Example #1
// Assume position starts from 1 NOT 0
bool list_insert( unsigned int position, itemType value, List L ) {
//*** Runs in O(n)
  int length = list_length ( L ); // number of items in the list
  if (position >= length + 1 || length == -1) // insert value to end of list because position is greater than size of the list or empty list
       return list_insertBack (value, L); 
  else if (position == 1) // insert value in the front of the list 
       return list_insertFront (value, L); // call existing function
  else // insert in between the list
       int i;
       nodeType *newNode = (nodeType*) malloc (sizeof(nodeType));
       if (newNode == NULL)
           return false;//dynamic storage exhausted            
           newNode -> data = value;
           float length_f = length; // avoid integer division to calculate the ratio of position with respect to length of the list
           nodeType *temp;
           if ((position / length_f) <= 0.5) // if the ratio of position / length is less or equal to 0.5 than it is closer to start at the head
               temp = L -> head; // save the position of the head
               for (i = 1; i < position - 1; i++)// go down the list to the point before insertion
                   L -> head = L -> head -> next;
               newNode -> previous = L -> head; //
               newNode -> next = L -> head -> next;
               L -> head -> next = newNode;
               L -> head -> next -> previous = newNode;
               L -> head = temp; // return the head to the original position
           else // start at tail because it is closer (more efficent for larger lists)
               temp = L -> tail;   // preserve the position of tail             
               for (i = length; i > position; i--)// go up the list to the point after insertion
                   L -> tail = L -> tail -> previous;
               newNode -> next = L -> tail; //
               newNode -> previous = L -> tail -> previous;
               L -> tail -> previous -> next = newNode;
               L -> tail -> previous = newNode;
               L -> tail = temp; // return the tail to the original position
           L -> size += 1;
           return true;
Example #2
void core_run() {

    bool quit = false;

    SDL_Event e;
    timer fpsTimer;
    timer capTimer;

    int countedFrames = 0;

    // Um pequeno hack para carregar uma textura otimizada do SDL
    // escondendo toda a implementaĆ§Ć£o do header de entidade.
    SDL_Surface *ballTexture = IMG_Load("circle.png");
    if (SDL_GetWindowSurface(gCore.window) == NULL) {
        printf("[Error] Window Surface is NULL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    SDL_Surface *optimizedTexture = SDL_ConvertSurface(ballTexture, 
            SDL_GetWindowSurface(gCore.window)->format, 0);

    // Popula a lista inicial de objetos com a textura. 
    node *cur = gCore.entities->head;
    while (cur != NULL) {
        cur->b->texture = optimizedTexture;
        cur = cur->next;

    int nIterations = 0;
    while (!quit) {
        int startTicks = timer_getTicks(&capTimer);

        gCore.tree = qtree_create(gCore.width, gCore.height, gCore.maxDepth,

        node *prevEntities = gCore.entities->head;
        while (prevEntities != NULL) {
            qtree_insert(gCore.tree, gCore.tree->root, prevEntities->b);
            prevEntities = prevEntities->next;

        while (SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0) {
            switch (e.type) {
                case SDL_QUIT:
                    quit = true;

                case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: {
                    printf("[Warn] Spawning ball.\n");
                    int mX, mY;
                    SDL_GetMouseState(&mX, &mY);
                    ball *b = entity_createBall(0, mX - optimizedTexture->w / 2, 
                            mY - optimizedTexture->h / 2, 
                            (2 * (rand() % MAX_ABS_SPEED) - MAX_ABS_SPEED) / SCREEN_FPS, 
                            (2 * (rand() % MAX_ABS_SPEED) - MAX_ABS_SPEED) / SCREEN_FPS,
                            optimizedTexture->w / 2);
                    b->texture = optimizedTexture;

                    list_insertBack(gCore.entities, b);
                    qtree_insert(gCore.tree, gCore.tree->root, b);

        float avgFPS = countedFrames / ( timer_getTicks(&fpsTimer) / 1000.f );
        if(avgFPS > 2000000 ) {
            avgFPS = 0;

        if (gCore.maxIterations == -1 || nIterations < gCore.maxIterations) {

        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(gCore.renderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);



        int frameTicks = timer_getTicks(&capTimer);
        if (frameTicks < SCREEN_TICK_PER_FRAME) {
            SDL_Delay(SCREEN_TICK_PER_FRAME - frameTicks);

