void GeoReverseGeocode::reload() { if (qIsNaN(latitude())) return; if (qIsNaN(longitude())) return; if (qFuzzyCompare(latitude(), 0.0)) return; if (qFuzzyCompare(longitude(), 0.0)) return; AbstractTwitterModel::reload(); }
// // This test checks that a SetLastKnowPosition request // results in a request to store a position sent to the DB // TVerdict CTe_LocMonitorStep11::doTestStepL() { if (TestStepResult()==EPass) { TPositionInfo positionInfo; TPosition position; TReal64 latitude(11), longitude(21); position.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude); positionInfo.SetPosition(position); RLbsLocMonitorSession locMonSession; User::LeaveIfError(locMonSession.Connect()); RLbsLocMonitorAreaPositioner areaPositioner; areaPositioner.OpenL(locMonSession); CleanupClosePushL(areaPositioner); iLocMonDbListener->ListenForLocMonDbFeedback(); areaPositioner.SetLastKnownPosition(positionInfo); iLocMonDbListener->WaitForDbFeedback(); // Check that the position received by the DB is the position // sent by the test TESTL(latitude == iLocMonDbListener->iDbData.iPosition.Latitude()); TESTL(longitude == iLocMonDbListener->iDbData.iPosition.Longitude()); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&areaPositioner); locMonSession.Close(); } return TestStepResult(); }
void AreaSettingsDialog::loadFromLineEdits() { qDebug() << "void AreaSettingsDialog::loadFromLineEdits()"; QLineEdit *edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>(sender()); int position = 5; if(edit == ui->lineEdit_p1) position = 0; else if(edit == ui->lineEdit_p2) position = 1; else if(edit == ui->lineEdit_p3) position = 2; else if(edit == ui->lineEdit_p4) position = 3; else return; QRegExp rx("(\\d{1,3})[°dh,\\s]{1,}(\\d{1,3})['m,\\s]{1,}(\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,})[s,'' ]{1,2}[ x,]{1,}(\\d{1,3})[°dh,\\s]{1,}(\\d{1,3})['m,\\s]{1,}(\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,})[s,']{1,2}"); rx.exactMatch(edit->text()); QStringList captured = rx.capturedTexts(); QPalette palette; if(captured.size() == 7 && rx.exactMatch(edit->text())) { qDebug() << "if(captured.size() == 7 && rx.exactMatch(edit->text())) true"; DegMinSec longitude(captured.at(1).toInt(),captured.at(2).toInt(),captured.at(3).toFloat()); DegMinSec latitude(captured.at(4).toInt(),captured.at(5).toInt(),captured.at(6).toFloat()); qDebug() << "lat: " << latitude.toDMSString(); qDebug() << "lon: " << longitude.toDMSString(); points.at(position) = PointWorldCoord(longitude.toDecimalDegress(),latitude.toDecimalDegress()); createPolygon(); emit areaChanged(polygon); palette.setColor(QPalette::Foreground,Qt::black);; } else palette.setColor(QPalette::Foreground,Qt::red); edit->setPalette(palette); }
List maxmind_bindings::lookup(std::vector < std::string >& ip_addresses, MMDB_s *mmdb_set, std::vector < std::string > fields){ List output; int field_length = fields.size(); for(int i = 0; i < field_length; i++){ if(fields[i] == "continent_name"){ output.push_back(continent_name(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "country_name"){ output.push_back(country_name(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "country_code"){ output.push_back(country_code(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "region_name"){ output.push_back(region_name(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "city_name"){ output.push_back(city_name(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "timezone"){ output.push_back(timezone(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "latitude"){ output.push_back(latitude(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "longitude"){ output.push_back(longitude(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } else if(fields[i] == "connection"){ output.push_back(connection(mmdb_set, ip_addresses)); } } return output; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // print true bearing and range to system //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Navaid::printTrueBearingRange(std::ostream& sout, const double aclat, const double aclon, const double acelev) const { double bearing(0.0), range(0.0), grdrange(0.0); base::Nav::glla2bd(aclat, aclon, acelev, latitude(), longitude(), elevation(), &bearing, &range, &grdrange); sout << " range " << range << " grdrange " << grdrange << " true_bearing " << bearing << std::endl; }
void _set_temperature (const Planet& planet, const Climate_parameters&, Climate_generation_season& season) { auto temperature_at_latitude = [](float latitude) { return freezing_point() - 25 + 50*cos(latitude); }; for (auto& t : tiles(planet)) { float temperature = temperature_at_latitude(season.tropical_equator - latitude(planet, vector(t))); if (is_land(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t)))) { if (elevation(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t))) > sea_level(planet)) temperature -= temperature_lapse(elevation(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t))) - sea_level(planet)); } else { temperature = 0.3*temperature + 0.7*temperature_at_latitude(latitude(planet, vector(t))); } season.tiles[id(t)].temperature = temperature; } }
void generate_random_value(grnxx::GeoPoint *value) { if ((rng() % 256) == 0) { *value = grnxx::GeoPoint::na(); } else { grnxx::Float latitude(-90.0 + (180.0 * rng() / rng.max())); grnxx::Float longitude(-180.0 + (360.0 * rng() / rng.max())); *value = grnxx::GeoPoint(latitude, longitude); } }
/** @brief return cartesian vector from this polar vector */ operator Vec() const { // get radian latitude Coord phi = deg2rad(longitude()); // get radian longitude Coord theta = deg2rad(latitude()); // calculate and return cartesian vector return radius()*Vec( sin(theta) * cos(phi), sin(theta) * sin(phi), cos(theta) ); }
void loop() { while(1) { Serial.print("UTC:"); UTC(); Serial.print("Lat:"); latitude(); Serial.print("Dir:"); lat_dir(); Serial.print("Lon:"); longitude(); Serial.print("Dir:"); lon_dir(); Serial.print("Alt:"); altitude(); Serial.println(' '); Serial.println(' '); } }
void Solution::print(const std::string& output_path) { Limits limit; Dimension latitude(latitudeLeft, latitudeRight, 0); Dimension longitude(longitudeLeft, longitudeRight, 0); latitude.to_radian(); longitude.to_radian(); const unsigned density = 100; for (auto i = static_cast<unsigned>(timeLeft); i < timeRight + 1; ++i) { auto path = fmt::format("{}{}{:02}{}", output_path, "time_", i, ".txt"); std::ofstream out(path); for (unsigned x = 0; x <= density; ++x) { for (unsigned y = 0; y <= density; ++y) { const float phi = latitude.left + (latitude.right - latitude.left) / density * x; const float theta = longitude.left + (longitude.right - longitude.left) / density * y; const float time = i * 3600; float sum = 0; for (const auto &item : grids) { sum += item(phi, theta, time); } limit.update(sum); fmt::print(out, "{:.2f}{}", sum, (y != density) ? ' ' : '\n'); } } out.close(); } latitude.to_degrees(); longitude.to_degrees(); std::ofstream limits(output_path + "limits.txt"); fmt::print(limits, "{}\n{}\n{}", latitude, longitude, limit); limits.close(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Printing functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Airport::printRecord(std::ostream& sout) const { char key1[AP_KEY_LEN+1]; key(key1); char id[AP_IDENT_LEN+1]; ident(id); char ccode[AP_CCODE_LEN+1]; countryCode(ccode); sout << key1; sout << ": "; sout << id; sout << "-"; sout << ccode; sout << " "; sout << char(airportType()); sout << " "; std::streamoff old = sout.precision(); sout.precision(12); sout << latitude(); sout << ", "; sout << longitude(); sout.precision(old); sout << ", "; sout << elevation(); sout << ", mv="; sout << magVariance(); }
bool GeoCoords::operator==(const GeoCoords &other) const { return (longitude() == other.longitude() && latitude() == other.latitude() && altitude() == other.altitude()); }
int QTweetStatusUpdateWithMedia::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QTweetNetBase::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 2) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 2; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) { if (_id < 2) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 2; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = status(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = imageFilename(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isSensitive(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< qint64*>(_v) = inReplyToStatusID(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = latitude(); break; case 5: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = longitude(); break; case 6: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = placeID(); break; case 7: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = displayCoordinates(); break; } _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setStatus(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 1: setImageFilename(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 2: setSensitive(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 3: setReplyToStatusID(*reinterpret_cast< qint64*>(_v)); break; case 4: setLatitude(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 5: setLongitude(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 6: setPlaceID(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 7: setDisplayCoordinates(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) { if (_id < 8) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 8; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // serialize true bearing and range to system //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Record::printTrueBearingRange(std::ostream& sout, const double aclat, const double aclon, const double acelev)const { double bearing, range, grdrange; Basic::Nav::glla2bd(aclat, aclon, acelev, latitude(), longitude(), elevation(), &bearing, &range, &grdrange); sout << " range " << range << " grdrange " << grdrange << " true_bearing " << bearing; }
void QMapboxGL::setLongitude(double longitude) { d_ptr->mapObj.setLatLng({latitude(), longitude}); }
double Weather::sin_solar_elevation_angle (const Time& time) const // [] { return Astronomy::SinSolarElevationAngle (time, latitude (), longitude (), timezone ()); }
void Solution::add_grid(unsigned spaceIntervals, unsigned timeIntervals) { Dimension latitude(latitudeLeft, latitudeRight, spaceIntervals); Dimension longitude(longitudeLeft, longitudeRight, spaceIntervals); Dimension time(timeLeft * 3600, timeRight * 3600, timeIntervals); grids.emplace_back(Grid {latitude, longitude, time}); }
Wind _default_wind (const Planet& p, int i, double tropical_equator) { Vector2 pressure_force = _default_pressure_gradient_force(tropical_equator, latitude(p, vector(nth_tile(p,i)))); double coriolis_coeff = coriolis_coefficient(p, latitude(p, vector(nth_tile(p,i)))); double friction = is_land(nth_tile(terrain(p), i)) ? 0.000045 : 0.000045; return _prevailing_wind(pressure_force, coriolis_coeff, friction); }
bool Spherical::Test( ) { bool ok = true; cout << "Testing Spherical" << endl; cout << "Spherical( ) [default constructor]" << endl; Spherical spherical0; cout << "Set( )" << endl; spherical0.Set( ); TESTCHECK( spherical0.Longitude().Radians(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical0.Latitude().Radians(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical0.Distance(), 0., &ok ); Point3D rect0 = spherical0.Rectangular(); TESTCHECK( rect0.X(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECK( rect0.Y(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECK( rect0.Z(), 0., &ok ); double lng = - M_PI / 2; Angle longitude( lng ); double lat = M_PI / 4; Angle latitude( lat ); double dist = sqrt( 2. ); cout << "Spherical( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lng << "), " << dist << " ) [longitude, latitude, distance constructor]" << endl; Spherical spherical1( longitude, latitude, dist ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Distance(), dist, &ok ); Point3D rect = spherical1.Rectangular(); TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), -1., &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), 1., &ok ); lng = 3 * M_PI / 4; lat = 0.; dist = 4.; longitude.Set( lng ); latitude.Set( lat ); cout << "Set( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lng << "), " << dist << " )" << endl; spherical1.Set( longitude, latitude, dist ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical1.Distance(), dist, &ok ); rect = spherical1.Rectangular(); TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), - sqrt( 8. ), &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), sqrt( 8. ), &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), 0., &ok ); ostringstream ost; cout << "operator<<" << endl; ost << spherical1; TESTCHECK( ost.str(), string( "( 135°, 0°, 4 )" ), &ok ); double x = 3.; double y = 4.; double z = 0.; rect.Set( x, y, z ); cout << "Spherical( Point3D(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ") ) [rectangular constructor]" << endl; Spherical spherical2( rect ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), 0.927295218, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Distance(), 5., &ok ); rect = spherical2.Rectangular(); TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), x, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), y, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), z, &ok ); x = 12.; y = 0.; z = -5.; rect.Set( x, y, z ); cout << "Set( Point3D(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ") )" << endl; spherical2.Set( rect ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), 0., &ok ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), -0.39479112, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Distance(), 13., &ok ); rect = spherical2.Rectangular(); TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), x, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), y, &ok ); TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), z, &ok ); int h = 14; int m = 15; double s = 39.7; cout << "ra = AngleHMS( " << h << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl; const Angle raArcturus( AngleHMS( h, m, s ) ); int d = 19; m = 10; s = 57.; cout << "dec = AngleDMS( " << d << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl; const Angle decArcturus( AngleDMS( d, m, s ) ); cout << "Arcturus: ( ra, dec, 1. )" << endl; const Spherical Arcturus( raArcturus, decArcturus ); h = 13; m = 25; s = 11.6; cout << "ra = AngleHMS( " << h << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl; const Angle raSpica( AngleHMS( h, m, s ) ); d = -11; m = 9; s = 41.; cout << "dec = AngleDMS( " << d << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl; const Angle decSpica( AngleDMS( d, m, s ) ); cout << "Spica: ( ra, dec, 1. )" << endl; const Spherical Spica( raSpica, decSpica ); cout << "Separation( Arcturus, Spica )" << endl; Angle sep = Separation( Arcturus, Spica ); TESTCHECKF( sep.Degrees(), 32.7930103, &ok ); lng = -1.5; lat = 0.75; dist = 40.; longitude.Set( lng ); latitude.Set( lat ); cout << "Set( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lat << "), " << dist << " )" << endl; spherical1.Set( longitude, latitude, dist ); TESTCHECK( ToJSON( spherical1 ), string( "{\n" "\"distance\": +4.00000000000000e+001,\n" "\"latitude\": +7.50000000000000e-001,\n" "\"longitude\": -1.50000000000000e+000\n" "}"), &ok ); cout << "FromJSON( ToJSON( spherical1 ), &spherical2 )" << endl; FromJSON( ToJSON( spherical1 ), &spherical2 ); TESTCHECK( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok ); TESTCHECK( spherical2.Distance(), dist, &ok ); if ( ok ) cout << "Spherical PASSED." << endl << endl; else cout << "Spherical FAILED." << endl << endl; return ok; }
QString toStringLonLat() const {return QString("[") + QString::number(longitude()*180./M_PI, 'g', 12) + "," + QString::number(latitude()*180./M_PI, 'g', 12)+"]";}
void geotag_worker(wc_work_queue &wq, std::vector<GPXPoint> &gpxData) { std::string fname; // Grab a file from the work queue while ((fname = wq.getFile()) != "") { try { Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(fname.c_str()); if (image.get() == 0) continue; image->readMetadata(); Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData(); if (exifData.empty()) { std::string error = fname; error += ": No Exif data found in the file"; throw Exiv2::Error(1, error); } std::string tmpTime = exifData["Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"].toString(); auto tstamp = getImageTimeStamp(tmpTime); size_t idx = 0; bool foundIt = findClosest(gpxData, tstamp, idx); if (!foundIt) { std::cout << fname << " is not on the GPX track!\n"; continue; } else { std::cout << fname << " was at (" << std::setprecision(10) << gpxData[idx].lat << ", " << std::setprecision(10) << gpxData[idx].lon << ")\n"; } clearGPSFields(exifData); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSMapDatum"] = "WGS-84"; exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude"] = Exiv2::Rational(gpxData[idx].ele * 1000, 1000); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef"] = Exiv2::byte(0); // Convert the latitude to DDD*MM'SS.SSS" and set int dd, mm; double ss; convertToDDMMSS(gpxData[idx].lat, dd, mm, ss); if (gpxData[idx].lat<0) { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = "S"; } else { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = "N"; } Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr latitude(new Exiv2::URationalValue); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(dd,1)); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(mm,1)); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(std::trunc(ss*10000)-1,10000)); auto latKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude"); exifData.add(latKey, latitude.get()); convertToDDMMSS(gpxData[idx].lon, dd, mm, ss); Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr longitude(new Exiv2::URationalValue); if (gpxData[idx].lon<0) { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = "W"; } else { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = "E"; } longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(dd,1)); longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(mm,1)); longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(int(ss*10000)-1,10000)); auto longKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude"); exifData.add(longKey, longitude.get()); Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr timestamp(new Exiv2::URationalValue); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].hour,1)); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].minute,1)); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].second,1)); auto timeKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTimeStamp"); exifData.add(timeKey, timestamp.get()); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp"] = gpxData[idx].dateStamp.c_str(); image->setExifData(exifData); image->writeMetadata(); } catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { std::cout << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e.what() << "'\n"; continue; } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Printing functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Navaid::printRecord(std::ostream& sout) const { char icas[32]; icaoCode(icas); char ikey[32]; key(ikey); char id[12]; ident(id); char ccode[4]; countryCode(ccode); char rc[8]; radioClass(rc); sout << icas << ", "; sout << "\""; sout << ikey; sout << "\", "; sout << id; sout << "-"; sout << static_cast<char>(navaidType()); sout << "-"; sout << ccode; sout << "-"; sout << keyCode(); sout << ":"; std::streamoff old = sout.precision(); sout.precision(12); sout << " "; sout << latitude(); sout << ", "; sout << longitude(); sout.precision(old); sout << ", "; sout << elevation(); sout << " "; sout << frequency(); sout << "-"; sout << channel(); sout << " ( "; sout << magVariance(); sout << ", "; sout << slaveVariance(); sout << " )"; sout << " ("; sout << power(); sout << "-"; sout << rc; sout << "-"; sout << range(); sout << ")"; }
double Weather::extraterrestrial_radiation (const Time& time) const // [W/m2] { return Astronomy::ExtraterrestrialRadiation (time, latitude (), longitude (), timezone ()); }
void GLFWView::onKey(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int /*scancode*/, int action, int mods) { auto *view = reinterpret_cast<GLFWView *>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window)); if (action == GLFW_RELEASE) { if (key != GLFW_KEY_R || key != GLFW_KEY_S) view->animateRouteCallback = nullptr; switch (key) { case GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true); break; case GLFW_KEY_TAB: view->map->cycleDebugOptions(); break; case GLFW_KEY_X: if (!mods) view->map->resetPosition(); break; case GLFW_KEY_S: if (view->changeStyleCallback) view->changeStyleCallback(); break; #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 case GLFW_KEY_B: { auto debug = view->map->getDebug(); if (debug & mbgl::MapDebugOptions::StencilClip) { debug &= ~mbgl::MapDebugOptions::StencilClip; debug |= mbgl::MapDebugOptions::DepthBuffer; } else if (debug & mbgl::MapDebugOptions::DepthBuffer) { debug &= ~mbgl::MapDebugOptions::DepthBuffer; } else { debug |= mbgl::MapDebugOptions::StencilClip; } view->map->setDebug(debug); } break; #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 case GLFW_KEY_N: if (!mods) view->map->resetNorth(); break; case GLFW_KEY_Z: view->nextOrientation(); break; case GLFW_KEY_Q: { auto result = view->map->queryPointAnnotations({ {}, { double(view->getSize().width), double(view->getSize().height) } }); printf("visible point annotations: %lu\n", result.size()); } break; case GLFW_KEY_P: view->pauseResumeCallback(); break; case GLFW_KEY_C: view->clearAnnotations(); break; case GLFW_KEY_K: view->addRandomCustomPointAnnotations(1); break; case GLFW_KEY_L: view->addRandomLineAnnotations(1); break; case GLFW_KEY_A: { // XXX Fix precision loss in flyTo: // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/4298 static const std::vector<mbgl::LatLng> places = { mbgl::LatLng { -16.796665, -179.999983 }, // Dateline monument mbgl::LatLng { 12.9810542, 77.6345551 }, // Mapbox Bengaluru, India mbgl::LatLng { -13.15607,-74.21773 }, // Mapbox Peru mbgl::LatLng { 37.77572, -122.4158818 }, // Mapbox SF, USA mbgl::LatLng { 38.91318,-77.03255 }, // Mapbox DC, USA }; static size_t nextPlace = 0; mbgl::CameraOptions cameraOptions; cameraOptions.center = places[nextPlace++]; cameraOptions.zoom = 20; cameraOptions.pitch = 30; mbgl::AnimationOptions animationOptions(mbgl::Seconds(10)); view->map->flyTo(cameraOptions, animationOptions); nextPlace = nextPlace % places.size(); } break; case GLFW_KEY_R: { view->show3DExtrusions = true; view->toggle3DExtrusions(view->show3DExtrusions); if (view->animateRouteCallback) break; view->animateRouteCallback = [](mbgl::Map* routeMap) { static mapbox::cheap_ruler::CheapRuler ruler { 40.7 }; // New York static mapbox::geojson::geojson route { mapbox::geojson::parse(mbgl::platform::glfw::route) }; const auto& geometry = route.get<mapbox::geometry::geometry<double>>(); const auto& lineString = geometry.get<mapbox::geometry::line_string<double>>(); static double routeDistance = ruler.lineDistance(lineString); static double routeProgress = 0; routeProgress += 0.0005; if (routeProgress > 1.0) routeProgress = 0; double distance = routeProgress * routeDistance; auto point = ruler.along(lineString, distance); auto latLng = routeMap->getLatLng(); routeMap->setLatLng({ point.y, point.x }); double bearing = ruler.bearing({ latLng.longitude(), latLng.latitude() }, point); double easing = bearing - routeMap->getBearing(); easing += easing > 180.0 ? -360.0 : easing < -180 ? 360.0 : 0; routeMap->setBearing(routeMap->getBearing() + (easing / 20)); routeMap->setPitch(60.0); routeMap->setZoom(18.0); }; view->animateRouteCallback(view->map); } break; case GLFW_KEY_E: view->toggle3DExtrusions(!view->show3DExtrusions); break; } } if (action == GLFW_RELEASE || action == GLFW_REPEAT) { switch (key) { case GLFW_KEY_W: view->popAnnotation(); break; case GLFW_KEY_1: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(1); break; case GLFW_KEY_2: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(10); break; case GLFW_KEY_3: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(100); break; case GLFW_KEY_4: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(1000); break; case GLFW_KEY_5: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(10000); break; case GLFW_KEY_6: view->addRandomPointAnnotations(100000); break; case GLFW_KEY_7: view->addRandomShapeAnnotations(1); break; case GLFW_KEY_8: view->addRandomShapeAnnotations(10); break; case GLFW_KEY_9: view->addRandomShapeAnnotations(100); break; case GLFW_KEY_0: view->addRandomShapeAnnotations(1000); break; } } }