void IE_Exp_AbiWord_1::_setupFile() { // allow people to override this on the command line or otherwise const std::string & prop = (getProperty ("compress")); if (!prop.empty()) m_bIsCompressed = UT_parseBool(prop.c_str (), m_bIsCompressed); if (m_bIsCompressed) { GsfOutput * gzip = gsf_output_gzip_new(getFp (), NULL); m_output = gzip; } else { m_output = 0; } }
UT_Error AbiCollabSessionManager::serializeDocument(const PD_Document* pDoc, std::string& document, bool encodeBase64) { UT_return_val_if_fail(pDoc, false); // Don't put this auto-save in the most recent list. XAP_App::getApp()->getPrefs()->setIgnoreNextRecent(); // maskExport(); GsfOutputMemory* sink = GSF_OUTPUT_MEMORY(gsf_output_memory_new()); GsfOutput* gzSink = gsf_output_gzip_new(GSF_OUTPUT(sink), NULL); bool bAuthor = pDoc->isExportAuthorAtts(); const_cast<PD_Document *>(pDoc)->setExportAuthorAtts(true); UT_Error result = const_cast<PD_Document*>(pDoc)->saveAs(GSF_OUTPUT(gzSink), IE_Exp::fileTypeForSuffix(".abw"), true); const_cast<PD_Document *>(pDoc)->setExportAuthorAtts(bAuthor); gsf_output_close(GSF_OUTPUT(gzSink)); // unmaskExport(); if (result == UT_OK) { guint32 size = gsf_output_size (GSF_OUTPUT(sink)); const guint8* zabwBuf = gsf_output_memory_get_bytes (sink); if (encodeBase64) { // this would be more efficient if we had a GsfOutputBase64.. ah well, this will do for now guint8* base64zabwBuf = gsf_base64_encode_simple(zabwBuf, size); document += (char*)base64zabwBuf; g_free(base64zabwBuf); } else { // just copy raw zipped data into string document.resize( size ); memcpy( &document[0], zabwBuf, size ); } } else { UT_DEBUGMSG(("Failed to export! Handle this gracefully!\n")); } g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(gzSink)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(sink)); return result; }