Example #1
void draw_harmonics(t_scope *x,  t_object *view, t_rect *rect)
	int pathLength = 0;
	t_pt beginCoord;
    t_jpath* posHarmPath = NULL;
    t_jpath* negHarmPath = NULL;
    t_jmatrix transform;
    t_jrgba shadcolor = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.9};
    double alphaShadow = 1.;
    long posPathLen, negPathLen;
    long precIndex = 0;
    double factor;
    posPathLen = negPathLen = 0;
	t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, gensym("harmonics_layer"), rect->width, rect->height);
    if (alphaShadow > x->f_colorPositif.alpha ) alphaShadow = x->f_colorPositif.alpha;
	if (alphaShadow > x->f_colorNegatif.alpha ) alphaShadow = x->f_colorNegatif.alpha;
	alphaShadow -= 0.5;
	if (alphaShadow < 0.) alphaShadow = 0;
	shadcolor.alpha = alphaShadow;
	if (g)
		jgraphics_set_line_join(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
        jgraphics_set_line_cap(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
		jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
		if(x->f_viewer->getBiggestContribution() > 0.)
            factor = (x->f_rayonGlobal * 5. / 6.);
            if (x->f_viewer->getBiggestContribution() > 1)
                factor /= x->f_viewer->getBiggestContribution();
            Tools::clip(&factor, 0., (x->f_rayonGlobal * 5. / 6.));
            // positiv harmonics
			for(int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI; i++)
				precIndex = i-1;
                if (precIndex < 0) precIndex += NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI;
					jgraphics_line_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
				else if(x->f_viewer->getColor(i) == 1 || x->f_viewer->getColor(i) == 0)
					if (pathLength == 0)
						beginCoord.x = x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor;
						beginCoord.y = x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor;
						jgraphics_move_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
                    else if(x->f_viewer->getColor(precIndex) != 1)
                        jgraphics_line_to(g, 0, 0);
                        jgraphics_move_to(g, x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor, x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor);
						jgraphics_line_to(g, x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor, x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor);
			if (pathLength) {
                posHarmPath = jgraphics_copy_path(g);
            posPathLen = pathLength;
			pathLength = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI; i++)
				precIndex = i-1;
                if (precIndex < 0) precIndex += NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI;
					jgraphics_line_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
				else if(x->f_viewer->getColor(i) == -1 || x->f_viewer->getColor(i) == 0)
					if (!pathLength)
						beginCoord.x = x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor;
						beginCoord.y = x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor;
						jgraphics_move_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
                    else if(x->f_viewer->getColor(precIndex) != -1)
                        jgraphics_line_to(g, 0, 0);
                        jgraphics_move_to(g, x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor, x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor);
						jgraphics_line_to(g, x->f_viewer->getAbscisseValue(i) * factor, x->f_viewer->getOrdinateValue(i) * factor);
			if (pathLength) {
                negHarmPath = jgraphics_copy_path(g);
            negPathLen = pathLength;
            // draw harmonics :
            if (posPathLen || negPathLen) {
                jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center.x, x->f_center.y);
                jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform);
                // shadows
                if (posPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, posHarmPath);
                //if (negPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, negHarmPath);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &shadcolor);
                jgraphics_translate(g, 1, 1);
                // harmocolor
                if (posPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, posHarmPath);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_colorPositif);
                if (negPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, negHarmPath);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_colorNegatif);
		jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, gensym("harmonics_layer"));
	jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, gensym("harmonics_layer"), 0., 0.);
void draw_leds(t_meter *x, t_object *view, t_rect *rect)
    t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_leds_layer, rect->width, rect->height);
	if (g)
        int i, j, nbLed, tepidLimit, warmLimit, hotLimit;
        long nLoudSpeak = x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves();
        double deg1, deg2, rotateAngle, ledContainerSize, ledMargin, ledOffset, meter_dB, min_dB_to_display, channelWidth;
        double tmpdeg1, tmpdeg2, tmprad;
        t_jrgba ledColor;
        t_jmatrix transform;

        deg1 = HOA_PI2;
        nbLed = x->f_numleds+1;
        ledContainerSize = x->f_rayonExt - x->f_rayonInt - 4;
        ledOffset = ledContainerSize / nbLed;
        ledMargin = ledOffset * 0.50;
        hotLimit = x->f_numleds - x->f_nhotleds;
        warmLimit = hotLimit - x->f_nwarmleds;
        tepidLimit = warmLimit - x->f_ntepidleds;
        min_dB_to_display = -1 * ( (x->f_numleds * x->f_dbperled) - (x->f_dbperled * 0.5) );
		jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center, x->f_center);
		jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform);
        jgraphics_set_line_cap(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_CAP_BUTT);
		for(i = 0; i < nLoudSpeak; i++)
			// dB (negatif) de -240 à 0;
            meter_dB = x->f_meter->getPlanewaveEnergy(i);
            channelWidth = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveWidth(i));
            deg2 = degToRad(90+(channelWidth));
            rotateAngle = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveAzimuthMapped(i) + x->f_meter->getPlanewavesRotationX()) - (channelWidth*0.5);
                rotateAngle += channelWidth;
                rotateAngle *= -1;
            jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(rotateAngle));
			if ( meter_dB > min_dB_to_display ) // si on est en dessous pas la peine de dessiner
				// leds :
				jgraphics_set_line_width(g, ledMargin);
				for(j=0; j<nbLed-1; j++)
					if ( ( j < nbLed-1 ) && ( meter_dB > min_dB_to_display + (x->f_dbperled * j) ) )
						if ( j < tepidLimit ) ledColor = x->f_color_cold;
						else if ( j < warmLimit ) ledColor = x->f_color_tepid;
						else if ( j < hotLimit ) ledColor = x->f_color_warm;
						else ledColor = x->f_color_hot;
						jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &ledColor);
						jgraphics_set_line_width(g, ledMargin);
						if (nLoudSpeak > 1) {
							if ( nLoudSpeak < 24 && (channelWidth > 14.5 ))
                                tmpdeg1 = 0, tmpdeg2 = 0, tmprad = 0;
                                if (x->f_direction == 0) // inside
                                    tmpdeg1 = deg1 + (0.01 * (j+4) * x->f_metersize);
                                    tmpdeg2 = deg2 - (0.01 * (j+4) * x->f_metersize);
                                    tmprad = x->f_rayonExt - (j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2;
								else // outside
                                    tmpdeg1 = deg1 + (0.01 * (nbLed+3-(j)) * x->f_metersize);
                                    tmpdeg2 = deg2 - (0.01 * (nbLed+3-(j)) * x->f_metersize);
                                    tmprad = x->f_rayonInt + (j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2;
                                if (tmpdeg1 < tmpdeg2)
									jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, tmprad,  tmpdeg1, tmpdeg2);
                                    jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, tmprad, tmpdeg2, tmpdeg1);
                                if (x->f_direction == 0)
                                    jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt-(j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2, deg2, deg1);
                                    jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt+(j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2, deg2, deg1);
						else {
                            if (x->f_direction == 0)
                                jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt-(j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2,  0, HOA_2PI);
                                jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt+(j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2,  0, HOA_2PI);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_over);
                jgraphics_set_line_width(g, ledMargin);
                if (nLoudSpeak > 1) {
                    if ( nLoudSpeak < 24 && (channelWidth > 14.5 ))
                        double tmpdeg1 = 0, tmpdeg2 = 0, tmprad = 0;
                        if (x->f_direction == 0) // inside
                            tmpdeg1 = deg1 + (0.01 * (nbLed+1) * x->f_metersize);
                            tmpdeg2 = deg2 - (0.01 * (nbLed+1) * x->f_metersize);
                            tmprad = x->f_rayonInt + ledMargin + 1;
						else // outside
                            tmpdeg1 = deg1+(0.008 * 3 * x->f_metersize);
                            tmpdeg2 = deg2-(0.008 * 3 * x->f_metersize);
                            tmprad = x->f_rayonExt - ledMargin - 1;
                        if (tmpdeg1 < tmpdeg2)
							jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, tmprad,  tmpdeg1, tmpdeg2);
							jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, tmprad,  tmpdeg1, tmpdeg2);
                        if (x->f_direction == 0) // inside
                            jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt + ledMargin + 1, deg2, deg1);
						else // outside
                            jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt - ledMargin - 1, deg2, deg1);
                    if (x->f_direction == 0)
                        jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt + ledMargin,  0, HOA_2PI);
                        jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt - ledMargin,  0, HOA_2PI);
            jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(-rotateAngle));
		jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, hoa_sym_leds_layer);
	jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_leds_layer, 0., 0.);
Example #3
void draw_harmonics(t_hoa_scope *x,  t_object *view, t_rect *rect)
	int pathLength = 0;
	t_pt beginCoord;
    t_jpath* posHarmPath = NULL;
    t_jpath* negHarmPath = NULL;
    t_jmatrix transform;
    t_jrgba shadcolor = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.};
    long posPathLen = 0, negPathLen = 0, precIndex = 0;

	t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_harmonics_layer, rect->width, rect->height);
    if(shadcolor.alpha > x->f_color_nh.alpha)
        shadcolor.alpha = x->f_color_ph.alpha;
    if(shadcolor.alpha > x->f_color_nh.alpha)
        shadcolor.alpha = x->f_color_nh.alpha;
	shadcolor.alpha -= 0.5;
	if(shadcolor.alpha < 0.)
        shadcolor.alpha = 0;
	if (g)
        jgraphics_rotate(g, HOA_PI);
		jgraphics_set_line_join(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
        jgraphics_set_line_cap(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
		jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
        // positiv harmonics
        for(int i = 0; i < x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints(); i++)
            precIndex = i-1;
            if(precIndex < 0)
                precIndex += x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints();
            if(i == x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints()-1)
                jgraphics_line_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
            else if(x->f_scope->getValue(i) >= 0)
                if (pathLength == 0)
                    beginCoord.x = x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius;
                    beginCoord.y = x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius;
                    jgraphics_move_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
                else if(x->f_scope->getValue(i) < 0)
                    jgraphics_line_to(g, 0, 0);
                    jgraphics_move_to(g, x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius, x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius);
                    jgraphics_line_to(g, x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius, x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius);
        if (pathLength)
            posHarmPath = jgraphics_copy_path(g);
        posPathLen = pathLength;
        pathLength = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints(); i++)
            precIndex = i-1;
            if (precIndex < 0) precIndex += x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints();
            if (i == x->f_scope->getNumberOfPoints()-1)
                jgraphics_line_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
            else if(x->f_scope->getValue(i) < 0)
                if (!pathLength)
                    beginCoord.x = x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius;
                    beginCoord.y = x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius;
                    jgraphics_move_to(g, beginCoord.x, beginCoord.y );
                else if(x->f_scope->getValue(precIndex) >= 0)
                    jgraphics_line_to(g, 0, 0);
                    jgraphics_move_to(g, x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius, x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius);
                    jgraphics_line_to(g, x->f_scope->getAbscissa(i) * x->f_radius, x->f_scope->getOrdinate(i) * x->f_radius);
            negHarmPath = jgraphics_copy_path(g);
        negPathLen = pathLength;
        // draw harmonics :
        if(posPathLen || negPathLen)
            jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center, x->f_center);
            jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform);
            // shadows
            jgraphics_translate(g, 1, 1); // decalage de l'ombre
            if (posPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, posHarmPath);
            if (negPathLen) jgraphics_append_path(g, negHarmPath);
            jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &shadcolor);
            jgraphics_translate(g, -1, -1); // annulation du decalage
            // harmocolor
                jgraphics_append_path(g, posHarmPath);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_ph);
                jgraphics_append_path(g, negHarmPath);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_nh);

		jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, hoa_sym_harmonics_layer);
	jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_harmonics_layer, 0., 0.);
void draw_skeleton(t_meter *x,  t_object *view, t_rect *rect)
	t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_skeleton_layer, rect->width, rect->height);

	if (g)
        double deg1, deg2, rotateAngle, ledContainerSize, ledStroke, ledMargin, ledOffset, channelWidth;
        t_jmatrix transform;
        deg1 = HOA_PI2;
        ledContainerSize = x->f_rayonExt - x->f_rayonInt - (1*4);
        ledOffset = ledContainerSize / (x->f_numleds+1);
        ledStroke = ledOffset * 0.75;
        ledMargin = ledOffset * 0.5;
        t_jrgba black = rgba_addContrast(x->f_color_mbg, -0.12);
		// Background :
        jgraphics_rectangle(g, 0., 0., rect->width, rect->height);
        jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_bg);
        // Border :
        jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &black);
        jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
        // Meter Background :
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_mbg);
		jgraphics_set_line_width(g, (x->f_rayonExt - x->f_rayonInt) - 0.5);
		jgraphics_arc(g, x->f_center, x->f_center, x->f_rayonExt*0.5+(x->f_rayonInt*0.5), 0., HOA_2PI);
		jgraphics_arc_negative(g, x->f_center, x->f_center, x->f_rayonExt*0.5+(x->f_rayonInt*0.5), HOA_PI, -HOA_2PI); // due to a stroke bug !
        // skelton circles :
        if (x->f_drawmborder == 1 || x->f_drawmborder == 3)
            jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &black);
            jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
            jgraphics_arc(g, x->f_center, x->f_center, x->f_rayonExt,  0., HOA_2PI);
            jgraphics_arc(g, x->f_center, x->f_center, x->f_rayonInt,  0., HOA_2PI);
        if (x->f_drawledsbg)
            jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center, x->f_center);
            jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform);
            // skelton separators and leds bg:
            for(ulong i = 0; i < x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves(); i++)
				channelWidth = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveWidth(i));
                deg2 = degToRad(90. + channelWidth);
                rotateAngle = radToDeg(x->f_meter->getPlanewaveAzimuthMapped(i) + x->f_meter->getPlanewavesRotationX()) - (channelWidth*0.5);
                if (!x->f_rotation)
                    rotateAngle += channelWidth;
                    rotateAngle *= -1;
                jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(rotateAngle));
                // leds Background :
                jgraphics_set_line_width(g, ledStroke);
                jgraphics_set_line_cap(g, JGRAPHICS_LINE_CAP_BUTT);
                jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_ledbg);
                for(ulong j=0; j < x->f_numleds; j++ )
                    if (x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves() > 1)
                        if ( x->f_meter->getNumberOfPlanewaves() < 24  && (channelWidth > 14.5))
                            double tmpdeg1 = 0, tmpdeg2 = 0, tmprad = 0;
                            if (x->f_direction == 0) // inside
                                tmpdeg1 = deg1 + (0.008 * (j+4) * x->f_metersize);
                                tmpdeg2 = deg2 - (0.008 * (j+4) * x->f_metersize);
                                tmprad = x->f_rayonExt - (j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2;
							else // outside
                                tmpdeg1 = deg1 + (0.008 * (x->f_numleds+3-(j)) * x->f_metersize);
                                tmpdeg2 = deg2 - (0.008 * (x->f_numleds+3-(j)) * x->f_metersize);
                                tmprad = x->f_rayonInt + (j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2;
                            if (tmpdeg1 < tmpdeg2)
								jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, tmprad,  tmpdeg1, tmpdeg2);
                                jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, tmprad, tmpdeg2, tmpdeg1);
                            if (x->f_direction == 0)
                                jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt-(j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2, deg2, deg1);
                                jgraphics_arc_negative(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt+(j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2, deg2, deg1);
                    else // mono
                        if (x->f_direction == 0)
                            jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonExt - (j*ledOffset) - ledMargin - 2, 0, HOA_2PI);
                            jgraphics_arc(g, 0, 0, x->f_rayonInt + (j*ledOffset) + ledMargin + 2, 0, HOA_2PI);
                jgraphics_rotate(g, degToRad(-rotateAngle));
		jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, hoa_sym_skeleton_layer);
	jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_skeleton_layer, 0., 0.);