static Cfg *init_bearerbox(Cfg *cfg) { CfgGroup *grp; Octstr *log, *val; long loglevel, store_dump_freq, value; int lf, m; #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL Octstr *ssl_server_cert_file; Octstr *ssl_server_key_file; int ssl_enabled = 0; #endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */ Octstr *http_proxy_host = NULL; long http_proxy_port = -1; int http_proxy_ssl = 0; List *http_proxy_exceptions = NULL; Octstr *http_proxy_username = NULL; Octstr *http_proxy_password = NULL; Octstr *http_proxy_exceptions_regex = NULL; /* defaults: use localtime and markers for access-log */ lf = m = 1; grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("core")); log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("log-file")); if (log != NULL) { if (cfg_get_integer(&loglevel, grp, octstr_imm("log-level")) == -1) loglevel = 0; log_open(octstr_get_cstr(log), loglevel, GW_NON_EXCL); octstr_destroy(log); } if ((val = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("syslog-level"))) != NULL) { long level; Octstr *facility; if ((facility = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("syslog-facility"))) != NULL) { log_set_syslog_facility(octstr_get_cstr(facility)); octstr_destroy(facility); } if (octstr_compare(val, octstr_imm("none")) == 0) { log_set_syslog(NULL, 0); } else if (octstr_parse_long(&level, val, 0, 10) > 0) { log_set_syslog("bearerbox", level); } octstr_destroy(val); } else { log_set_syslog(NULL, 0); } if (check_config(cfg) == -1) panic(0, "Cannot start with corrupted configuration"); /* determine which timezone we use for access logging */ if ((log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("access-log-time"))) != NULL) { lf = (octstr_case_compare(log, octstr_imm("gmt")) == 0) ? 0 : 1; octstr_destroy(log); } /* should predefined markers be used, ie. prefixing timestamp */ cfg_get_bool(&m, grp, octstr_imm("access-log-clean")); /* custom access-log format */ if ((log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("access-log-format"))) != NULL) { bb_alog_init(log); octstr_destroy(log); } /* open access-log file */ if ((log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("access-log"))) != NULL) { alog_open(octstr_get_cstr(log), lf, m ? 0 : 1); octstr_destroy(log); } if (cfg_get_integer(&store_dump_freq, grp, octstr_imm("store-dump-freq")) == -1) store_dump_freq = -1; log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("store-file")); /* initialize the store file */ if (log != NULL) { warning(0, "'store-file' option deprecated, please use 'store-location' and 'store-type' instead."); val = octstr_create("file"); } else { log = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("store-location")); val = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("store-type")); } if (store_init(val, log, store_dump_freq, msg_pack, msg_unpack_wrapper) == -1) panic(0, "Could not start with store init failed."); octstr_destroy(val); octstr_destroy(log); cfg_get_integer(&http_proxy_port, grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-port")); #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL cfg_get_bool(&http_proxy_ssl, grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-ssl")); #endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */ http_proxy_host = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-host")); http_proxy_username = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-username")); http_proxy_password = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-password")); http_proxy_exceptions = cfg_get_list(grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-exceptions")); http_proxy_exceptions_regex = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("http-proxy-exceptions-regex")); conn_config_ssl (grp); /* * Make sure we have "ssl-server-cert-file" and "ssl-server-key-file" specified * in the core group since we need it to run SSL-enabled internal box * connections configured via "smsbox-port-ssl = yes" and "wapbox-port-ssl = yes". * Check only these, because for "admin-port-ssl" and "sendsms-port-ssl" for the * SSL-enabled HTTP servers are probed within gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_start() */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL ssl_server_cert_file = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("ssl-server-cert-file")); ssl_server_key_file = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("ssl-server-key-file")); if (ssl_server_cert_file != NULL && ssl_server_key_file != NULL) { /* we are fine, at least files are specified in the configuration */ } else { cfg_get_bool(&ssl_enabled, grp, octstr_imm("smsbox-port-ssl")); cfg_get_bool(&ssl_enabled, grp, octstr_imm("wapbox-port-ssl")); if (ssl_enabled) { panic(0, "You MUST specify cert and key files within core group for SSL-enabled inter-box connections!"); } } octstr_destroy(ssl_server_cert_file); octstr_destroy(ssl_server_key_file); #endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */ /* if all seems to be OK by the first glimpse, real start-up */ outgoing_sms = gwlist_create(); incoming_sms = gwlist_create(); outgoing_wdp = gwlist_create(); incoming_wdp = gwlist_create(); outgoing_sms_counter = counter_create(); incoming_sms_counter = counter_create(); incoming_dlr_counter = counter_create(); outgoing_dlr_counter = counter_create(); outgoing_wdp_counter = counter_create(); incoming_wdp_counter = counter_create(); status_mutex = mutex_create(); outgoing_sms_load = load_create(); /* add 60,300,-1 entries */ load_add_interval(outgoing_sms_load, 60); load_add_interval(outgoing_sms_load, 300); load_add_interval(outgoing_sms_load, -1); incoming_sms_load = load_create(); /* add 60,300,-1 entries */ load_add_interval(incoming_sms_load, 60); load_add_interval(incoming_sms_load, 300); load_add_interval(incoming_sms_load, -1); incoming_dlr_load = load_create(); /* add 60,300,-1 entries to dlr */ load_add_interval(incoming_dlr_load, 60); load_add_interval(incoming_dlr_load, 300); load_add_interval(incoming_dlr_load, -1); outgoing_dlr_load = load_create(); /* add 60,300,-1 entries to dlr */ load_add_interval(outgoing_dlr_load, 60); load_add_interval(outgoing_dlr_load, 300); load_add_interval(outgoing_dlr_load, -1); setup_signal_handlers(); /* http-admin is REQUIRED */ httpadmin_start(cfg); if (cfg_get_integer(&max_incoming_sms_qlength, grp, octstr_imm("maximum-queue-length")) == -1) max_incoming_sms_qlength = -1; else { warning(0, "Option 'maximum-queue-length' is deprecated! Please use" " 'sms-incoming-queue-limit' instead!"); } if (max_incoming_sms_qlength == -1 && cfg_get_integer(&max_incoming_sms_qlength, grp, octstr_imm("sms-incoming-queue-limit")) == -1) max_incoming_sms_qlength = -1; if (cfg_get_integer(&max_outgoing_sms_qlength, grp, octstr_imm("sms-outgoing-queue-limit")) == -1) max_outgoing_sms_qlength = -1; if (max_outgoing_sms_qlength < 0) max_outgoing_sms_qlength = DEFAULT_OUTGOING_SMS_QLENGTH; if (cfg_get_integer(&value, grp, octstr_imm("http-timeout")) == 0) http_set_client_timeout(value); #ifndef NO_SMS { List *list; list = cfg_get_multi_group(cfg, octstr_imm("smsc")); if (list != NULL) { gwlist_destroy(list, NULL); if (start_smsc(cfg) == -1) { panic(0, "Unable to start SMSCs."); return NULL; } } } #endif #ifndef NO_WAP grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("core")); val = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("wdp-interface-name")); if (val != NULL && octstr_len(val) > 0) start_udp(cfg); octstr_destroy(val); if (cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("wapbox")) != NULL) start_wap(cfg); #endif if (http_proxy_host != NULL && http_proxy_port > 0) { http_use_proxy(http_proxy_host, http_proxy_port, http_proxy_ssl, http_proxy_exceptions, http_proxy_username, http_proxy_password, http_proxy_exceptions_regex); } octstr_destroy(http_proxy_host); octstr_destroy(http_proxy_username); octstr_destroy(http_proxy_password); octstr_destroy(http_proxy_exceptions_regex); gwlist_destroy(http_proxy_exceptions, octstr_destroy_item); return cfg; }
static Cfg *init_wapbox(Cfg *cfg) { CfgGroup *grp; Octstr *s; Octstr *logfile; int lf, m; long value; lf = m = 1; cfg_dump(cfg); /* * Extract info from the core group. */ grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("core")); if (grp == NULL) panic(0, "No 'core' group in configuration."); if (cfg_get_integer(&bearerbox_port,grp,octstr_imm("wapbox-port")) == -1) panic(0, "No 'wapbox-port' in core group"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL cfg_get_bool(&bearerbox_ssl, grp, octstr_imm("wapbox-port-ssl")); #endif /* HAVE_LIBSSL */ /* load parameters that could be later reloaded */ config_reload(0); conn_config_ssl(grp); /* * And the rest of the pull info comes from the wapbox group. */ grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("wapbox")); if (grp == NULL) panic(0, "No 'wapbox' group in configuration."); bearerbox_host = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("bearerbox-host")); if (cfg_get_integer(&timer_freq, grp, octstr_imm("timer-freq")) == -1) timer_freq = DEFAULT_TIMER_FREQ; logfile = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("log-file")); if (logfile != NULL) { log_open(octstr_get_cstr(logfile), logfilelevel, GW_NON_EXCL); info(0, "Starting to log to file %s level %ld", octstr_get_cstr(logfile), logfilelevel); } octstr_destroy(logfile); if ((s = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("syslog-level"))) != NULL) { long level; Octstr *facility; if ((facility = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("syslog-facility"))) != NULL) { log_set_syslog_facility(octstr_get_cstr(facility)); octstr_destroy(facility); } if (octstr_compare(s, octstr_imm("none")) == 0) { log_set_syslog(NULL, 0); debug("wap", 0, "syslog parameter is none"); } else if (octstr_parse_long(&level, s, 0, 10) > 0) { log_set_syslog("wapbox", level); debug("wap", 0, "syslog parameter is %ld", level); } octstr_destroy(s); } else { log_set_syslog(NULL, 0); debug("wap", 0, "no syslog parameter"); } /* determine which timezone we use for access logging */ if ((s = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("access-log-time"))) != NULL) { lf = (octstr_case_compare(s, octstr_imm("gmt")) == 0) ? 0 : 1; octstr_destroy(s); } /* should predefined markers be used, ie. prefixing timestamp */ cfg_get_bool(&m, grp, octstr_imm("access-log-clean")); /* open access-log file */ if ((s = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("access-log"))) != NULL) { info(0, "Logging accesses to '%s'.", octstr_get_cstr(s)); alog_open(octstr_get_cstr(s), lf, m ? 0 : 1); octstr_destroy(s); } if (cfg_get_integer(&value, grp, octstr_imm("http-timeout")) == 0) http_set_client_timeout(value); /* configure the 'wtls' group */ #if (HAVE_WTLS_OPENSSL) /* Load up the necessary keys */ grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("wtls")); if (grp != NULL) { if ((s = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("certificate-file"))) != NULL) { if (octstr_compare(s, octstr_imm("none")) == 0) { debug("bbox", 0, "certificate file not set"); } else { /* Load the certificate into the necessary parameter */ get_cert_from_file(s, &x509_cert); gw_assert(x509_cert != NULL); debug("bbox", 0, "certificate parameter is %s", octstr_get_cstr(s)); } octstr_destroy(s); } else panic(0, "No 'certificate-file' in wtls group"); if ((s = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("privatekey-file"))) != NULL) { Octstr *password; password = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("privatekey-password")); if (octstr_compare(s, octstr_imm("none")) == 0) { debug("bbox", 0, "privatekey-file not set"); } else { /* Load the private key into the necessary parameter */ get_privkey_from_file(s, &private_key, password); gw_assert(private_key != NULL); debug("bbox", 0, "certificate parameter is %s", octstr_get_cstr(s)); } if (password != NULL) octstr_destroy(password); octstr_destroy(s); } else panic(0, "No 'privatekey-file' in wtls group"); } #endif /* * Check if we have a 'radius-acct' proxy group and start the * corresponding thread for the proxy. */ grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("radius-acct")); if (grp) { radius_acct_init(grp); } /* * We pass ppg configuration groups to the ppg module. */ grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("ppg")); if (grp == NULL) { cfg_destroy(cfg); return NULL; } return cfg; }