int do_ls_cif(CIFBLK *cif) { int rc; U32 cyl; U8 head, rec; U16 rlen; U8 klen; unsigned char *vol1data; FORMAT4_DSCB *f4dscb; char volser[7]; rc = read_block(cif, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, &vol1data, &rlen); if (rc < 0) return -1; if (rc > 0) { fprintf( stderr, MSG( HHC02471, "E", "VOL1" ) ); return -1; } make_asciiz(volser, sizeof(volser), vol1data+4, 6); cyl = (vol1data[11] << 8) | vol1data[12]; head = (vol1data[13] << 8) | vol1data[14]; rec = vol1data[15]; rc = read_block(cif, cyl, head, rec, (void *)&f4dscb, &klen, 0, 0); if (rc < 0) return -1; if (rc > 0) { fprintf( stderr, MSG( HHC02471, "E", "Format 4 DSCB" ) ); return -1; } return list_contents(cif, volser, &f4dscb->ds4vtoce); }
int do_ls_cif(CIFBLK *cif) { int rc, cyl, head, rec, len; unsigned char *vol1data; FORMAT4_DSCB *f4dscb; char volser[7]; rc = read_block(cif, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, &vol1data, &len); if (rc < 0) return -1; if (rc > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "VOL1 record not found\n"); return -1; } make_asciiz(volser, sizeof(volser), vol1data+4, 6); cyl = (vol1data[11] << 8) | vol1data[12]; head = (vol1data[13] << 8) | vol1data[14]; rec = vol1data[15]; rc = read_block(cif, cyl, head, rec, (void *)&f4dscb, &len, 0, 0); if (rc < 0) return -1; if (rc > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "F4DSCB record not found\n"); return -1; } return list_contents(cif, volser, &f4dscb->ds4vtoce); }
/** * Main daemon routine */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int c, option_index = 0; char *bin = basename( argv[0] ); char config_file[MAX_OPT_LEN] = ""; int force_log_level = FALSE; int log_level = 0; int rc; int chgd = 0; char err_msg[4096]; int neg = 0; char badcfg[RBH_PATH_MAX]; /* parse command line options */ while ((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, SHORT_OPT_STRING, option_tab, &option_index )) != -1) { switch ( c ) { case '!': neg = 1; break; case 'u': toggle_option(match_user, "user"); prog_options.user = optarg; prog_options.userneg = neg; neg = 0; break; case 'g': toggle_option(match_group, "group"); = optarg; prog_options.groupneg = neg; neg = 0; break; case 'U': /* match numerical (non resolved) users */ toggle_option(match_user, "user"); prog_options.user = "******"; prog_options.userneg = neg; neg = 0; break; case 'G': /* match numerical (non resolved) groups */ toggle_option(match_group, "group"); = "[0-9]*"; prog_options.groupneg = neg; neg = 0; break; case 'n': toggle_option(match_name, "name"); = optarg; prog_options.nameneg = neg; neg = 0; break; #ifdef _LUSTRE case 'o': toggle_option(match_ost, "ost"); prog_options.ost_idx = str2int(optarg); if (prog_options.ost_idx == (unsigned int)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid ost index '%s': unsigned integer expected\n", optarg); exit(1); } if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! () is not supported for ost criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'P': toggle_option(match_pool, "pool"); prog_options.pool = optarg; break; case 'O': prog_options.lsost = 1; prog_options.print = 0; disp_mask |= LSOST_DISPLAY_MASK; if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) unexpected before -lsost option\n"); exit(1); } break; #endif case 't': toggle_option(match_type, "type"); prog_options.type = opt2type(optarg); if (prog_options.type == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid type '%s': expected types: "TYPE_HELP".\n", optarg); exit(1); } if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for type criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 's': toggle_option(match_size, "size"); if (set_size_filter(optarg)) exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for size criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'A': toggle_option(match_atime, "atime/amin"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 0, TRUE, atime)) exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'a': toggle_option(match_atime, "atime/amin"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 60, TRUE, atime)) exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'C': toggle_option(match_crtime, "crtime"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 0, TRUE, rh_crtime)) exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'M': toggle_option(match_mtime, "mtime/mmin/msec"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 0, TRUE, mtime)) exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'm': toggle_option(match_mtime, "mtime/mmin/msec"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 60, FALSE, mtime)) /* don't allow suffix (multiplier is 1min) */ exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'z': toggle_option(match_mtime, "mtime/mmin/msec"); if (set_time_filter(optarg, 1, FALSE, mtime)) /* don't allow suffix (multiplier is 1sec) */ exit(1); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) is not supported for time criteria\n"); exit(1); } break; #ifdef ATTR_INDEX_status case 'S': toggle_option(match_status, "status"); prog_options.status = status2dbval(optarg); if ( prog_options.status == (file_status_t)-1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown status '%s'. Allowed status: %s.\n", optarg, allowed_status()); exit(1); } prog_options.statusneg = neg; neg = 0; break; #endif case 'l': = 1; prog_options.print = 0; disp_mask |= LS_DISPLAY_MASK; if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) unexpected before -ls option\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'p': prog_options.print = 1; disp_mask |= LS_DISPLAY_MASK; if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) unexpected before -ls option\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'E': toggle_option(exec, "exec"); prog_options.exec_cmd = optarg; prog_options.print = 0; break; case 'f': rh_strncpy(config_file, optarg, MAX_OPT_LEN); if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) unexpected before -f option\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'd': force_log_level = TRUE; log_level = str2debuglevel( optarg ); if ( log_level == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported log level '%s'. CRIT, MAJOR, EVENT, VERB, DEBUG or FULL expected.\n", optarg); exit(1); } if (neg) { fprintf(stderr, "! (-not) unexpected before -d option\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'b': prog_options.bulk = force_nobulk; break; case 'h': display_help( bin ); exit( 0 ); break; case 'V': display_version( bin ); exit( 0 ); break; case ':': case '?': default: display_help( bin ); exit( 1 ); break; } } /* get default config file, if not specified */ if (SearchConfig(config_file, config_file, &chgd, badcfg, MAX_OPT_LEN) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No config file (or too many) found matching %s\n", badcfg); exit(2); } else if (chgd) { fprintf(stderr, "Using config file '%s'.\n", config_file ); } /* only read ListMgr config */ if ( ReadRobinhoodConfig( 0, config_file, err_msg, &config, FALSE ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error reading configuration file '%s': %s\n", config_file, err_msg ); exit( 1 ); } process_config_file = config_file; /* set global configuration */ global_config = config.global_config; /* set policies info */ policies = config.policies; if ( force_log_level ) config.log_config.debug_level = log_level; else config.log_config.debug_level = LVL_MAJOR; /* no event message */ /* Set logging to stderr */ strcpy( config.log_config.log_file, "stderr" ); strcpy( config.log_config.report_file, "stderr" ); strcpy( config.log_config.alert_file, "stderr" ); /* Initialize logging */ rc = InitializeLogs( bin, &config.log_config ); if ( rc ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error opening log files: rc=%d, errno=%d: %s\n", rc, errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( rc ); } /* Initialize filesystem access */ rc = InitFS(); if (rc) exit(rc); /* Initialize list manager */ rc = ListMgr_Init( &config.lmgr_config, TRUE ); if ( rc ) { DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, FIND_TAG, "Error %d initializing list manager", rc ); exit( rc ); } else DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, FIND_TAG, "ListManager successfully initialized" ); if (CheckLastFS( ) != 0) exit(1); /* Create database access */ rc = ListMgr_InitAccess(&lmgr); if (rc) { DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, FIND_TAG, "Error %d: cannot connect to database", rc ); exit(rc); } if (argc == optind) { /* no argument: default is root * => switch to bulk mode (unless nobulk is specified) */ if (prog_options.bulk != force_nobulk) { DisplayLog(LVL_DEBUG, FIND_TAG, "Optimization: switching to bulk DB request mode"); mkfilters(FALSE); /* keep dirs */ return list_bulk(); } else { char *id = config.global_config.fs_path; mkfilters(TRUE); /* exclude dirs */ /* no path specified, list all entries */ rc = list_contents(&id, 1); } } else { mkfilters(TRUE); /* exclude dirs */ rc = list_contents(argv+optind, argc-optind); } ListMgr_CloseAccess( &lmgr ); return rc; }
int main(int numarg,char** argo){ int opzione=0; int show_help=0; int show_version=0; int list=0; int current_argument; int ingresso; int uscita; char* output_file_name=NULL; char* override_entry_name=NULL; char* temporary_file_name; char* end; int append_WAV=0; int WAV_descriptor; filetype type; int count,used,total,used_entries; int start_address,end_address,offset; char entry_name[17]; struct entry_element* current_file; int first_done=0; int dsp_output=0; int sample_speed; /* Get options */ while ((opzione=getopt(numarg,argo,"hiloe:v"))!=EOF){ switch(opzione){ case 'h': show_help=1; break; case 'i': inverted_waveform=1; break; case 'l': list=1; break; case 'o': output_file_name=(char*)malloc(strlen(optarg)+4); strcpy(output_file_name,optarg); break; case 'e': override_entry=1; override_entry_name=(char*)malloc(strlen(optarg)+4); strcpy(override_entry_name,optarg); break; case 'v': show_version=1; break; default: help(); return 1; }; } if (show_help==1){ help(); return 0; }; if (show_version==1){ version(); return 0; }; if (output_file_name==NULL){ /* -o is not used */ dsp_output=1; output_file_name=(char*)malloc(strlen(SOUNDDEV)+1); strcpy(output_file_name,SOUNDDEV); }; current_argument=optind; if (current_argument==numarg){ printf("No input files specified!\n"); help(); return 1; } if (!list){ if (dsp_output){ if ((uscita=open(SOUNDDEV,O_WRONLY))==-1){ printf("Could not open file %s\n",SOUNDDEV); return 3; } sample_speed = 44100; if (ioctl(uscita, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &sample_speed) != 0 || sample_speed != 44100){ printf("Could not set playback speed to 44100 Hz in file %s\n",SOUNDDEV); return 3; } } else{ if((uscita=open(temporary_file_name=tempnam("/tmp","prg2w"),O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))==-1){ printf("Could not create temporary file in /tmp directory\n"); return 5; }; if (strlen(output_file_name)<5) append_WAV=1; else{ end=output_file_name+strlen(output_file_name)-4; if((strcmp(end,".WAV"))&&(strcmp(end,".wav"))) append_WAV=1; }; if (append_WAV) strcat(output_file_name,".wav"); if((WAV_descriptor=open(output_file_name,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))==-1){ printf("Could not create file %s\n",output_file_name); unlink(temporary_file_name); return 5; }; } } while (current_argument<numarg){ if ((ingresso=open(argo[current_argument],O_RDONLY))==-1){ printf("Could not open file %s\n",argo[current_argument]); goto fine; }; switch(type=detect_type(ingresso)){ case t64: printf("%s: T64 file\n",argo[current_argument]); break; case p00: printf("%s: P00 file\n",argo[current_argument]); break; case prg: printf("%s: program file\n",argo[current_argument]); break; default: printf("%s is not a recognized file type\n",argo[current_argument]); goto fine; }; if (list){ list_contents(ingresso); goto fine; }; switch(type){ case t64: used_entries=get_used_entries(ingresso); total=get_total_entries(ingresso); empty_list(files_to_convert); files_to_convert=0; if (used_entries==1){ for(count=1;count<=total;count++) if(used=get_entry(count,ingresso,&start_address,&end_address,&offset, entry_name)) set_range(count,count,ingresso); } /* If there is only one used entry, */ /* Only the used one will be */ /* converted */ /* otherwise ask the user */ else get_range_from_keyboard(ingresso); current_file=files_to_convert; while(current_file!=0){ count=current_file->entry; get_entry(count,ingresso,&start_address,&end_address,&offset, entry_name); if (!first_done) first_done=1; else add_silence(uscita); printf("Converting %d (%s)\n",count,entry_name); convert(ingresso,uscita,start_address,end_address,offset,entry_name); current_file=current_file->next; } break; case p00: case prg: if (!first_done) first_done=1; else add_silence(uscita); printf("Converting %s\n",argo[current_argument]); get_entry(count,ingresso,&start_address,&end_address,&offset, entry_name); if(override_entry) { int ix; for(ix = 0; ix < strlen(override_entry_name); ix++) { entry_name[ix] = toupper(override_entry_name[ix]); } } printf("Entry Name: %s (%d)\n",entry_name,strlen(entry_name)); convert(ingresso,uscita,start_address,end_address,offset,entry_name); }; fine: ++current_argument; }; close(uscita); if((!list)&&(!dsp_output)){ if(first_done){ printf("Creating WAV file...\n"); create_WAV(temporary_file_name,WAV_descriptor); } else unlink(output_file_name); } }