Example #1
File: proc.c Project: Lembed/uTLS
/* Decode string %xx -> char (in place) */
static void urldecode(char *buf)
    int v;
    char *p, *s, *w;

    w = p = buf;

    while (*p) {
        v = 0;

        if (*p == '%') {
            s = p;

            if (isxdigit((int) s[0]) && isxdigit((int) s[1])) {
                v = hexit(s[0]) * 16 + hexit(s[1]);

                if (v) {
                    /* do not decode %00 to null char */
                    *w = (char)v;
                    p = &s[1];


        if (!v) *w = *p;

    *w = '\0';
 * ccn_append_uri_component:
 * This takes as input the escaped URI component at s and appends it
 * to c.  This does not do any ccnb-related stuff.
 * Processing stops at an error or if an unescaped nul, '/', '?', or '#' is found.
 * A component that consists solely of dots gets special treatment to reverse
 * the addition of ... by ccn_uri_append_percentescaped.  Since '.' is an unreserved
 * character, percent-encoding is not supposed to change meaning and hence
 * the dot processing happens after percent-encoding is removed.
 * A positive return value indicates there were unescaped reserved or
 * non-printable characters found.  This might warrant some extra checking
 * by the caller.
 * A return value of -1 indicates the component was "..", so the caller
 * will need to do something extra to handle this as appropriate.
 * A return value of -2 indicates the component was empty or ".", so the caller
 * should do nothing with it.
 * A return value of -3 indicates a bad %-escaped sequence.
 * If cont is not NULL, *cont is set to the number of input characters processed.
ccn_append_uri_component(struct ccn_charbuf *c, const char *s, size_t limit, size_t *cont)
    size_t start = c->length;
    size_t i;
    int err = 0;
    int d1, d2;
    unsigned char ch;
    for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
        ch = s[i];
        switch (ch) {
            case 0:
            case '/':
            case '?':
            case '#':
                limit = i;
            case '%':
                if (i + 3 > limit || (d1 = hexit(s[i+1])) < 0 ||
                                     (d2 = hexit(s[i+2])) < 0   ) {
                ch = d1 * 16 + d2;
                i += 2;
                ccn_charbuf_append(c, &ch, 1);
            case ':': case '[': case ']': case '@':
            case '!': case '$': case '&': case '\'': case '(': case ')':
            case '*': case '+': case ',': case ';': case '=':
                /* FALLTHROUGH */
                if (ch <= ' ' || ch > '~')
                ccn_charbuf_append(c, &ch, 1);
    for (i = start; i < c->length && c->buf[i] == '.'; i++)
    if (i == c->length) {
        /* all dots */
        i -= start;
        if (i <= 1) {
            c->length = start;
            err = -2;
        else if (i == 2) {
            c->length = start;
            err = -1;
            c->length -= 3;
    if (cont != NULL)
        *cont = limit;
Example #3
/* Copies and decodes a string.  It's ok for from and to to be the
** same string.
static void strdecode( char* to, char* from ) {
	for ( ; *from != '\0'; ++to, ++from ) {
		if ( from[0] == '%' && isxdigit( from[1] ) && isxdigit( from[2] ) ) {
			*to = hexit( from[1] ) * 16 + hexit( from[2] );
			from += 2;
		} else
			*to = *from;
	*to = '\0';
Example #4
static void decode_url(struct http_request *req, int8 *url)
	int8 *cp = url;
	int8 *to = url;

	req->path = url;

	for (; *cp != '\0'; ++to, ++cp) {
		if (cp[0] == '%' && isxdigit(cp[1]) && isxdigit(cp[2])) {
			*to = (hexit(cp[1]) << 4) | hexit(cp[2]);
			cp += 2;
		} else if (cp[0] == '?') {
			*to = '\0';
			req->query = cp + 1;
		} else {
			*to = *cp;

	*to = '\0';
Example #5
int main(
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    char *b;
    char *c;
    char **p;
    char *d;
    char *e;
    char *ee;
    int did;
    int fd = 0;
    int offset;
    int lth;
    int count;
    int little;
    long start;
    long pos;
    long left;
    union {
        short x;
        char y[2];
    } end_test;


    end_test.x = 1;
    little = (end_test.y[0] > 0);
    for (c = obuf; c < &obuf[66]; *c++ = ' ');
    *c++ = '\n';
    for (p = &argv[1], pos = left = 0; *p; p++)
        b = &(c = *p)[1];
        if (*c == '-')
            if (*b == 'a' || *b == 'A')
                if (aflag)
                aflag = (*b == 'a') ? 1 : -1;
            else if (*b == 'l')
                little = 1;
            else if (*b == 'b')
                little = 0;
                pos = -getd(&b, 0);
        else if (*c == '+')
            pos = getd(&b, 0);
        else if (is_numeric(c))
            left = getd(&c, 0);
            fname = c;
    if (fname && (fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
    if (aflag)
        dump_asn1(fd, pos);
    if (pos < 0)
        start = lseek(fd, 0L, 2);
        start = 0;
    lseek(fd, ((start + pos) & ~(BSIZE - 1)), 0);
    c = &ibuf[((pos += start) & (BSIZE - 1))];
    if (!left)
        left = 1000000000;
    left += (c - ibuf);
    did = 16 - (offset = pos & 0xF);
    for (; left; c = ibuf)
        for (lth = 0;
             (count =
              read(fd, &ibuf[lth],
                   (int)((left > BSIZE - lth) ? BSIZE - lth : left)));
             lth += count);
        if (!lth)
        if (c > ibuf)
            lth -= (c - ibuf);
            left -= (c - ibuf);
        if (lth > left)
            lth = left;
        for (e = &c[lth]; c < e && left;)       /* each input block */
            if (!little)
                for (; lth > 0;)        /* each output line */
                    for (*(b = &obuf[5]) = '0', start = pos; start;
                         start >>= 4)
                        *b-- = hex[start & 0xF];
                    b = &obuf[8];
                    d = &obuf[50];
                    if (offset)
                        b += (2 * offset + (offset / 2));
                        d += offset;
                        if (offset & 1)
                            b = hexit(b, *c);
                            *d++ = *c++;
                            *b++ = ' ';
                        offset = 0;
                    for (ee = &c[lth]; d < &obuf[66] && c < ee;)
                        b = hexit(b, *c);
                        *d++ = *c++;
                        if (c >= ee)
                        b = hexit(b, *c);
                        *d++ = *c++;
                        *b++ = ' ';
                    while (b < &obuf[50])
                        *b++ = ' ';
                    for (b = &obuf[50]; b < d; b++)
                        if (*b < ' ' || (unsigned char)*b > '~')
                            *b = '.';
                    while (d < &obuf[66])
                        *d++ = ' ';
                    if (write(1, obuf, 67) != 67)
                    pos += did;
                    lth -= did;
                    left -= did;
                    did = (left > 16) ? 16 : left;
                for (; lth > 0;)        /* each output line */
                    for (*(b = &obuf[47]) = '0', start = pos; start;
                         start >>= 4)
                        *b-- = hex[start & 0xF];
                    b = &obuf[38];
                    d = &obuf[50];
                    if (offset)
                        b -= (2 * offset + (offset / 2));
                        d += offset;
                        if (offset & 1)
                            b = &hexit(b, *c)[-4];
                            *d++ = *c++;
                        offset = 0;
                    for (ee = &c[lth]; d < &obuf[66] && c < ee;)
                        *b-- = ' ';
                        b = &hexit(b, *c)[-4];
                        *d++ = *c++;
                        if (c >= ee)
                        b = &hexit(b, *c)[-4];
                        *d++ = *c++;
                    if (b > obuf)
                        b[1] = ' ';
                    while (b >= obuf)
                        *b-- = ' ';
                    for (b = &obuf[50]; b < d; b++)
                        if (*b < ' ' || (unsigned char)*b > '~')
                            *b = '.';
                    while (d < &obuf[66])
                        *d++ = ' ';
                    if (write(1, obuf, 67) != 67)
                    pos += did;
                    lth -= did;
                    left -= did;
                    did = (left > 16) ? 16 : left;