Example #1
 * Returns true if a move is legal for the given side; false otherwise.
bool Board::checkMove(Move *m, Side side) {
    // Passing is only legal if you have no moves.
    if (m == NULL) return !hasMoves(side);

    int X = m->getX();
    int Y = m->getY();

    // Make sure the square hasn't already been taken.
    if (occupied(X, Y)) return false;

    Side other = (side == BLACK) ? WHITE : BLACK;
    for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
        for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
            if (dy == 0 && dx == 0) continue;

            // Is there a capture in that direction?
            int x = X + dx;
            int y = Y + dy;
            if (onBoard(x, y) && get(other, x, y)) {
                do {
                    x += dx;
                    y += dy;
                } while (onBoard(x, y) && get(other, x, y));

                if (onBoard(x, y) && get(side, x, y)) return true;
    return false;
Example #2
Result game(int seed) {
    Result result = {LOSE, 0};
    Block blocks[size*size];
    int blocksLeft = 0;
    resetGame(blocks, &blocksLeft, &result);
    int index = 0;
    int spawn = FALSE;
    int quit = FALSE;
    while (!quit) {
        if (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_UP)) {
            if (moveBlocks(blocks, UP, &result.score, &blocksLeft, &result.outcome) && blocksLeft) {
                spawn = TRUE;
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_UP));
        if (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_DOWN)) {
            if (moveBlocks(blocks, DOWN, &result.score, &blocksLeft, &result.outcome) && blocksLeft) {
                spawn = TRUE;
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_DOWN));
        if (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_LEFT)) {
            if (moveBlocks(blocks, LEFT, &result.score, &blocksLeft, &result.outcome) && blocksLeft) {
                spawn = TRUE;
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_LEFT));
            if (moveBlocks(blocks, RIGHT, &result.score, &blocksLeft, &result.outcome) && blocksLeft) {
                spawn = TRUE;
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_RIGHT));
        if (spawn) {
            index = spawnBlock(blocks, blocksLeft--);
            result.score += 1<<blocks[index].num;
            drawBlock(blocks, index);
            quit = !hasMoves(blocks);
            spawn = FALSE;
        if (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_B)) {
            quit = TRUE;
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_B));
            resetGame(blocks, &blocksLeft, &result);
            while (KEY_DOWN_NOW(BUTTON_SELECT));
    //put a while loop here to check if game ends properly
    return result;
Example #3
/*Evaluation Function for Board*/
int scoreBoard(Game *game, Color uCol, int depth) {
    int i, j;
    int count = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++) {
            if (!isEmpty(game->board[i][j])) {
                count += scoreChar(game->board[i][j], uCol);
    if (depth % 2 == 0 && !hasMoves(game, uCol)) {
        if (canKillKing(game, oppositeCol(uCol))) return -MATE_SCORE;
        else return -TIE_SCORE;
    if (depth % 2 == 1 && !hasMoves(game, oppositeCol(uCol))) {
        if (canKillKing(game, uCol)) return MATE_SCORE;
        else return TIE_SCORE;
    return count;
Example #4
 * Returns true if the game is finished; false otherwise. The game is finished
 * if neither side has a legal move.
bool Board::isDone() {
    return !(hasMoves(BLACK) || hasMoves(WHITE));
Example #5
/*Determing whether Game is ongoing, Mate or Tie*/
int gameOver(Game *game, Color col){
	if (hasMoves(game, col)) return GAME_CONTINUE;
	if (canKillKing(game, oppositeCol(col))) return GAME_MATE;
	else return GAME_TIE;