static void InitActiveImage(IceTImage image)
  /* Create a worst case possible for image with respect to compression.
     All the pixels are active, so no data can be removed. */
    IceTEnum format;
    IceTSizeType num_pixels;
    int seed;

    seed = (int)time(NULL);

    num_pixels = icetImageGetNumPixels(image);

    format = icetImageGetColorFormat(image);
    if (format == ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_RGBA_UBYTE) {
        IceTUByte *buffer = icetImageGetColorub(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[4*i + 0] = (IceTUByte)(rand()%255 + 1);
            buffer[4*i + 1] = (IceTUByte)(rand()%255 + 1);
            buffer[4*i + 2] = (IceTUByte)(rand()%255 + 1);
            buffer[4*i + 3] = (IceTUByte)(rand()%255 + 1);
    } else if (format == ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_RGBA_FLOAT) {
        IceTFloat *buffer = icetImageGetColorf(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[4*i + 0] = ((IceTFloat)(rand()%255 + 1))/255;
            buffer[4*i + 1] = ((IceTFloat)(rand()%255 + 1))/255;
            buffer[4*i + 2] = ((IceTFloat)(rand()%255 + 1))/255;
            buffer[4*i + 3] = ((IceTFloat)(rand()%255 + 1))/255;
    } else if (format != ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_NONE) {
        printrank("*** Unknown color format? ***\n");

    format = icetImageGetDepthFormat(image);
    if (format == ICET_IMAGE_DEPTH_FLOAT) {
        IceTFloat *buffer = icetImageGetDepthf(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[i] = ((IceTFloat)(rand()%255))/255;
    } else if (format != ICET_IMAGE_DEPTH_NONE) {
        printrank("*** Unknown depth format? ***\n");
static void DisplayNoDrawDoTest(void)

    for (global_iteration = 0; global_iteration < global_num_proc;
         global_iteration++) {
        IceTImage image;
        IceTUByte *color_buffer;

        printf("Blank image is rank %d\n", global_iteration);

        image = icetGLDrawFrame();

        if (   (global_rank == 0)
            && (global_num_proc > 1)
          /* This last case covers when there is only 2 processes,
           * the root, as always, is not drawing anything and the
           * other process is drawing the clear screen. */
            && ((global_num_proc > 2) || (global_iteration != 1)) ) {
            int p;
            int bad_count = 0;
            printf("Checking pixels.\n");
            color_buffer = icetImageGetColorub(image);
            for (p = 0;
                 (p < SCREEN_WIDTH*SCREEN_HEIGHT*4) && (bad_count < 10); p++) {
                if (color_buffer[p] != 255) {
                    printf("BAD PIXEL %d.%d\n", p/4, p%4);
                    printf("    Expected 255, got %d\n", color_buffer[p]);
            if (bad_count >= 10) {
                char filename[256];
                global_result = TEST_FAILED;
                sprintf(filename, "DisplayNoDraw_%s_%s_%d.ppm",
                        icetGetStrategyName(), icetGetSingleImageStrategyName(),
                write_ppm(filename, color_buffer,
                          (int)SCREEN_WIDTH, (int)SCREEN_HEIGHT);
static void InitPathologicalImage(IceTImage image)
  /* Create a worst case possible for image with respect to compression.
     Every other pixel is active so the run lengths are all 1. */
    IceTEnum format;
    IceTSizeType num_pixels;

    num_pixels = icetImageGetNumPixels(image);

    format = icetImageGetColorFormat(image);
    if (format == ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_RGBA_UBYTE) {
        IceTUByte *buffer = icetImageGetColorub(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[4*i + 0] = 255*(IceTUByte)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 1] = 255*(IceTUByte)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 2] = 255*(IceTUByte)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 3] = 255*(IceTUByte)(i%2);
    } else if (format == ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_RGBA_FLOAT) {
        IceTFloat *buffer = icetImageGetColorf(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[4*i + 0] = (IceTFloat)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 1] = (IceTFloat)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 2] = (IceTFloat)(i%2);
            buffer[4*i + 3] = (IceTFloat)(i%2);
    } else if (format != ICET_IMAGE_COLOR_NONE) {
        printrank("*** Unknown color format? ***\n");

    format = icetImageGetDepthFormat(image);
    if (format == ICET_IMAGE_DEPTH_FLOAT) {
        IceTFloat *buffer = icetImageGetDepthf(image);
        IceTSizeType i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
            buffer[i] = (IceTFloat)(i%2);
    } else if (format != ICET_IMAGE_DEPTH_NONE) {
        printrank("*** Unknown depth format? ***\n");