Example #1
QList<ResolvedProductPtr> ProjectPrivate::internalProducts(const QList<ProductData> &products) const
    QList<ResolvedProductPtr> internalProducts;
    foreach (const ProductData &product, products) {
        if (product.isEnabled())
            internalProducts << internalProduct(product);
    return internalProducts;
Example #2
int intersectFace(point3 *orig, point3 *dir, point3 *v1, point3 *v2, point3 *v3){
	//~ float t;
	float u, v;
	point3 e1, e2, tV, pV, qV;
	float det, invDet;
	// find vectors for two edges sharing v2
	e1 = directedVector(v1,v2);
	e2 = directedVector(v1,v3);
	// begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter
	pV = vectorProduct(dir,&e2);
	//if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle
	det = internalProduct(&e1,&pV);
	if(det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON)
		return 0;
	invDet = 1.0 / det;
	//calculate distance from v1 to ray origin
	tV = directedVector(v1, orig);
	// calculate U parameter and test bounds
	u = internalProduct(&tV, &pV) * invDet;
	if(u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
		return 0;
	// prepare to test V parameter
	qV = vectorProduct(&tV,&e1);
	// calculate V parameter and test bounds
	v = internalProduct(dir,&qV) * invDet;
	if(v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
		return 0;
	// calculate t, ray intersects triangle 
	//~ t = internalProduct(&e2, &qV) * invDet;
	return 1;
Example #3
void getFacesNearToCamera(unsigned vertexesSize, point3 cameraOrigin,float inTexcoords[], float inColors[][4], float inVertexes[],
								float outTexCoords[], float outColors[][4], float outVertexes[], unsigned *finalVertexes){
	std::vector<face> faces;
	unsigned saved = 0;

	// we divide vertexes size by 3 because each face has 3 vertexes
	for(unsigned i  = 0; i < vertexesSize/3; ++i){

		// we realize the vector product according to hand right rule
		point3 vertexCoord1;
		vertexCoord1.x = inVertexes[9*i];
		vertexCoord1.y = inVertexes[9*i + 1];
		vertexCoord1.z = inVertexes[9*i + 2];
		point3 vertexCoord2;
		vertexCoord2.x = inVertexes[9*i + 3];
		vertexCoord2.y = inVertexes[9*i + 4];
		vertexCoord2.z = inVertexes[9*i + 5];
		point3 vertexCoord3;
		vertexCoord3.x = inVertexes[9*i + 6];
		vertexCoord3.y = inVertexes[9*i + 7];
		vertexCoord3.z = inVertexes[9*i + 8];

		// this vector comes from p2 and goes to p1
		point3 vT1 = directedVector(&vertexCoord2,&vertexCoord1);
		// this vector comes from p2 and goes to p3
		point3 vT2 = directedVector(&vertexCoord2,&vertexCoord3);
		// we realize the vector product according to hand right rule
		point3 normalOutFace = vectorProduct(&vT2,&vT1);
		point3 faceCenter;
		faceCenter.x = (vertexCoord1.x + vertexCoord2.x + vertexCoord3.x)/3.0;
		faceCenter.y = (vertexCoord1.y + vertexCoord2.y + vertexCoord3.y)/3.0;
		faceCenter.z = (vertexCoord1.z + vertexCoord2.z + vertexCoord3.z)/3.0;
		// vector from triangle face to camera origin;
		point3 tF2cO = directedVector(&faceCenter,&cameraOrigin);

		// calcule internal product between gC2TC and normalOutFace
		// if internal product greater or equal than zero 
		//   save the coords that are facing to camera
		//~ if (internalProduct(&tF2cO,&normalOutFace) > 0){
		if (internalProduct(&tF2cO,&normalOutFace) > EPSILON){

			point3 dir = directedVector(&cameraOrigin,&faceCenter);
			if (intersectFace(&cameraOrigin, &dir, &vertexCoord1, &vertexCoord2, &vertexCoord3) == 1) {
			//~ int k = saved;
			face currFace;
			currFace.d = getDistance(faceCenter,cameraOrigin);
			//~ outColors[3*k][0] = inColors[3*i][0];
			//~ outColors[3*k][1] = inColors[3*i][1];
			//~ outColors[3*k][2] = inColors[3*i][2];
			//~ outColors[3*k][3] = inColors[3*i][3];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 1][0] = inColors[3*i + 1][0];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 1][1] = inColors[3*i + 1][1];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 1][2] = inColors[3*i + 1][2];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 1][3] = inColors[3*i + 1][3];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 2][0] = inColors[3*i + 2][0];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 2][1] = inColors[3*i + 2][1];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 2][2] = inColors[3*i + 2][2];
			//~ outColors[3*k + 2][3] = inColors[3*i + 2][3];
			currFace.f.p1.x = inVertexes[9*i];
			currFace.f.p1.y = inVertexes[9*i + 1];
			currFace.f.p1.z = inVertexes[9*i + 2];
			currFace.f.p2.x = inVertexes[9*i + 3];
			currFace.f.p2.y = inVertexes[9*i + 4];
			currFace.f.p2.z = inVertexes[9*i + 5];
			currFace.f.p3.x = inVertexes[9*i + 6];
			currFace.f.p3.y = inVertexes[9*i + 7];
			currFace.f.p3.z = inVertexes[9*i + 8];
			currFace.t.p1.x = inTexcoords[6*i];
			currFace.t.p1.y  = inTexcoords[6*i + 1];
			currFace.t.p1.z  = inTexcoords[6*i + 2];
			currFace.t.p2.x  = inTexcoords[6*i + 3];
			currFace.t.p2.y  = inTexcoords[6*i + 4];
			currFace.t.p2.z  = inTexcoords[6*i + 5];

	std::vector<face>::iterator itFaces;
	int k = 0;
	for(itFaces = faces.begin(); itFaces < faces.end(); ++itFaces){
		outVertexes[9*k + 1]=(*itFaces).f.p1.y;
		outVertexes[9*k + 2]=(*itFaces).f.p1.z;
		outVertexes[9*k + 3]=(*itFaces).f.p2.x;
		outVertexes[9*k + 4]=(*itFaces).f.p2.y;
		outVertexes[9*k + 5]=(*itFaces).f.p2.z;
		outVertexes[9*k + 6]=(*itFaces).f.p3.x;
		outVertexes[9*k + 7]=(*itFaces).f.p3.y;
		outVertexes[9*k + 8]=(*itFaces).f.p3.z;
		outTexCoords[6*k + 1]=(*itFaces).t.p1.y;
		outTexCoords[6*k + 2]=(*itFaces).t.p1.z;
		outTexCoords[6*k + 3]=(*itFaces).t.p2.x;
		outTexCoords[6*k + 4]=(*itFaces).t.p2.y;
		outTexCoords[6*k + 5]=(*itFaces).t.p2.z;

	*finalVertexes = 3*saved;