Example #1
static inline void
calc_output_quad (SINC_FILTER *filter, increment_t increment, increment_t start_filter_index, double scale, float * output)
{	double		fraction, left [4], right [4], icoeff ;
	increment_t	filter_index, max_filter_index ;
	int			data_index, coeff_count, indx ;

	/* Convert input parameters into fixed point. */
	max_filter_index = int_to_fp (filter->coeff_half_len) ;

	/* First apply the left half of the filter. */
	filter_index = start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current - filter->channels * coeff_count ;

	left [0] = left [1] = left [2] = left [3] = 0.0 ;
	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		left [0] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index] ;
		left [1] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 1] ;
		left [2] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 2] ;
		left [3] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 3] ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index + 4 ;
	while (filter_index >= MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	/* Now apply the right half of the filter. */
	filter_index = increment - start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current + filter->channels * (1 + coeff_count) ;

	right [0] = right [1] = right [2] = right [3] = 0.0 ;
	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		right [0] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index] ;
		right [1] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 1] ;
		right [2] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 2] ;
		right [3] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + 3] ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index - 4 ;
	while (filter_index > MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	output [0] = scale * (left [0] + right [0]) ;
	output [1] = scale * (left [1] + right [1]) ;
	output [2] = scale * (left [2] + right [2]) ;
	output [3] = scale * (left [3] + right [3]) ;
} /* calc_output_quad */
Example #2
static inline double
calc_output_single (SINC_FILTER *filter, increment_t increment, increment_t start_filter_index)
{	double		fraction, left, right, icoeff ;
	increment_t	filter_index, max_filter_index ;
	int			data_index, coeff_count, indx ;

	/* Convert input parameters into fixed point. */
	max_filter_index = int_to_fp (filter->coeff_half_len) ;

	/* First apply the left half of the filter. */
	filter_index = start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current - coeff_count ;

	left = 0.0 ;
	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		left += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index] ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index + 1 ;
	while (filter_index >= MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	/* Now apply the right half of the filter. */
	filter_index = increment - start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current + 1 + coeff_count ;

	right = 0.0 ;
	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		right += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index] ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index - 1 ;
	while (filter_index > MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	return (left + right) ;
} /* calc_output_single */
Example #3
static inline void
calc_output_multi (SINC_FILTER *filter, increment_t increment, increment_t start_filter_index, int channels, double scale, float * output)
{	double		fraction, icoeff ;
	/* The following line is 1999 ISO Standard C. If your compiler complains, get a better compiler. */
	double		*left, *right ;
	increment_t	filter_index, max_filter_index ;
	int			data_index, coeff_count, indx, ch ;

	left = filter->left_calc ;
	right = filter->right_calc ;

	/* Convert input parameters into fixed point. */
	max_filter_index = int_to_fp (filter->coeff_half_len) ;

	/* First apply the left half of the filter. */
	filter_index = start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current - channels * coeff_count ;

	memset (left, 0, sizeof (left [0]) * channels) ;

	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		**	Duff's Device.
		**	See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff's_device
		ch = channels ;
			switch (ch % 8)
			{	default :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 7 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 6 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 5 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 4 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 3 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 2 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 1 :
					ch -- ;
					left [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				} ;
		while (ch > 0) ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index + channels ;
	while (filter_index >= MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	/* Now apply the right half of the filter. */
	filter_index = increment - start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current + channels * (1 + coeff_count) ;

	memset (right, 0, sizeof (right [0]) * channels) ;
	{	fraction = fp_to_double (filter_index) ;
		indx = fp_to_int (filter_index) ;

		icoeff = filter->coeffs [indx] + fraction * (filter->coeffs [indx + 1] - filter->coeffs [indx]) ;

		ch = channels ;
			switch (ch % 8)
			{	default :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 7 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 6 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 5 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 4 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 3 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 2 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				case 1 :
					ch -- ;
					right [ch] += icoeff * filter->buffer [data_index + ch] ;
				} ;
		while (ch > 0) ;

		filter_index -= increment ;
		data_index = data_index - channels ;
	while (filter_index > MAKE_INCREMENT_T (0)) ;

	ch = channels ;
		switch (ch % 8)
		{	default :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 7 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 6 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 5 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 4 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 3 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 2 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			case 1 :
				ch -- ;
				output [ch] = scale * (left [ch] + right [ch]) ;
			} ;
	while (ch > 0) ;

	return ;
} /* calc_output_multi */
Example #4
static inline double
calc_output_single (SINC_FILTER *filter, const increment_t increment, const increment_t start_filter_index)
	__m128i increment4;
	__m128 left128,right128;
	float left,right;
	double left,right;
	const coeff_t * const __restrict coeffs = filter->coeffs;
	const float * const __restrict buffer = filter->buffer;
	increment_t	filter_index, max_filter_index ;
	int			data_index, coeff_count;

	/* Convert input parameters into fixed point. */
	max_filter_index = int_to_fp (filter->coeff_half_len) ;

	/* First apply the left half of the filter. */
	filter_index = start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current - coeff_count ;

	increment4 = _mm_set_epi32(increment * 3, increment * 2, increment, 0);

	left128 = _mm_setzero_ps();
	while(filter_index >= increment * 3)
		__m128i indx = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(filter_index), increment4);
		__m128i fractioni = _mm_and_si128(indx,_mm_set1_epi32(((((increment_t)1) << SHIFT_BITS) - 1)));
		Windows__m128i indx;
		indx.m128i = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(filter_index), increment4);
		__m128i fractioni = _mm_and_si128(indx.m128i,_mm_set1_epi32(((((increment_t)1) << SHIFT_BITS) - 1)));
		__m128 icoeff0, icoeff2; // warning that these are uninitialized is okay and its intended, as both high and low 64bit-parts are set below
		__m128 icoeff,icoeffp1,icoeffd,fraction;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		icoeff0 = icoeff2 = _mm_setzero_ps();
		indx = _mm_srai_epi32(indx, SHIFT_BITS);
		indx.m128i = _mm_srai_epi32(indx.m128i, SHIFT_BITS);

		icoeff0 = _mm_loadh_pi(_mm_loadl_pi(icoeff0, (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[0])), (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[1]));
		icoeff2 = _mm_loadh_pi(_mm_loadl_pi(icoeff2, (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[2])), (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[3]));

		icoeff   = _mm_shuffle_ps(icoeff0, icoeff2, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0));
		icoeffp1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(icoeff0, icoeff2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1));

		icoeffd = _mm_sub_ps(icoeffp1, icoeff);
		fraction = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(fractioni), _mm_set1_ps((float)INV_FP_ONE));
		icoeff = _mm_add_ps(icoeff,_mm_mul_ps(icoeffd, fraction));

		left128 = _mm_add_ps(left128,_mm_mul_ps(icoeff, _mm_loadu_ps(buffer + data_index)));

		data_index += 4;
		filter_index -= increment * 4;
	left = 0.;

	while (filter_index >= MAKE_INCREMENT_T(0))
		coeff_t fraction = fp_to_float(filter_index);
		int indx = fp_to_int(filter_index);

		coeff_t icoeff = coeffs[indx] + fraction * (coeffs[indx + 1] - coeffs[indx]);

		left += icoeff * buffer[data_index];

		filter_index -= increment;

	/* Now apply the right half of the filter. */
	filter_index = increment - start_filter_index ;
	coeff_count = (max_filter_index - filter_index) / increment ;
	filter_index = filter_index + coeff_count * increment ;
	data_index = filter->b_current + 1 + coeff_count ;

	right128 = _mm_setzero_ps();
	while (filter_index > increment * 3)
		__m128i indx = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(filter_index), increment4);
		__m128i fractioni = _mm_and_si128(indx, _mm_set1_epi32(((((increment_t)1) << SHIFT_BITS) - 1)));
		Windows__m128i indx;
		indx.m128i = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(filter_index), increment4);
		__m128i fractioni = _mm_and_si128(indx.m128i, _mm_set1_epi32(((((increment_t)1) << SHIFT_BITS) - 1)));
		__m128 icoeff0, icoeff2; // warning that these are uninitialized is okay and its intended, as both high and low 64bit-parts are set below
		__m128 icoeff,icoeffp1,icoeffd,fraction,data;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		icoeff0 = icoeff2 = _mm_setzero_ps();
		indx = _mm_srai_epi32(indx, SHIFT_BITS);
		indx.m128i = _mm_srai_epi32(indx.m128i, SHIFT_BITS);

		icoeff0 = _mm_loadh_pi(_mm_loadl_pi(icoeff0, (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[0])), (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[1]));
		icoeff2 = _mm_loadh_pi(_mm_loadl_pi(icoeff2, (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[2])), (__m64*)(coeffs + indx.m128i_i32[3]));

		icoeff = _mm_shuffle_ps(icoeff0, icoeff2, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 2, 0));
		icoeffp1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(icoeff0, icoeff2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1));

		icoeffd = _mm_sub_ps(icoeffp1, icoeff);
		fraction = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(fractioni), _mm_set1_ps((float)INV_FP_ONE));
		icoeff = _mm_add_ps(icoeff, _mm_mul_ps(icoeffd, fraction));

		data = _mm_loadu_ps(buffer + (data_index - 3));
		right128 = _mm_add_ps(right128,_mm_mul_ps(icoeff, _mm_shuffle_ps(data,data,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,1,2,3))));

		data_index -= 4;
		filter_index -= increment * 4;
	right = 0.;

	while (filter_index > MAKE_INCREMENT_T(0))
		coeff_t fraction = fp_to_float(filter_index);
		int indx = fp_to_int(filter_index);

		coeff_t icoeff = coeffs[indx] + fraction * (coeffs[indx + 1] - coeffs[indx]);

		right += icoeff * buffer[data_index];

		filter_index -= increment;

	return (
		_mm_cvtss_f32(horizontal_add(left128)) + _mm_cvtss_f32(horizontal_add(right128)) +
		left + right) ;
} /* calc_output_single */