Example #1
main (void)
#if 0
  g_rx_enable = 0;	// FIXME (work around initialization bug)
  g_tx_enable = 0;
  g_rx_overrun = 0;
  g_tx_underrun = 0;

  PORTECFG = 0x00;
  OEE = 0x0f;
  IOE = 0x0c;

  memset (hash1, 0, USRP_HASH_SIZE);	// zero fpga bitstream hash.  This forces reload

  init_usrp ();
  init_gpif ();

  // IFCONFIG |= bmGSTATE;			// no conflict, start with it on

  set_led_0 (0);
  set_led_1 (0);

  EA = 0;		// disable all interrupts

  setup_autovectors ();
  usb_install_handlers ();
  hook_timer_tick ((unsigned short) isr_tick);

  EIEX4 = 1;		// disable INT4 FIXME
  EA = 1;		// global interrupt enable

  IOE = 0x04;
  fx2_renumerate ();	// simulates disconnect / reconnect
  IOE = 0x08;

  main_loop ();
Example #2
void main(void) {
 // init_se4110();  	// MIS -  this is no longer required for EK3, 4110 or 4120 varient
  init_se4120();	//  MIS - initialise SE4120 - default is to Hardware programming mode
// ***********Should first read the port (PA3) to see if S/W programming is allowed. **************

//------------------------------------------- Hardware programming start - just keep separate for now 
// Use portA for Hardware programming, 
// as can't split PortB at bit level when functionality of PortB is set to GPIF mode / FIFO mode
  hard_program_se4120(0x01); 	//    0x1 : F0 = 0, F1 = 1, F2=0  : select the chosen Sampling  /Serial format  
//---------------------------------------------Hardware programming end

//-------------------------------------------Software  programming start - just keep separate for now 
// Just re-program it once, then leave in S/W mode
  soft_program_se4120(0xbc, 0x18); //    Change to required S/W Prog mode - MSByte first
//--------------------------------------------Software programming end

 //------------------------------------------------debug code start
 while (1) //DEBUG
	 unsigned short i = 0;
	 unsigned short j = 0;
	 for (i = 0x0; i <= 0xff; i += 0x4)
			soft_program_se4120((0xFD & i), 0x18); //    Change to required S/W Prog mode - MSByte first 
			for (j = 0x0; j < 0x08; j++)
				mdelay(0xff); // 4 ms x delay = 0.5 secs	((clock is still at 12MHz not 48MHz)
	  //  hold it here ! MIS - else init_usrp will reset FIFO / portb settings.
 //---------------------------------------------debug code end 

  EA = 0;	// disable all interrupts

  EIEX4 = 1;   	      	// disable INT4 FIXME
  EA = 1;           	// global interrupt enable

  fx2_renumerate();	// simulates disconnect / reconnect

 // enable_se4110();         // MIS -  this is no longer required for EK3, 4110 or 4120 varient - leave for EK2 compatibility ?
