Example #1
File: rudp.c Project: Shamar/harvey
 *  randomly don't send packets
static void
doipoput(Conv *c, Fs *f, Block *bp, int x, int ttl, int tos)
	Rudpcb *ucb;

	ucb = (Rudpcb*)c->ptcl;
	if(ucb->randdrop && nrand(100) < ucb->randdrop)
		ipoput4(f, bp, x, ttl, tos, nil);
Example #2
File: gre.c Project: 8l/inferno
static void
grekick(void *x, Block *bp)
	Conv *c = x;
	GREhdr *ghp;
	uchar laddr[IPaddrlen], raddr[IPaddrlen];

	if(bp == nil)

	/* Make space to fit ip header (gre header already there) */
	bp = padblock(bp, GRE_IPONLY);
	if(bp == nil)

	/* make sure the message has a GRE header */
	bp = pullupblock(bp, GRE_IPONLY+GRE_IPPLUSGRE);
	if(bp == nil)

	ghp = (GREhdr *)(bp->rp);
	ghp->vihl = IP_VER4;

		v4tov6(raddr, ghp->dst);
		if(ipcmp(raddr, v4prefix) == 0)
			memmove(ghp->dst, c->raddr + IPv4off, IPv4addrlen);
		v4tov6(laddr, ghp->src);
		if(ipcmp(laddr, v4prefix) == 0){
			if(ipcmp(c->laddr, IPnoaddr) == 0)
				findlocalip(c->p->f, c->laddr, raddr); /* pick interface closest to dest */
			memmove(ghp->src, c->laddr + IPv4off, IPv4addrlen);
		hnputs(ghp->eproto, c->rport);

	ghp->proto = IP_GREPROTO;
	ghp->frag[0] = 0;
	ghp->frag[1] = 0;

	ipoput4(c->p->f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, nil);
Example #3
File: igmp.c Project: 99years/plan9
igmpsendreport(Medium *m, uchar *addr)
	IGMPpkt *p;
	Block *bp;

	bp = allocb(sizeof(IGMPpkt));
	if(bp == nil)
	p = (IGMPpkt*)bp->wp;
	p->vihl = IP_VER4;
	bp->wp += IGMPPKTSZ;
	memset(bp->rp, 0, IGMPPKTSZ);
	hnputl(p->src, Mediumgetaddr(m));
	hnputl(p->dst, Ipallsys);
	p->vertype = (1<<4) | IGMPreport;
	p->proto = IP_IGMPPROTO;
	memmove(p->group, addr, IPaddrlen);
	hnputs(p->igmpcksum, ptclcsum(bp, IGMP_IPHDRSIZE, IGMP_HDRSIZE));
	netlog(Logigmp, "igmpreport %I\n", p->group);
	ipoput4(bp, 0, 1, DFLTTOS, nil);	/* TTL of 1 */
Example #4
File: udp.c Project: dhootha/akaros
void udpkick(void *x, struct block *bp)
	struct conv *c = x;
	Udp4hdr *uh4;
	Udp6hdr *uh6;
	uint16_t rport;
	uint8_t laddr[IPaddrlen], raddr[IPaddrlen];
	Udpcb *ucb;
	int dlen, ptcllen;
	Udppriv *upriv;
	struct Fs *f;
	int version;
	struct conv *rc;

	upriv = c->p->priv;
	f = c->p->f;

	netlog(c->p->f, Logudp, "udp: kick\n");
	if (bp == NULL)

	ucb = (Udpcb *) c->ptcl;
	switch (ucb->headers) {
		case 7:
			/* get user specified addresses */
			bp = pullupblock(bp, UDP_USEAD7);
			if (bp == NULL)
			ipmove(raddr, bp->rp);
			bp->rp += IPaddrlen;
			ipmove(laddr, bp->rp);
			bp->rp += IPaddrlen;
			/* pick interface closest to dest */
			if (ipforme(f, laddr) != Runi)
				findlocalip(f, laddr, raddr);
			bp->rp += IPaddrlen;	/* Ignore ifc address */
			rport = nhgets(bp->rp);
			bp->rp += 2 + 2;	/* Ignore local port */
		case 6:
			/* get user specified addresses */
			bp = pullupblock(bp, UDP_USEAD6);
			if (bp == NULL)
			ipmove(raddr, bp->rp);
			bp->rp += IPaddrlen;
			ipmove(laddr, bp->rp);
			bp->rp += IPaddrlen;
			/* pick interface closest to dest */
			if (ipforme(f, laddr) != Runi)
				findlocalip(f, laddr, raddr);
			rport = nhgets(bp->rp);
			bp->rp += 2 + 2;	/* Ignore local port */
			rport = 0;

	if (ucb->headers) {
		if (memcmp(laddr, v4prefix, IPv4off) == 0 ||
			ipcmp(laddr, IPnoaddr) == 0)
			version = V4;
			version = V6;
	} else {
		if ((memcmp(c->raddr, v4prefix, IPv4off) == 0 &&
			 memcmp(c->laddr, v4prefix, IPv4off) == 0)
			|| ipcmp(c->raddr, IPnoaddr) == 0)
			version = V4;
			version = V6;

	dlen = blocklen(bp);

	/* fill in pseudo header and compute checksum */
	switch (version) {
		case V4:
			bp = padblock(bp, UDP4_IPHDR_SZ + UDP_UDPHDR_SZ);
			if (bp == NULL)

			uh4 = (Udp4hdr *) (bp->rp);
			ptcllen = dlen + UDP_UDPHDR_SZ;
			uh4->Unused = 0;
			uh4->udpproto = IP_UDPPROTO;
			uh4->frag[0] = 0;
			uh4->frag[1] = 0;
			hnputs(uh4->udpplen, ptcllen);
			if (ucb->headers) {
				v6tov4(uh4->udpdst, raddr);
				hnputs(uh4->udpdport, rport);
				v6tov4(uh4->udpsrc, laddr);
				rc = NULL;
			} else {
				v6tov4(uh4->udpdst, c->raddr);
				hnputs(uh4->udpdport, c->rport);
				if (ipcmp(c->laddr, IPnoaddr) == 0)
					findlocalip(f, c->laddr, c->raddr);
				v6tov4(uh4->udpsrc, c->laddr);
				rc = c;
			hnputs(uh4->udpsport, c->lport);
			hnputs(uh4->udplen, ptcllen);
			uh4->udpcksum[0] = 0;
			uh4->udpcksum[1] = 0;
				   ~ptclcsum(bp, UDP4_PHDR_OFF, UDP4_PHDR_SZ));
			bp->checksum_start = UDP4_IPHDR_SZ;
			bp->checksum_offset = uh4->udpcksum - uh4->udpsport;
			bp->flag |= Budpck;
			uh4->vihl = IP_VER4;
			ipoput4(f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, rc);

		case V6:
			bp = padblock(bp, UDP6_IPHDR_SZ + UDP_UDPHDR_SZ);
			if (bp == NULL)

			// using the v6 ip header to create pseudo header 
			// first then reset it to the normal ip header
			uh6 = (Udp6hdr *) (bp->rp);
			memset(uh6, 0, 8);
			ptcllen = dlen + UDP_UDPHDR_SZ;
			hnputl(uh6->viclfl, ptcllen);
			uh6->hoplimit = IP_UDPPROTO;
			if (ucb->headers) {
				ipmove(uh6->udpdst, raddr);
				hnputs(uh6->udpdport, rport);
				ipmove(uh6->udpsrc, laddr);
				rc = NULL;
			} else {
				ipmove(uh6->udpdst, c->raddr);
				hnputs(uh6->udpdport, c->rport);
				if (ipcmp(c->laddr, IPnoaddr) == 0)
					findlocalip(f, c->laddr, c->raddr);
				ipmove(uh6->udpsrc, c->laddr);
				rc = c;
			hnputs(uh6->udpsport, c->lport);
			hnputs(uh6->udplen, ptcllen);
			uh6->udpcksum[0] = 0;
			uh6->udpcksum[1] = 0;
				   ptclcsum(bp, UDP6_PHDR_OFF,
							dlen + UDP_UDPHDR_SZ + UDP6_PHDR_SZ));
			memset(uh6, 0, 8);
			uh6->viclfl[0] = IP_VER6;
			hnputs(uh6->len, ptcllen);
			uh6->nextheader = IP_UDPPROTO;
			ipoput6(f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, rc);

			panic("udpkick: version %d", version);
Example #5
File: esp.c Project: npe9/harvey
 * encapsulate next IP packet on x's write queue in IP/ESP packet
 * and initiate output of the result.
static void
espkick(void *x)
	int nexthdr, payload, pad, align;
	uint8_t *auth;
	Block *bp;
	Conv *c = x;
	Esp4hdr *eh4;
	Esp6hdr *eh6;
	Espcb *ecb;
	Esptail *et;
	Userhdr *uh;
	Versdep vers;

	getverslens(convipvers(c), &vers);
	bp = qget(c->wq);
	if(bp == nil)

	ecb = c->ptcl;

	if(ecb->header) {
		/* make sure the message has a User header */
		bp = pullupblock(bp, Userhdrlen);
		if(bp == nil) {
		uh = (Userhdr*)bp->rp;
		nexthdr = uh->nexthdr;
		bp->rp += Userhdrlen;
	} else {
		nexthdr = 0;	/* what should this be? */

	payload = BLEN(bp) + ecb->espivlen;

	/* Make space to fit ip header */
	bp = padblock(bp, vers.hdrlen + ecb->espivlen);
	getpktspiaddrs(bp->rp, &vers);

	align = 4;
	if(ecb->espblklen > align)
		align = ecb->espblklen;
	if(align % ecb->ahblklen != 0)
		panic("espkick: ahblklen is important after all");
	pad = (align-1) - (payload + Esptaillen-1)%align;

	 * Make space for tail
	 * this is done by calling padblock with a negative size
	 * Padblock does not change bp->wp!
	bp = padblock(bp, -(pad+Esptaillen+ecb->ahlen));
	bp->wp += pad+Esptaillen+ecb->ahlen;

	et = (Esptail*)(bp->rp + vers.hdrlen + payload + pad);

	/* fill in tail */
	et->pad = pad;
	et->nexthdr = nexthdr;

	/* encrypt the payload */
	ecb->cipher(ecb, bp->rp + vers.hdrlen, payload + pad + Esptaillen);
	auth = bp->rp + vers.hdrlen + payload + pad + Esptaillen;

	/* fill in head; construct a new IP header and an ESP header */
	if (vers.version == V4) {
		eh4 = (Esp4hdr *)bp->rp;
		eh4->vihl = IP_VER4;
		v6tov4(eh4->espsrc, c->laddr);
		v6tov4(eh4->espdst, c->raddr);
		eh4->espproto = IP_ESPPROTO;
		eh4->frag[0] = 0;
		eh4->frag[1] = 0;

		hnputl(eh4->espspi, ecb->spi);
		hnputl(eh4->espseq, ++ecb->seq);
	} else {
		eh6 = (Esp6hdr *)bp->rp;
		eh6->vcf[0] = IP_VER6;
		ipmove(eh6->src, c->laddr);
		ipmove(eh6->dst, c->raddr);
		eh6->proto = IP_ESPPROTO;

		hnputl(eh6->espspi, ecb->spi);
		hnputl(eh6->espseq, ++ecb->seq);

	/* compute secure hash */
	ecb->auth(ecb, bp->rp + vers.iphdrlen, (vers.hdrlen - vers.iphdrlen) +
		payload + pad + Esptaillen, auth);

	/* print("esp: pass down: %uld\n", BLEN(bp)); */
	if (vers.version == V4)
		ipoput4(c->p->f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, c);
		ipoput6(c->p->f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, c);
Example #6
File: esp.c Project: 8l/inferno
static void
espkick(void *x)
	Conv *c = x;
	Esphdr *eh;
	Esptail *et;
	Userhdr *uh;
	Espcb *ecb;
	Block *bp;
	int nexthdr;
	int payload;
	int pad;
	int align;
	uchar *auth;

	bp = qget(c->wq);
	if(bp == nil)

	ecb = c->ptcl;

	if(ecb->header) {
		/* make sure the message has a User header */
		bp = pullupblock(bp, UserhdrSize);
		if(bp == nil) {
		uh = (Userhdr*)bp->rp;
		nexthdr = uh->nexthdr;
		bp->rp += UserhdrSize;
	} else {
		nexthdr = 0;  // what should this be?

	payload = BLEN(bp) + ecb->espivlen;

	/* Make space to fit ip header */
	bp = padblock(bp, EsphdrSize + ecb->espivlen);

	align = 4;
	if(ecb->espblklen > align)
		align = ecb->espblklen;
	if(align % ecb->ahblklen != 0)
		panic("espkick: ahblklen is important after all");
	pad = (align-1) - (payload + EsptailSize-1)%align;

	 * Make space for tail
	 * this is done by calling padblock with a negative size
	 * Padblock does not change bp->wp!
	bp = padblock(bp, -(pad+EsptailSize+ecb->ahlen));
	bp->wp += pad+EsptailSize+ecb->ahlen;

	eh = (Esphdr *)(bp->rp);
	et = (Esptail*)(bp->rp + EsphdrSize + payload + pad);

	// fill in tail
	et->pad = pad;
	et->nexthdr = nexthdr;

	ecb->cipher(ecb, bp->rp+EsphdrSize, payload+pad+EsptailSize);
	auth = bp->rp + EsphdrSize + payload + pad + EsptailSize;

	// fill in head
	eh->vihl = IP_VER4;
	hnputl(eh->espspi, ecb->spi);
	hnputl(eh->espseq, ++ecb->seq);
	v6tov4(eh->espsrc, c->laddr);
	v6tov4(eh->espdst, c->raddr);
	eh->espproto = IP_ESPPROTO;
	eh->frag[0] = 0;
	eh->frag[1] = 0;

	ecb->auth(ecb, bp->rp+IphdrSize, (EsphdrSize-IphdrSize)+payload+pad+EsptailSize, auth);

	//print("esp: pass down: %uld\n", BLEN(bp));
	ipoput4(c->p->f, bp, 0, c->ttl, c->tos, c);