void test_streaming( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char *medium = (char*)bson_malloc( 2*MEDIUM ); char *small = (char*)bson_malloc( LOWER ); char *buf = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE ); int n; if( buf == NULL || small == NULL ) { printf( "Failed to allocate" ); exit( 1 ); } srand( (unsigned int)time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_client( conn , TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 3\n" ); exit( 1 ); } fill_buffer_randomly( medium, ( int64_t )2 * MEDIUM ); fill_buffer_randomly( small, ( int64_t )LOWER ); fill_buffer_randomly( buf, ( int64_t )LARGE ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "medium", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, medium, MEDIUM ); gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, medium + MEDIUM, MEDIUM ); gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile( gfs, medium, 2 * MEDIUM, "medium", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "large" ); gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); for( n=0; n < ( LARGE / 1024 ); n++ ) { gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, buf + ( n * 1024 ), 1024 ); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile( gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( buf ); free( small ); free( medium ); }
static void upload_init (upload_test_t *upload_test) { gridfs_init (upload_test, "TestGridFsUpload"); upload_test->base.before = upload_before; upload_test->base.task = upload_task; }
static void download_init (download_test_t *download_test) { gridfs_init (&download_test->base, "TestGridFsDownload"); download_test->base.base.setup = download_setup; download_test->base.base.task = download_task; }
void test_large() { mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; FILE *fd; int i, n; char buffer[LARGE]; int64_t filesize = (int64_t)1024 * (int64_t)LARGE; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; strncpy(opts.host, "", 255); opts.host[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )) { printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); /* Create a very large file */ fill_buffer_randomly(buffer, (int64_t)LARGE); fd = fopen("bigfile", "w"); for(i=0; i<1024; i++) { fwrite(buffer, 1, LARGE, fd); } fclose(fd); /* Now read the file into GridFS */ gridfs_store_file(gfs, "bigfile", "bigfile", "text/html"); gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "bigfile", gfile); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); /* Read the file using the streaming interface */ gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "bigfile-stream", "text/html"); fd = fopen("bigfile", "r"); while((n = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, fd)) != 0) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buffer, n); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "bigfile-stream", gfile); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile-stream" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_destroy(conn); }
void test_large() { mongo_connection conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; FILE *fd; int i, n; char *buffer = malloc( LARGE ); if( buffer == NULL ) { printf("Failed to allocate memory."); exit(1); } uint64_t filesize = (uint64_t)1024 * (uint64_t)LARGE; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if (mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 )){ printf("failed to connect 1\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); /* Create a very large file */ fill_buffer_randomly(buffer, (uint64_t)LARGE); fd = fopen("bigfile", "w"); for(i=0; i<1024; i++) { fwrite(buffer, 1, LARGE, fd); } fclose(fd); /* Now read the file into GridFS */ gridfs_store_file(gfs, "bigfile", "bigfile", "text/html"); gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "bigfile", gfile); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); /* Read the file using the streaming interface */ gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "bigfile-stream", "text/html"); fd = fopen("bigfile", "r"); while((n = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, fd)) != 0) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buffer, n); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "bigfile-stream", gfile); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile-stream" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_disconnect(conn); mongo_destroy(conn); }
EXPORT int mongo_gridfs_create(struct mongo_* conn, char* db, char* prefix, struct gridfs_** gfs) { gridfs* gfs_ = (gridfs*)malloc(sizeof(gridfs)); if (gridfs_init((mongo*)conn, db, prefix, gfs_) != MONGO_OK) { free(gfs_); return 0; } *gfs = (struct gridfs_*)gfs_; return 1; }
void test_streaming() { mongo_connection conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char *buf = malloc( LARGE ); char *small = malloc( LOWER ); if( buf == NULL || small == NULL ) { printf("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); } int n; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if (mongo_connect( conn , TEST_SERVER, 27017 )){ printf("failed to connect 3\n"); exit(1); } fill_buffer_randomly(small, (uint64_t)LOWER); fill_buffer_randomly(buf, (uint64_t)LARGE); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html"); for(n=0; n < (LARGE / 1024); n++) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buf + (n * 1024), 1024); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile(gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_destroy(conn); free(buf); free(small); }
void test_streaming() { mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char buf[LARGE]; char small[LOWER]; int n; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; strncpy(opts.host, "", 255); opts.host[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )) { printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } fill_buffer_randomly(small, (int64_t)LOWER); fill_buffer_randomly(buf, (int64_t)LARGE); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html"); for(n=0; n < (LARGE / 1024); n++) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buf + (n * 1024), 1024); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile(gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_destroy(conn); }
void test_basic( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; char *data_before = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); int64_t i; FILE *fd; srand((unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_client( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 2\n" ); exit( 1 ); } gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); for ( i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA ) { /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html" ); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen( "input-file", "w" ); fwrite( data_before, sizeof( char ), (size_t)i, fd ); fclose( fd ); gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html" ); gfs->caseInsensitive = 1; gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "inPut-file", "text/html" ); } gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( data_before ); /* Clean up files. */ _unlink( "input-file" ); _unlink( "output" ); }
int main(void) { mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; gridfs gfs[1]; char data_before[UPPER]; size_t i; FILE *fd; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; /* strncpy(opts.host, TEST_SERVER, 255);*/ strncpy(opts.host, "", 255); opts.host[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )){ printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); for (i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i+=DELTA) { fill_buffer_randomly(data_before, i); /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen("input-file", "w"); fwrite(data_before, sizeof(char), i, fd); fclose(fd); gridfs_store_file(gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html"); } gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_cmd_drop_db(conn, "test"); mongo_destroy(conn); return 0; }
void test_basic() { mongo_connection conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; char *data_before = malloc( UPPER ); if( data_before == NULL ) { printf("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); } uint64_t i; FILE *fd; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if (mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 )){ printf("failed to connect 2\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); for (i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA) { /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen("input-file", "w"); fwrite(data_before, sizeof(char), i, fd); fclose(fd); gridfs_store_file(gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html"); } gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_disconnect(conn); mongo_destroy(conn); free( data_before ); }
SEXP mongo_gridfs_create(SEXP mongo_conn, SEXP db, SEXP prefix) { mongo* conn = _checkMongo(mongo_conn); const char* _db = CHAR(STRING_ELT(db, 0)); const char* _prefix = CHAR(STRING_ELT(prefix, 0)); gridfs* gfs = Calloc(1, gridfs); if (gridfs_init(conn, _db, _prefix, gfs) != MONGO_OK) { Free(gfs); return R_NilValue; } SEXP ret, ptr, cls; PROTECT(ret = allocVector(INTSXP, 1)); INTEGER(ret)[0] = 0; /* prevent GC on connection object while gfs alive */ setAttrib(ret, sym_mongo, mongo_conn); ptr = R_MakeExternalPtr(gfs, sym_mongo_gridfs, R_NilValue); PROTECT(ptr); R_RegisterCFinalizerEx(ptr, mongoGridfsFinalizer, TRUE); setAttrib(ret, sym_mongo_gridfs, ptr); PROTECT(cls = allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); SET_STRING_ELT(cls, 0, mkChar("mongo.gridfs")); classgets(ret, cls); UNPROTECT(3); return ret; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_handler(ngx_http_request_t* request) { ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf; ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* core_conf; ngx_buf_t* buffer; ngx_chain_t out; ngx_str_t location_name; ngx_str_t full_uri; char* value; ngx_http_mongo_connection_t *mongo_conn; gridfs gfs; gridfile gfile; gridfs_offset length; ngx_uint_t numchunks; char* contenttype; char* md5; bson_date_t last_modified; volatile ngx_uint_t i; ngx_int_t rc = NGX_OK; bson query; bson_oid_t oid; mongo_cursor ** cursors; gridfs_offset chunk_len; const char * chunk_data; bson_iterator it; bson chunk; ngx_pool_cleanup_t* gridfs_cln; ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t* gridfs_clndata; int status; volatile ngx_uint_t e = FALSE; volatile ngx_uint_t ecounter = 0; uint64_t range_start = 0; uint64_t range_end = 0; uint64_t current_buf_pos = 0; gridfs_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_gridfs_module); core_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_core_module); // ---------- ENSURE MONGO CONNECTION ---------- // mongo_conn = ngx_http_get_mongo_connection( gridfs_conf->mongo ); if (mongo_conn == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Connection not found: \"%V\"", &gridfs_conf->mongo); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if (mongo_conn->conn.connected == 0) { if (ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Could not connect to mongo: \"%V\"", &gridfs_conf->mongo); if(mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } if (ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to reauth to mongo: \"%V\"", &gridfs_conf->mongo); if(mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } } // ---------- RETRIEVE KEY ---------- // location_name = core_conf->name; full_uri = request->uri; if (full_uri.len < location_name.len) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Invalid location name or uri."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } value = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (full_uri.len - location_name.len + 1)); if (value == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate memory for value buffer."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } memcpy(value, full_uri.data + location_name.len, full_uri.len - location_name.len); value[full_uri.len - location_name.len] = '\0'; if (!url_decode(value)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Malformed request."); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } // ---------- RETRIEVE GRIDFILE ---------- // bson_init(&query); switch (gridfs_conf->type) { case BSON_OID: bson_oid_from_string(&oid, value); bson_append_oid(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, &oid); break; case BSON_INT: bson_append_int(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, ngx_atoi((u_char*)value, strlen(value))); break; case BSON_STRING: bson_append_string(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, value); break; } bson_finish(&query); do { e = FALSE; if (gridfs_init(&mongo_conn->conn, (const char*)gridfs_conf->db.data, (const char*)gridfs_conf->root_collection.data, &gfs) != MONGO_OK || (status = gridfs_find_query(&gfs, &query, &gfile) == MONGO_ERROR)) { e = TRUE; ecounter++; if (ecounter > MONGO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_REQUEST || ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR || ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo connection dropped, could not reconnect"); if(&mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } bson_destroy(&query); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } } } while (e); bson_destroy(&query); free(value); /* Get information about the file */ length = gridfile_get_contentlength(&gfile); numchunks = gridfile_get_numchunks(&gfile); // NaN workaround if (numchunks > INT_MAX) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } contenttype = (char*)gridfile_get_contenttype(&gfile); md5 = (char*)gridfile_get_md5(&gfile); last_modified = gridfile_get_uploaddate(&gfile); // ---------- Partial Range // set follow-fork-mode child // attach (pid) // break ngx_http_gridfs_module.c:959 if (request->headers_in.range) { gridfs_parse_range(request, &request->headers_in.range->value, &range_start, &range_end, length); } // ---------- SEND THE HEADERS ---------- // if (range_start == 0 && range_end == 0) { request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; request->headers_out.content_length_n = length; } else { request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT; request->headers_out.content_length_n = length; //request->headers_out.content_range = range_end - range_start + 1; ngx_table_elt_t *content_range; content_range = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); if (content_range == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } request->headers_out.content_range = content_range; content_range->hash = 1; ngx_str_set(&content_range->key, "Content-Range"); content_range->value.data = ngx_pnalloc(request->pool,sizeof("bytes -/") - 1 + 3 * NGX_OFF_T_LEN); if (content_range->value.data == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } /* "Content-Range: bytes SSSS-EEEE/TTTT" header */ content_range->value.len = ngx_sprintf(content_range->value.data, "bytes %O-%O/%O", range_start, range_end, request->headers_out.content_length_n) - content_range->value.data; request->headers_out.content_length_n = range_end - range_start + 1; } if (contenttype != NULL) { request->headers_out.content_type.len = strlen(contenttype); request->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char*)contenttype; } else ngx_http_set_content_type(request); // use md5 field as ETag if possible if (md5 != NULL) { request->headers_out.etag = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); request->headers_out.etag->hash = 1; request->headers_out.etag->key.len = sizeof("ETag") - 1; request->headers_out.etag->key.data = (u_char*)"ETag"; ngx_buf_t *b; b = ngx_create_temp_buf(request->pool, strlen(md5) + 2); b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "\"%s\"", md5); request->headers_out.etag->value.len = strlen(md5) + 2; request->headers_out.etag->value.data = b->start; } // use uploadDate field as last_modified if possible if (last_modified) { request->headers_out.last_modified_time = (time_t)(last_modified/1000); } /* Determine if content is gzipped, set headers accordingly */ if ( gridfile_get_boolean(&gfile,"gzipped") ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, gridfile_get_field(&gfile,"gzipped") ); request->headers_out.content_encoding = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); if (request->headers_out.content_encoding == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_ERROR; } request->headers_out.content_encoding->hash = 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.len = sizeof("Content-Encoding") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.data = (u_char *) "Content-Encoding"; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.len = sizeof("gzip") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.data = (u_char *) "gzip"; } ngx_http_send_header(request); // ---------- SEND THE BODY ---------- // /* Empty file */ if (numchunks == 0) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } buffer->pos = NULL; buffer->last = NULL; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = 1; out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); } cursors = (mongo_cursor **)ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(mongo_cursor *) * numchunks); if (cursors == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } ngx_memzero( cursors, sizeof(mongo_cursor *) * numchunks); /* Hook in the cleanup function */ gridfs_cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t)); if (gridfs_cln == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } gridfs_cln->handler = ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup; gridfs_clndata = gridfs_cln->data; gridfs_clndata->cursors = cursors; gridfs_clndata->numchunks = numchunks; /* Read and serve chunk by chunk */ for (i = 0; i < numchunks; i++) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Fetch the chunk from mongo */ do { e = FALSE; cursors[i] = gridfile_get_chunks(&gfile, i, 1); if (!(cursors[i] && mongo_cursor_next(cursors[i]) == MONGO_OK)) { e = TRUE; ecounter++; if (ecounter > MONGO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_REQUEST || ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR || ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo connection dropped, could not reconnect"); if(mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } } } while (e); chunk = cursors[i]->current; bson_find(&it, &chunk, "data"); chunk_len = bson_iterator_bin_len( &it ); // break ngx_http_gridfs_module.c:1099 chunk_data = bson_iterator_bin_data( &it ); if (range_start == 0 && range_end == 0) { /* <<no range request>> */ /* Set up the buffer chain */ buffer->pos = (u_char*)chunk_data; buffer->last = (u_char*)chunk_data + chunk_len; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1); out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; /* Serve the Chunk */ rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); } else { /* <<range request>> */ if ( range_start >= (current_buf_pos+chunk_len) || range_end <= current_buf_pos) { /* no output */ ngx_pfree(request->pool, buffer); } else { if (range_start <= current_buf_pos) { buffer->pos = (u_char*)chunk_data; } else { buffer->pos = (u_char*)chunk_data + (range_start - current_buf_pos); } if (range_end < (current_buf_pos+chunk_len)) { buffer->last = (u_char*)chunk_data + (range_end - current_buf_pos + 1); } else { buffer->last = (u_char*)chunk_data + chunk_len; } if (buffer->pos == buffer->last) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, request->connection->log, 0, "zero size buf in writer " "range_start:%d range_end:%d " "current_buf_pos:%d chunk_len:%d i:%d numchunk:%d", range_start,range_end, current_buf_pos, chunk_len, i,numchunks); } buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1) || (range_end < (current_buf_pos+chunk_len)); out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; /* Serve the Chunk */ rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); } } current_buf_pos += chunk_len; /* TODO: More Codes to Catch? */ if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_ERROR; } } gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return rc; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_handler(ngx_http_request_t* request) { ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf; ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* core_conf; ngx_buf_t* buffer; ngx_chain_t out; ngx_str_t location_name; ngx_str_t full_uri; // --------------- xulin add start ------------------- char* ml_args; char* arg; unsigned int add_arg; unsigned int add_len; // --------------- xulin add end ------------------- char* value; ngx_http_mongo_connection_t *mongo_conn; gridfs gfs; gridfile gfile; gridfs_offset length; ngx_uint_t numchunks; char* contenttype; char* md5; bson_date_t last_modified; volatile ngx_uint_t i; ngx_int_t rc = NGX_OK; bson query; bson_oid_t oid; mongo_cursor ** cursors; gridfs_offset chunk_len; const char * chunk_data; bson_iterator it; bson chunk; ngx_pool_cleanup_t* gridfs_cln; ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t* gridfs_clndata; int status; volatile ngx_uint_t e = FALSE; volatile ngx_uint_t ecounter = 0; gridfs_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_gridfs_module); core_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_core_module); // ---------- ENSURE MONGO CONNECTION ---------- // mongo_conn = ngx_http_get_mongo_connection( gridfs_conf->mongo ); if (mongo_conn == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Connection not found: \"%V\"", &gridfs_conf->mongo); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if ( !(&mongo_conn->conn.connected) && (ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR || ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Could not connect to mongo: \"%V\"", &gridfs_conf->mongo); if(&mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } // ---------- RETRIEVE KEY ---------- // location_name = core_conf->name; full_uri = request->uri; if (full_uri.len < location_name.len) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Invalid location name or uri."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } value = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (full_uri.len - location_name.len + 1 + request->args.len + 1)); if (value == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate memory for value buffer."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } memcpy(value, full_uri.data + location_name.len, full_uri.len - location_name.len); // ------------------------------------ xulin add start -------------------------------------- if (request->args.len > 0) { ml_args = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (request->args.len + 1)); memcpy(ml_args, request->args.data, request->args.len); ml_args[request->args.len] = '\0'; add_len = full_uri.len - location_name.len; memcpy(value + add_len, "?", 1); add_len += 1; arg = strtok(ml_args, "&"); while (arg != NULL) { add_arg = 1; if (strstr(arg, "xc_md5") != NULL) { add_arg = 0; } else if (strstr(arg, "_xingcloud_t") != NULL) { add_arg = 0; } if (add_arg == 1) { memcpy(value + add_len, arg, strlen(arg)); add_len += strlen(arg); memcpy(value + add_len, "&", 1); add_len += 1; } arg = strtok(NULL, "&"); } free(ml_args); if (value[add_len - 1] == '?' || value[add_len - 1] == '&') { value[add_len - 1] = '\0'; } else { value[add_len] = '\0'; } } ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "ml_url = [%s]", value); // ------------------------------------ xulin add end -------------------------------------- if (!url_decode(value)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Malformed request."); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } // ---------- RETRIEVE GRIDFILE ---------- // do { e = FALSE; if (gridfs_init(&mongo_conn->conn, (const char*)gridfs_conf->db.data, (const char*)gridfs_conf->root_collection.data, &gfs) != MONGO_OK) { e = TRUE; ecounter++; if (ecounter > MONGO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_REQUEST || ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR || ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo connection dropped, could not reconnect"); if(&mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } free(value); return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } } } while (e); bson_init(&query); switch (gridfs_conf->type) { case BSON_OID: bson_oid_from_string(&oid, value); bson_append_oid(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, &oid); break; case BSON_INT: bson_append_int(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, ngx_atoi((u_char*)value, strlen(value))); break; case BSON_STRING: bson_append_string(&query, (char*)gridfs_conf->field.data, value); break; } bson_finish(&query); status = gridfs_find_query(&gfs, &query, &gfile); bson_destroy(&query); free(value); if(status == MONGO_ERROR) { gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } /* Get information about the file */ length = gridfile_get_contentlength(&gfile); numchunks = gridfile_get_numchunks(&gfile); contenttype = (char*)gridfile_get_contenttype(&gfile); md5 = (char*)gridfile_get_md5(&gfile); last_modified = gridfile_get_uploaddate(&gfile); // ---------- SEND THE HEADERS ---------- // request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; request->headers_out.content_length_n = length; if (contenttype != NULL) { request->headers_out.content_type.len = strlen(contenttype); request->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char*)contenttype; } else ngx_http_set_content_type(request); // use md5 field as ETag if possible if (md5 != NULL) { request->headers_out.etag = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); request->headers_out.etag->hash = 1; request->headers_out.etag->key.len = sizeof("ETag") - 1; request->headers_out.etag->key.data = (u_char*)"ETag"; ngx_buf_t *b; b = ngx_create_temp_buf(request->pool, strlen(md5) + 2); b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "\"%s\"", md5); request->headers_out.etag->value.len = strlen(md5) + 2; request->headers_out.etag->value.data = b->start; } // use uploadDate field as last_modified if possible if (last_modified) { request->headers_out.last_modified_time = (time_t)(last_modified/1000); } /* Determine if content is gzipped, set headers accordingly */ if ( gridfile_get_boolean(&gfile,"gzipped") ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, gridfile_get_field(&gfile,"gzipped") ); request->headers_out.content_encoding = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); if (request->headers_out.content_encoding == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_ERROR; } request->headers_out.content_encoding->hash = 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.len = sizeof("Content-Encoding") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.data = (u_char *) "Content-Encoding"; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.len = sizeof("gzip") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.data = (u_char *) "gzip"; } ngx_http_send_header(request); // ---------- SEND THE BODY ---------- // /* Empty file */ if (numchunks == 0) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } buffer->pos = NULL; buffer->last = NULL; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = 1; out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); } cursors = (mongo_cursor **)ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(mongo_cursor *) * numchunks); if (cursors == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } ngx_memzero( cursors, sizeof(mongo_cursor *) * numchunks); /* Hook in the cleanup function */ gridfs_cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t)); if (gridfs_cln == NULL) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } gridfs_cln->handler = ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup; gridfs_clndata = gridfs_cln->data; gridfs_clndata->cursors = cursors; gridfs_clndata->numchunks = numchunks; /* Read and serve chunk by chunk */ for (i = 0; i < numchunks; i++) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Fetch the chunk from mongo */ do { e = FALSE; cursors[i] = gridfile_get_chunks(&gfile, i, 1); if (!(cursors[i] && mongo_cursor_next(cursors[i]) == MONGO_OK)) { e = TRUE; ecounter++; if (ecounter > MONGO_MAX_RETRIES_PER_REQUEST || ngx_http_mongo_reconnect(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR || ngx_http_mongo_reauth(request->connection->log, mongo_conn) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo connection dropped, could not reconnect"); if(&mongo_conn->conn.connected) { mongo_disconnect(&mongo_conn->conn); } gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } } } while (e); chunk = cursors[i]->current; bson_find(&it, &chunk, "data"); chunk_len = bson_iterator_bin_len( &it ); chunk_data = bson_iterator_bin_data( &it ); /* Set up the buffer chain */ buffer->pos = (u_char*)chunk_data; buffer->last = (u_char*)chunk_data + chunk_len; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1); out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; /* Serve the Chunk */ rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); /* TODO: More Codes to Catch? */ if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return NGX_ERROR; } } gridfile_destroy(&gfile); gridfs_destroy(&gfs); return rc; }
void test_random_write() { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile* gfile; char *data_before = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); char *random_data = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); char *buf = (char*) bson_malloc( UPPER ); int64_t i; FILE *fd; srand((unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 2\n" ); exit( 1 ); } gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); fill_buffer_randomly( random_data, UPPER ); for ( i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA ) { int64_t j = i / 2 - 3; int n, bytes_to_write_first; /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); if ( i > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ) { n = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 3 + 6; memcpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with bytes crossing multiple chunks bytes_to_write_first = 10; } else { n = 6; memcpy(random_data, "123456", n); strncpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with a few some bytes bytes_to_write_first = 0; } gfile = gridfile_create(); ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "input-buffer", gfile) == 0); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); gridfile_seek(gfile, j); // Seek into the same buffer position within the GridFS file if ( bytes_to_write_first ) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, random_data, bytes_to_write_first); // Let's write 10 bytes first, and later the rest } gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, &random_data[bytes_to_write_first], n - bytes_to_write_first); // Try to write to the existing GridFS file on the position given by j gridfile_seek(gfile, j); gridfile_read( gfile, n, buf ); ASSERT(memcmp( buf, &data_before[j], n) == 0); gridfile_writer_done(gfile); ASSERT(gfile->pos == j + n); gridfile_dispose(gfile); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-buffer", "text/html" ); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen( "input-file", "w" ); fwrite( data_before, sizeof( char ), (size_t) (j + n > i ? j + n : i), fd ); fclose( fd ); gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-file", "text/html" ); } gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( data_before ); free( random_data ); free( buf ); /* Clean up files. */ _unlink( "input-file" ); _unlink( "output" ); }
void test_large( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; FILE *fd; size_t i, n; char *buffer = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE ); char *read_buf = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE ); int64_t filesize = ( int64_t )1024 * ( int64_t )LARGE; mongo_write_concern wc; bson lastError; bson lastErrorCmd; srand( (unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_client( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 1\n" ); exit( 1 ); } mongo_write_concern_init(&wc); wc.j = 1; mongo_write_concern_finish(&wc); mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" ); if( fd ) { fclose( fd ); } else { /* Create a very large file */ fill_buffer_randomly( buffer, ( int64_t )LARGE ); fd = fopen( "bigfile", "w" ); for( i=0; i<1024; i++ ) { fwrite( buffer, 1, LARGE, fd ); } fclose( fd ); } /* Now read the file into GridFS */ gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" ); gridfs_store_file( gfs, "bigfile", "bigfile", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS); gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile", gfile ); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" ); while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, MEDIUM, fd ) ) != 0 ) { ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, MEDIUM, read_buf ) == n ); ASSERT( memcmp( buffer, read_buf, n ) == 0 ); } fclose( fd ); gridfile_destroy( gfile ); /* Read the file using the streaming interface */ gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" ); gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" ); gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "bigfile-stream", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ); mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc ); mongo_write_concern_init(&wc); wc.j = 0; /* Let's reset write concern j field to zero, we will manually call getLastError with j = 1 */ mongo_write_concern_finish(&wc); mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc); fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" ); i = 0; while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, READ_WRITE_BUF_SIZE, fd ) ) != 0 ) { gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, buffer, n ); if(i++ % 10 == 0) { bson_init( &lastErrorCmd ); bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "getLastError", 1); bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "j", 1); bson_finish( &lastErrorCmd ); bson_init( &lastError ); mongo_run_command( conn, "test", &lastErrorCmd, &lastError ); bson_destroy( &lastError ); bson_destroy( &lastErrorCmd ); } } mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc ); mongo_write_concern_init(&wc); wc.j = 1; /* Let's reset write concern j field to 1 */ mongo_write_concern_finish(&wc); mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc); fclose( fd ); gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream", gfile ); ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile-stream" ) == 0 ); ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == filesize ); gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); bson_free( buffer ); bson_free( read_buf ); mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc ); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_handler(ngx_http_request_t* request) { ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf; ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* core_conf; ngx_buf_t* buffer; ngx_chain_t out; ngx_str_t location_name; ngx_str_t full_uri; char* value; gridfs gfs; gridfile gfile; gridfs_offset length; ngx_uint_t chunksize; ngx_uint_t numchunks; char* contenttype; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_int_t rc = NGX_OK; bson query; bson_buffer buf; bson_oid_t oid; mongo_cursor ** cursors; gridfs_offset chunk_len; const char * chunk_data; bson_iterator it; bson chunk; ngx_pool_cleanup_t* gridfs_cln; ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t* gridfs_clndata; gridfs_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_gridfs_module); core_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_core_module); location_name = core_conf->name; full_uri = request->uri; gridfs_cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup_t)); if (gridfs_cln == NULL) { return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } gridfs_cln->handler = ngx_http_gridfs_cleanup; gridfs_clndata = gridfs_cln->data; /* defensive */ if (full_uri.len < location_name.len) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Invalid location name or uri."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Extract the value from the uri */ value = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (full_uri.len - location_name.len + 1)); if (value == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate memory for value buffer."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } memcpy(value, full_uri.data + location_name.len, full_uri.len - location_name.len); value[full_uri.len - location_name.len] = '\0'; /* URL Decoding */ if (!url_decode(value)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Malformed request."); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } /* Find the GridFile */ gridfs_init(gridfs_conf->mongod_conn, (const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.data, (const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_root_collection.data, &gfs); bson_buffer_init(&buf); switch (gridfs_conf->gridfs_type) { case bson_oid: bson_oid_from_string(&oid, value); bson_append_oid(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, &oid); break; case bson_int: bson_append_int(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, ngx_atoi((u_char*)value, strlen(value))); break; case bson_string: bson_append_string(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, value); break; } bson_from_buffer(&query, &buf); if(!gridfs_find_query(&gfs, &query, &gfile)){ bson_destroy(&query); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } bson_destroy(&query); free(value); /* Get information about the file */ length = gridfile_get_contentlength(&gfile); chunksize = gridfile_get_chunksize(&gfile); numchunks = gridfile_get_numchunks(&gfile); contenttype = (char*)gridfile_get_contenttype(&gfile); /* Set the headers */ request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; request->headers_out.content_length_n = length; if (contenttype != NULL) { request->headers_out.content_type.len = strlen(contenttype); request->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char*)contenttype; } else ngx_http_set_content_type(request); /* Determine if content is gzipped, set headers accordingly */ if ( gridfile_get_boolean(&gfile,"gzipped") ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, gridfile_get_field(&gfile,"gzipped") ); request->headers_out.content_encoding = ngx_list_push(&request->headers_out.headers); if (request->headers_out.content_encoding == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } request->headers_out.content_encoding->hash = 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.len = sizeof("Content-Encoding") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->key.data = (u_char *) "Content-Encoding"; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.len = sizeof("gzip") - 1; request->headers_out.content_encoding->value.data = (u_char *) "gzip"; } ngx_http_send_header(request); if (numchunks == 0) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } buffer->pos = NULL; buffer->last = NULL; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = 1; out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; return ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); } cursors = (mongo_cursor **)ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(mongo_cursor *) * numchunks); /* Read and serve chunk by chunk */ for (i = 0; i < numchunks; i++) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Fetch the chunk from mongo */ cursors[i] = gridfile_get_chunks(&gfile, i, 1); mongo_cursor_next(cursors[i]); chunk = cursors[i]->current; bson_find(&it, &chunk, "data"); chunk_len = bson_iterator_bin_len( &it ); chunk_data = bson_iterator_bin_data( &it ); /* Set up the buffer chain */ buffer->pos = (u_char*)chunk_data; buffer->last = (u_char*)chunk_data + chunk_len; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1); out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; /* Serve the Chunk */ rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); /* TODO: More Codes to Catch? */ if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_ERROR; } } gridfs_clndata->cursors = cursors; gridfs_clndata->numchunks = numchunks; return rc; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_handler(ngx_http_request_t* request) { ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf; ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* core_conf; ngx_buf_t* buffer; ngx_chain_t out; ngx_str_t location_name; ngx_str_t full_uri; char* value; gridfs gfs; gridfile gfile; gridfs_offset length; char* data; ngx_uint_t chunksize; ngx_uint_t numchunks; ngx_uint_t chunklength; char* contenttype; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_int_t rc = NGX_OK; bson query; bson_buffer buf; bson_oid_t oid; gridfs_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_gridfs_module); core_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_core_module); location_name = core_conf->name; full_uri = request->uri; /* defensive */ if (full_uri.len < location_name.len) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Invalid location name or uri."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Extract the value from the uri */ value = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (full_uri.len - location_name.len + 1)); if (value == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate memory for value buffer."); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } memcpy(value, full_uri.data + location_name.len, full_uri.len - location_name.len); value[full_uri.len - location_name.len] = '\0'; /* URL Decoding */ if (!url_decode(value)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Malformed request."); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } /* If no mongo connection, create a default connection */ /* TODO: Find a better place for this logic */ if (!gridfs_conf->gridfs_conn->connected) { switch (mongo_connect(gridfs_conf->gridfs_conn, NULL)) { case mongo_conn_success: break; case mongo_conn_bad_arg: ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Exception: Bad Arguments"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; case mongo_conn_no_socket: ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Exception: No Socket"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; case mongo_conn_fail: ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Exception: Connection Failure"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; case mongo_conn_not_master: ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Exception: Not Master"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; default: ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Mongo Exception: Unknown Error"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /* Find the GridFile */ gridfs_init(gridfs_conf->gridfs_conn, (const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.data, (const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_root_collection.data, &gfs); bson_buffer_init(&buf); switch (gridfs_conf->gridfs_type) { case bson_oid: bson_oid_from_string(&oid, value); bson_append_oid(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, &oid); break; case bson_int: bson_append_int(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, atoi(value)); break; case bson_string: bson_append_string(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, value); break; } bson_from_buffer(&query, &buf); if(!gridfs_find_query(&gfs, &query, &gfile)){ bson_destroy(&query); free(value); return NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } bson_destroy(&query); free(value); /* Get information about the file */ length = gridfile_get_contentlength(&gfile); chunksize = gridfile_get_chunksize(&gfile); numchunks = gridfile_get_numchunks(&gfile); contenttype = (char*)gridfile_get_contenttype(&gfile); /* Set the headers */ request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; request->headers_out.content_length_n = length; if (contenttype != NULL) { request->headers_out.content_type.len = strlen(contenttype); request->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char*)contenttype; } else ngx_http_set_content_type(request); ngx_http_send_header(request); /* Read and serve chunk by chunk */ for (i = 0; i < numchunks; i++) { /* Allocate space for the response buffer */ buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (buffer == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate response buffer"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Allocate space for the buffer of data */ data = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(char)*chunksize); if (data == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, "Failed to allocate buffer for data"); return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* Set up the buffer chain */ chunklength = gridfile_read(&gfile, chunksize, data); buffer->pos = (u_char*)data; buffer->last = (u_char*)data + chunklength; buffer->memory = 1; buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1); out.buf = buffer; out.next = NULL; /* Serve the Chunk */ rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out); /* TODO: More Codes to Catch? */ if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_ERROR; } } return rc; }