Example #1
static path findUserPath(const char * name, const path & force,
                         const char * registry, const char * prefix,
                         const char * suffix, const path & fallback,
                         bool create) {
	// Prefer command-line options
	if(!force.empty()) {
		path dir = canonical(force);
		if(create && !create_directories(dir)) {
			LogCritical << "Could not create " << name << " directory " << dir << '.';
			return path();
		} else {
			LogDebug("using " << name << " dir from command-line: " << dir);
			return dir;
	// Check system settings (windows registry)
	std::string temp;
	if(registry && platform::getSystemConfiguration(registry, temp)) {
		path dir = canonical(temp);
		if(!create) {
			return dir;
		} else if(create_directories(dir)) {
			LogDebug("got " << name << " dir from registry: \"" << temp
			         << "\" = " << dir);
			return dir;
		} else {
			LogError << "Could not create " << name << " directory " << dir << '.';
			LogDebug("ignoring " << name << " dir from registry: \"" << temp << '"');
	// Search standard locations
	path to_create;
	std::vector<path> prefixes = getSearchPaths(prefix);
	std::vector<path> suffixes = getSearchPaths(suffix);
	if(prefix || suffix) {
		bool create_exists = false;
		BOOST_FOREACH(const path & prefix, prefixes) {
			BOOST_FOREACH(const path & suffix, suffixes) {
				path dir = canonical(prefix / suffix);
				if(is_directory(dir)) {
					LogDebug("got " << name << " dir from search: " << prefix
					         << " + " << suffix << " = " << dir);
					return dir;
				} else {
					LogDebug("ignoring " << name << " dir from search: " << prefix
					         << " + " << suffix << " = " << dir);
				if(to_create.empty() || (!create_exists && is_directory(prefix))) {
					to_create = dir;
					create_exists = is_directory(prefix);
Example #2
 KDE_EXPORT void kcminit_nsplugin()
     KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig( "kcmnspluginrc", KConfig::NoGlobals ), "Misc");
     if( config.readEntry( "StartupCheck", true ))
         bool update = false;
         QStringList searchPaths = getSearchPaths();
         QStringList lastSearchPaths = config.readEntry( "lastSearchPaths", QStringList());
         QStringList lastTimestamps = config.readEntry ( "lastSearchTimestamps", QStringList());
         if( searchPaths != lastSearchPaths || lastTimestamps.count() != lastSearchPaths.count())
         { // count changed, set empty timestamps, still call checkSearchPathTimestamps()
           // in order to save the current timestamps for the next time
             lastSearchPaths = searchPaths;
             for( int i = 0;
                  i < searchPaths.count();
                  ++i )
                 lastTimestamps.append( "N" );
             update = true;
         if( checkSearchPathTimestamps( lastSearchPaths, lastTimestamps ))
             update = true;
         if( update )
Example #3
void TestResolutionDirectories::onEnter()
    auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();

    std::string ret;

    _defaultSearchPathArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths();
    std::vector<std::string> searchPaths = _defaultSearchPathArray;
    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(),   "Misc");

    _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchResolutionsOrder();
    std::vector<std::string> resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray;

    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipadhd");
    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+1, "resources-ipad");
    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+2, "resources-widehd");
    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+3, "resources-wide");
    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+4, "resources-hd");
    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+5, "resources-iphone");


    for( int i=1; i<7; i++) {
        auto filename = StringUtils::format("test%d.txt", i);
        ret = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename(filename);
        log("%s -> %s", filename.c_str(), ret.c_str());
Example #4
HGLOBAL DLL_EXPORT decompress_block(void *data, DWORD dataSize)
    #define SEARCHCOUNT 4 //number of paths in search array
    char *searchPath[SEARCHCOUNT]; // array of paths to search for files
    int internalSize, externalSize, md5;
    void *dataStart = data;

    HGLOBAL block = NULL;

    //fill searchPath array
    if (getSearchPaths(searchPath) == 0)
        //error filling searchPath array
        return NULL;

    //find size of internal files
    internalSize = internalFilesSize(data);
    //skip internal files an null int
    data += internalSize + 4;

    //use md5 checksums for external files?
    md5 = useMd5(data);
    data += 1;

    //find size of external files
    externalSize = externalFilesSize(data, searchPath, md5);
    if (externalSize == 0)
        //external file not found
        return 0;

    //get block
    block = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, internalSize + externalSize);
    if (block == NULL)
        MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "GlobalAlloc failed.", "Error!", 16);
        return block;

    //copy internal files to block
    data = dataStart;
    CopyMemory(block, data, internalSize);

     //jump internal files + null int + useMd5 byte
    data += internalSize + 5;

    //copy external files to block;
    if (writeExternalFiles(data, block + internalSize, searchPath, md5) == 0)
        //error with external files
        MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "Copy external files failed.", "Error!", 16);
        return 0;

    return block;
Example #5
void TestSearchPath::onEnter()
    auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();

    std::string ret;

    _defaultSearchPathArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths();
    std::vector<std::string> searchPaths = _defaultSearchPathArray;
    std::string writablePath = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath();
    std::string fileName = writablePath+"external.txt";
    char szBuf[100] = "Hello Cocos2d-x!";
    FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb");
    if (fp)
        size_t ret = fwrite(szBuf, 1, strlen(szBuf), fp);
        CCASSERT(ret != 0, "fwrite function returned zero value");
        if (ret != 0)
            log("Writing file to writable path succeed.");

    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), writablePath);
    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin()+1,   "Misc/searchpath1");
    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin()+2, "Misc/searchpath2");

    _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchResolutionsOrder();
    std::vector<std::string> resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray;

    resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipad");

    for( int i=1; i<3; i++) {
        auto filename = StringUtils::format("file%d.txt", i);
        ret = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename(filename);
        log("%s -> %s", filename.c_str(), ret.c_str());

    // Gets external.txt from writable path
    std::string fullPath = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename("external.txt");
    log("external file path = %s", fullPath.c_str());
    if (fullPath.length() > 0)
        fp = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb");
        if (fp)
            char szReadBuf[100] = {0};
            size_t read = fread(szReadBuf, 1, strlen(szReadBuf), fp);
            if (read > 0)
                log("The content of file from writable path: %s", szReadBuf);
Example #6
void Mx::initSearchPath(string sysfile){
    auto sysImage = Configuration::getInstance()->getValue(sysfile).asValueMap();
    auto map = sysImage.at("image_search_path").asValueMap();
    auto layer = sysImage.at("image_layer_load").asValueMap();
    auto maxWidthByPhone = Configuration::getInstance()->getValue("sys_max_width").asFloat();
    auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();
    Size winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
    std::vector<std::string> searchPath = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths();
        string dpi = "";
        if (winSize.width <= maxWidthByPhone) {
            dpi = imageFolder.mdpi;
            dpi = imageFolder.hdpi;

        if (!factory->checkElement(searchPath, dpi + "/")) {
        auto array = map.at(dpi).asValueVector();
        for (auto value : array) {
            string path = dpi + "/" + value.asString();
            if (!factory->checkElement(searchPath, path)) {
    for (auto key : layer) {
        std::string folder = key.first;
        auto folderMap = key.second.asValueMap();
        for (auto key2 : folderMap) {
            std::string path = imageFolder.mdpi + "/" + imageFolder.layer + "/" + folder + "/" + key2.first;
            if (!factory->checkElement(searchPath, path)) {
//    for (auto str : searchPath) {
//        log("-------%s-------", str.c_str());
//    }
Example #7
void FileUtilsLayer::OnClickMenu6(Ref* pSender)
    auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();
    std::vector<std::string> searchPaths = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths();
    std::string writablePath = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath();
    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), "dir1");
    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin()+1, writablePath);
    std::string fullPathForFilename = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename("test.txt");
    log("test.txt 's fullPathForFilename is : %s",fullPathForFilename.c_str());
    Data data = sharedFileUtils->getDataFromFile(fullPathForFilename);
    std::string content = sharedFileUtils->getStringFromFile(fullPathForFilename);
    log("File content is : %s",content.c_str());
KDbool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching ( KDvoid )
	// initialize director
	auto	pDirector = Director::getInstance ( );
	pDirector->setOpenGLView ( EGLView::getInstance ( ) );

	// turn on display FPS
	pDirector->setDisplayStats ( true );

	// set FPS. the default value is 1.0/60 if you don't call this
	pDirector->setAnimationInterval ( 1.0 / 60 );

	auto	tScreenSize = EGLView::getInstance ( )->getFrameSize ( );

	auto	tDesignSize = Size ( 480, 320 );

	auto	pFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance ( );

	if ( tScreenSize.height > 320 )
		auto	tResourceSize = Size ( 960, 640 );
		std::vector<std::string>	aSearchPaths;
		aSearchPaths.push_back ( "hd" );
		pFileUtils->setSearchPaths ( aSearchPaths );
		pDirector->setContentScaleFactor ( tResourceSize.height / tDesignSize.height );

	EGLView::getInstance ( )->setDesignResolutionSize ( tDesignSize.width, tDesignSize.height, ResolutionPolicy::FIXED_HEIGHT );

	// register lua engine
	LuaEngine*	pEngine = LuaEngine::getInstance ( );
	ScriptEngineManager::getInstance ( )->setScriptEngine ( pEngine );

	LuaStack*	pStack = pEngine->getLuaStack ( );
	register_assetsmanager_test_sample ( pStack->getLuaState ( ) );

	std::vector<std::string>	aSearchPaths = pFileUtils->getSearchPaths ( );
	aSearchPaths.insert ( aSearchPaths.begin(), "Images" );
	aSearchPaths.insert ( aSearchPaths.begin(), "cocosbuilderRes" );
	if ( tScreenSize.height > 320 )
		aSearchPaths.insert ( aSearchPaths.begin ( ), "hd/scenetest" );
		aSearchPaths.insert ( aSearchPaths.begin ( ), "scenetest" );

	aSearchPaths.push_back ( "TestCppResources" );
	aSearchPaths.push_back ( "script" );

	FileUtils::getInstance ( )->setSearchPaths ( aSearchPaths );

	pEngine->executeScriptFile ( "luaScript/controller.lua" );

    return true;
Example #9
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    KAboutData aboutData( "nspluginscan", "nsplugin", ki18n("nspluginscan"),
                          "0.3", ki18n("nspluginscan"), KAboutData::License_GPL,
                          ki18n("(c) 2000,2001 by Stefan Schimanski") );

    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );

    KCmdLineOptions options;
    options.add("verbose", ki18n("Show progress output for GUI"));
    KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

    showProgress = args->isSet("verbose");
    if (showProgress) {
      printf("10\n"); fflush(stdout);

    KApplication app(false);

    // Set up SIGCHLD handler
    struct sigaction act;
    sigaddset(&(act.sa_mask), SIGCHLD);
    // Make sure we don't block this signal. gdb tends to do that :-(
    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &(act.sa_mask), 0);

    act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;

    // CC: take care of SunOS which automatically restarts interrupted system
    // calls (and thus does not have SA_RESTART)

    act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;

    struct sigaction oldact;
    sigaction( SIGCHLD, &act, &oldact );

    // set up the paths used to look for plugins
    QStringList searchPaths = getSearchPaths();
    QStringList mimeInfoList;

    infoConfig = new KConfig( KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "nsplugins") +
                              "/pluginsinfo" );
    infoConfig->group("<default>").writeEntry( "number", 0 );

    // open the cache file for the mime information
    QString cacheName = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "nsplugins")+"/cache";
    kDebug(1433) << "Creating MIME cache file " << cacheName;
    QFile cachef(cacheName);
    if (!cachef.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
        return -1;
    QTextStream cache(&cachef);
    if (showProgress) {
      printf("20\n"); fflush(stdout);

    // read in the plugins mime information
    kDebug(1433) << "Scanning directories" << searchPaths;
    int count = searchPaths.count();
    int i = 0;
    for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = searchPaths.constBegin();
          it != searchPaths.constEnd(); ++it, ++i)
        if ((*it).isEmpty())
        scanDirectory( *it, mimeInfoList, cache );
        if (showProgress) {
          printf("%d\n", 25 + (50*i) / count ); fflush(stdout);

    if (showProgress) {
      printf("75\n"); fflush(stdout);

    // We're done with forking,
    // KProcess needs SIGCHLD to be reset to what it was initially
    sigaction( SIGCHLD, &oldact, 0 );

    // delete old mime types
    kDebug(1433) << "Removing old mimetypes";
    const QStringList oldMimes = deletePluginMimeTypes();
    bool mimeTypesChanged = !oldMimes.isEmpty();

    if (showProgress) {
      printf("80\n");  fflush(stdout);

    // write mimetype files
    kDebug(1433) << "Creating MIME type descriptions";
    QStringList mimeTypes;
    for ( QStringList::const_iterator it=mimeInfoList.constBegin();
          it!=mimeInfoList.constEnd(); ++it) {

      kDebug(1433) << "Handling MIME type " << *it;

      QStringList info = (*it).split(':', QString::KeepEmptyParts);
      if ( info.count()==4 ) {
          QString pluginName = info[0];
          QString type = info[1].toLower();
          QString extension = info[2];
          QString desc = info[3];

          // append to global mime type list
          if ( !mimeTypes.contains(type) ) {
              kDebug(1433) << " - mimeType=" << type;
              mimeTypes.append( type );

              // write or update mime type file, if
              // 1) it doesn't exist in ksycoca (meaning we never heard of it)
              // 2) or we just deleted it [it's still in ksycoca though]
              // This prevents noticing that a shared-mime-info upgrade brought
              // us a mimetype we needed; but doing this right requires launching
              // kbuildsycoca4 after removing mimetypes above, and that's really slow
              bool mustWriteMimeType = KMimeType::mimeType(type).isNull();
              if (!mustWriteMimeType)
                  mustWriteMimeType = oldMimes.contains(type);
              if ( mustWriteMimeType ) {
                  kDebug(1433) << " - creating MIME type description";
                  removeExistingExtensions( extension );
                  generateMimeType( type, extension, pluginName, desc );
                  mimeTypesChanged = true;
              } else {
                  kDebug(1433) << " - already exists";

    // done with new mimetypes, run update-mime-database
    if (mimeTypesChanged) {
        // note that we'll run kbuildsycoca below anyway

    if (showProgress) {
      printf("85\n"); fflush(stdout);

    // close files
    kDebug(1433) << "Closing cache file";

    delete infoConfig;

    // write plugin lib service file
    writeServicesFile( mimeTypes );
    if (showProgress) {
      printf("90\n"); fflush(stdout);

    if (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered("org.kde.kded")) {
        // Tell kded to update sycoca database.
        QDBusInterface kbuildsycoca("org.kde.kded", "/kbuildsycoca",
    } else {
        // kded not running? fallback to calling kbuildsycoca directly:
        KProcess proc;
        proc << KStandardDirs::findExe(KBUILDSYCOCA_EXENAME);
        proc.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::MergedChannels); // silence kbuildsycoca output