Example #1
 * Construct the Linux command line passed to the appliance.  This is
 * used by the C<direct> and C<libvirt> backends, and is simply
 * located in this file because it's a convenient place for this
 * common code.
 * The C<appliance_dev> parameter must be the full device name of the
 * appliance disk and must have already been adjusted to take into
 * account virtio-blk or virtio-scsi; eg C</dev/sdb>.
 * The C<flags> parameter can contain the following flags logically
 * or'd together (or 0):
 * =over 4
 * If we are launching a qemu TCG guest (ie. KVM is known to be
 * disabled or unavailable).  If you don't know, don't pass this flag.
 * =back
 * Note that this function returns a newly allocated buffer which must
 * be freed by the caller.
char *
guestfs_int_appliance_command_line (guestfs_h *g, const char *appliance_dev,
				    int flags)
  char *term = getenv ("TERM");
  bool tcg = flags & APPLIANCE_COMMAND_LINE_IS_TCG;
  char *ret;

  /* We assemble the kernel command line by simply joining the final
   * list of strings with spaces.  This means (a) the strings are not
   * quoted (it's not clear if the kernel can handle quoting in any
   * case), and (b) we can append multiple parameters in a single
   * argument, as we must do for the g->append parameter.

  /* Force kernel to panic if daemon exits. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "panic=1");

#ifdef __arm__
  guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &argv, "mem=%dM", g->memsize);

#ifdef __i386__
  /* Workaround for RHBZ#857026. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "noapic");

  /* Serial console. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, SERIAL_CONSOLE);

  /* Get messages from early boot. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, EARLYPRINTK);

#ifdef __aarch64__
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "ignore_loglevel");

  /* This option turns off the EFI RTC device.  QEMU VMs don't
   * currently provide EFI, and if the device is compiled in it
   * will try to call the EFI function GetTime unconditionally
   * (causing a call to NULL).  However this option requires a
   * non-upstream patch.
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "efi-rtc=noprobe");

  /* RHBZ#1404287 */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "edd=off");

  /* For slow systems (RHBZ#480319, RHBZ#1096579). */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "udevtimeout=6000");

  /* Same as above, for newer udevd. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "udev.event-timeout=6000");

  /* Fix for RHBZ#502058. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "no_timer_check");

  if (tcg) {
    const int lpj = guestfs_int_get_lpj (g);
    if (lpj > 0)
      guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &argv, "lpj=%d", lpj);

  /* Display timestamp before kernel messages. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "printk.time=1");

  /* Saves us about 5 MB of RAM. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "cgroup_disable=memory");

  /* Disable USB, only saves about 1ms. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "usbcore.nousb");

  /* Disable crypto tests, saves 28ms. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "cryptomgr.notests");

  /* Don't synch TSCs when using SMP.  Saves 21ms for each secondary vCPU. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "tsc=reliable");

  /* Don't scan all 8250 UARTS. */
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "8250.nr_uarts=1");

  /* Tell supermin about the appliance device. */
  if (appliance_dev)
    guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &argv, "root=%s", appliance_dev);

  /* SELinux - deprecated setting, never worked and should not be enabled. */
  if (g->selinux)
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "selinux=1 enforcing=0");
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "selinux=0");

  /* Quiet/verbose. */
  if (g->verbose)
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "guestfs_verbose=1");
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "quiet");

  /* Network. */
  if (g->enable_network)
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "guestfs_network=1");

  /* TERM environment variable. */
  if (term && valid_term (term))
    guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &argv, "TERM=%s", term);
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, "TERM=linux");

  /* Handle identifier. */
  if (STRNEQ (g->identifier, ""))
    guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &argv, "guestfs_identifier=%s", g->identifier);

  /* Append extra arguments. */
  if (g->append)
    guestfs_int_add_string (g, &argv, g->append);

  guestfs_int_end_stringsbuf (g, &argv);

  /* Caller frees. */
  ret = guestfs_int_join_strings (" ", argv.argv);
  if (ret == NULL)
    g->abort_cb ();
  return ret;
Example #2
 * Construct the Linux command line passed to the appliance.  This is
 * used by the C<direct> and C<libvirt> backends, and is simply
 * located in this file because it's a convenient place for this
 * common code.
 * The C<appliance_dev> parameter must be the full device name of the
 * appliance disk and must have already been adjusted to take into
 * account virtio-blk or virtio-scsi; eg C</dev/sdb>.
 * The C<flags> parameter can contain the following flags logically
 * or'd together (or 0):
 * =over 4
 * If we are launching a qemu TCG guest (ie. KVM is known to be
 * disabled or unavailable).  If you don't know, don't pass this flag.
 * =back
 * Note that this function returns a newly allocated buffer which must
 * be freed by the caller.
char *
guestfs_int_appliance_command_line (guestfs_h *g, const char *appliance_dev,
				    int flags)
  char root[64] = "";
  char *term = getenv ("TERM");
  char *ret;
  bool tcg = flags & APPLIANCE_COMMAND_LINE_IS_TCG;
  char lpj_s[64] = "";

  if (appliance_dev)
    snprintf (root, sizeof root, " root=%s", appliance_dev);

  if (tcg) {
    int lpj = guestfs_int_get_lpj (g);
    if (lpj > 0)
      snprintf (lpj_s, sizeof lpj_s, " lpj=%d", lpj);

  ret = safe_asprintf
     "panic=1"             /* force kernel to panic if daemon exits */
#ifdef __arm__
     " mem=%dM"
#ifdef __i386__
     " noapic"                  /* workaround for RHBZ#857026 */
     " " SERIAL_CONSOLE         /* serial console */
     EARLYPRINTK                /* get messages from early boot */
#ifdef __aarch64__
     " ignore_loglevel"
     /* This option turns off the EFI RTC device.  QEMU VMs don't
      * currently provide EFI, and if the device is compiled in it
      * will try to call the EFI function GetTime unconditionally
      * (causing a call to NULL).  However this option requires a
      * non-upstream patch.
     " efi-rtc=noprobe"
     " udevtimeout=6000"/* for slow systems (RHBZ#480319, RHBZ#1096579) */
     " udev.event-timeout=6000" /* for newer udevd */
     " no_timer_check"  /* fix for RHBZ#502058 */
     "%s"               /* lpj */
     " printk.time=1"   /* display timestamp before kernel messages */
     " cgroup_disable=memory"   /* saves us about 5 MB of RAM */
     " usbcore.nousb"           /* disable USB, only saves about 1ms */
     " cryptomgr.notests"       /* disable crypto tests, saves 28ms */
     " tsc=reliable"            /* don't synch TSCs when using SMP,
                                   saves 21ms for each secondary vCPU */
     " 8250.nr_uarts=1"         /* don't scan all 8250 UARTS */
     "%s"                       /* root=appliance_dev */
     " %s"                      /* selinux */
     " %s"                      /* quiet/verbose */
     "%s"                       /* network */
     " TERM=%s"                 /* TERM environment variable */
     "%s%s"                     /* handle identifier */
     "%s%s",                    /* append */
#ifdef __arm__
     g->selinux ? "selinux=1 enforcing=0" : "selinux=0",
     g->verbose ? "guestfs_verbose=1" : "quiet",
     g->enable_network ? " guestfs_network=1" : "",
     term ? term : "linux",
     STRNEQ (g->identifier, "") ? " guestfs_identifier=" : "",
     g->append ? " " : "", g->append ? g->append : "");

  return ret;