Example #1
 * Get a list of the objects at the player's location.
 * Return the number of objects acquired.
int scan_floor(struct object **items, int max_size, object_floor_t mode,
			   item_tester tester)
	struct object *obj;
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;
	int num = 0;

	/* Sanity */
	if (!square_in_bounds(cave, py, px)) return 0;

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	for (obj = square_object(cave, py, px); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		/* Enforce limit */
		if (num >= max_size) break;

		/* Item tester */
		if ((mode & OFLOOR_TEST) && !object_test(tester, obj)) continue;

		/* Sensed or known */
		if ((mode & OFLOOR_SENSE) && (!obj->known)) continue;

		/* Visible */
		if ((mode & OFLOOR_VISIBLE) && !is_unknown(obj) && ignore_item_ok(obj))

		/* Accept this item */
		items[num++] = obj;

		/* Only one */
		if (mode & OFLOOR_TOP) break;

	return num;
Example #2
 * Put an autoinscription on an object
int apply_autoinscription(struct object *obj)
	char o_name[80];
	const char *note = obj ? get_autoinscription(obj->kind) : NULL;

	/* Don't inscribe unaware objects */
	if (!note || !object_flavor_is_aware(obj))
		return 0;

	/* Don't re-inscribe if it's already inscribed */
	if (obj->note)
		return 0;

	/* Don't inscribe unless the player is carrying it */
	if (!object_is_carried(player, obj))
		return 0;

	/* Don't inscribe if ignored */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		return 0;

	/* Get an object description */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	if (note[0] != 0)
		obj->note = quark_add(note);
		obj->note = 0;

	msg("You autoinscribe %s.", o_name);

	return 1;
Example #3
 * Get the indexes of objects at a given floor location. -TNB-
 * Return the number of object indexes acquired.
 * Valid flags are any combination of the bits:
 *   0x01 -- Verify item tester
 *   0x02 -- Marked items only
 *   0x04 -- Only the top item
 *   0x08 -- Visible items only
int scan_floor(struct object **items, int max_size, int y, int x, int mode,
			   item_tester tester)
	struct object *obj;

	int num = 0;

	/* Sanity */
	if (!square_in_bounds(cave, y, x)) return 0;

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		/* Enforce limit */
		if (num >= max_size) break;

		/* Item tester */
		if ((mode & 0x01) && !object_test(tester, obj)) continue;

		/* Marked */
		if ((mode & 0x02) && (!obj->marked)) continue;

		/* Visible */
		if ((mode & 0x08) && !is_unknown(obj) && ignore_item_ok(obj))

		/* Accept this item */
		items[num++] = obj;

		/* Only one */
		if (mode & 0x04) break;

	return num;
Example #4
 * Let an object fall to the ground at or near a location.
 * The initial location is assumed to be "square_in_bounds_fully(cave, )".
 * This function takes a parameter "chance".  This is the percentage
 * chance that the item will "disappear" instead of drop.  If the object
 * has been thrown, then this is the chance of disappearance on contact.
 * This function will produce a description of a drop event under the player
 * when "verbose" is true.
 * The calling function needs to deal with the consequences of the dropped
 * object being destroyed or absorbed into an existing pile.
void drop_near(struct chunk *c, struct object **dropped, int chance, int y,
			   int x, bool verbose)
	char o_name[80];
	int best_y = y;
	int best_x = x;

	/* Only called in the current level */
	assert(c == cave);

	/* Describe object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), *dropped, ODESC_BASE);

	/* Handle normal breakage */
	if (!((*dropped)->artifact) && (randint0(100) < chance)) {
		floor_carry_fail(*dropped, true);

	/* Find the best grid and drop the item, destroying if there's no space */
	drop_find_grid(*dropped, &best_y, &best_x);
	if (floor_carry(c, best_y, best_x, *dropped, false)) {
		if (verbose &&
			(c->squares[best_y][best_x].mon < 0) &&
			c->objects[(*dropped)->oidx] &&
			msg("You feel something roll beneath your feet.");
	} else {
		floor_carry_fail(*dropped, false);
Example #5
 * Determine if a grid contains a chest matching the query type, and
 * return a pointer to the first such chest
struct object *chest_check(int y, int x, enum chest_query check_type)
	struct object *obj;

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		/* Ignore if requested */
		if (ignore_item_ok(obj)) continue;

		/* Check for chests */
		switch (check_type) {
		case CHEST_ANY:
			if (tval_is_chest(obj))
				return obj;
			if (tval_is_chest(obj) && (obj->pval != 0))
				return obj;
			if (is_trapped_chest(obj) && object_is_known(obj))
				return obj;

	/* No chest */
	return NULL;
Example #6
 * Describes item `obj` into buffer `buf` of size `max`.
 * ODESC_PREFIX prepends a 'the', 'a' or number
 * ODESC_BASE results in a base description.
 * ODESC_COMBAT will add to-hit, to-dam and AC info.
 * ODESC_EXTRA will add pval/charge/inscription/ignore info.
 * ODESC_PLURAL will pluralise regardless of the number in the stack.
 * ODESC_STORE turns off ignore markers, for in-store display.
 * ODESC_SPOIL treats the object as fully identified.
 * Setting 'prefix' to TRUE prepends a 'the', 'a' or the number in the stack,
 * respectively.
 * \returns The number of bytes used of the buffer.
size_t object_desc(char *buf, size_t max, const struct object *obj, int mode)
	bool prefix = mode & ODESC_PREFIX ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool spoil = mode & ODESC_SPOIL ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool terse = mode & ODESC_TERSE ? TRUE : FALSE;

	size_t end = 0;

	/* Simple description for null item */
	if (!obj)
		return strnfmt(buf, max, "(nothing)");

	/* Egos whose name we know are seen */
	if (object_name_is_visible(obj) && obj->ego && !spoil)
		obj->ego->everseen = TRUE;

	/*** Some things get really simple descriptions ***/

	if (obj->marked == MARK_AWARE) {
		if (prefix)
			return strnfmt(buf, max, "an unknown item");
		return strnfmt(buf, max, "unknown item");

	if (tval_is_money(obj))
		return strnfmt(buf, max, "%d gold pieces worth of %s%s",
				obj->pval, obj->kind->name,
				ignore_item_ok(obj) ? " {ignore}" : "");

	/** Construct the name **/

	/* Copy the base name to the buffer */
	end = obj_desc_name(buf, max, end, obj, prefix, mode, spoil, terse);

	if (mode & ODESC_COMBAT)
		if (tval_is_chest(obj))
			end = obj_desc_chest(obj, buf, max, end);
		else if (tval_is_light(obj))
			end = obj_desc_light(obj, buf, max, end);

		end = obj_desc_combat(obj, buf, max, end, spoil);

	if (mode & ODESC_EXTRA)
		end = obj_desc_mods(obj, buf, max, end, spoil);

		end = obj_desc_charges(obj, buf, max, end, mode);

		if (mode & ODESC_STORE)
			end = obj_desc_aware(obj, buf, max, end);
			end = obj_desc_inscrip(obj, buf, max, end);

	return end;
Example #7
 * Add player-defined inscriptions or game-defined descriptions
static size_t obj_desc_inscrip(const struct object *obj, char *buf,
							   size_t max, size_t end)
	const char *u[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	int n = 0;
	int feel = object_pseudo(obj);
	bitflag flags_known[OF_SIZE], f2[OF_SIZE];

	object_flags_known(obj, flags_known);

	/* Get inscription */
	if (obj->note)
		u[n++] = quark_str(obj->note);

	/* Use special inscription, if any */
	if (!object_is_known(obj)) {
		if (feel) {
			/* cannot tell excellent vs strange vs splendid until wield */
			if (!object_was_worn(obj) && obj->ego)
				u[n++] = "ego";
				u[n++] = inscrip_text[feel];
		else if (tval_can_have_charges(obj) && (obj->pval == 0))
			u[n++] = "empty";
		else if (object_was_worn(obj))
			u[n++] = (tval_is_weapon(obj)) ? "wielded" : "worn";
		else if (!object_flavor_is_aware(obj) &&
			u[n++] = "tried";

	/* Note curses */
	create_mask(f2, FALSE, OFT_CURSE, OFT_MAX);
	if (of_is_inter(flags_known, f2))
		u[n++] = "cursed";

	/* Note ignore */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		u[n++] = "ignore";

	if (n)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (i == 0)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, " {");
			strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "%s", u[i]);
			if (i < n-1)
				strnfcat(buf, max, &end, ", ");

		strnfcat(buf, max, &end, "}");

	return end;
Example #8
 * Perform the basic "tunnel" command
 * Assumes that no monster is blocking the destination.
 * Uses twall() (above) to do all "terrain feature changing".
 * Returns true if repeated commands may continue.
static bool do_cmd_tunnel_aux(int y, int x)
	bool more = false;
	int digging_chances[DIGGING_MAX];
	bool okay = false;
	bool gold = square_hasgoldvein(cave, y, x);
	bool rubble = square_isrubble(cave, y, x);

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!do_cmd_tunnel_test(y, x)) return (false);

	calc_digging_chances(&player->state, digging_chances);

	/* Do we succeed? */
	okay = (digging_chances[square_digging(cave, y, x) - 1] > randint0(1600));

	/* Success */
	if (okay && twall(y, x)) {
		/* Rubble is a special case - could be handled more generally NRM */
		if (rubble) {
			/* Message */
			msg("You have removed the rubble.");

			/* Place an object (except in town) */
			if ((randint0(100) < 10) && player->depth) {
				/* Create a simple object */
				place_object(cave, y, x, player->depth, false, false,
							 ORIGIN_RUBBLE, 0);

				/* Observe the new object */
				if (!ignore_item_ok(square_object(cave, y, x)) &&
					square_isseen(cave, y, x))
					msg("You have found something!");
		} else if (gold) {
			/* Found treasure */
			place_gold(cave, y, x, player->depth, ORIGIN_FLOOR);
			msg("You have found something!");
		} else {
			msg("You have finished the tunnel.");
	} else {
		/* Failure, continue digging */
		if (rubble)
			msg("You dig in the rubble.");
			msg("You tunnel into the %s.",
				square_apparent_name(cave, player, y, x));
		more = true;
		if (square_issecretdoor(cave, y, x))
			/* Occasional Search XXX XXX */
			if (randint0(100) < 25) search(false);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
Example #9
 * Find and return the oldest object on the given grid marked as "ignore".
static struct object *floor_get_oldest_ignored(int y, int x)
	struct object *obj, *ignore = NULL;

	for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next)
		if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
			ignore = obj;

	return ignore;
Example #10
 * Determine if a chest is locked or trapped
bool is_locked_chest(const struct object *obj)
	if (!tval_is_chest(obj))
		return FALSE;

	/* Ignore if requested */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		return FALSE;

	/* Disarmed or opened chests are not locked */
	return (obj->pval > 0);
Example #11
/* Unlock chests */
static void project_object_handler_KILL_TRAP(project_object_handler_context_t *context)
	/* Chests are noticed only if trapped or locked */
	if (is_locked_chest(context->obj)) {
		/* Disarm or Unlock */
		unlock_chest((struct object * const)context->obj);

		/* Notice */
		if (context->obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(context->obj)) {
			context->obj->known->pval = context->obj->pval;
			context->obvious = true;
Example #12
 * Drop all {ignore}able items.
void ignore_drop(void)
	struct object *obj;

	/* Scan through the slots backwards */
	for (obj = gear_last_item(); obj; obj = obj->prev) {
		/* Skip non-objects and unignoreable objects */
		if (!ignore_item_ok(obj)) continue;

		/* Check for !d (no drop) inscription */
		if (!check_for_inscrip(obj, "!d") && !check_for_inscrip(obj, "!*")) {
			/* Confirm the drop if the item is equipped. */
			if (object_is_equipped(player->body, obj)) {
				if (!verify_object("Really take off and drop", obj)) {
					/* Hack - inscribe the item with !d to prevent repeated
					 * confirmations. */
					const char *inscription = quark_str(obj->note);

					if (inscription == NULL) {
						obj->note = quark_add("!d");
					} else {
						char buffer[1024];
						my_strcpy(buffer, inscription, sizeof(buffer));
						my_strcat(buffer, "!d", sizeof(buffer));
						obj->note = quark_add(buffer);


			/* We're allowed to drop it. */
			if (!square_isshop(cave, player->py, player->px)) {
				player->upkeep->dropping = true;
				cmd_set_arg_item(cmdq_peek(), "item", obj);
				cmd_set_arg_number(cmdq_peek(), "quantity", obj->number);

	/* Update the gear */
	player->upkeep->update |= (PU_INVEN);

	/* Combine/reorder the pack */
	player->upkeep->notice |= (PN_COMBINE);
Example #13
 * Determine if a chest is trapped
bool is_trapped_chest(const struct object *obj)
	if (!tval_is_chest(obj))
		return FALSE;

	/* Ignore if requested */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		return FALSE;

	/* Disarmed or opened chests are not trapped */
	if (obj->pval <= 0)
		return FALSE;

	/* Some chests simply don't have traps */
	return (chest_traps[obj->pval] != 0);
Example #14
/* Unlock chests */
static void project_object_handler_KILL_TRAP(project_object_handler_context_t *context)
	/* Chests are noticed only if trapped or locked */
	if (is_locked_chest(context->obj)) {
		/* Disarm or Unlock */
		unlock_chest((struct object * const)context->obj);

		/* Identify */
		object_notice_everything((struct object * const)context->obj);

		/* Notice */
		if (context->obj->marked > MARK_UNAWARE && !ignore_item_ok(context->obj)) {
			context->obvious = TRUE;
Example #15
 * Put an autoinscription on an object
int apply_autoinscription(struct object *obj)
	char o_name[80];
	bool aware = obj->kind->aware;
	const char *note = obj ? get_autoinscription(obj->kind, aware) : NULL;

	/* Remove unaware inscription if aware */
	if (aware && quark_str(obj->note) && quark_str(obj->kind->note_unaware) &&
		streq(quark_str(obj->note), quark_str(obj->kind->note_unaware)))
		obj->note = 0;

	/* Make rune autoinscription go first, for now */

	/* No note - don't inscribe */
	if (!note)
		return 0;

	/* Don't re-inscribe if it's already inscribed */
	if (obj->note)
		return 0;

	/* Don't inscribe unless the player is carrying it */
	if (!object_is_carried(player, obj))
		return 0;

	/* Don't inscribe if ignored */
	if (ignore_item_ok(obj))
		return 0;

	/* Get an object description */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	if (note[0] != 0)
		obj->note = quark_add(note);
		obj->note = 0;

	msg("You autoinscribe %s.", o_name);

	return 1;
Example #16
 * Pick up everything on the floor that requires no player action
int do_autopickup(void)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	struct object *obj, *next;

	/* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
	byte objs_picked_up = 0;

	/* Nothing to pick up -- return */
	if (!square_object(cave, py, px))
		return 0;

	/* Always pickup gold, effortlessly */

	/* Scan the remaining objects */
	obj = square_object(cave, py, px);
	while (obj) {
		next = obj->next;

		/* Ignore all hidden objects and non-objects */
		if (!ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
			/* Hack -- disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Automatically pick up items into the backpack */
			if (auto_pickup_okay(obj)) {
				/* Pick up the object with message */
				player_pickup_aux(obj, TRUE);
		obj = next;

	return objs_picked_up;
Example #17
 * Determine if a given location is "interesting"
bool target_accept(int y, int x)
	object_type *obj;

	/* Player grids are always interesting */
	if (cave->squares[y][x].mon < 0) return (TRUE);

	/* Handle hallucination */
	if (player->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) return (FALSE);

	/* Visible monsters */
	if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0) {
		monster_type *mon = square_monster(cave, y, x);

		/* Visible monsters */
		if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE) &&
			!mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_UNAWARE))
			return (TRUE);

	/* Traps */
	if (square_isvisibletrap(cave, y, x))

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next)
		/* Memorized object */
		if (obj->marked && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) return (TRUE);

	/* Interesting memorized features */
	if (square_ismark(cave, y, x) && square_isinteresting(cave, y, x))
		return (TRUE);

	/* Nope */
	return (FALSE);
Example #18
 * Called from project() to affect objects
 * Called for projections with the PROJECT_ITEM flag set, which includes
 * beam, ball and breath effects.
 * \param who is the monster list index of the caster
 * \param r is the distance from the centre of the effect
 * \param y the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param x the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param dam is the "damage" from the effect at distance r from the centre
 * \param typ is the projection (GF_) type
 * \param protected_obj is an object that should not be affected by the 
 *        projection, typically the object that created it
 * \return whether the effects were obvious
 * Note that this function determines if the player can see anything that
 * happens by taking into account: blindness, line-of-sight, and illumination.
 * Hack -- effects on objects which are memorized but not in view are also seen.
bool project_o(int who, int r, int y, int x, int dam, int typ,
			   const struct object *protected_obj)
	struct object *obj = square_object(cave, y, x);
	bool obvious = false;

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	while (obj) {
		bool ignore = false;
		bool do_kill = false;
		const char *note_kill = NULL;
		struct object *next = obj->next;
		project_object_handler_context_t context = {
		project_object_handler_f object_handler = object_handlers[typ];

		if (object_handler != NULL)

		obvious = context.obvious;
		do_kill = context.do_kill && (obj != protected_obj);
		ignore = context.ignore;
		note_kill = context.note_kill;

		/* Attempt to destroy the object */
		if (do_kill) {
			char o_name[80];

			/* Effect observed */
			if (obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(obj) &&
				square_isseen(cave, y, x)) {
				obvious = true;
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_BASE);

			/* Artifacts, and other objects, get to resist */
			if (obj->artifact || ignore) {
				/* Observe the resist */
				if (obvious && obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
					msg("The %s %s unaffected!", o_name,
						VERB_AGREEMENT(obj->number, "is", "are"));
			} else if (obj->mimicking_m_idx) {
				/* Reveal mimics */
				if (obvious)
					become_aware(cave_monster(cave, obj->mimicking_m_idx));
			} else {
				/* Describe if needed */
				if (obvious && obj->known && note_kill && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
					msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "The %s %s!", o_name, note_kill);

				/* Delete the object */
				square_excise_object(cave, y, x, obj);
				delist_object(cave, obj);

				/* Redraw */
				square_note_spot(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

		/* Next object */
		obj = next;

	/* Return "Anything seen?" */
	return (obvious);
Example #19
 * Grab all objects from the grid.
void process_monster_grab_objects(struct chunk *c, struct monster *m_ptr, 
		const char *m_name, int nx, int ny)
	monster_lore *l_ptr = get_lore(m_ptr->race);
	struct object *obj = square_object(c, ny, nx);

	bool is_item = obj ? TRUE : FALSE;;
	if (is_item && mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
		rf_on(l_ptr->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM);
		rf_on(l_ptr->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM);

	/* Abort if can't pickup/kill */
	if (!rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) &&
			!rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM)) {

	/* Take or kill objects on the floor */
	while (obj) {
		char o_name[80];
		bool safe = obj->artifact ? TRUE : FALSE;
		struct object *next = obj->next;

		/* Skip gold */
		if (tval_is_money(obj)) {
			obj = next;

		/* Get the object name */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* React to objects that hurt the monster */
		if (react_to_slay(obj, m_ptr))
			safe = TRUE;

		/* The object cannot be picked up by the monster */
		if (safe) {
			/* Only give a message for "take_item" */
			if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) &&
				mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE) &&
				player_has_los_bold(ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
				/* Dump a message */
				msg("%s tries to pick up %s, but fails.", m_name, o_name);

		/* Pick up the item */
		} else if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM)) {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (player_has_los_bold(ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msg("%s picks up %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Carry the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);
			monster_carry(c, m_ptr, obj);

		/* Destroy the item */
		} else {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (player_has_los_bold(ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "%s crushes %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Delete the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);

		/* Next object */
		obj = next;
Example #20
 * Update the current "run" path
 * Return TRUE if the running should be stopped
static bool run_test(void)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	int prev_dir;
	int new_dir;

	int row, col;
	int i, max, inv;
	int option, option2;

	/* No options yet */
	option = 0;
	option2 = 0;

	/* Where we came from */
	prev_dir = run_old_dir;

	/* Range of newly adjacent grids */
	max = (prev_dir & 0x01) + 1;

	/* Look at every newly adjacent square. */
	for (i = -max; i <= max; i++) {
		struct object *obj;

		/* New direction */
		new_dir = cycle[chome[prev_dir] + i];

		/* New location */
		row = py + ddy[new_dir];
		col = px + ddx[new_dir];

		/* Visible monsters abort running */
		if (cave->squares[row][col].mon > 0) {
			monster_type *m_ptr = square_monster(cave, row, col);

			/* Visible monster */
			if (mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) return (TRUE);

		/* Visible objects abort running */
		for (obj = square_object(cave, row, col); obj; obj = obj->next)
			/* Visible object */
			if (obj->marked && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) return (TRUE);

		/* Assume unknown */
		inv = TRUE;

		/* Check memorized grids */
		if (square_ismark(cave, row, col)) {
			bool notice = square_noticeable(cave, row, col);

			/* Interesting feature */
			if (notice) return (TRUE);

			/* The grid is "visible" */
			inv = FALSE;

		/* Analyze unknown grids and floors */
		if (inv || square_ispassable(cave, row, col)) {
			/* Looking for open area */
			if (run_open_area) {
				/* Nothing */
			} else if (!option) {
				/* The first new direction. */
				option = new_dir;
			} else if (option2) {
				/* Three new directions. Stop running. */
				return (TRUE);
			} else if (option != cycle[chome[prev_dir] + i - 1]) {
				/* Two non-adjacent new directions.  Stop running. */
				return (TRUE);
			} else if (new_dir & 0x01) {
				/* Two new (adjacent) directions (case 1) */
				option2 = new_dir;
			} else {
				/* Two new (adjacent) directions (case 2) */
				option2 = option;
				option = new_dir;
		} else { /* Obstacle, while looking for open area */
			if (run_open_area) {
				if (i < 0) {
					/* Break to the right */
					run_break_right = TRUE;
				} else if (i > 0) {
					/* Break to the left */
					run_break_left = TRUE;

	/* Look at every soon to be newly adjacent square. */
	for (i = -max; i <= max; i++) {		
		/* New direction */
		new_dir = cycle[chome[prev_dir] + i];
		/* New location */
		row = py + ddy[prev_dir] + ddy[new_dir];
		col = px + ddx[prev_dir] + ddx[new_dir];
		/* HACK: Ugh. Sometimes we come up with illegal bounds. This will
		 * treat the symptom but not the disease. */
		if (row >= cave->height || col >= cave->width) continue;
		if (row < 0 || col < 0) continue;

		/* Visible monsters abort running */
		if (cave->squares[row][col].mon > 0) {
			monster_type *m_ptr = square_monster(cave, row, col);
			/* Visible monster */
			if (mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE) && !is_mimicking(m_ptr))
				return (TRUE);

	/* Looking for open area */
	if (run_open_area) {
		/* Hack -- look again */
		for (i = -max; i < 0; i++) {
			new_dir = cycle[chome[prev_dir] + i];

			row = py + ddy[new_dir];
			col = px + ddx[new_dir];

			/* Unknown grid or non-wall */
			/* Was: square_ispassable(cave, row, col) */
			if (!square_ismark(cave, row, col) ||
			    (square_ispassable(cave, row, col))) {
				/* Looking to break right */
				if (run_break_right) {
					return (TRUE);
			} else { /* Obstacle */
				/* Looking to break left */
				if (run_break_left) {
					return (TRUE);

		/* Hack -- look again */
		for (i = max; i > 0; i--) {
			new_dir = cycle[chome[prev_dir] + i];

			row = py + ddy[new_dir];
			col = px + ddx[new_dir];

			/* Unknown grid or non-wall */
			/* Was: square_ispassable(cave, row, col) */
			if (!square_ismark(cave, row, col) ||
			    (square_ispassable(cave, row, col))) {
				/* Looking to break left */
				if (run_break_left) {
					return (TRUE);
			} else { /* Obstacle */
				/* Looking to break right */
				if (run_break_right) {
					return (TRUE);
	} else { /* Not looking for open area */
		/* No options */
		if (!option) {
			return (TRUE);
		} else if (!option2) { /* One option */
			/* Primary option */
			run_cur_dir = option;

			/* No other options */
			run_old_dir = option;
		} else { /* Two options, examining corners */
			/* Primary option */
			run_cur_dir = option;

			/* Hack -- allow curving */
			run_old_dir = option2;

	/* About to hit a known wall, stop */
	if (see_wall(run_cur_dir, py, px))
		return (TRUE);

	/* Failure */
	return (FALSE);
Example #21
 * Take one step along the current "run" path
 * Called with a real direction to begin a new run, and with zero
 * to continue a run in progress.
void run_step(int dir)
	/* Start or continue run */
	if (dir) {
		/* Initialize */

		/* Hack -- Set the run counter */
		player->upkeep->running = 1000;

		/* Calculate torch radius */
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_TORCH);
	} else {
		/* Continue running */
		if (!player->upkeep->running_withpathfind) {
			/* Update regular running */
			if (run_test()) {
				/* Disturb */
				disturb(player, 0);
		} else if (pf_result_index < 0) {
			/* Pathfinding, and the path is finished */
			disturb(player, 0);
			player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;
		} else {
			int y = player->py + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];
			int x = player->px + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];

			if (pf_result_index == 0) {
				/* Known wall */
				if (square_isknown(cave, y, x) &&
					!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
					disturb(player, 0);
					player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;
			} else if (pf_result_index > 0) {
				struct object *obj;

				/* If the player has computed a path that is going to end up
				 * in a wall, we notice this and convert to a normal run. This
				 * allows us to click on unknown areas to explore the map.
				 * We have to look ahead two, otherwise we don't know which is
				 * the last direction moved and don't initialise the run
				 * properly. */
				y = player->py + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];
				x = player->px + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];

				/* Known wall */
				if (square_isknown(cave, y, x) &&
					!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
					disturb(player, 0);
					player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;

				/* Visible monsters abort running */
				if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0) {
					struct monster *mon = square_monster(cave, y, x);

					/* Visible monster */
					if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
						disturb(player, 0);
						player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;

				/* Visible objects abort running */
				for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next)
					/* Visible object */
					if (obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
					disturb(player, 0);
					player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;

				/* Get step after */
				y = y + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index - 1] - '0'];
				x = x + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index - 1] - '0'];

				/* Known wall, so run the direction we were going */
				if (square_isknown(cave, y, x) &&
					!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
					player->upkeep->running_withpathfind = false;
					run_init(pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0');

			/* Now actually run the step if we're still going */
			run_cur_dir = pf_result[pf_result_index--] - '0';

	/* Decrease counter if it hasn't been cancelled */
	if (player->upkeep->running)
	else if (!player->upkeep->running_withpathfind)

	/* Take time */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = z_info->move_energy;

	/* Move the player; running straight into a trap == trying to disarm */
	move_player(run_cur_dir, dir ? true : false);

	/* Prepare the next step */
	if (player->upkeep->running) {
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmdq_peek(), "direction", 0);
Example #22
 * Grab all objects from the grid.
void process_monster_grab_objects(struct chunk *c, struct monster *mon, 
		const char *m_name, int nx, int ny)
	struct monster_lore *lore = get_lore(mon->race);
	struct object *obj;
	bool visible = mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE);

	/* Learn about item pickup behavior */
	for (obj = square_object(c, ny, nx); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		if (!tval_is_money(obj) && visible) {
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM);
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM);

	/* Abort if can't pickup/kill */
	if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) &&
		!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM)) {

	/* Take or kill objects on the floor */
	obj = square_object(c, ny, nx);
	while (obj) {
		char o_name[80];
		bool safe = obj->artifact ? true : false;
		struct object *next = obj->next;

		/* Skip gold */
		if (tval_is_money(obj)) {
			obj = next;

		/* Skip mimicked objects */
		if (obj->mimicking_m_idx) {
			obj = next;

		/* Get the object name */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* React to objects that hurt the monster */
		if (react_to_slay(obj, mon))
			safe = true;

		/* Try to pick up, or crush */
		if (safe) {
			/* Only give a message for "take_item" */
			if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) && visible &&
				square_isview(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
				/* Dump a message */
				msg("%s tries to pick up %s, but fails.", m_name, o_name);
		} else if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM)) {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (square_isseen(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msg("%s picks up %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Carry the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);
			monster_carry(c, mon, obj);
			square_note_spot(c, ny, nx);
			square_light_spot(c, ny, nx);
		} else {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (square_isseen(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "%s crushes %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Delete the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);
			delist_object(c, obj);
			square_note_spot(c, ny, nx);
			square_light_spot(c, ny, nx);

		/* Next object */
		obj = next;
Example #23
 * This function takes a grid location (x, y) and extracts information the
 * player is allowed to know about it, filling in the grid_data structure
 * passed in 'g'.
 * The information filled in is as follows:
 *  - g->f_idx is filled in with the terrain's feature type, or FEAT_NONE
 *    if the player doesn't know anything about the grid.  The function
 *    makes use of the "mimic" field in terrain in order to allow one
 *    feature to look like another (hiding secret doors, invisible traps,
 *    etc).  This will return the terrain type the player "Knows" about,
 *    not necessarily the real terrain.
 *  - g->m_idx is set to the monster index, or 0 if there is none (or the
 *    player doesn't know it).
 *  - g->first_kind is set to the object_kind of the first object in a grid
 *    that the player knows about, or NULL for no objects.
 *  - g->muliple_objects is TRUE if there is more than one object in the
 *    grid that the player knows and cares about (to facilitate any special
 *    floor stack symbol that might be used).
 *  - g->in_view is TRUE if the player can currently see the grid - this can
 *    be used to indicate field-of-view, such as through the OPT(view_bright_light)
 *    option.
 *  - g->lighting is set to indicate the lighting level for the grid:
 *    LIGHTING_DARK for unlit grids, LIGHTING_LIT for inherently light
 *    grids (lit rooms, etc), LIGHTING_TORCH for grids lit by the player's
 *    light source, and LIGHTING_LOS for grids in the player's line of sight.
 *    Note that lighting is always LIGHTING_LIT for known "interesting" grids
 *    like walls.
 *  - g->is_player is TRUE if the player is on the given grid.
 *  - g->hallucinate is TRUE if the player is hallucinating something "strange"
 *    for this grid - this should pick a random monster to show if the m_idx
 *    is non-zero, and a random object if first_kind is non-zero.
 * This is called pretty frequently, whenever a grid on the map display
 * needs updating, so don't overcomplicate it.
 * Terrain is remembered separately from objects and monsters, so can be
 * shown even when the player can't "see" it.  This leads to things like
 * doors out of the player's view still change from closed to open and so on.
 * TODO:
 * Hallucination is currently disabled (it was a display-level hack before,
 * and we need it to be a knowledge-level hack).  The idea is that objects
 * may turn into different objects, monsters into different monsters, and
 * terrain may be objects, monsters, or stay the same.
void map_info(unsigned y, unsigned x, grid_data *g)
	object_type *obj;

	assert(x < (unsigned) cave->width);
	assert(y < (unsigned) cave->height);

	/* Default "clear" values, others will be set later where appropriate. */
	g->first_kind = NULL;
	g->trap = NULL;
	g->multiple_objects = FALSE;
	g->lighting = LIGHTING_DARK;
	g->unseen_object = FALSE;
	g->unseen_money = FALSE;

	/* Use real feature (remove later) */
	g->f_idx = cave->squares[y][x].feat;
	if (f_info[g->f_idx].mimic)
		g->f_idx = f_info[g->f_idx].mimic;

	g->in_view = (square_isseen(cave, y, x)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	g->is_player = (cave->squares[y][x].mon < 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	g->m_idx = (g->is_player) ? 0 : cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	g->hallucinate = player->timed[TMD_IMAGE] ? TRUE : FALSE;
	g->trapborder = (square_isdedge(cave, y, x)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	if (g->in_view) {
		g->lighting = LIGHTING_LOS;

		if (!square_isglow(cave, y, x) && OPT(view_yellow_light))
			g->lighting = LIGHTING_TORCH;

		/* Remember seen feature */
		cave_k->squares[y][x].feat = cave->squares[y][x].feat;
	} else if (!square_ismark(cave, y, x)) {
		g->f_idx = FEAT_NONE;
		//cave_k->squares[y][x].feat = FEAT_NONE;
	} else if (square_isglow(cave, y, x)) {
		g->lighting = LIGHTING_LIT;

	/* Use known feature */
/*	g->f_idx = cave_k->squares[y][x].feat;
	if (f_info[g->f_idx].mimic)
		g->f_idx = f_info[g->f_idx].mimic;*/

    /* There is a trap in this square */
    if (square_istrap(cave, y, x) && square_ismark(cave, y, x)) {
		struct trap *trap = cave->squares[y][x].trap;

		/* Scan the square trap list */
		while (trap) {
			if (trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_TRAP) ||
				trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_RUNE)) {
				/* Accept the trap */
				g->trap = trap;
			trap = trap->next;

	/* Objects */
	for (obj = square_object(cave, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		if (obj->marked == MARK_AWARE) {

			/* Distinguish between unseen money and objects */
			if (tval_is_money(obj)) {
				g->unseen_money = TRUE;
			} else {
				g->unseen_object = TRUE;

		} else if (obj->marked == MARK_SEEN && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
			if (!g->first_kind) {
				g->first_kind = obj->kind;
			} else {
				g->multiple_objects = TRUE;

	/* Monsters */
	if (g->m_idx > 0) {
		/* If the monster isn't "visible", make sure we don't list it.*/
		monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, g->m_idx);
		if (!mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) g->m_idx = 0;

	/* Rare random hallucination on non-outer walls */
	if (g->hallucinate && g->m_idx == 0 && g->first_kind == 0) {
		if (one_in_(128) && (int) g->f_idx != FEAT_PERM)
			g->m_idx = 1;
		else if (one_in_(128) && (int) g->f_idx != FEAT_PERM)
			/* if hallucinating, we just need first_kind to not be NULL */
			g->first_kind = k_info;
			g->hallucinate = FALSE;

	assert((int) g->f_idx <= FEAT_PASS_RUBBLE);
	if (!g->hallucinate)
		assert((int)g->m_idx < cave->mon_max);
	/* All other g fields are 'flags', mostly booleans. */
Example #24
 * Pick up all gold at the player's current location.
static void player_pickup_gold(void)
	s32b total_gold = 0L;
	char name[30] = "";

	struct object *obj = square_object(cave, player->py, player->px), *next;

	int sound_msg;
	bool verbal = FALSE;
	bool at_most_one = TRUE;

	/* Pick up all the ordinary gold objects */
	while (obj) {
		struct object_kind *kind = NULL;

		/* Get next object */
		next = obj->next;

		/* Ignore if not legal treasure */
		kind = lookup_kind(obj->tval, obj->sval);
		if (!tval_is_money(obj) || !kind) {
			obj = next;

		/* Multiple types if we have a second name, otherwise record the name */
		if (total_gold && !streq(kind->name, name))
			at_most_one = FALSE;
			my_strcpy(name, kind->name, sizeof(name));

		/* Remember whether feedback message is in order */
		if (!ignore_item_ok(obj))
			verbal = TRUE;

		/* Increment total value */
		total_gold += (s32b)obj->pval;

		/* Delete the gold */
		square_excise_object(cave, player->py, player->px, obj);
		obj = next;

	/* Pick up the gold, if present */
	if (total_gold) {
		char buf[100];

		/* Build a message */
		(void)strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf),
					  "You have found %ld gold pieces worth of ",

		/* One treasure type.. */
		if (at_most_one)
			my_strcat(buf, name, sizeof(buf));
		/* ... or more */
			my_strcat(buf, "treasures", sizeof(buf));
		my_strcat(buf, ".", sizeof(buf));

		/* Determine which sound to play */
		if      (total_gold < 200) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY1;
		else if (total_gold < 600) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY2;
		else                       sound_msg = MSG_MONEY3;

		/* Display the message */
		if (verbal)
			msgt(sound_msg, "%s", buf);

		/* Add gold to purse */
		player->au += total_gold;

		/* Redraw gold */
		player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);
Example #25
 * Find a grid near the given one for an object to fall on
 * We check several locations to see if we can find a location at which
 * the object can combine, stack, or be placed.  Artifacts will try very
 * hard to be placed, including "teleporting" to a useful grid if needed.
 * If no appropriate grid is found, the given grid is unchanged
static void drop_find_grid(struct object *drop, int *y, int *x)
	int best_score = -1;
	int best_y = *y;
	int best_x = *x;
	int i, dy, dx;
	struct object *obj;

	/* Scan local grids */
	for (dy = -3; dy <= 3; dy++) {
		for (dx = -3; dx <= 3; dx++) {
			bool combine = false;
			int dist = (dy * dy) + (dx * dx);
			int ty = *y + dy;
			int tx = *x + dx;
			int num_shown = 0;
			int num_ignored = 0;
			int score;

			/* Lots of reasons to say no */
			if ((dist > 10) ||
				!square_in_bounds_fully(cave, ty, tx) ||
				!los(cave, *y, *x, ty, tx) ||
				!square_isfloor(cave, ty, tx) ||
				square_isplayertrap(cave, ty, tx) ||
				square_iswarded(cave, ty, tx))

			/* Analyse the grid for carrying the new object */
			for (obj = square_object(cave, ty, tx); obj; obj = obj->next) {
				/* Check for possible combination */
				if (object_similar(obj, drop, OSTACK_FLOOR))
					combine = true;

				/* Count objects */
				if (!ignore_item_ok(obj))
			if (!combine)

			/* Disallow if the stack size is too big */
			if ((OPT(player, birth_stacking) && (num_shown > 1)) ||
				((num_shown + num_ignored) > z_info->floor_size &&
				 !floor_get_oldest_ignored(ty, tx)))

			/* Score the location based on how close and how full the grid is */
			score = 1000 - (dist + num_shown * 5);

			if ((score < best_score) || ((score == best_score) && one_in_(2)))

			best_score = score;
			best_y = ty;
			best_x = tx;

	/* Return if we have a score, otherwise fail or try harder for artifacts */
	if (best_score >= 0) {
		*y = best_y;
		*x = best_x;
	} else if (!drop->artifact) {
	for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
		/* Start bouncing from grid to grid, stopping if we find an empty one */
		if (i < 1000) {
			best_y = rand_spread(best_y, 1);
			best_x = rand_spread(best_x, 1);
		} else {
			/* Now go to purely random locations */
			best_y = randint0(cave->height);
			best_x = randint0(cave->width);
		if (square_canputitem(cave, best_y, best_x)) {
			*y = best_y;
			*x = best_x;
Example #26
 * Let an object fall to the ground at or near a location.
 * The initial location is assumed to be "square_in_bounds_fully(cave, )".
 * This function takes a parameter "chance".  This is the percentage
 * chance that the item will "disappear" instead of drop.  If the object
 * has been thrown, then this is the chance of disappearance on contact.
 * This function will produce a description of a drop event under the player
 * when "verbose" is true.
 * We check several locations to see if we can find a location at which
 * the object can combine, stack, or be placed.  Artifacts will try very
 * hard to be placed, including "teleporting" to a useful grid if needed.
 * Objects which fail to be carried by the floor are deleted.  This function
 * attempts to add successfully dropped objects to, and to remove failures
 * from, the object list (as dropped items may or may not be already listed).
void drop_near(struct chunk *c, struct object *dropped, int chance, int y,
			   int x, bool verbose)
	int i, k, n, d, s;

	int bs, bn;
	int by, bx;
	int dy, dx;
	int ty, tx;

	struct object *obj;

	char o_name[80];

	bool flag = false;

	/* Only called in the current level */
	assert(c == cave);

	/* Describe object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), dropped, ODESC_BASE);

	/* Handle normal "breakage" */
	if (!dropped->artifact && (randint0(100) < chance)) {
		/* Message */
		msg("The %s %s.", o_name,
			VERB_AGREEMENT(dropped->number, "breaks", "break"));

		/* Failure */
		if (dropped->known) {
			delist_object(cave_k, dropped->known);
		delist_object(c, dropped);

	/* Score */
	bs = -1;

	/* Picker */
	bn = 0;

	/* Default */
	by = y;
	bx = x;

	/* Scan local grids */
	for (dy = -3; dy <= 3; dy++) {
		for (dx = -3; dx <= 3; dx++) {
			bool comb = false;

			/* Calculate actual distance */
			d = (dy * dy) + (dx * dx);

			/* Ignore distant grids */
			if (d > 10) continue;

			/* Location */
			ty = y + dy;
			tx = x + dx;

			/* Skip illegal grids */
			if (!square_in_bounds_fully(c, ty, tx)) continue;

			/* Require line of sight */
			if (!los(c, y, x, ty, tx)) continue;

			/* Require floor space */
			if (!square_isfloor(c, ty, tx)) continue;

			/* Require no trap or rune */
			if (square_isplayertrap(c, ty, tx) ||
				square_iswarded(c, ty, tx))

			/* No objects */
			k = 0;
			n = 0;

			/* Scan objects in that grid */
			for (obj = square_object(c, ty, tx); obj; obj = obj->next) {
				/* Check for possible combination */
				if (object_similar(obj, dropped, OSTACK_FLOOR))
					comb = true;

				/* Count objects */
				if (!ignore_item_ok(obj))

			/* Add new object */
			if (!comb) k++;

			/* Option -- disallow stacking */
			if (OPT(birth_no_stacking) && (k > 1)) continue;

			/* Paranoia? */
			if ((k + n) > z_info->floor_size &&
				!floor_get_oldest_ignored(ty, tx)) continue;

			/* Calculate score */
			s = 1000 - (d + k * 5);

			/* Skip bad values */
			if (s < bs) continue;

			/* New best value */
			if (s > bs) bn = 0;

			/* Apply the randomizer to equivalent values */
			if ((++bn >= 2) && (randint0(bn) != 0)) continue;

			/* Keep score */
			bs = s;

			/* Track it */
			by = ty;
			bx = tx;

			/* Okay */
			flag = true;

	/* Handle lack of space */
	if (!flag && !dropped->artifact) {
		/* Message */
		msg("The %s %s.", o_name,
			VERB_AGREEMENT(dropped->number, "disappears", "disappear"));

		/* Debug */
		if (player->wizard) msg("Breakage (no floor space).");

		/* Failure */
		if (dropped->known) {
			delist_object(cave_k, dropped->known);
		delist_object(c, dropped);

	/* Find a grid */
	for (i = 0; !flag; i++) {
		/* Bounce around */
		if (i < 1000) {
			ty = rand_spread(by, 1);
			tx = rand_spread(bx, 1);
		} else {
			/* Random locations */
			ty = randint0(c->height);
			tx = randint0(c->width);

		/* Require floor space */
		if (!square_canputitem(c, ty, tx)) continue;

		/* Bounce to that location */
		by = ty;
		bx = tx;

		/* Okay */
		flag = true;

	/* Give it to the floor */
	if (!floor_carry(c, by, bx, dropped, false)) {
		/* Message */
		msg("The %s %s.", o_name,
			VERB_AGREEMENT(dropped->number, "disappears", "disappear"));

		/* Debug */
		if (player->wizard) msg("Breakage (too many objects).");

		if (dropped->artifact) dropped->artifact->created = false;

		/* Failure */
		if (dropped->known) {
			delist_object(cave_k, dropped->known);
		delist_object(c, dropped);

	/* Sound */

	/* Message when an object falls under the player */
	if (verbose && (c->squares[by][bx].mon < 0))
		/* Check the item still exists and isn't ignored */
		if (c->objects[dropped->oidx] && !ignore_item_ok(dropped))
			msg("You feel something roll beneath your feet.");