Example #1
static void pidRewrite(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, uint16_t max_angle_inclination,
        rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig)

    int axis;
    int32_t PTerm, ITerm, DTerm, delta;
    static int32_t lastError[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    static int32_t previousErrorGyroI[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    int32_t AngleRateTmp, RateError, gyroRate;

    int8_t horizonLevelStrength = 100;

    if (!deltaStateIsSet && pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, &deltaBiQuadState[axis], 0);
        deltaStateIsSet = true;

        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);
        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 5;  // 100 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        // Using Level D as a Sensitivity for Horizon. 0 more level to 255 more rate. Default value of 100 seems to work fine.
        // For more rate mode increase D and slower flips and rolls will be possible
        horizonLevelStrength = constrain((10 * (horizonLevelStrength - 100) * (10 * pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] / 80) / 100) + 100, 0, 100);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        uint8_t rate = 10;
        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        if (axis == YAW || !pidProfile->airModeInsaneAcrobilityFactor || !IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAIRMODE)) {
            rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand)
            AngleRateTmp = ((int32_t)(rate + 27) * rcCommand[YAW]) >> 5;
        } else {
Example #2
File: pid.c Project: dan557/inav
static float calcHorizonRateMagnitude(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    // Figure out the raw stick positions
    const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
    const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
    const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);
    const float modeTransitionStickPos = constrain(pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL], 0, 100) / 100.0f;

    float horizonRateMagnitude = mostDeflectedPos / 500.0f;

    if (horizonRateMagnitude <= modeTransitionStickPos) {
        horizonRateMagnitude *= STICK_DEFLECTION_AT_MODE_TRANSITION / modeTransitionStickPos;
    else {
        horizonRateMagnitude = (horizonRateMagnitude - modeTransitionStickPos) *
                               (1.0f - STICK_DEFLECTION_AT_MODE_TRANSITION) / (1.0f - modeTransitionStickPos) +

    return horizonRateMagnitude;
// Betaflight pid controller, which will be maintained in the future with additional features specialised for current (mini) multirotor usage.
// Based on 2DOF reference design (matlab)
void pidBetaflight(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, const rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    float errorRate = 0, rP = 0, rD = 0, PVRate = 0;
    float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm;
    static float lastRateError[2];
    static float Kp[3], Ki[3], Kd[3], b[3], c[3], rollPitchMaxVelocity, yawMaxVelocity, previousSetpoint[3];
    float delta;
    int axis;
    float horizonLevelStrength = 1;

    float tpaFactor = PIDweight[0] / 100.0f; // tpa is now float


        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);
        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL])) + 1, 0, 1);

    // Yet Highly experimental and under test and development
    // Throttle coupled to Igain like inverted TPA // 50hz calculation (should cover all rx protocols)
    static float kiThrottleGain = 1.0f;
    if (pidProfile->itermThrottleGain) {
        const uint16_t maxLoopCount = 20000 / targetPidLooptime;
        const float throttleItermGain = (float)pidProfile->itermThrottleGain * 0.001f;
        static int16_t previousThrottle;
        static uint16_t loopIncrement;

        if (loopIncrement >= maxLoopCount) {
            kiThrottleGain = 1.0f + constrainf((float)(ABS(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - previousThrottle)) * throttleItermGain, 0.0f, 5.0f); // Limit to factor 5
            previousThrottle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
            loopIncrement = 0;
        } else {

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {

        static uint8_t configP[3], configI[3], configD[3];

        // Prevent unnecessary computing and check for changed PIDs. No need for individual checks. Only pids is fine for now
        // Prepare all parameters for PID controller
        if ((pidProfile->P8[axis] != configP[axis]) || (pidProfile->I8[axis] != configI[axis]) || (pidProfile->D8[axis] != configD[axis])) {
            Kp[axis] = PTERM_SCALE * pidProfile->P8[axis];
            Ki[axis] = ITERM_SCALE * pidProfile->I8[axis];
            Kd[axis] = DTERM_SCALE * pidProfile->D8[axis];
            b[axis] = pidProfile->ptermSetpointWeight / 100.0f;
            c[axis] = pidProfile->dtermSetpointWeight / 100.0f;
            yawMaxVelocity = pidProfile->yawRateAccelLimit * 1000 * getdT();
            rollPitchMaxVelocity = pidProfile->rateAccelLimit * 1000 * getdT();

            configP[axis] = pidProfile->P8[axis];
            configI[axis] = pidProfile->I8[axis];
            configD[axis] = pidProfile->D8[axis];

        // Limit abrupt yaw inputs / stops
        float maxVelocity = (axis == YAW) ? yawMaxVelocity : rollPitchMaxVelocity;
        if (maxVelocity) {
            float currentVelocity = setpointRate[axis] - previousSetpoint[axis];
            if (ABS(currentVelocity) > maxVelocity) {
                setpointRate[axis] = (currentVelocity > 0) ? previousSetpoint[axis] + maxVelocity : previousSetpoint[axis] - maxVelocity;
            previousSetpoint[axis] = setpointRate[axis];

        // Yaw control is GYRO based, direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
            // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination
#ifdef GPS
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
            if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                // ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
                setpointRate[axis] = errorAngle * pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / 10.0f;
            } else {
                // HORIZON mode - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
                // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel
                setpointRate[axis] = setpointRate[axis] + (errorAngle * pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL] * horizonLevelStrength / 10.0f);

        PVRate = gyroADCf[axis] / 16.4f; // Process variable from gyro output in deg/sec

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID based on 2DOF PID controller. ----------
        //  ---------- 2-DOF PID controller with optional filter on derivative term. b = 1 and only c can be tuned (amount derivative on measurement or error).  ----------
        // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
        // ----- calculate error / angle rates  ----------
        errorRate = setpointRate[axis] - PVRate;       // r - y
        rP = b[axis] * setpointRate[axis] - PVRate;    // br - y

        // Slowly restore original setpoint with more stick input
        float diffRate = errorRate - rP;
        rP += diffRate * rcInput[axis];

        // Reduce Hunting effect and jittering near setpoint. Limit multiple zero crossing within deadband and lower PID affect during low error amount
        float dynReduction = tpaFactor;
        if (pidProfile->toleranceBand) {
            const float minReduction = (float)pidProfile->toleranceBandReduction / 100.0f;
            static uint8_t zeroCrossCount[3];
            static uint8_t currentErrorPolarity[3];
            if (ABS(errorRate) < pidProfile->toleranceBand) {
                if (zeroCrossCount[axis]) {
                    if (currentErrorPolarity[axis] == POSITIVE_ERROR) {
                        if (errorRate < 0 ) {
                            currentErrorPolarity[axis] = NEGATIVE_ERROR;
                    } else {
                        if (errorRate > 0 ) {
                            currentErrorPolarity[axis] = POSITIVE_ERROR;
                } else {
                    dynReduction *= constrainf(ABS(errorRate) / pidProfile->toleranceBand, minReduction, 1.0f);
            } else {
                zeroCrossCount[axis] =  pidProfile->zeroCrossAllowanceCount;
                currentErrorPolarity[axis] = (errorRate > 0) ? POSITIVE_ERROR : NEGATIVE_ERROR;

        // -----calculate P component
        PTerm = Kp[axis] * rP * dynReduction;

        // -----calculate I component.
        // Reduce strong Iterm accumulation during higher stick inputs
        float accumulationThreshold = (axis == YAW) ? pidProfile->yawItermIgnoreRate : pidProfile->rollPitchItermIgnoreRate;
        float setpointRateScaler = constrainf(1.0f - (1.5f * (ABS(setpointRate[axis]) / accumulationThreshold)), 0.0f, 1.0f);

        // Handle All windup Scenarios
        // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp
        float itermScaler = setpointRateScaler * kiThrottleGain;

        errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + Ki[axis] * errorRate * getdT() * itermScaler, -250.0f, 250.0f);

        // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
        ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis];

        //-----calculate D-term (Yaw D not yet supported)
        if (axis == YAW) {
            if (pidProfile->yaw_lpf_hz) PTerm = pt1FilterApply4(&yawFilter, PTerm, pidProfile->yaw_lpf_hz, getdT());

            axisPID[axis] = lrintf(PTerm + ITerm);

            DTerm = 0.0f; // needed for blackbox
        } else {
            rD = c[axis] * setpointRate[axis] - PVRate;    // cr - y
            delta = rD - lastRateError[axis];
            lastRateError[axis] = rD;

            // Divide delta by targetLooptime to get differential (ie dr/dt)
            delta *= (1.0f / getdT());

            if (debugMode == DEBUG_DTERM_FILTER) debug[axis] = Kd[axis] * delta * dynReduction;

            // Filter delta
            if (dtermNotchInitialised) delta = biquadFilterApply(&dtermFilterNotch[axis], delta);

            if (pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) {
                if (dtermBiquadLpfInitialised) {
                    delta = biquadFilterApply(&dtermFilterLpf[axis], delta);
                } else {
                    delta = pt1FilterApply4(&deltaFilter[axis], delta, pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, getdT());

            DTerm = Kd[axis] * delta * dynReduction;

            // -----calculate total PID output
            axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm), -900, 900);

        // Disable PID control at zero throttle
        if (!pidStabilisationEnabled) axisPID[axis] = 0;

#ifdef GTUNE

        axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
        axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
        axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm;
Example #4
void pidLuxFloat(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig,
        uint16_t max_angle_inclination, const rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig)

    float horizonLevelStrength;
        // Figure out the most deflected stick position
        const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t mostDeflectedPos =  MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);

        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL])) + 1, 0, 1);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        const uint8_t rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        float angleRate;
        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate
            angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 32.0f;
        } else {
            // control is GYRO based for ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
            angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[axis]) / 16.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate
                // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination
                // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
#ifdef GPS
                const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination)
                        - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis];
                const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination)
                        - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis];
                if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                    // ANGLE mode
                    angleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / 16.0f;
                } else {
                    // HORIZON mode
                    // mix in errorAngle to desired angleRate to add a little auto-level feel.
                    // horizonLevelStrength has been scaled to the stick input
                    angleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL] * horizonLevelStrength / 16.0f;

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
        const float gyroRate = luxGyroScale * gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale;
        axisPID[axis] = pidLuxFloatCore(axis, pidProfile, gyroRate, angleRate);
        //axisPID[axis] = constrain(axisPID[axis], -PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID, PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID);
#ifdef GTUNE
Example #5
static void pidLuxFloat(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig,
        uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    float RateError, errorAngle, AngleRate, gyroRate;
    float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm;
    int32_t stickPosAil, stickPosEle, mostDeflectedPos;
    static float lastError[3];
    static float delta1[3], delta2[3];
    float delta, deltaSum;
    float dT;
    int axis;
    float horizonLevelStrength = 1;

    dT = (float)cycleTime * 0.000001f;


        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        stickPosAil = getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc);
        stickPosEle = getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc);

        if(ABS(stickPosAil) > ABS(stickPosEle)){
            mostDeflectedPos = ABS(stickPosAil);
        else {
            mostDeflectedPos = ABS(stickPosEle);

        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->H_sensitivity == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->H_sensitivity)) + 1, 0, 1);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        uint8_t rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate
            AngleRate = (float)((rate + 10) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 50.0f;
         } else {
            // calculate error and limit the angle to the max inclination
#ifdef GPS
            errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - inclination.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
            errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - inclination.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here

            if (shouldAutotune()) {
                errorAngle = autotune(rcAliasToAngleIndexMap[axis], &inclination, errorAngle);

            if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                // it's the ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
                AngleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->A_level;
            } else {
                //control is GYRO based (ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
                AngleRate = (float)((rate + 20) * rcCommand[axis]) / 50.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate
                if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) {
                    // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel
                    AngleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->H_level * horizonLevelStrength;

        gyroRate = gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale; // gyro output scaled to dps

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
        // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
        // -----calculate scaled error.AngleRates
        // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
        RateError = AngleRate - gyroRate;

        // -----calculate P component
        PTerm = RateError * pidProfile->P_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100;

        // Pterm low pass
        if (pidProfile->pterm_cut_hz) {
            PTerm = filterApplyPt1(PTerm, &PTermState[axis], pidProfile->pterm_cut_hz);

        // -----calculate I component.
        errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + RateError * dT * pidProfile->I_f[axis] * 10, -250.0f, 250.0f);

        // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
        // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
        ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis];

        //-----calculate D-term
        delta = RateError - lastError[axis];
        lastError[axis] = RateError;

        // Correct difference by cycle time. Cycle time is jittery (can be different 2 times), so calculated difference
        // would be scaled by different dt each time. Division by dT fixes that.
        delta *= (1.0f / dT);
        // add moving average here to reduce noise
        deltaSum = delta1[axis] + delta2[axis] + delta;
        delta2[axis] = delta1[axis];
        delta1[axis] = delta;

        // Dterm low pass
        if (pidProfile->dterm_cut_hz) {
            deltaSum = filterApplyPt1(deltaSum, &DTermState[axis], pidProfile->dterm_cut_hz);

        DTerm = constrainf((deltaSum / 3.0f) * pidProfile->D_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100, -300.0f, 300.0f);

        // -----calculate total PID output
        axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm), -1000, 1000);

        axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
        axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
        axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm;
Example #6
static void pidLuxFloat(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig,
        uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    float RateError, AngleRate, gyroRate;
    float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm;
    static float lastError[3];
    float delta;
    int axis;
    float horizonLevelStrength = 1;
    static float previousErrorGyroIf[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

    if (!deltaStateIsSet && pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, &deltaBiQuadState[axis], 0);
        deltaStateIsSet = true;

        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);
        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->H_sensitivity == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->H_sensitivity)) + 1, 0, 1);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        uint8_t rate = 10;
        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        if (axis == YAW || !pidProfile->airModeInsaneAcrobilityFactor || !IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAIRMODE)) {
            rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate
            AngleRate = (float)((rate + 10) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 50.0f;
         } else {
             // ACRO mode, control is GYRO based, direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
             AngleRate = (float)((rate + 20) * rcCommand[axis]) / 50.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate
                // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination
#ifdef GPS
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
                if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                    // ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
                    AngleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->A_level;
                } else {
                    // HORIZON mode - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
                    // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel
                    AngleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->H_level * horizonLevelStrength;

        gyroRate = gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale; // gyro output scaled to dps

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
        // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
        // -----calculate scaled error.AngleRates
        // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
        RateError = AngleRate - gyroRate;

        // -----calculate P component
        PTerm = RateError * pidProfile->P_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100;

        // -----calculate I component.
        errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + RateError * dT * pidProfile->I_f[axis] * 10, -250.0f, 250.0f);

            airModePlus(&airModePlusAxisState[axis], axis, pidProfile);
            errorGyroIf[axis] *= airModePlusAxisState[axis].iTermScaler;

        if (allowITermShrinkOnly || motorLimitReached) {
            if (ABS(errorGyroIf[axis]) < ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis])) {
                previousErrorGyroIf[axis] = errorGyroIf[axis];
            } else {
                errorGyroIf[axis] = constrain(errorGyroIf[axis], -ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis]), ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis]));
        } else {
            previousErrorGyroIf[axis] = errorGyroIf[axis];

        // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
        // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
        ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis];

        //-----calculate D-term
        delta = RateError - lastError[axis];
        lastError[axis] = RateError;

        if (deltaStateIsSet) {
            delta = applyBiQuadFilter(delta, &deltaBiQuadState[axis]);

        // Correct difference by cycle time. Cycle time is jittery (can be different 2 times), so calculated difference
        // would be scaled by different dt each time. Division by dT fixes that.
        delta *= (1.0f / dT);

        DTerm = constrainf(delta * pidProfile->D_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100, -300.0f, 300.0f);

        // -----calculate total PID output
        axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm), -1000, 1000);

            axisPID[axis] = lrintf(airModePlusAxisState[axis].factor + airModePlusAxisState[axis].wowFactor * axisPID[axis]);

#ifdef GTUNE

        axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
        axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
        axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm;