Example #1
// Register window holds r1,r2,r3,r4, as well as carry? and zero? flags
	void iiDebo1_renderRegisters(void)
		RECT lrc;

		// Overlay the logo info
			SetRect(&lrc, 0, 0, bmpRegisters->rc.right, bmpLibSF_386_x40->bi.biHeight);
			iBmp_bitBlt(bmpRegisters, &lrc, bmpLibSF_386_x40);
Example #2
	// Note:  tfSquareSize is how far each side of the square should extend out from the connection point for the node lines
	void iiNode_get_bitmapExtents(SNode* node, SNode* nodeStopper1, SNode* nodeStopper2, s32 tnArrivalDirection, SBitmap* bmp, RECT* rc, POINTS p_anchor, POINTS p_arrival, f64 tfRodLength, u32 tnIter_uid, SNodeProps* props, bool tlGoDeeper, SNodeFlags* nodeFlags, bool tlDeeperNodesExtendInAllDirections)
		s32		lnI, lnWidth, lnHeight, lnHalfWidth, lnHalfHeight;
		f64		lfHalfHeight, lfHalfWidth;
		POINTS	p_origin, p_rodStart, p_rodEnd;

		// Make sure our environment is sane, and that we're not walking over ourselves
		if (node && node->render.iter_uid != tnIter_uid && between(tnArrivalDirection, (s32)_NODE_MIN, (s32)_NODE_MAX))

			// Compute the sizes
				if (node->render.bmp)
					lnHalfWidth		= (node->render.bmp->bi.biWidth  / 2);
					lnHalfHeight	= (node->render.bmp->bi.biHeight / 2);
					lnWidth			= node->render.bmp->bi.biWidth;
					lnHeight		= node->render.bmp->bi.biHeight;

				} else {
					// Assume 0 size
					lnHalfWidth		= 0;
					lnHalfHeight	= 0;
					lnWidth			= 0;
					lnHeight		= 0;

			// Note:  rc grows in these directions, to encompass the entire node assembly:
			//                top
			//                 -
			//              +--+--+
			//   left -     +  +  +     + right
			//              +--+--+
			//                 +
			//               bottom
				// Based on the arrival direction of the rod, increase rc's extents if needed
				switch (tnArrivalDirection)
					case _NODE_N0:
					case _NODE_N1:
					case _NODE_N2:
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth));				// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.y - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHeight));					//                    +  +  +
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth));		//                    +--o--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y - (s16)lnHeight + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHeight,
													p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth,

					case _NODE_E0:
					case _NODE_E1:
					case _NODE_E2:
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.y - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight));				// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x + lnWidth));					//                    o  +  +
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.y + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight));	//                    +--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight,
													p_arrival.x + lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_C0:
					case _NODE_C1:
					case _NODE_C2:
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth));				// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth));		//                    +  o  +
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.y - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight));				//                    +--+--+
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.y + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight));	//
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight,
													p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_S0:
					case _NODE_S1:
					case _NODE_S2:
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth));				// Connecting point:  +--o--+
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth));		//                    +  +  +
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.y + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y + lnHeight));					//                    +--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth,
													p_arrival.x - lnHalfWidth + lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_W0:
					case _NODE_W1:
					case _NODE_W2:
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight));				// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnWidth));					//                    +  +  o
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.y + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight));	//                    +--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x - (s16)lnWidth + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight,
													p_arrival.y - lnHalfHeight + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_NE0:
					case _NODE_NE1:
					case _NODE_NE2:
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x + lnWidth));					// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.y - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHeight));					//                    +  +  +
																																	//                    o--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y - (s16)lnHeight + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x,
													p_arrival.y - lnHeight,
													p_arrival.x + lnWidth,

					case _NODE_SE0:
					case _NODE_SE1:
					case _NODE_SE2:
						rc->right	= max(rc->right,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x + lnWidth));					// Connecting point:  o--+--+
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.x + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y + lnHeight));					//                    +  +  +
																																	//                    +--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x,
													p_arrival.x + lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_SW0:
					case _NODE_SW1:
					case _NODE_SW2:
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnWidth));					// Connecting point:  +--+--o
						rc->bottom	= max(rc->bottom,	p_anchor.y + iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y + lnHeight));					//                    +  +  +
																																	//                    +--+--+
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x - (s16)lnWidth + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y + lnHeight);

					case _NODE_NW0:
					case _NODE_NW1:
					case _NODE_NW2:
						rc->left	= min(rc->left,		p_anchor.x - iDelta(p_anchor.x, p_arrival.x - lnWidth));					// Connecting point:  +--+--+
						rc->top		= min(rc->top,		p_anchor.y - iDelta(p_anchor.y, p_arrival.y - lnHeight));					//                    +  +  +
																																	//                    +--+--o
						p_origin.x	= p_arrival.x - (s16)lnWidth  + (s16)lnHalfWidth;
						p_origin.y	= p_arrival.y - (s16)lnHeight + (s16)lnHalfHeight;
						SetRect(&node->render.rc,	p_arrival.x - lnWidth,
													p_arrival.y - lnHeight,

				// Set the iteration uid
				node->render.iter_uid = tnIter_uid;

				// Render the rectangle if we're drawing
				if (bmp && node->render.bmp)
					iBmp_bitBlt(bmp, &node->render.rc, node->render.bmp);

				// Compute distances from the origin to side and top, which then can extend to all 8 points through gnNodeRodeMaps[]
				lfHalfWidth		= (f64)(lnWidth  / 2);
				lfHalfHeight	= (f64)(lnHeight / 2);
				tfRodLength		= max(tfRodLength, 8.0);

			// Kick off the nodes in each direction
				if (tlGoDeeper)
					// Iterate off in all directions
					for (lnI = 0; lnI < (s32)_NODE_COUNT; lnI++)
						// Are we're supposed to go this way?
						// We're supposed to go this way, and the node exists, and we haven't already rendered it
						if ((!nodeFlags || nodeFlags->n[lnI]) && node->n[lnI] && node->n[lnI]->render.iter_uid != tnIter_uid)
							// And it's not self
							if (node->n[lnI] != node)
								// And it's not our stopper
								if (node->n[lnI] != nodeStopper1 && node->n[lnI] != nodeStopper2)
									// Determine the ending point at the connecting rod
									p_rodStart.x	= p_origin.x	+ (s32)(gsfNodeRodMaps[lnI].x * lfHalfWidth);
									p_rodStart.y	= p_origin.y	+ (s32)(gsfNodeRodMaps[lnI].y * lfHalfHeight);
									p_rodEnd.x		= p_rodStart.x	+ (s32)(gsfNodeRodMaps[lnI].x * tfRodLength);
									p_rodEnd.y		= p_rodStart.y	+ (s32)(gsfNodeRodMaps[lnI].y * tfRodLength);

									// Draw connections to the next direction (if we're drawing)
									if (bmp)
										iBmp_drawArbitraryLine(bmp, p_rodStart.x, p_rodStart.y, p_rodEnd.x, p_rodEnd.y, props->rodColor);

									// Indicate that we want to render everything out from there
									iiNode_get_bitmapExtents(node->n[lnI], nodeStopper1, node, lnI, bmp, rc, p_anchor, p_rodEnd, tfRodLength, tnIter_uid, props, true, ((tlDeeperNodesExtendInAllDirections) ? &gsfNodeFlags_all : nodeFlags), tlDeeperNodesExtendInAllDirections);
