Example #1
void push_reg(jit_value reg, Frame* frame) {

	struct jit* jit = frame->jit;

	jit_op* overflow_jump = jit_bner(frame->jit, (intptr_t) JIT_FORWARD, frame->stack_size, frame->stack_offset);

	jit_addi(jit, frame->stack_size, frame->stack_size, 10);
	jit_movr(jit, frame->accum[0], frame->stack_size);
	jit_muli(jit, frame->accum[0], frame->accum[0], sizeof(YValue*));
	jit_putargr(jit, frame->stack_ptr);
	jit_putargr(jit, frame->accum[0]);
	jit_call(jit, realloc);
	jit_retval(jit, frame->stack_ptr);

	jit_patch(frame->jit, overflow_jump);

	jit_muli(jit, frame->accum[ACCUM_COUNT-1], frame->stack_offset, sizeof(YValue*));
	jit_stxr(jit, frame->stack_ptr, frame->accum[ACCUM_COUNT-1], reg, sizeof(YValue*));
	jit_addi(jit, frame->stack_offset, frame->stack_offset, 1);

	jit_putargr(jit, reg);
	jit_call(jit, inc_linkc);
void jit_divr(int dreg, int sreg) {
  if (dreg!=0) jit_movr(dreg,0);
  // call the c lib function
  // later: http://thinkingeek.com/2013/08/11/arm-assembler-raspberry-pi-chapter-15/
Example #3
void set_reg(ssize_t r, jit_value v, Frame* frame) {
	if (r >= 0 && r < frame->stats->ssa_reg_count) {
		r = frame->stats->ssa_regs[r]->real_reg;

		jit_op*  label = jit_beqi(frame->jit, (intptr_t) JIT_FORWARD, v, 0);;
		jit_putargr(frame->jit, frame->regs[r]);
		jit_putargr(frame->jit, v);
		jit_call(frame->jit, exchange_values);
		jit_movr(frame->jit, frame->regs[r], v);

		jit_patch(frame->jit, label);
Example #4
jit_value pop_reg(Frame* frame) {
	struct jit* jit = frame->jit;

	jit_movr(jit, frame->accum[0], frame->null_ptr);
	jit_op* underflow_jump = jit_beqi(jit, (intptr_t) JIT_FORWARD, frame->stack_offset, 0);
	jit_subi(jit, frame->stack_offset, frame->stack_offset, 1);
	jit_muli(jit, frame->accum[ACCUM_COUNT-1], frame->stack_offset, sizeof(YValue*));
	jit_ldxr(jit, frame->accum[0], frame->stack_ptr, frame->accum[ACCUM_COUNT-1], sizeof(YValue*));	

	jit_patch(jit, underflow_jump);

	jit_putargr(jit, frame->accum[0]);
	jit_call(jit, dec_linkc);
	return frame->accum[0];
void jit_modr(int dreg, int sreg) {
  if (dreg!=0) jit_movr(dreg,0);
Example #6
	void as_3_function::compile()
#define var_stack jit_getarg( 1 )
#define var_scope jit_getarg( 2 )

		int ip = 0;
		jit_prologue( m_compiled_code );

		if( m_code.size() == 0 ) return;
			Uint8 opcode = m_code[ip++];
			switch (opcode)
				case 0x24:	// pushbyte
					int byte_value;
					ip += read_vu30(byte_value, &m_code[ip]);

					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, byte_value );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_eax, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					jit_pusharg( m_compiled_code, jit_eax );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, stack_int_function(stack_push_back_value) );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: pushbyte\t %d\n", byte_value));


				case 0x2D:	// pushint
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					int val = m_abc->get_integer(index);

					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, val );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_eax, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					jit_pusharg( m_compiled_code, jit_eax );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, stack_int_function(stack_push_back_value) );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: pushint\t %d\n", val));


				case 0x2C:	// pushstring
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* val = m_abc->get_string(index);

					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, val );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_eax, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					jit_pusharg( m_compiled_code, jit_eax );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, stack_charp_function( &stack_push_back_value ) );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: pushstring\t '%s'\n", val));


				case 0x2F:	// pushdouble
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					double val = m_abc->get_double(index);
					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, val );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_pusharg( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &(stack_push_back_value<double>) );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 3 ); //double counts for 2;

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: pushdouble\t %f\n", val));


				case 0x30:	// pushscope
					//as_value& val = stack.back();
					typedef as_value& ( array<as_value>::*back_function )();
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, (back_function)&array<as_value>::back );

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, var_scope );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_result );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, (push_value_function)&array<as_value>::push_back );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 1 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: pushscope\t %s\n", val.to_xstring()));
					//TODO: Ecx is caller-saved, copy it to esi or edi before calling to prevent reload from memory
					//stack.resize(stack.size() - 1); 
					compile_stack_resize( 1 );


				case 0x47:	// returnvoid
					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: returnvoid\t\n"));

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 3 ) );
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, &as_value::set_undefined );


				case 0x49:	// constructsuper
					// stack: object, arg1, arg2, ..., argn
					int arg_count;
					ip += read_vu30(arg_count, &m_code[ip]);

					struct constructsuper
						static void call( array<as_value> & stack, int arg_count )
							as_object* obj = stack.back().to_object();
							stack.resize(stack.size() - 1);
							for (int i = 0; i < arg_count; i++)
								as_value& val = stack.back();
								stack.resize(stack.size() - 1);

							//TODO: construct super of obj

							IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: constructsuper\t 0x%p(args:%d)\n", obj, arg_count));

					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, arg_count );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &constructsuper::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );


				case 0x4F:	// callpropvoid, Call a property, discarding the return value.
				// Stack: …, obj, [ns], [name], arg1,...,argn => …
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);

					int arg_count;
					ip += read_vu30(arg_count, &m_code[ip]);

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_pusharg( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, arg_count );
					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, name );
					jit_pushargi( m_compiled_code, this );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &callpropvoid::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 4 );

					struct local
						static void construct_env( as_environment *env, player * player )
							new( env ) as_environment( player );

						static void destruct_env( as_environment *env )

					//as_environment env(get_player());
					int env_offset = jit_allocate_stack_object_memory( m_compiled_code, sizeof( as_environment ) );
					//Do we query it each it or it won't change? I decided it won't change
					jit_mov( m_compiled_code, jit_edi, jit_stack_pointer );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, (uint32)get_player() );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_edi );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &local::construct_env );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

					//as_value* val = stack.back();
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					typedef as_value& ( array<as_value>::*back_function )();
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, (back_function)&array<as_value>::back );
					jit_mov( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, jit_result );

					for (int i = 0; i < arg_count; i++)
					 //env.push( *val);
					 jit_mov( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_edi );
					 jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					 jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, & as_environment::push<as_value&> );
					 jit_subi( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, sizeof( as_value ) );

					//stack.resize(stack.size() - arg_count);
					compile_stack_resize( arg_count );

					//as_object* obj = stack.back().to_object();
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					typedef as_value& ( array<as_value>::*back_function )();
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, (back_function)&array<as_value>::back );
					jit_mov( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_result );
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, &as_value::to_object );
					jit_mov( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, jit_result );

					 //stack.resize(stack.size() - 1);
					compile_stack_resize( 1 );

					//as_value func;
					//if (obj && obj->get_member(name, &func))
					//	call_method(func, &env, obj,	arg_count, env.get_top_index());

					// Destruct env
					jit_getaddress( m_compiled_code, jit_result, jit_stack_pointer, env_offset );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code ,jit_result );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &local::destruct_env );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 1 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: callpropvoid\t 0x%p.%s(args:%d)\n", obj, name, arg_count));

				case 0x5D:	// findpropstrict
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);

					// search property in scope
					// TODO: inline
					struct findpropstrict
						static as_object * call( char* name, array<as_value> & scope )
							for (int i = scope.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								as_value val;
								if (scope[i].find_property(name, &val))
									return scope[i].to_object();

							return NULL;

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_scope );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, name);
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &findpropstrict::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: findpropstrict\t %s, obj=0x%p\n", name, obj));

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_result );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &stack_push_back_value<as_object*> );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );


				case 0x5E:	// findproperty, Search the scope stack for a property
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);

					struct findproperty
						static void call( const char* name, array<as_value> & scope, array<as_value> & stack )
							as_object* obj = NULL;
							for (int i = scope.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								as_value val;
								if (scope[i].find_property(name, &val))
									obj = scope[i].to_object();

							IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: findproperty\t %s, obj=0x%p\n", name, obj));


					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_scope );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, name );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &findproperty::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 3 );



				case 0x60:	// getlex, Find and get a property.
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);

					struct getlex
						static void call( const char* name, array<as_value> & scope, array<as_value> &stack )
							// search property in scope
							as_value val;
							for (int i = scope.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
								if (scope[i].find_property(name, &val))

							IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: getlex\t %s, value=%s\n", name, val.to_xstring()));


					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_scope );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, name );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &getlex::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

				case 0x66:	// getproperty
					//					 int index;
					//					 ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					//					 const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);
					//					 as_object* obj = stack.back().to_object();
					//					 if (obj)
					//					 {
					//						 obj->get_member(name, &stack.back());
					//					 }
					//					 else
					//					 {
					//						 stack.back().set_undefined();
					//					 }
					//					 IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: getproperty\t %s, value=%s\n", name, stack.back().to_xstring()));

				case 0x68:	// initproperty, Initialize a property.
					int index;
					ip += read_vu30(index, &m_code[ip]);
					const char* name = m_abc->get_multiname(index);

					struct initproperty
						static void call( const char * name, array<as_value> & stack )
							as_value& val = stack[stack.size() - 1];
							as_object* obj = stack[stack.size() - 2].to_object();
							if (obj)
								obj->set_member(name, val);

							IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: initproperty\t 0x%p.%s=%s\n", obj, name, val.to_xstring()));

							stack.resize(stack.size() - 2);

					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_esi, var_stack );
					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_esi );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, name );
					jit_call( m_compiled_code, &initproperty::call );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 2 );

				case 0xD0:	// getlocal_0
				case 0xD1:	// getlocal_1
				case 0xD2:	// getlocal_2
				case 0xD3:	// getlocal_3
					//as_value& val = lregister[opcode & 0x03];
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 0 ) );
					jit_pushi( m_compiled_code, opcode & 0x03 );
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, (index_function)&array<as_value>::operator[] );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 1 );

					jit_push( m_compiled_code, jit_result );
					jit_load( m_compiled_code, jit_this_pointer, jit_getarg( 1 ) );
					jit_this_call( m_compiled_code, (push_value_function) &array<as_value>::push_back );
					jit_popargs( m_compiled_code, 1 );

					//IF_VERBOSE_ACTION(log_msg("EX: getlocal_%d\t %s\n", opcode & 0x03, val.to_xstring()));

					log_msg("TODO opcode 0x%02X\n", opcode);

		while (ip < m_code.size());

		jit_return( m_compiled_code );
		assert( false );