first_line = true;

    while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
	if (c == '\n')
	    if (first_line || valid_ps_line(line, app_data.ps_command))
		all_process_list += line;
#if 0
		std::clog << "Excluded: " << line << "\n";

	    if (first_line)
		// Find first occurrence of `PID' title
		ps_pid_index = line.index(" PID ");
		if (ps_pid_index < 0)
		    ps_pid_index = 0;

	    line = "";
	    first_line = false;
	    line += c;

    DynIntArray pids(all_process_list.size());

    // If GDB cannot send a signal to the process, we cannot debug it.
    // Try a `kill -0' (via GDB, as it may be setuid) and filter out
    // all processes in the `kill' diagnostic -- that is, all
    // processes that `kill' could not send a signal.
    string kill = "kill -0";

    if (gdb->has_handler_command())
	kill = "/usr/bin/kill -0"; // Bypass built-in SUN DBX command

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < all_process_list.size(); i++)
	pids[i] = ps_pid(all_process_list[i]);
	if (pids[i])
	    kill += string(" ") + itostring(pids[i]);
#if defined(__sun) 
    // bypass underlying debugger
    // Fix for Sun: use /usr/bin/kill
    string kill_result;
      std::ostringstream os;
      kill += " 2>&1";
      FILE *fp = popen(kill.chars(), "r");
      if (fp != 0)
	  int c;
	  while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
	      os << (char)c;
      kill_result = os;
    string kill_result = gdb_question(gdb->shell_command(kill));
    i = 0;
    while (i >= 0)
	i = kill_result.index(rxint, i);
	if (i >= 0)
	    int bad_pid = atoi(kill_result.chars() + i);
	    for (int k = 0; k < all_process_list.size(); k++)
		if (pids[k] != 0 && pids[k] == bad_pid)
#if 0
		    std::clog << "Excluded: " << all_process_list[k] << "\n";
		    all_process_list[k] = NO_GDB_ANSWER;

    StringArray process_list;
    for (i = 0; i < all_process_list.size(); i++)
	if (all_process_list[i] != NO_GDB_ANSWER)
	    process_list += all_process_list[i];

    // Now set the selection.
    bool *selected = new bool[process_list.size()];
    for (i = 0; i < process_list.size(); i++)
	selected[i] = false;

    int pos = -1;
    if (keep_selection)
	// Preserve old selection: each PID selected before will also be
	// selected after.
	IntArray selection;
	getPIDs(processes, selection);

	for (i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++)
	    for (int j = 0; j < process_list.size(); j++)
		if (selection[i] == ps_pid(process_list[j]))
		    if (pos < 0)
			pos = j;
		    selected[j] = true;

    if (pos < 0)
	// Create new selection from current file and current pid.
	ProgramInfo info;

	// Check for current pid; if found, highlight it.
	for (i = 0; pos < 0 && i < process_list.size(); i++)
	    if (info.pid != 0 && ps_pid(process_list[i]) == info.pid)
		pos = i;

	if (pos < 0)
	    // Not found? Try leftmost occurrence of process base name.
	    string current_base = basename(info.file.chars());
	    int leftmost = INT_MAX;
	    for (i = 0; i < process_list.size(); i++)
		int occurrence = process_list[i].index(current_base);
		if (occurrence >= 0 && occurrence < leftmost 
		    && ps_pid(process_list[i]) > 0)
		    leftmost = occurrence;
		    pos = i;

    if (pos >= 0)
	selected[pos] = true;

    setLabelList(processes, process_list.values(),
		 selected, process_list.size(), true, false);

    if (pos >= 0)
	ListSetAndSelectPos(processes, pos + 1);

    delete[] selected;
Example #4
void monitorProcess(char * processName, int processLifeSpan) { 
  // takes processName and lifeSpan
  // converts processName to PIDs
  // and monitors each PID by either
  // spawning a child for that process or
  // or reusing a "unbusy" child depending
  // on the global freeChildren variable.

  debugPrint("startin monitor Process for %s \n", processName);
  char * message;
  int * PIDs;
  int counter = 0;
  int pid = 0;
  int parentPID = getpid();
  int numberOfPIDs = 0;
  // check to make sure process "processName" is still active
  if ((numberOfPIDs = getNumberOfPIDsForProcess(processName))  < 1) {
    debugPrint("no processes %s found \n", processName);
    message = malloc(200);

    snprintf(message, 190, "No '%s' processes found ", processName);
    writeToLogs("Info", message);
  debugPrint("we are parent: %d \n", getpid());
  debugPrint("for %d %s we have  the number of PIDs is equal to %d \n", getpid(), processName, numberOfPIDs);
  PIDs = malloc(numberOfPIDs + 100);
  message = malloc(200);

  getPIDs(processName, PIDs, numberOfPIDs);

  // print out messages to logs regarding which
  // processes are being monitored

  for (counter = 0; counter < numberOfPIDs; counter = counter + 1) {

    if (monitoredPIDs != NULL && searchNodes(monitoredPIDs, processName, PIDs[counter]) != -1) {
      // only call monitor process if
      // process has more than 0 pids active
      // and it is not in monitoredPIDs linked list
      // ie it is not being monitored already
      debugPrint("process %s with pid %d is already being monitored \n", processName, PIDs[counter]);

    snprintf(message, 200, "Initializing monitoring of process '%s' (PID %d)", processName, PIDs[counter]);
    writeToLogs("Info", message);

    debugPrint("adding pid %d to list \n", PIDs[counter]);
    if (monitoredPIDs) {
      debugPrint("ADDDING  pid %d to list! \n", PIDs[counter]);
      addNode(monitoredPIDs, processName, PIDs[counter]);
    else {
      debugPrint("initialzing pid %d to list!\n", PIDs[counter]);
      monitoredPIDs = init(processName, PIDs[counter]);
    if (freeChildren > 0) {
      // write to pipe newProcessToChild
      debugPrint("freeChildren is %d, preparing to reuse child for %s pid %d\n", freeChildren, processName, PIDs[counter]);
      //	  debugPrint("from parent: printing before writing to pipe \n");
      /* write message start */
      // close(newProcessToChild[0]);
      char tmpStr[63];
      snprintf(tmpStr, 63, "%-20s#%20d!%20d", processName, PIDs[counter], processLifeSpan);
      write(newProcessToChild[1], tmpStr, 63);

      debugPrint("using children\n");
      freeChildren = freeChildren - 1;
    else {
      pid = fork();
      if (pid == 0) {
	// child portion
	debugPrint("Spawned A child %d for process: %s, pid %d \n",getpid(),  processName, PIDs[counter]);
	dispatch(parentPID, processName, PIDs[counter], processLifeSpan);
	while(keepLooping == 1) {
	  debugPrint("%d child : starting dispatch \n", getpid());
	  dispatch(parentPID, processName, -1, processLifeSpan);
	debugPrint("child dying....\n");
      else if (pid < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr,"error in forking. \n");
      else {
	if (childPIDs){
	  addNode(childPIDs, " ", pid);
	else {
	  childPIDs = init(" ", pid);

	//printf("parent process pid=%d \n", getpid());
    } // spawning child end bracket

  } // for loop end bracket