Example #1
bool Animation::loadFile(Agent_Gender::List gender)
	m_file = m_data->getFile(gender);
	std::string filename(m_file->getFilename());

	int resource = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Animation, m_file->getFilename(), 0 );
		// if the resource is already loaded, we'll create a duplicate for this animation to use
		resource = h3dCloneResource(resource, 0);
		return true;

	//find animation path
	std::string path = h3dutGetResourcePath(H3DResTypes::Animation);		
	if ( path.size() > 0 && path[path.size()-1] != '\\' && path[path.size()-1] != '/' )
		path += '/';

	//Open file
	std::ifstream inf( (path + filename).c_str(), std::ios::binary );
	if( inf ) // Resource file found
		// Find size of resource file
		inf.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
		const int size = inf.tellg();
		// Copy resource file to memory
		char *data = new char[size + 1];
		inf.seekg( 0 );
		inf.read( data, size );
		// Null-terminate buffer - this is important for XML parsers 
		data[size] = '\0';		
		// Load Resource
		h3dLoadResource( resource, data, size );

		delete[] data;
		data = 0;

		return true;
		//file not found
		GameLog::errorMessage( "Animation %s failed to load - file not found", m_file->getFilename() );
		return false;
void QModelNode::addRepresentation()
	m_resourceID = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Geometry, qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("geometry")), 0);

	// Load resource immediately since a later call to loadResourceFromDisk results in a bad behaviour of the Horde3D engine
	QString resourceName = h3dutGetResourcePath(H3DResTypes::Geometry);
	if( !resourceName.isEmpty() && !resourceName.endsWith('/') && !resourceName.endsWith('\\'))
		resourceName += '/';
	resourceName += geometry();

	QFile file(QFileInfo(resourceName).absoluteFilePath());
	if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
		qWarning("Error opening resource %s (%s)", qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("geometry")), qPrintable( QFileInfo(resourceName).absoluteFilePath() ));
	// Stupid return value, if false it can also be the case that the resource was loaded before instead of that their was an error
	h3dLoadResource(m_resourceID, file.readAll().constData(), file.size());

	QSceneNode* parentNode = static_cast<QSceneNode*>(parent());
	unsigned int rootID = parentNode ? parentNode->hordeId() : H3DRootNode;

	m_hordeID = h3dAddModelNode(rootID, qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("name", "ATTENTION No Node Name")), m_resourceID);
	float x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz;
	h3dSetNodeTransform(m_hordeID, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz);
	h3dSetNodeParamI(m_hordeID, H3DModel::SWSkinningI, softwareSkinning());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DModel::LodDist1F, 0, lodDist1());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DModel::LodDist2F, 0, lodDist2());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DModel::LodDist3F, 0, lodDist3());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DModel::LodDist4F, 0, lodDist4());

	// Attachment
	QDomElement attachment = m_xmlNode.firstChildElement("Attachment");	
	SceneTreeModel* model = static_cast<SceneTreeModel*>(m_model);
	AttachmentPlugIn* plugIn = model->nodeFactory()->attachmentPlugIn();
	if (!attachment.isNull() &&  plugIn != 0)
void QEmitterNode::addRepresentation()
	m_matResource = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Material, qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("material")), 0);

	// Load resource immediately since a later call to loadResourceFromDisk results in a bad behaviour of the Horde3D engine
	QString resourceName = h3dutGetResourcePath(H3DResTypes::Material);
	if( !resourceName.isEmpty() && !resourceName.endsWith('/') && !resourceName.endsWith('\\') )
		resourceName += '/';
	resourceName += m_xmlNode.attribute("material");

	QFile matFile(QFileInfo(resourceName).absoluteFilePath());
	if (!matFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
		qWarning("Error opening resource %s", qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("material")));

	// Stupid return value, if false it can also be the case that the resource was loaded before instead of that their was an error

	h3dLoadResource(m_matResource, matFile.readAll().append('\0').constData(), matFile.size() + 1);

	m_effectResource = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::ParticleEffect, qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("particleEffect")), 0);

	// Load resource immediately since a later call to loadResourceFromDisk results in a bad behaviour of the Horde3D engine
	resourceName = h3dutGetResourcePath(H3DResTypes::ParticleEffect);
	if (!resourceName.isEmpty() && !resourceName.endsWith('/') && !resourceName.endsWith('\\'))
		resourceName += '/';
	resourceName += m_xmlNode.attribute("particleEffect");

	QFile effectFile(QFileInfo(resourceName).absoluteFilePath());
	if (!effectFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
		qWarning("Error opening resource %s", qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("particleEffect")));

	// Stupid return value, if false it can also be the case that the resource was loaded before instead of that their was an error
	h3dLoadResource(m_effectResource, effectFile.readAll().append('\0').constData(), effectFile.size()+1);

	QSceneNode* parentNode = static_cast<QSceneNode*>(parent());
	unsigned int rootID = parentNode ? parentNode->hordeId() : H3DRootNode;

	m_hordeID = h3dAddEmitterNode(
		qPrintable(m_xmlNode.attribute("name", "ATTENTION No Node Name")), 

	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::ForceF3, 0, m_xmlNode.attribute("forceX", "0.0").toFloat());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::ForceF3, 1, m_xmlNode.attribute("forceY", "0.0").toFloat());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::ForceF3, 2, m_xmlNode.attribute("forceZ", "0.0").toFloat());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::DelayF, 0, m_xmlNode.attribute("delay", "0.0").toFloat());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::SpreadAngleF, 0, m_xmlNode.attribute("spreadAngle", "0.0").toFloat());
	h3dSetNodeParamF(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::EmissionRateF, 0, m_xmlNode.attribute("emissionRate", "0.0").toFloat());

	// load transformation from file...
	float x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz;
	// ...and update scene representation
	h3dSetNodeTransform(m_hordeID, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz);
	// Attachment
	QDomElement attachment = m_xmlNode.firstChildElement("Attachment");	
	SceneTreeModel* model = static_cast<SceneTreeModel*>(m_model);
	AttachmentPlugIn* plugIn = model->nodeFactory()->attachmentPlugIn();
	if (!attachment.isNull() &&  plugIn != 0)
