Example #1
 * append new branches with generic parameters
int corex_append_branch(sip_msg_t *msg, gparam_t *pu, gparam_t *pq)
	str uri = {0};
	str qv = {0};
	int ret = 0;

	qvalue_t q = Q_UNSPECIFIED;
	flag_t branch_flags = 0;

	if (pu!=NULL)
		if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, pu, &uri)!=0)
			LM_ERR("cannot get the URI parameter\n");
			return -1;

	if (pq!=NULL)
		if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, pq, &qv)!=0)
			LM_ERR("cannot get the Q parameter\n");
			return -1;
		if(qv.len>0 && str2q(&q, qv.s, qv.len)<0)
			LM_ERR("cannot parse the Q parameter\n");
			return -1;

	getbflagsval(0, &branch_flags);
	ret = append_branch(msg, (uri.len>0)?&uri:0, &msg->dst_uri,
			    &msg->path_vec, q, branch_flags,
			    msg->force_send_socket, 0, 0, 0, 0);

		/* reset all branch attributes if r-uri was shifted to branch */
		setbflagsval(0, 0);
		msg->dst_uri.s = 0;
		msg->dst_uri.len = 0;

		/* if this is a cloned message, don't free the path vector as it was copied into shm memory and will be freed as contiguous block*/
		if (!(msg->msg_flags&FL_SHM_CLONE)) {
			msg->path_vec.s = 0;
			msg->path_vec.len = 0;

	return ret;
Example #2
 * append new branches with generic parameters
int corex_append_branch(sip_msg_t *msg, gparam_t *pu, gparam_t *pq)
	str uri = {0};
	str qv = {0};
	int ret = 0;

	qvalue_t q = Q_UNSPECIFIED;
	flag_t branch_flags = 0;

	if (pu!=NULL)
		if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, pu, &uri)!=0)
			LM_ERR("cannot get the URI parameter\n");
			return -1;

	if (pq!=NULL)
		if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, pq, &qv)!=0)
			LM_ERR("cannot get the Q parameter\n");
			return -1;
		if(qv.len>0 && str2q(&q, qv.s, qv.len)<0)
			LM_ERR("cannot parse the Q parameter\n");
			return -1;

	getbflagsval(0, &branch_flags);
	ret = append_branch(msg, (uri.len>0)?&uri:0, &msg->dst_uri,
			    &msg->path_vec, q, branch_flags,
			    msg->force_send_socket, 0, 0);

		/* reset all branch attributes if r-uri was shifted to branch */
		setbflagsval(0, 0);
		msg->dst_uri.s = 0;
		msg->dst_uri.len = 0;
		msg->path_vec.s = 0;
		msg->path_vec.len = 0;

	return ret;
Example #3
/*! \brief
 * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI
 * \return: -1 : not found
 *          -2 : found but method not allowed
 *          -3 : error
int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) {
    impurecord_t* r;
    str aor, uri;
    ucontact_t* ptr;
    int res;
    int ret;
    str path_dst;
    flag_t old_bflags;
    int i = 0;

    if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri;
    else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri;

    if (extract_aor(&uri, &aor) < 0) {
	LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n");
	return -3;


    ul.lock_udomain(_d, &aor);
    res = ul.get_impurecord(_d, &aor, &r);
    if (res > 0) {
	LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
	ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor);
	return -1;
    ret = -1;

    while (i < MAX_CONTACTS_PER_IMPU && (ptr = r->newcontacts[i])) {
	if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) {
	    LM_DBG("Found a valid contact [%.*s]\n", ptr->c.len, ptr->c.s);

    /* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */
    if (ptr == 0) {
	/* nothing found */
	goto done;

    ret = 1;
    if (ptr) {
	if (rewrite_uri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) {
	    LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n");
	    ret = -3;
	    goto done;

	/* reset next hop address */

	/* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of
	 * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac
	 * has to handle NAT. - agranig */
	if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) {
	    if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n");
		ret = -3;
		goto done;
	    if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n");
		ret = -3;
		goto done;
	    if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n");
		ret = -3;
		goto done;
	} else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) {
	    if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) {
		ret = -3;
		goto done;


	old_bflags = 0;
	getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags);
	setbflagsval(0, old_bflags | ptr->cflags);

	if (ptr->sock)
	    set_force_socket(_m, ptr->sock);

	ptr = ptr->next;

    /* Append branches if enabled */
    if (!cfg_get(registrar, registrar_cfg, append_branches)) goto done;

    //the last i was the first valid contact we found - let's go through the rest of valid contacts and append the branches.
    while (i < MAX_CONTACTS_PER_IMPU && (ptr = r->newcontacts[i])) {
	if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) {
	    path_dst.len = 0;
	    if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len
		    && get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n");

	    /* The same as for the first contact applies for branches
	     * regarding path vs. received. */
	    if (km_append_branch(_m, &ptr->c, path_dst.len ? &path_dst : &ptr->received,
		    &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags, ptr->sock) == -1) {
		LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n");
		/* Also give a chance to the next branches*/

    ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor);
    return ret;
Example #4
int sbranch_set_ruri(sip_msg_t *msg)
	str sv;
	flag_t old_bflags;
	branch_t *br;
	int ret;

	ret = 0;
	br = &_pv_sbranch;
		return -1;

	sv.s = br->uri;
	sv.len = br->len;

	if (rewrite_uri(msg, &sv) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n");
		ret = -3;
		goto error;

	/* reset next hop address */
	if(br->dst_uri_len>0) {
		sv.s = br->dst_uri;
		sv.len = br->dst_uri_len;
		if (set_dst_uri(msg, &sv) < 0) {
			ret = -3;
			goto error;

	if(br->path_len==0) {
		sv.s = br->path;
		sv.len = br->path_len;
		if(set_path_vector(msg, &sv) < 0) {
			ret = -4;
			goto error;

	if (br->instance_len) {
		sv.s = br->instance;
		sv.len = br->instance_len;
	    if (set_instance(msg, &sv) < 0) {
			ret = -5;
			goto error;

	if (br->ruid_len) {
		sv.s = br->ruid;
		sv.len = br->ruid_len;
	    if (set_ruid(msg, &sv) < 0) {
			ret = -6;
			goto error;

	if (br->location_ua_len) {
		sv.s = br->location_ua;
		sv.len = br->location_ua_len;
	    if (set_ua(msg, &sv) < 0) {
			ret = -7;
			goto error;

	if (br->force_send_socket)
		set_force_socket(msg, br->force_send_socket);

	msg->reg_id = br->reg_id;
	old_bflags = 0;
	getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags);
	setbflagsval(0, old_bflags|br->flags);

	return 0;
	return ret;
Example #5
/*! \brief
 * Fills the common part (for all contacts) of the info structure
static inline ucontact_info_t* pack_ci( struct sip_msg* _m, contact_t* _c, unsigned int _e, unsigned int _f, int _use_regid)
	static ucontact_info_t ci;
	static str no_ua = str_init("n/a");
	static str callid;
	static str path_received = {0,0};
	static str path;
	static str received = {0,0};
	static int received_found;
	static unsigned int allowed, allow_parsed;
	static struct sip_msg *m = 0;
	int_str val;

	if (_m!=0) {
		memset( &ci, 0, sizeof(ucontact_info_t));

		/* Get callid of the message */
		callid = _m->callid->body;
		if (callid.len > CALLID_MAX_SIZE) {
			rerrno = R_CALLID_LEN;
			LM_ERR("callid too long\n");
			goto error;
		ci.callid = &callid;

		/* Get CSeq number of the message */
		if (str2int(&get_cseq(_m)->number, (unsigned int*)&ci.cseq) < 0) {
			rerrno = R_INV_CSEQ;
			LM_ERR("failed to convert cseq number\n");
			goto error;

		/* set received socket */
		if (_m->flags&sock_flag) {
			ci.sock = get_sock_val(_m);
			if (ci.sock==0)
				ci.sock = _m->rcv.bind_address;
		} else {
			ci.sock = _m->rcv.bind_address;

		/* set tcp connection id */
		if (_m->rcv.proto==PROTO_TCP || _m->rcv.proto==PROTO_TLS
				|| _m->rcv.proto==PROTO_WS  || _m->rcv.proto==PROTO_WSS) {
			ci.tcpconn_id = _m->rcv.proto_reserved1;
		} else {
			ci.tcpconn_id = -1;

		/* additional info from message */
		if (parse_headers(_m, HDR_USERAGENT_F, 0) != -1 && _m->user_agent &&
				_m->user_agent->body.len>0 && _m->user_agent->body.len<MAX_UA_SIZE) {
			ci.user_agent = &_m->user_agent->body;
		} else {
			ci.user_agent = &no_ua;

		/* extract Path headers */
		if (path_enabled) {
			if (build_path_vector(_m, &path, &path_received) < 0) {
				rerrno = R_PARSE_PATH;
				goto error;
			if (path.len && path.s) {
				ci.path = &path;
				if (path_mode != PATH_MODE_OFF) {
					/* save in msg too for reply */
					if (set_path_vector(_m, &path) < 0) {
						rerrno = R_PARSE_PATH;
						goto error;

		ci.last_modified = act_time;

		/* set flags */
		ci.flags  = _f;
		getbflagsval(0, &ci.cflags);

		/* get received */
		if (path_received.len && path_received.s) {
			ci.cflags |= ul.nat_flag;
			ci.received = path_received;

		allow_parsed = 0; /* not parsed yet */
		received_found = 0; /* not found yet */
		m = _m; /* remember the message */
	else {
		memset( &ci.instance, 0, sizeof(str));

	if(_c!=0) {
		/* hook uri address - should be more than 'sip:' chars */
		if(_c->uri.s!=NULL && _c->uri.len>4)
			ci.c = &_c->uri;

		/* Calculate q value of the contact */
		if (m && m->id == q_override_msg_id)
			ci.q = q_override_value;
		else if (calc_contact_q(_c->q, &ci.q) < 0) {
			rerrno = R_INV_Q;
			LM_ERR("failed to calculate q\n");
			goto error;

		/* set expire time */
		ci.expires = _e;

		/* Get methods of contact */
		if (_c->methods) {
			if (parse_methods(&(_c->methods->body), &ci.methods) < 0) {
				rerrno = R_PARSE;
				LM_ERR("failed to parse contact methods\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
			/* check on Allow hdr */
			if (allow_parsed == 0) {
				if (m && parse_allow( m ) != -1) {
					allowed = get_allow_methods(m);
				} else {
					allowed = ALL_METHODS;
				allow_parsed = 1;
			ci.methods = allowed;

		/* get received */
		if (ci.received.len==0) {
			if (_c->received) {
				ci.received = _c->received->body;
			} else {
				if (received_found==0) {
					memset(&val, 0, sizeof(int_str));
					if (rcv_avp_name.n!=0
							&& search_first_avp(rcv_avp_type, rcv_avp_name, &val, 0)
							&& val.s.len > 0) {
						if (val.s.len>RECEIVED_MAX_SIZE) {
							rerrno = R_CONTACT_LEN;
							LM_ERR("received too long\n");
							goto error;
						received = val.s;
					} else {
						received.s = 0;
						received.len = 0;
					received_found = 1;
				ci.received = received;
		if(_c->instance!=NULL && _c->instance->body.len>0)
			ci.instance = _c->instance->body;
		if(_use_regid && _c->instance!=NULL && _c->reg_id!=NULL && _c->reg_id->body.len>0) {
			if(str2int(&_c->reg_id->body, &ci.reg_id)<0 || ci.reg_id==0)
				LM_ERR("invalid reg-id value\n");
				goto error;
			goto error;
		ci.ruid = _reg_sruid.uid;
		LM_DBG("generated ruid is: %.*s\n", ci.ruid.len, ci.ruid.s);

	return &ci;
	return 0;
Example #6
/*! \brief
 * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI
 * \return: -1 : not found
 *          -2 : found but method not allowed
 *          -3 : error
int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d, str* _uri)
	urecord_t* r;
	str aor, uri;
	sip_uri_t puri;
	ucontact_t* ptr = 0;
	int res;
	int ret;
	str path_dst;
	flag_t old_bflags;
	int i;
	str inst = {0};
	unsigned int ahash = 0;
	sr_xavp_t *xavp=NULL;
	sr_xavp_t *list=NULL;
	str xname = {"ruid", 4};
	sr_xval_t xval;

	ret = -1;

	if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri;
	else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri;
	if (extract_aor((_uri)?_uri:&uri, &aor, &puri) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n");
		return -3;
	/* check if gruu */
		if(puri.gr_val.len>0) {
			/* pub-gruu */
			inst = puri.gr_val;
			LM_DBG("looking up pub gruu [%.*s]\n", inst.len, inst.s);
		} else {
			/* temp-gruu */
			ahash = 0;
			inst = puri.user;
			for(i=inst.len-1; i>=0; i--)
				ahash <<= 4;
				if(inst.s[i] >='0' && inst.s[i] <='9') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'0';
				else if (inst.s[i] >='a' && inst.s[i] <='f') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'a'+10;
				else if (inst.s[i] >='A' && inst.s[i] <='F') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'A'+10;
				else {
					LM_ERR("failed to extract temp gruu - invalid hash\n");
					return -3;
			if(i<0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to extract temp gruu - invalid format\n");
				return -3;
			inst.len = i;
			LM_DBG("looking up temp gruu [%u / %.*s]\n", ahash, inst.len, inst.s);


	if(puri.gr.s==NULL || puri.gr_val.len>0)
		/* aor or pub-gruu lookup */
		ul.lock_udomain(_d, &aor);
		res = ul.get_urecord(_d, &aor, &r);
		if (res > 0) {
			LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
			ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor);
			return -1;

		ptr = r->contacts;
		ret = -1;
		/* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */
		while (ptr) {
			if(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time)) {
				if(allowed_method(_m,ptr)) {
					/* match on instance, if pub-gruu */
					if(inst.len>0) {
						if(reg_cmp_instances(&inst, &ptr->instance)==0)
							/* pub-gruu - found by instance */
							LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by pub gruu [%.*s]\n",
								aor.len, ZSW(aor.s), inst.len, inst.s);
					} else {
						/* no-gruu - found by address */
						LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by address\n",
								aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
				} else {
					LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] cannot handle the SIP method\n",
							aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
					ret = -2;
			ptr = ptr->next;
		if (ptr==0) {
			/* nothing found */
			LM_DBG("'%.*s' has no valid contact in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
			goto done;
	} else {
		/* temp-gruu lookup */
		res = ul.get_urecord_by_ruid(_d, ahash, &inst, &r, &ptr);
		if(res<0) {
			LM_DBG("temp gruu '%.*s' not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s));
			return -1;
		aor = *ptr->aor;
		/* test if un-expired and suported contact */
		if( (ptr) && !(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time)
					&& (ret=-2) && allowed_method(_m,ptr)))
			goto done;
		LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by temp gruu [%.*s / %u]\n",
							aor.len, ZSW(aor.s), inst.len, inst.s, ahash);

	ret = 1;
	if (ptr) {
		if (rewrite_uri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n");
			ret = -3;
			goto done;

		/* reset next hop address */

		/* add xavp with details of the record (ruid, ...) */
			list = xavp_get(&reg_xavp_rcd, NULL);
			xavp = list;
			memset(&xval, 0, sizeof(sr_xval_t));
			xval.type = SR_XTYPE_STR;
			xval.v.s = ptr->ruid;
			xavp_add_value(&xname, &xval, &xavp);
				/* no reg_xavp_rcd xavp in root list - add it */
				xval.type = SR_XTYPE_XAVP;
				xval.v.xavp = xavp;
				xavp_add_value(&reg_xavp_rcd, &xval, NULL);
		/* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of
		 * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac
		 * has to handle NAT. - agranig */
		if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) {
			if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n");
				ret = -3;
				goto done;
			if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n");
				ret = -3;
				goto done;
			if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n");
				ret = -3;
				goto done;
		} else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) {
			if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) {
				ret = -3;
				goto done;

		if (ptr->instance.len) {
		    if (set_instance(_m, &(ptr->instance)) < 0) {
				ret = -3;
				goto done;
		_m->reg_id = ptr->reg_id;

		if (ptr->ruid.len) {
		    if (set_ruid(_m, &(ptr->ruid)) < 0) {
				ret = -3;
				goto done;

		if (ptr->user_agent.len) {
		    if (set_ua(_m, &(ptr->user_agent)) < 0) {
				ret = -3;
				goto done;


		old_bflags = 0;
		getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags);
		setbflagsval(0, old_bflags|ptr->cflags);

		if (ptr->sock)
			set_force_socket(_m, ptr->sock);

		if(ptr->xavp!=NULL) {
			xavp = xavp_clone_level_nodata(ptr->xavp);
			if(xavp_add(xavp, NULL)<0) {
				ret = -3;
				goto done;
		ptr = ptr->next;

	/* if was gruu, no more branches */
	if(inst.len>0) goto done;

	/* Append branches if enabled */
	if (!cfg_get(registrar, registrar_cfg, append_branches)) goto done;

	for( ; ptr ; ptr = ptr->next ) {
		if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) {
			path_dst.len = 0;
			if(ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len 
			&& get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n");

			/* The same as for the first contact applies for branches 
			 * regarding path vs. received. */
			LM_DBG("instance is %.*s\n",
			       ptr->instance.len, ptr->instance.s);
			if (append_branch(_m, &ptr->c,
					  &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags,
					  &ptr->ruid, &ptr->user_agent)
			    == -1) {
				LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n");
				/* Also give a chance to the next branches*/
			if(ptr->xavp!=NULL) {
				xavp = xavp_clone_level_nodata(ptr->xavp);
				if(xavp_insert(xavp, nr_branches, NULL)<0) {
					ret = -3;
					goto done;

	ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor);
	return ret;
Example #7
/*! \brief
 * Lookup contacts in the database for all branches, including R-URI
 * \return: -1 : not found
 *          -2 : found but method not allowed (for r-uri)
 *          -3 : error
int lookup_branches(sip_msg_t *msg, udomain_t *d)
	unsigned int nr_branches_start;
	unsigned int i;
	int ret;
	int found;
	str new_uri;
	str ruri_b_uri = {0};
	str ruri_b_dst_uri = {0};
	str ruri_b_path = {0};
	int ruri_b_q = Q_UNSPECIFIED;
	struct socket_info *ruri_b_socket = 0;
	flag_t ruri_b_flags = 0;
	str ruri_b_instance = {0};
	unsigned int ruri_b_reg_id = 0;
	str ruri_b_ruid = {0};
	str ruri_b_ua = {0};
	branch_t *crt = NULL;

	ret = 1;
	found  = 0;
	nr_branches_start = nr_branches;
	/* first lookup the r-uri */
	ret = lookup(msg, d, NULL);

	/* if no other branches -- all done */
		return ret;

		found = 1;

	/* backup r-uri branch */
	ruri_b_uri = msg->new_uri;
	ruri_b_dst_uri = msg->dst_uri;
	ruri_b_path = msg->path_vec;
	ruri_b_q = get_ruri_q();
	ruri_b_socket = msg->force_send_socket;
	getbflagsval(0, &ruri_b_flags);
	ruri_b_instance = msg->instance;
	ruri_b_reg_id = msg->reg_id;
	ruri_b_ruid = msg->ruid;
	ruri_b_ua = msg->location_ua;
	/* set new uri buf to null, otherwise is freed or overwritten by
	 * rewrite_uri() during branch lookup */

	for(i=0; i<nr_branches_start; i++) {
		crt = get_sip_branch(i);
		/* it has to be a clean branch to do lookup for it */
		if(crt->len <= 0 || crt->dst_uri_len > 0
				|| crt->path_len > 0 || crt->force_send_socket!=NULL
				|| crt->flags !=0)
		/* set the new uri from branch and lookup */
		new_uri.s = crt->uri;
		new_uri.len = crt->len;
		if (rewrite_uri(msg, &new_uri) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI for branch %u\n", i);
			ret = -3;
			goto done;
		ret = lookup(msg, d, NULL);
		if(ret>0) {
			/* move r-uri branch attributes to crt branch */
			found = 1;

			if (unlikely(msg->new_uri.len > MAX_URI_SIZE - 1)) {
				LM_ERR("too long uri: %.*s\n", msg->new_uri.len,
				ret = -3;
				goto done;

			/* copy the dst_uri */
			if (msg->dst_uri.len>0 && msg->dst_uri.s!=NULL) {
				if (unlikely(msg->dst_uri.len > MAX_URI_SIZE - 1)) {
					LM_ERR("too long dst_uri: %.*s\n", msg->dst_uri.len,
					ret = -3;
					goto done;

				memcpy(crt->dst_uri, msg->dst_uri.s, msg->dst_uri.len);
				crt->dst_uri[msg->dst_uri.len] = 0;
				crt->dst_uri_len = msg->dst_uri.len;

			/* copy the path string */
			if (unlikely(msg->path_vec.len>0 && msg->path_vec.s!=NULL)) {
				if (unlikely(msg->path_vec.len > MAX_PATH_SIZE - 1)) {
					LM_ERR("too long path: %.*s\n", msg->path_vec.len,
					ret = -3;
					goto done;
				memcpy(crt->path, msg->path_vec.s, msg->path_vec.len);
				crt->path[msg->path_vec.len] = 0;
				crt->path_len = msg->path_vec.len;

			/* copy the ruri */
			memcpy(crt->uri, msg->new_uri.s, msg->new_uri.len);
			crt->uri[msg->new_uri.len] = 0;
			crt->len = msg->new_uri.len;
			crt->q = get_ruri_q();

			crt->force_send_socket = msg->force_send_socket;
			getbflagsval(0, &crt->flags);

	/* new uri could be set to allocated buffer by branch lookup */
	msg->new_uri = ruri_b_uri;
	msg->parsed_uri_ok = 0;
	msg->dst_uri = ruri_b_dst_uri;
	msg->path_vec = ruri_b_path;
	set_force_socket(msg, ruri_b_socket);
	setbflagsval(0, ruri_b_flags);
	msg->instance = ruri_b_instance;
	msg->reg_id = ruri_b_reg_id;
	msg->ruid = ruri_b_ruid;
	msg->location_ua = ruri_b_ua;

	return (found)?1:ret;
Example #8
 * Loads contacts in destination set into contacts_avp in reverse
 * priority order and associated each contact with Q_FLAG telling if
 * contact is the last one in its priority class.  Finally, removes
 * all branches from destination set.
int t_load_contacts(struct sip_msg* msg, char* key, char* value)
    str uri, tmp, dst_uri, path, branch_info, *ruri;
    qvalue_t first_q, q;
    struct contact *contacts, *next, *prev, *curr;
    int_str val;
    int first_idx, idx;
    struct socket_info* sock;
    unsigned int flags;

    /* Check if contacts_avp has been defined */
    if (contacts_avp.n == 0) {
		LM_ERR("feature has been disabled - "
		       "to enable define contacts_avp module parameter");
		return -1;

    /* Check if anything needs to be done */
    if (nr_branches == 0) {
		LM_DBG("t_load_contacts(): nothing to do - no branches!\n");
		return 1;

    ruri = (str *)0;

    /* Take first q from Request-URI */
    ruri = GET_RURI(msg);
    if (!ruri) {
	LM_ERR("no Request-URI found\n");
	return -1;
    first_q = get_ruri_q();
    first_idx = 0;

    /* Check if all q values are equal */
    for(idx = first_idx; (tmp.s = get_branch(idx, &tmp.len, &q, 0, 0, 0, 0))
			!= 0; idx++) {
		if (q != first_q) {
			goto rest;

    LM_DBG("t_load_contacts(): nothing to do - all contacts have same q!\n");
    return 1;


    /* Allocate memory for first contact */
    contacts = (struct contact *)pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct contact));
    if (!contacts) {
		LM_ERR("no memory for contact info\n");
		return -1;

    /* Insert Request-URI branch to first contact */
    contacts->uri.s = ruri->s;
    contacts->uri.len = ruri->len;
    contacts->dst_uri = msg->dst_uri;
    contacts->sock = msg->force_send_socket;
    getbflagsval(0, &contacts->flags);
    contacts->path = msg->path_vec;
    contacts->q = first_q;
    contacts->next = (struct contact *)0;

    /* Insert (remaining) branches to contact list in increasing q order */

    for(idx = first_idx;
		(uri.s = get_branch(idx,&uri.len,&q,&dst_uri,&path,&flags,&sock))
			!= 0;
		idx++ ) {
		next = (struct contact *)pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct contact));
		if (!next) {
			LM_ERR("no memory for contact info\n");
			return -1;
		next->uri = uri;
		next->q = q;
		next->dst_uri = dst_uri;
		next->path = path;
		next->flags = flags;
		next->sock = sock;
		next->next = (struct contact *)0;
		prev = (struct contact *)0;
		curr = contacts;
		while (curr && (curr->q < q)) {
			prev = curr;
			curr = curr->next;
		if (!curr) {
			next->next = (struct contact *)0;
			prev->next = next;
		} else {
			next->next = curr;
			if (prev) {
				prev->next = next;
			} else {
				contacts = next;

    /* Assign values for q_flags */
    curr = contacts;
    curr->q_flag = 0;
    while (curr->next) {
		if (curr->q < curr->next->q) {
			curr->next->q_flag = Q_FLAG;
		} else {
			curr->next->q_flag = 0;
		curr = curr->next;

    /* Add contacts to contacts_avp */
    curr = contacts;
    while (curr) {
		if (encode_branch_info(&branch_info, curr) == 0) {
			LM_ERR("encoding of branch info failed\n");
			if (branch_info.s) pkg_free(branch_info.s);
			return -1;
		val.s = branch_info;
				contacts_avp, val);
		LM_DBG("loaded contact <%.*s> with q_flag <%d>\n",
		       STR_FMT(&val.s), curr->q_flag);
		curr = curr->next;

    /* Clear all branches */

    /* Free contact list */

    return 1;
Example #9
int rtjson_init_serial(sip_msg_t *msg, srjson_doc_t *jdoc, sr_xavp_t *iavp)
	srjson_t *tj = NULL;
	srjson_t *nj = NULL;
	srjson_t *rj = NULL;
	str val;
	unsigned int bflags = 0;
	unsigned int old_bflags = 0;
	struct socket_info* fsocket = NULL;

	tj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, jdoc->root, "routes");
	if(tj==NULL || tj->type!=srjson_Array || tj->child==NULL) {
		LM_ERR("missing or invalid routes field\n");
		goto error;
	nj = tj->child;


	rj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, nj, "uri");
	if(rj!=NULL && rj->type==srjson_String && rj->valuestring!=NULL) {
		val.s = rj->valuestring;
		val.len = strlen(val.s);
		LM_DBG("rewrite r-uri to: [%.*s]\n", val.len, val.s);
		if (rewrite_uri(msg, &val) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n");
			goto error;

	msg->reg_id = 0;

	rj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, nj, "dst_uri");
	if(rj!=NULL && rj->type==srjson_String && rj->valuestring!=NULL) {
		val.s = rj->valuestring;
		val.len = strlen(val.s);
		LM_DBG("rewrite dst-uri to: [%.*s]\n", val.len, val.s);
		if (set_dst_uri(msg, &val) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("unable to set destination uri\n");
			goto error;

	rj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, nj, "path");
	if(rj!=NULL && rj->type==srjson_String && rj->valuestring!=NULL) {
		val.s = rj->valuestring;
		val.len = strlen(val.s);
		LM_DBG("rewrite path to: [%.*s]\n", val.len, val.s);
		if (set_path_vector(msg, &val) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("unable to set path\n");
			goto error;

	rj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, nj, "socket");
	if(rj!=NULL && rj->type==srjson_String && rj->valuestring!=NULL) {
		val.s = rj->valuestring;
		val.len = strlen(val.s);
		LM_DBG("trying to set send socket to: [%.*s]\n", val.len, val.s);
		fsocket = lookup_local_socket(&val);
		if(fsocket) {
			set_force_socket(msg, fsocket);

	rj = srjson_GetObjectItem(jdoc, nj, "branch_flags");
	if(rj!=NULL && rj->type==srjson_Number && SRJSON_GET_UINT(rj)!=0) {
		bflags = SRJSON_GET_UINT(rj);

		old_bflags = 0;
		getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags);
		setbflagsval(0, old_bflags|bflags);


	return 0;

	return -1;