Example #1
 * Creates a new game according to the settings the user made.
 * @param factory Player factory to use to create the players.
 * @return New game.
QSharedPointer< ::Game::Game> NewGame::createGame(::Game::Players::Factory& factory) const
	QSharedPointer< ::GameLogic::FourInALine::Game> fourInALine;
	QSharedPointer< ::Game::Game> game;
	auto firstPlayer = this->createFirstPlayer(factory);
	auto secondPlayer = this->createSecondPlayer(factory);
	auto boardConfigurationWidget = this->gameSetupWidget->getBoardConfigurationWidget();
	auto timeLimitConfigurationWidget = this->gameSetupWidget->getTimeLimitConfigurationWidget();
	auto gameConfigurationWidget = this->gameSetupWidget->getGameConfigurationWidget();

	unsigned int nRows = boardConfigurationWidget->getNumberOfRows();
	unsigned int nColumns = boardConfigurationWidget->getNumberOfColumns();
	unsigned int firstMove = gameConfigurationWidget->getFirstMove();

	fourInALine.reset(new ::GameLogic::FourInALine::Game(nRows, nColumns, firstMove));

	if (timeLimitConfigurationWidget->hasTimeLimit())

	game = QSharedPointer< ::Game::Game>(new ::Game::Game(fourInALine, firstPlayer, secondPlayer));
	game->setAllowHint(gameConfigurationWidget->isAllowHintEnabled() &&
	game->setAllowUndo(gameConfigurationWidget->isAllowUndoEnabled() &&
	game->setSaveHighscore(gameConfigurationWidget->isSaveHighscoreEnabled() &&

	return game;
Example #2
void Watchdog::enteredVM()
    m_hasEnteredVM = true;
    if (hasTimeLimit()) {
        LockHolder locker(m_lock);
        startTimer(locker, m_timeLimit);
Example #3
bool Watchdog::didFireSlow(ExecState* exec)
        LockHolder locker(m_lock);

        m_timerDidFire = false;

        if (currentWallClockTime() < m_wallClockDeadline)
            return false; // Just a stale timer firing. Nothing to do.

        // Set m_wallClockDeadline to noTimeLimit here so that we can reject all future
        // spurious wakes.
        m_wallClockDeadline = noTimeLimit;

        auto cpuTime = currentCPUTime();
        if (cpuTime < m_cpuDeadline) {
            auto remainingCPUTime = m_cpuDeadline - cpuTime;
            startTimer(locker, remainingCPUTime);
            return false;

    // Note: we should not be holding the lock while calling the callbacks. The callbacks may
    // call setTimeLimit() which will try to lock as well.

    // If m_callback is not set, then we terminate by default.
    // Else, we let m_callback decide if we should terminate or not.
    bool needsTermination = !m_callback
                            || m_callback(exec, m_callbackData1, m_callbackData2);
    if (needsTermination)
        return true;

        LockHolder locker(m_lock);

        // If we get here, then the callback above did not want to terminate execution. As a
        // result, the callback may have done one of the following:
        //   1. cleared the time limit (i.e. watchdog is disabled),
        //   2. set a new time limit via Watchdog::setTimeLimit(), or
        //   3. did nothing (i.e. allow another cycle of the current time limit).
        // In the case of 1, we don't have to do anything.
        // In the case of 2, Watchdog::setTimeLimit() would already have started the timer.
        // In the case of 3, we need to re-start the timer here.

        bool callbackAlreadyStartedTimer = (m_cpuDeadline != noTimeLimit);
        if (hasTimeLimit() && !callbackAlreadyStartedTimer)
            startTimer(locker, m_timeLimit);
    return false;
Example #4
void Watchdog::setTimeLimit(std::chrono::microseconds limit,
                            ShouldTerminateCallback callback, void* data1, void* data2)
    LockHolder locker(m_lock);

    m_timeLimit = limit;
    m_callback = callback;
    m_callbackData1 = data1;
    m_callbackData2 = data2;

    if (m_hasEnteredVM && hasTimeLimit())
        startTimer(locker, m_timeLimit);
Example #5
void Watchdog::startTimer(LockHolder&, std::chrono::microseconds timeLimit)
    ASSERT(timeLimit <= m_timeLimit);

    m_cpuDeadline = currentCPUTime() + timeLimit;
    auto wallClockTime = currentWallClockTime();
    auto wallClockDeadline = wallClockTime + timeLimit;

    if ((wallClockTime < m_wallClockDeadline)
            && (m_wallClockDeadline <= wallClockDeadline))
        return; // Wait for the current active timer to expire before starting a new one.

    // Else, the current active timer won't fire soon enough. So, start a new timer.
    this->ref(); // m_timerHandler will deref to match later.
    m_wallClockDeadline = wallClockDeadline;

    m_timerQueue->dispatchAfter(std::chrono::nanoseconds(timeLimit), m_timerHandler);