Example #1
int command_list_mounts(client_t *client, int response)
    DEBUG0("List mounts request");

    client_set_queue (client, NULL);
    client->refbuf = refbuf_new (PER_CLIENT_REFBUF_SIZE);
    if (response == TEXT)
        redirector_update (client);

        snprintf (client->refbuf->data, PER_CLIENT_REFBUF_SIZE,
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
        client->refbuf->len = strlen (client->refbuf->data);
        client->respcode = 200;

        if (strcmp (httpp_getvar (client->parser, HTTPP_VAR_URI), "/admin/streams") == 0)
            client->refbuf->next = stats_get_streams (1);
            client->refbuf->next = stats_get_streams (0);
        return fserve_setup_client (client);
        xmlDocPtr doc;
        int show_listeners = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "with_listeners") ? 1 : 0;
        avl_tree_rlock (global.source_tree);
        doc = admin_build_sourcelist (NULL, show_listeners);
        avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree);

        return admin_send_response (doc, client, response, "listmounts.xsl");
Example #2
int fserve_kill_client (client_t *client, const char *mount, int response)
    int loop = 2, id;
    fbinfo finfo;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    const char *idtext, *v = "0";
    char buf[50];

    finfo.flags = 0;
    finfo.mount = (char*)mount;
    finfo.limit = 0;
    finfo.fallback = NULL;

    idtext = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "id");
    if (idtext == NULL)
        return client_send_400 (client, "missing parameter id");

    id = atoi(idtext);

    doc = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
    snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Client %d not found", id);

    avl_tree_rlock (fh_cache);
    while (1)
        avl_node *node;
        fh_node *fh = find_fh (&finfo);
        if (fh)
            thread_mutex_lock (&fh->lock);
            avl_tree_unlock (fh_cache);
            node = avl_get_first (fh->clients);
            while (node)
                client_t *listener = (client_t *)node->key;
                if (listener->connection.id == id)
                    listener->connection.error = 1;
                    snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Client %d removed", id);
                    v = "1";
                    loop = 0;
                node = avl_get_next (node);
            thread_mutex_unlock (&fh->lock);
            avl_tree_rlock (fh_cache);
        if (loop == 0) break;
        if (loop == 1) finfo.flags = FS_FALLBACK;
    avl_tree_unlock (fh_cache);
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR(buf));
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR(v));
    return admin_send_response (doc, client, response, "response.xsl");
Example #3
static int command_require (client_t *client, const char *name, const char **var)
    *var = httpp_get_query_param((client)->parser, (name));
    if (*var == NULL)
        return -1;
    return 0;
Example #4
/* Add listener to the pending lists of either the source or fserve thread. This can be run
 * from the connection or auth thread context. return -1 to indicate that client has been
 * terminated, 0 for receiving content.
static int add_authenticated_listener (const char *mount, mount_proxy *mountinfo, client_t *client)
    int ret = 0;

    if (client->parser->req_type != httpp_req_head)
        client->flags |= CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED;

    /* some win32 setups do not do TCP win scaling well, so allow an override */
    if (mountinfo && mountinfo->so_sndbuf > 0)
        sock_set_send_buffer (client->connection.sock, mountinfo->so_sndbuf);

    /* check whether we are processing a streamlist request for slaves */
    if (strcmp (mount, "/admin/streams") == 0)
        client->flags |= CLIENT_IS_SLAVE;
        if (client->parser->req_type == httpp_req_stats)
            stats_add_listener (client, STATS_SLAVE|STATS_GENERAL);
            return 0;
        mount = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "mount");
        if (mount == NULL)
            command_list_mounts (client, TEXT);
            return 0;
        mountinfo = config_find_mount (config_get_config_unlocked(), mount);

    /* Here we are parsing the URI request to see if the extension is .xsl, if
     * so, then process this request as an XSLT request
    if (util_check_valid_extension (mount) == XSLT_CONTENT)
        /* If the file exists, then transform it, otherwise, write a 404 */
        DEBUG0("Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats");
        return stats_transform_xslt (client, mount);

    ret = source_add_listener (mount, mountinfo, client);

    if (ret == -2)
        if (mountinfo && mountinfo->file_seekable == 0)
            DEBUG1 ("disable seek on file matching %s", mountinfo->mountname);
            httpp_deletevar (client->parser, "range");
            client->flags |= CLIENT_NO_CONTENT_LENGTH;
        ret = fserve_client_create (client, mount);
    return ret;
Example #5
static int command_list_log (client_t *client, int response)
    refbuf_t *content;
    const char *logname = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "log");
    int log = -1;
    ice_config_t *config;

    if (logname == NULL)
        return client_send_400 (client, "No log specified");

    config = config_get_config ();
    if (strcmp (logname, "errorlog") == 0)
        log = config->error_log.logid;
    else if (strcmp (logname, "accesslog") == 0)
        log = config->access_log.logid;
    else if (strcmp (logname, "playlistlog") == 0)
        log = config->playlist_log.logid;

    if (log < 0)
        WARN1 ("request to show unknown log \"%s\"", logname);
        return client_send_400 (client, "unknown");
    content = refbuf_new (0);
    log_contents (log, &content->data, &content->len);

    if (response == XSLT)
        xmlNodePtr xmlnode;
        xmlDocPtr doc;

        doc = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0"));
        xmlnode = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("icestats"), NULL);
        xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, xmlnode);
        xmlNewTextChild (xmlnode, NULL, XMLSTR("log"), XMLSTR(content->data));
        refbuf_release (content);

        return admin_send_response (doc, client, XSLT, "showlog.xsl");
        refbuf_t *http = refbuf_new (100);
        int len = snprintf (http->data, 100, "%s",
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
        http->len = len;
        http->next = content; 
        client->respcode = 200;
        client_set_queue (client, http);
        return fserve_setup_client (client);
Example #6
void stats_transform_xslt(client_t *client, const char *uri)
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    char *xslpath = util_get_path_from_normalised_uri(uri);
    const char *mount = httpp_get_query_param(client->parser, "mount");

    doc = stats_get_xml(0, mount, client->mode);

    xslt_transform(doc, xslpath, client);

Example #7
/* catch all function for admin requests.  If file has xsl extension then
 * transform it using the available stats, else send the XML tree of the
 * stats
static int command_stats (client_t *client, const char *filename)
    admin_response_type response = RAW;
    const char *show_mount = NULL;
    xmlDocPtr doc;

    if (filename)
        if (util_check_valid_extension (filename) == XSLT_CONTENT)
            response = XSLT;

    show_mount = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "mount");

    doc = stats_get_xml (STATS_ALL, show_mount);
    return admin_send_response (doc, client, response, filename);
Example #8
int admin_mount_request (client_t *client, const char *uri)
    source_t *source;
    const char *mount = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "mount");

    struct admin_command *cmd = find_admin_command (admin_mount, uri);

    if (cmd == NULL)
        return command_stats (client, uri);

    if (cmd == NULL || cmd->handle.source == NULL)
        INFO0("mount request not recognised");
        return client_send_400 (client, "unknown request");

    source = source_find_mount_raw(mount);

    if (source == NULL)
        if (strncmp (cmd->request, "stats", 5) == 0)
            return command_stats (client, uri);
        if (strncmp (cmd->request, "listclients", 11) == 0)
            return fserve_list_clients (client, mount, cmd->response, 1);
        if (strncmp (cmd->request, "killclient", 10) == 0)
            return fserve_kill_client (client, mount, cmd->response);
        WARN1("Admin command on non-existent source %s", mount);
        return client_send_400 (client, "Source does not exist");
        int ret = 0;
        thread_mutex_lock (&source->lock);
        if (source_available (source) == 0)
            thread_mutex_unlock (&source->lock);
            avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree);
            INFO1("Received admin command on unavailable mount \"%s\"", mount);
            return client_send_400 (client, "Source is not available");
        ret = cmd->handle.source (client, source, cmd->response);
        return ret;
Example #9
int stats_transform_xslt (client_t *client, const char *uri)
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    char *xslpath = util_get_path_from_normalised_uri (uri, 0);
    const char *mount = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "mount");
    int ret;

    if (mount == NULL && client->server_conn->shoutcast_mount && strcmp (uri, "/7.xsl") == 0)
        mount = client->server_conn->shoutcast_mount;

    doc = stats_get_xml (STATS_PUBLIC, mount);

    ret = xslt_transform (doc, xslpath, client);

    free (xslpath);
    return ret;
Example #10
void httpp_set_query_param(http_parser_t *parser, const char *name, const char *value)
    http_var_t *var;

    if (name == NULL || value == NULL)

    var = (http_var_t *)amalloc(sizeof(http_var_t));

    var->name = strdup(name);
    var->value = url_escape(value);

    if (httpp_get_query_param(parser, name) == NULL) {
        avl_insert(parser->queryvars, (void *)var);
    } else {
        avl_delete(parser->queryvars, (void *)var, _free_vars);
        avl_insert(parser->queryvars, (void *)var);
static int get_image (client_t *client, struct _format_plugin_tag *format)
    const char *serialp = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "serial");
    ogg_state_t *ogg_info = format->_state;
    ogg_codec_t *codec = ogg_info->codecs;
    long serial;

    if (serialp)
        serial = atoll (serialp);
    while (codec)
        if (serialp == NULL || serial == codec->os.serialno)
            int ret = 0;
            if (codec->get_image)
                ret = codec->get_image (client, codec);
            return ret;
        codec = codec->next;
    return 0;
Example #12
static int command_reset_stats (client_t *client, source_t *source, int response)
    const char *msg = "Failed to reset values";
    const char *name = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "setting");
    int all = 0, ok = 0;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;

    if (name == NULL)
        all = 1;
    if (all || strstr (name, "peak"))
        source->peak_listeners = source->listeners;
        source->prev_listeners = source->peak_listeners+1;
        ok = 1;
    if (all || strstr (name, "read"))
        if (source->format)
            source->format->read_bytes = 0;
            ok = 1;
    if (all || strstr (name, "sent"))
        if (source->format)
            source->format->sent_bytes = 0;
            ok = 1;

    if (ok)
        msg = "have reset settings";
    doc = xmlNewDoc(XMLSTR("1.0"));
    node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XMLSTR("iceresponse"), NULL);
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("message"), XMLSTR(msg));
    xmlNewChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR("return"), XMLSTR("1"));
    return admin_send_response (doc, client, response, "response.xsl");
Example #13
File: admin.c Project: krattai/AEBL
void admin_handle_request(client_t *client, const char *uri)
    const char *mount, *command_string;
    int command;

    DEBUG1("Admin request (%s)", uri);
    if (!((strcmp(uri, "/admin.cgi") == 0) ||
         (strncmp("/admin/", uri, 7) == 0))) {
        ERROR0("Internal error: admin request isn't");

    if (strcmp(uri, "/admin.cgi") == 0) {
        command_string = uri + 1;
    else {
        command_string = uri + 7;

    DEBUG1("Got command (%s)", command_string);
    command = admin_get_command(command_string);

    if(command < 0) {
        ERROR1("Error parsing command string or unrecognised command: %s",
        client_send_400(client, "Unrecognised command");


        ice_config_t *config;
        const char *sc_mount;
        const char *pass = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "pass");
        listener_t *listener;

        if (pass == NULL)
            client_send_400 (client, "missing pass parameter");
        config = config_get_config ();
        sc_mount = config->shoutcast_mount;
        listener = config_get_listen_sock (config, client->con);
        if (listener && listener->shoutcast_mount)
            sc_mount = listener->shoutcast_mount;

        httpp_set_query_param (client->parser, "mount", sc_mount);
        httpp_setvar (client->parser, HTTPP_VAR_PROTOCOL, "ICY");
        httpp_setvar (client->parser, HTTPP_VAR_ICYPASSWORD, pass);
        config_release_config ();

    mount = httpp_get_query_param(client->parser, "mount");

    if(mount != NULL) {
        source_t *source;

        /* this request does not require auth but can apply to files on webroot */
        if (command == COMMAND_BUILDM3U)
            command_buildm3u (client, mount);
        /* This is a mount request, handle it as such */
        if (!connection_check_admin_pass(client->parser))
            if (!connection_check_source_pass(client->parser, mount))
                INFO1("Bad or missing password on mount modification admin "
                        "request (command: %s)", command_string);
        source = source_find_mount_raw(mount);

        if (source == NULL)
            WARN2("Admin command %s on non-existent source %s", 
                    command_string, mount);
            client_send_400(client, "Source does not exist");
            if (source->running == 0 && source->on_demand == 0)
                avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree);
                INFO2("Received admin command %s on unavailable mount \"%s\"",
                        command_string, mount);
                client_send_400 (client, "Source is not available");
            if (command == COMMAND_SHOUTCAST_METADATA_UPDATE &&
                    source->shoutcast_compat == 0)
                avl_tree_unlock (global.source_tree);
                ERROR0 ("illegal change of metadata on non-shoutcast "
                        "compatible stream");
                client_send_400 (client, "illegal metadata call");
            INFO2("Received admin command %s on mount \"%s\"", 
                    command_string, mount);
            admin_handle_mount_request(client, source, command);
    else {

        if (command == COMMAND_PLAINTEXT_LISTSTREAM) {
        /* this request is used by a slave relay to retrieve
           mounts from the master, so handle this request
           validating against the relay password */
            if(!connection_check_relay_pass(client->parser)) {
                INFO1("Bad or missing password on admin command "
                      "request (command: %s)", command_string);
        else {
            if(!connection_check_admin_pass(client->parser)) {
                INFO1("Bad or missing password on admin command "
                      "request (command: %s)", command_string);
        admin_handle_general_request(client, command);
Example #14
int format_general_headers (format_plugin_t *plugin, client_t *client)
    unsigned remaining = 4096 - client->refbuf->len;
    char *ptr = client->refbuf->data + client->refbuf->len;
    int bytes = 0;
    int bitrate_filtered = 0;
    avl_node *node;
    ice_config_t *config;
    uint64_t length = 0; 

    /* hack for flash player, it wants a length. */
    if (httpp_getvar (client->parser, "x-flash-version"))
        length = 221183499;
        // flash may not send above header, so check for swf in referer
        const char *referer = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "referer");
        if (referer)
            int len = strcspn (referer, "?");
            if (len >= 4 && strncmp (referer+len-4, ".swf", 4) == 0)
                length = 221183499;

    if (client->respcode == 0)
        const char *useragent = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "user-agent");
        const char *protocol = "HTTP/1.0";
        const char *contenttypehdr = "Content-Type";
        const char *contenttype = plugin->contenttype;
        const char *range = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "range");
        const char *fs = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "__FILESIZE");

        if (useragent)
            const char *resp = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "_hdr");
            int fmtcode = 0;
#define FMT_RETURN_ICY          1
#define FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE      2
#define FMT_FORCE_AAC           4

                if (resp)
                    fmtcode = atoi (resp);
                if (fs) break;  // ignore following settings for files.
                if (strstr (useragent, "shoutcastsource")) /* hack for mpc */
                    fmtcode = FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                if (strstr (useragent, "Windows-Media-Player") || strstr (useragent, "WMFSDK")) /* hack for wmp*/
                    fmtcode = FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                if (strstr (useragent, "RealMedia")) /* hack for rp (mainly mobile) */
                    fmtcode = FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                if (strstr (useragent, "Shoutcast Server")) /* hack for sc_serv */
                    fmtcode = FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE;
                // if (strstr (useragent, "Sonos"))
                //    contenttypehdr = "content-type";
                if (plugin->type == FORMAT_TYPE_AAC && strstr (useragent, "AppleWebKit"))
                    fmtcode |= FMT_FORCE_AAC;
                if (strstr (useragent, "BlackBerry"))
                    fmtcode |= FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                    if (plugin->type == FORMAT_TYPE_AAC)
                        fmtcode |= FMT_FORCE_AAC;
            } while (0);
            if (fmtcode & FMT_RETURN_ICY)
                protocol = "ICY";
            if (fmtcode & FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE)
                contenttypehdr = "content-type";
            if (fmtcode & FMT_FORCE_AAC) // ie for avoiding audio/aacp
                contenttype = "audio/aac";
        if (fs)
            uint64_t pos1 = 0, pos2 = length ? length : 50000000, max = pos2;
            char buf[30];

            sscanf (fs, "%" SCNuMAX, &max);
            if (range)
                if (strncmp (range, "bytes=-", 7) == 0)
                    sscanf (range, "bytes=-%" SCNuMAX, &pos2);
                    pos1 = max-pos2;
                    pos2 = max-1;
                    if (sscanf (range, "bytes=%" SCNuMAX "-%" SCNuMAX, &pos1, &pos2) < 2)
                        pos2 = max-1;
                if (pos2 >= max || pos1 >= pos2)
                    DEBUG2 ("client range invalid (%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ")", pos1, pos2);
                    return -1;
                length = pos2 - pos1 + 1;
                snprintf (buf, 30, "%" PRIu64, length);
                httpp_setvar (client->parser, "__LENGTH", buf);
                client->respcode = 206;
                client->intro_offset = pos1;
                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s 206 Partial Content\r\n"
                        "%s: %s\r\n"
                        "Content-Length: %" PRIu64 "\r\n"
                        "Content-Range: bytes %" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "\r\n",
                        protocol, contenttypehdr,
                        contenttype ? contenttype : "application/octet-stream",
                        pos1, pos2, max);
                client->respcode = 200;
                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s 200 OK\r\n"
                        "Content-Length: %" PRIu64 "\r\n"
                        "%s: %s\r\n", protocol, max, contenttypehdr, contenttype);
            client->respcode = 200;
            bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s 200 OK\r\n"
                    "%s: %s\r\n", protocol, contenttypehdr, contenttype);
        remaining -= bytes;
        ptr += bytes;

    if (plugin && plugin->parser)
        /* iterate through source http headers and send to client */
        avl_tree_rlock (plugin->parser->vars);
        node = avl_get_first (plugin->parser->vars);
        while (node)
            int next = 1;
            http_var_t *var = (http_var_t *)node->key;
            bytes = 0;
            if (!strcasecmp (var->name, "ice-audio-info"))
                /* convert ice-audio-info to icy-br */
                char *brfield = NULL;
                unsigned int bitrate;

                if (bitrate_filtered == 0)
                    brfield = strstr (var->value, "bitrate=");
                if (brfield && sscanf (brfield, "bitrate=%u", &bitrate))
                    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-br:%u\r\n", bitrate);
                    next = 0;
                    bitrate_filtered = 1;
                    /* show ice-audio_info header as well because of relays */
                    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s: %s\r\n", var->name, var->value);
                if (strcasecmp (var->name, "ice-password") &&
                        strcasecmp (var->name, "icy-metaint"))
                    if (!strncasecmp ("ice-", var->name, 4))
                        if (!strcasecmp ("ice-public", var->name))
                            bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-pub:%s\r\n", var->value);
                            if (!strcasecmp ("ice-bitrate", var->name))
                                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-br:%s\r\n", var->value);
                                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy%s:%s\r\n",
                                        var->name + 3, var->value);
                        if (!strncasecmp ("icy-", var->name, 4))
                            bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy%s:%s\r\n",
                                    var->name + 3, var->value);

            remaining -= bytes;
            ptr += bytes;
            if (next)
                node = avl_get_next (node);
        avl_tree_unlock (plugin->parser->vars);

    config = config_get_config();
    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "Server: %s\r\n", config->server_id);
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    /* prevent proxy servers from caching */
    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n"
            "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n");
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "\r\n");
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    client->refbuf->len = 4096 - remaining;
    client->refbuf->flags |= WRITE_BLOCK_GENERIC;
    return 0;
Example #15
int format_general_headers (format_plugin_t *plugin, client_t *client)
    unsigned remaining = 4096 - client->refbuf->len;
    char *ptr = client->refbuf->data + client->refbuf->len;
    int bytes;
    int bitrate_filtered = 0;
    avl_node *node;
    ice_config_t *config;

    if (client->respcode == 0)
        const char *useragent = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "user-agent");
        const char *protocol = "HTTP/1.0";
        const char *contenttypehdr = "Content-Type";
        const char *contenttype = plugin->contenttype;

        if (useragent)
            const char *resp = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "_hdr");
            int fmtcode = 0;
#define FMT_RETURN_ICY          1
#define FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE      2
#define FMT_FORCE_AAC           4

            if (resp)
                fmtcode = atoi (resp);
                if (strstr (useragent, "shoutcastsource")) /* hack for mpc */
                    fmtcode = FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                if (strstr (useragent, "Windows-Media-Player")) /* hack for wmp*/
                    fmtcode = FMT_RETURN_ICY;
                if (strstr (useragent, "Shoutcast Server")) /* hack for sc_serv */
                    fmtcode = FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE;
                // if (strstr (useragent, "Sonos"))
                //    contenttypehdr = "content-type";
                if (plugin->type == FORMAT_TYPE_AAC)
                    if (strstr (useragent, "BlackBerry"))
                        fmtcode = FMT_FORCE_AAC;
            if (fmtcode & FMT_RETURN_ICY)
                protocol = "ICY";
            if (fmtcode & FMT_LOWERCASE_TYPE)
                contenttypehdr = "content-type";
            if (fmtcode & FMT_FORCE_AAC) // ie for avoiding audio/aacp
                contenttype = "audio/aac";
        bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s 200 OK\r\n"
                "%s: %s\r\n", protocol, contenttypehdr, contenttype);
        remaining -= bytes;
        ptr += bytes;
        client->respcode = 200;

    if (plugin->parser)
        /* iterate through source http headers and send to client */
        avl_tree_rlock (plugin->parser->vars);
        node = avl_get_first (plugin->parser->vars);
        while (node)
            int next = 1;
            http_var_t *var = (http_var_t *)node->key;
            bytes = 0;
            if (!strcasecmp (var->name, "ice-audio-info"))
                /* convert ice-audio-info to icy-br */
                char *brfield = NULL;
                unsigned int bitrate;

                if (bitrate_filtered == 0)
                    brfield = strstr (var->value, "bitrate=");
                if (brfield && sscanf (brfield, "bitrate=%u", &bitrate))
                    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-br:%u\r\n", bitrate);
                    next = 0;
                    bitrate_filtered = 1;
                    /* show ice-audio_info header as well because of relays */
                    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "%s: %s\r\n", var->name, var->value);
                if (strcasecmp (var->name, "ice-password") &&
                        strcasecmp (var->name, "icy-metaint"))
                    if (!strncasecmp ("ice-", var->name, 4))
                        if (!strcasecmp ("ice-public", var->name))
                            bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-pub:%s\r\n", var->value);
                            if (!strcasecmp ("ice-bitrate", var->name))
                                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy-br:%s\r\n", var->value);
                                bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy%s:%s\r\n",
                                        var->name + 3, var->value);
                        if (!strncasecmp ("icy-", var->name, 4))
                            bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "icy%s:%s\r\n",
                                    var->name + 3, var->value);

            remaining -= bytes;
            ptr += bytes;
            if (next)
                node = avl_get_next (node);
        avl_tree_unlock (plugin->parser->vars);

    config = config_get_config();
    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "Server: %s\r\n", config->server_id);
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    /* prevent proxy servers from caching */
    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n");
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    bytes = snprintf (ptr, remaining, "\r\n");
    remaining -= bytes;
    ptr += bytes;

    client->refbuf->len = 4096 - remaining;
    client->refbuf->flags |= WRITE_BLOCK_GENERIC;
    return 0;
Example #16
int admin_handle_request (client_t *client, const char *uri)
    const char *mount = httpp_get_query_param(client->parser, "mount");

    if (strcmp (uri, "/admin.cgi") == 0)
        const char *pass = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "pass");
        if (pass == NULL)
            return client_send_400 (client, "missing pass parameter");
        if (mount == NULL)
            if (client->server_conn && client->server_conn->shoutcast_mount)
                httpp_set_query_param (client->parser, "mount",
            mount = httpp_get_query_param (client->parser, "mount");
        httpp_setvar (client->parser, HTTPP_VAR_PROTOCOL, "ICY");
        httpp_setvar (client->parser, HTTPP_VAR_ICYPASSWORD, pass);
        client->username = strdup ("source");
        client->password = strdup (pass);
        uri += 7;

    if (connection_check_admin_pass (client->parser))
        client->flags |= CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED;
        /* special case for slaves requesting a streamlist for authenticated relaying */
        if (strcmp (uri, "streams") == 0 || strcmp (uri, "streamlist.txt") == 0)
            if (connection_check_relay_pass (client->parser))
                client->flags |= CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED;

    if (mount)
        /* no auth/stream required for this */
        if (strcmp (uri, "buildm3u") == 0)
            return command_buildm3u (client, mount);
        if (strcmp (uri, "showimage") == 0)
            return command_show_image (client, mount);

        /* This is a mount request, but admin user is allowed */
        if ((client->flags & CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED) == 0)
            switch (auth_check_source (client, mount))
                case 0:
                    INFO1("Bad or missing password on mount modification "
                            "admin request (%s)", uri);
                    return client_send_401 (client, NULL);
                    /* fall through */
                case 1:
                    return 0;
        if (strcmp (uri, "streams") == 0)
            return auth_add_listener ("/admin/streams", client);
        return admin_mount_request (client, uri);

    return admin_handle_general_request (client, uri);