static struct ospf6_vertex * ospf6_vertex_create (struct ospf6_lsa *lsa) { struct ospf6_vertex *v; int i; v = (struct ospf6_vertex *) XMALLOC (MTYPE_OSPF6_VERTEX, sizeof (struct ospf6_vertex)); /* type */ if (ntohs (lsa->header->type) == OSPF6_LSTYPE_ROUTER) v->type = OSPF6_VERTEX_TYPE_ROUTER; else if (ntohs (lsa->header->type) == OSPF6_LSTYPE_NETWORK) v->type = OSPF6_VERTEX_TYPE_NETWORK; else assert (0); /* vertex_id */ ospf6_linkstate_prefix (lsa->header->adv_router, lsa->header->id, &v->vertex_id); /* name */ ospf6_linkstate_prefix2str (&v->vertex_id, v->name, sizeof (v->name)); /* Associated LSA */ v->lsa = lsa; /* capability bits + options */ v->capability = *(u_char *)(OSPF6_LSA_HEADER_END (lsa->header)); v->options[0] = *(u_char *)(OSPF6_LSA_HEADER_END (lsa->header) + 1); v->options[1] = *(u_char *)(OSPF6_LSA_HEADER_END (lsa->header) + 2); v->options[2] = *(u_char *)(OSPF6_LSA_HEADER_END (lsa->header) + 3); for (i = 0; i < OSPF6_MULTI_PATH_LIMIT; i++) ospf6_nexthop_clear (&v->nexthop[i]); v->parent = NULL; v->child_list = list_new (); v->child_list->cmp = ospf6_vertex_id_cmp; return v; }
// insert a node at specified position int _list_insert_node (struct list_simple **list, struct list_node *node, size_t pos) { struct list_node *pNode; struct list_node *head; size_t i; if (!list || !node) return -1; if (!*list) *list = list_new(); if ((*list)->size < pos) return -1; head = (*list)->head; // we traverse the linked list for (pNode = head, i = 0; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->next, i++) { if (i == pos) { if (!pNode->next) _list_append_node(list, node); else { node->next = pNode; node->prev = pNode->prev; if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node; else (*list)->head = node; pNode->prev = node; } (*list)->size++; return 0; } } printf("failed insertion tat\n"); // failed to insert node return -1; }
void test_list(void) { int valuebuf[] = { 1 }; size_t i; ListObject *lp = list_new(); assert(list_is_empty(lp)); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { *valuebuf = i; list_add(lp, valuebuf); } list_print(list_rsslice(lp, 0, 10, 1)); list_print(list_sslice(lp, 9, -11, -1)); list_print(list_rsslice(lp, -1, -1, -1)); list_print(list_rsslice(lp, -1, -110, -1)); list_print(list_rsslice(lp, -1, -11, -2)); list_print(list_sslice(lp, -1, -3, -1)); list_print(list_sslice(lp, -3, -1, 1)); list_print(list_sslice(lp, -1, 7, -1)); printf("get: %d\n", *(int*)list_get(lp, 2)); printf("pop: %d\n", *(int*)list_popi(lp, 0)); *valuebuf = -2; list_insert(lp, 0, valuebuf); *valuebuf = -200; list_insert(lp, -1, valuebuf); list_print(lp); list_del(lp, 0); list_rinsert(lp, -1, valuebuf); list_rinsert(lp, -1, valuebuf); printf("get: %d\n", *(int*)list_get(lp, 0)); list_print(lp); ListObject *nlp = list_copy(lp); printf("new copy's size is %u, allocated is %u\n", nlp->used, nlp->allocated); list_print(nlp); printf("count %d: %d\n", *valuebuf, list_count(lp, valuebuf)); *valuebuf=12333; printf("change index 0's value to 12333\n"); list_set(nlp,0,valuebuf); *valuebuf=2; printf("remove first value equals 2\n"); list_remove(nlp,valuebuf); list_print(nlp); list_free(nlp); }
int DeviceServiceEntry(PDEVICE_SERVICE_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints) { int i, len; char* name; char* path; RDPDR_SERIAL* device; SERIAL_DEVICE* serial; device = (RDPDR_SERIAL*) pEntryPoints->device; name = device->Name; path = device->Path; if (name[0] && path[0]) { serial = (SERIAL_DEVICE*) malloc(sizeof(SERIAL_DEVICE)); ZeroMemory(serial, sizeof(SERIAL_DEVICE)); serial->device.type = RDPDR_DTYP_SERIAL; serial-> = name; serial->device.IRPRequest = serial_irp_request; serial->device.Free = serial_free; len = strlen(name); serial-> = stream_new(len + 1); for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) stream_write_BYTE(serial->, name[i] < 0 ? '_' : name[i]); serial->path = path; serial->queue = Queue_New(TRUE, -1, -1); serial->pending_irps = list_new(); serial->in_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); serial->stopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); pEntryPoints->RegisterDevice(pEntryPoints->devman, (DEVICE*) serial); serial->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) serial_thread_func, (void*) serial, 0, NULL); } return 0; }
static void rdpsnd_process_connect(rdpSvcPlugin* plugin) { rdpsndPlugin* rdpsnd = (rdpsndPlugin*)plugin; RDP_PLUGIN_DATA* data; RDP_PLUGIN_DATA default_data[2] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; DEBUG_SVC("connecting"); plugin->interval_callback = rdpsnd_process_interval; rdpsnd->data_out_list = list_new(); rdpsnd->latency = -1; data = (RDP_PLUGIN_DATA*)plugin->channel_entry_points.pExtendedData; while (data && data->size > 0) { rdpsnd_process_plugin_data(rdpsnd, data); data = (RDP_PLUGIN_DATA*) (((void*) data) + data->size); } if (rdpsnd->device == NULL) { default_data[0].size = sizeof(RDP_PLUGIN_DATA); default_data[0].data[0] = "pulse"; default_data[0].data[1] = ""; if (!rdpsnd_load_device_plugin(rdpsnd, "pulse", default_data)) { default_data[0].data[0] = "alsa"; default_data[0].data[1] = "default"; if (!rdpsnd_load_device_plugin(rdpsnd, "alsa", default_data)) { default_data[0].data[0] = "macaudio"; default_data[0].data[1] = "default"; rdpsnd_load_device_plugin(rdpsnd, "macaudio", default_data); } } } if (rdpsnd->device == NULL) { DEBUG_WARN("no sound device."); } }
void server_file(socket_t * client, http_request_t * req) { list_t * list = list_new(); if(strcmp(req->method, "GET") == 0) { char * str; str = strtok(req->uri, "/"); while (str != NULL) { list_push_back(list, str); str = strtok(NULL,"/"); } char * word = list_get(list, 3); char * fileName = list_get(list, 2); int fileSt = file_exists(fileName); if(fileSt == 1) { text_t * text = text_new(); text_readFile(text, fileName); text_onSentences(text); int cntW = text_counting(text, word); cJSON * Words = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "FileName", cJSON_CreateString(fileName)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "CountWord", cJSON_CreateNumber(cntW)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(Words, "experience", cJSON_CreateString(word)); char * Jtext = cJSON_Print(Words); server_sent(client, Jtext); free(Jtext); } else { printf("Error! Wrong file"); return; } } list_free(list); }
reactor_t *reactor_new(void) { reactor_t *ret = (reactor_t *)osi_calloc(sizeof(reactor_t)); if (!ret) return NULL; ret->epoll_fd = INVALID_FD; ret->event_fd = INVALID_FD; ret->epoll_fd = epoll_create(MAX_EVENTS); if (ret->epoll_fd == INVALID_FD) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create epoll instance: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); goto error; } ret->event_fd = eventfd(0, 0); if (ret->event_fd == INVALID_FD) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create eventfd: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); goto error; } pthread_mutex_init(&ret->list_lock, NULL); ret->invalidation_list = list_new(NULL); if (!ret->invalidation_list) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to allocate object invalidation list.", __func__); goto error; } struct epoll_event event; memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); = EPOLLIN; = NULL; if (epoll_ctl(ret->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ret->event_fd, &event) == -1) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to register eventfd with epoll set: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); goto error; } return ret; error:; reactor_free(ret); return NULL; }
struct ospf_neighbor * ospf_elect_dr (struct ospf_interface *oi, struct list *el_list) { struct list *dr_list; struct listnode *node; struct ospf_neighbor *nbr, *dr = NULL, *bdr = NULL; dr_list = list_new (); /* Add neighbors to the list. */ for (node = listhead (el_list); node; nextnode (node)) { nbr = getdata (node); /* neighbor declared to be DR. */ if (NBR_IS_DR (nbr)) listnode_add (dr_list, nbr); /* Preserve neighbor BDR. */ if (IPV4_ADDR_SAME (&BDR (oi), &nbr->address.u.prefix4)) bdr = nbr; } /* Elect Designated Router. */ if (listcount (dr_list) > 0) dr = ospf_dr_election_sub (dr_list); else dr = bdr; /* Set DR to interface. */ if (dr) { DR (oi) = dr->address.u.prefix4; dr->d_router = dr->address.u.prefix4; } else DR (oi).s_addr = 0; list_delete (dr_list); return dr; }
list_t* rio_files(const char* path) { list_t* files = list_new(); char* upath = unipath(path); listitem_t* it; files->item_free = free; for (it=dirs->first; it; it=it->next) { const char* dir = it->ptr; char* tmpath = malloc(strlen(upath) + strlen(dir) + 1); sprintf(tmpath, "%s%s", dir, upath); rio_files_scandir(files, tmpath); free(tmpath); } free(upath); return files; }
void trie_insert_element(Trie * node, char *tema, Foto * element) { assert(tema != NULL && *tema != '\0' && node != NULL && POS(tema) >= 0 && element != NULL); //apenas procurar se o proximo char nao for o fim da palavra if(*(tema+1) != '\0' && node->table[POS(tema)] != NULL) { trie_insert_element(node->table[POS(tema)], tema+1, element); } //e a ultima letra da palavra, verificar se esta marcado como uma palavra. else if( node->table[POS(tema)] != NULL && node->table[POS(tema)]->word == 1 ) { //A lista ligada ainda nao foi criada, alocar memoria if(node->table[POS(tema)]->element == NULL) { node->table[POS(tema)]->element = list_new(); } list_insert(element, node->table[POS(tema)]->element); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { fifo = list_new(); list_add(fifo, node_new_str("s1")); list_add(fifo, node_new_str("s2")); Node *n1 = list_remove(fifo); if (n1 == NULL) { printf("Error no elements in list\n"); exit(-1);} Node *n2 = list_remove(fifo); if (n2 == NULL) { printf("Error no elements in list\n"); exit(-1);} printf("%s\n%s\n", n1->elm, n2->elm); Node *n3 = list_remove(fifo); if (n3 == NULL) { printf("Error no elements in list\n"); exit(-1);} return 0; }
config_t *config_new_empty(void) { config_t *config = osi_calloc(sizeof(config_t)); if (!config) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to allocate memory for config_t.\n", __func__); goto error; } config->sections = list_new(section_free); if (!config->sections) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to allocate list for sections.\n", __func__); goto error; } return config; error:; config_free(config); return NULL; }
LIST * compile_setcomp( PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp ) { RULE *rule = bindrule( parse->string ); LIST *params = 0; PARSE *p; /* Build param list */ for( p = parse->left; p; p = p->left ) params = list_new( params, p->string, 1 ); if( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "rule" ); printf( "%s ", parse->string ); list_print( params ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Free old one, if present */ if( rule->procedure ) parse_free( rule->procedure ); if( rule->params ) list_free( rule->params ); rule->procedure = parse->right; rule->params = params; /* we now own this parse tree */ /* don't let parse_free() release it */ parse_refer( parse->right ); return L0; }
void cache_read(const char *path) { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; int vmajor, vminor; HDR *h = 0; int n; time_t timeval; if (check_cache_file(path, &vmajor, &vminor) != CACHE_OK) return; if ((vmajor != DEPS_MAJOR) || (vminor != DEPS_MINOR)) return; if (!(f = fopen(path, "r"))) return; /* Skip magic */ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); while (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), f)) { buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* zap newline */ if (!buf[0]) continue; if (buf[0] == '\t') { h->includes = list_new(h->includes, buf + 1, 0); continue; } sscanf(buf, "%ld %n", &timeval, &n); h = hdr_enter (buf + n); h->time = timeval; } fclose(f); }
static int hci_layer_init_env(void) { command_waiting_response_t *cmd_wait_q; // The host is only allowed to send at most one command initially, // as per the Bluetooth spec, Volume 2, Part E, 4.4 (Command Flow Control) // This value can change when you get a command complete or command status event. hci_host_env.command_credits = 1; hci_host_env.command_queue = fixed_queue_new(SIZE_MAX); if (hci_host_env.command_queue) { fixed_queue_register_dequeue(hci_host_env.command_queue, event_command_ready); } else { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create pending command queue.", __func__); return -1; } hci_host_env.packet_queue = fixed_queue_new(SIZE_MAX); if (hci_host_env.packet_queue) { fixed_queue_register_dequeue(hci_host_env.packet_queue, event_packet_ready); } else { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create pending packet queue.", __func__); return -1; } // Init Commands waiting response list and timer cmd_wait_q = &hci_host_env.cmd_waiting_q; cmd_wait_q->timer_is_set = false; cmd_wait_q->commands_pending_response = list_new(NULL); if (!cmd_wait_q->commands_pending_response) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create list for commands pending response.", __func__); return -1; } pthread_mutex_init(&cmd_wait_q->commands_pending_response_lock, NULL); cmd_wait_q->command_response_timer = osi_alarm_new("cmd_rsp_to", command_timed_out, cmd_wait_q, COMMAND_PENDING_TIMEOUT); if (!cmd_wait_q->command_response_timer) { LOG_ERROR("%s unable to create command response timer.", __func__); return -1; } return 0; }
list_t * list_copy(list_t *to_copy) { node_t *n; list_t *l; LIST_CHECK(to_copy); l = list_new(); if (!l) return NULL; for (n = to_copy->first; n != NULL; n = n->next) { if (!list_append(l, n->ptr)) { list_free(l); return NULL; } } LIST_CHECK(l); return l; }
void ht_insert(ht H, ht_elem e) { REQUIRES(is_ht(H)); assert(e != NULL); /* cannot insert NULL element */ ht_key k = H->elem_key(e); int h = H->key_hash(k, H->size); list l = H->A[h]; while (l != NULL) //@loop_invariant is_chain(H, l, h); { if (H->key_equal(H->elem_key(l->data), k)) { l->data = e; /* modify in place if k already there */ return; } l = l->next; } /* k is not already in the hash table */ /* insert at the beginning of the chain at A[h] */ H->A[h] = list_new(e, H->A[h]); ENSURES(is_ht(H)); return; }
int main() { list* list = list_new(sizeof(int), 4); int* val = list_create_elem(list); *val = 50; int* val2 = list_create_elem(list); *val2 = 100; list_add(list, val, sizeof(int)); list_add(list, val2, sizeof(int)); int *end = list_end(list); for (int i = 0; i < list->count; i++) { int *val = list->buf[i]; printf("%d\n", *val); } list_free(list); return 0; }
radio_t * db_getRadioLead(db_t * self, int id){ list_t * list = list_new(); radio_t * radio = malloc(sizeof(radio_t*)); sqlite3_stmt * stmt = NULL; sqlite3_prepare_v2(self->db, "SELECT * FROM RadioLead ;", -1, &stmt, 0); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, id); int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); while (1){ if (SQLITE_ERROR == rc){ printf("Can't select radio Lead\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (SQLITE_DONE == rc){ break; } else if (SQLITE_ROW == rc){ list_add(list, SQLITE_ROW); } } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); }
/* リストのサイズを変更する */ value* list_resize(value* list, int size) { if (list == NULL) { list = list_new(); } if (size == 0) { free(list->a); list->size = 0; } else { if (list->size == 0) { list->a = (value**)malloc(sizeof(value) * size); } else { list->a = (value**)realloc(list->a, sizeof(value) * size); } list->size = size; } list->type = AT_LIST; return list; }
static struct isis_route_info * isis_route_info_new (uint32_t cost, uint32_t depth, u_char family, struct list *adjacencies) { struct isis_route_info *rinfo; struct isis_adjacency *adj; struct listnode *node; rinfo = XCALLOC (MTYPE_ISIS_ROUTE_INFO, sizeof (struct isis_route_info)); if (!rinfo) { zlog_err ("ISIS-Rte: isis_route_info_new: out of memory!"); return NULL; } if (family == AF_INET) { rinfo->nexthops = list_new (); for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO (adjacencies, node, adj)) adjinfo2nexthop (rinfo->nexthops, adj); }
LIST *sequence_select_highest_ranked( FRAME *frame, int flags ) { /* Returns all of 'elements' for which corresponding element in parallel */ /* list 'rank' is equal to the maximum value in 'rank'. */ LIST* elements = lol_get( frame->args, 0 ); LIST* rank = lol_get( frame->args, 1 ); LIST* result = 0; LIST* tmp; int highest_rank = -1; for (tmp = rank; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) highest_rank = max(highest_rank, atoi(object_str(tmp->value))); for (; rank; rank = rank->next, elements = elements->next) if (atoi(object_str(rank->value)) == highest_rank) result = list_new(result, object_copy(elements->value)); return result; }
static list_t list_alloc #if MEM_DEBUG (char *file,int line) #else () #endif { list_t list; if (list_freelist) { list = list_freelist; list_freelist = list_next(list); #if MEM_DEBUG mem_setnewfileline(list,file,line); #endif } else { nlist++; list = list_new(); } return list; }
void var_expand_unit_test() { LOL lol[1]; LIST* l, *l2; LIST *expected = list_new( list_new( L0, newstr( "axb" ) ), newstr( "ayb" ) ); LIST *e2; char axyb[] = "a$(xy)b"; char azb[] = "a$($(z))b"; char path[] = "$(p:W)"; # ifdef OS_CYGWIN char cygpath[256]; cygwin_conv_to_posix_path("c:\\foo\\bar", cygpath); # else char cygpath[] = "/cygdrive/c/foo/bar"; # endif lol_init(lol); var_set("xy", list_new( list_new( L0, newstr( "x" ) ), newstr( "y" ) ), VAR_SET ); var_set("z", list_new( L0, newstr( "xy" ) ), VAR_SET ); var_set("p", list_new( L0, newstr( cygpath ) ), VAR_SET ); l = var_expand( 0, axyb, axyb + sizeof(axyb) - 1, lol, 0 ); for ( l2 = l, e2 = expected; l2 && e2; l2 = list_next(l2), e2 = list_next(e2) ) assert( !strcmp( e2->string, l2->string ) ); assert(l2 == 0 && e2 == 0); list_free(l); l = var_expand( 0, azb, azb + sizeof(azb) - 1, lol, 0 ); for ( l2 = l, e2 = expected; l2 && e2; l2 = list_next(l2), e2 = list_next(e2) ) assert( !strcmp( e2->string, l2->string ) ); assert(l2 == 0 && e2 == 0); list_free(l); l = var_expand( 0, path, path + sizeof(path) - 1, lol, 0 ); assert(l != 0); assert(list_next(l) == 0); # ifdef OS_CYGWIN assert( !strcmp( l->string, "c:\\foo\\bar" ) ); # else assert( !strcmp( l->string, cygpath ) ); # endif list_free(l); list_free(expected); lol_free(lol); }
void install_element(struct list **hash,const char *name,u32 flg) { RwConfig * rec ; s32 len = (name) ? strlen(name) : 0; if( len <= 0 || KEY_NAME_MAX_LEN <= len ) return ; rec = (RwConfig*)calloc(1,sizeof(RwConfig)); strcpy((char*)rec->lowerCase,(char*)name); toLowerCase(rec->lowerCase,len); strcpy((char*)rec->name,(char*)name); rec->flg = flg ; if( hash[len] == NULL ) { hash[len] = list_new(); hash[len]->del = free ; } listnode_add(hash[len],rec); }
static void test_list_iterator_t() { // Setup list_t *list = list_new(); list_node_t *tj = list_node_new("tj"); list_node_t *taylor = list_node_new("taylor"); list_node_t *simon = list_node_new("simon"); // tj taylor simon list_rpush(list, tj); list_rpush(list, taylor); list_rpush(list, simon); // Assertions // From head list_iterator_t *it = list_iterator_new(list, LIST_HEAD); list_node_t *a = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *b = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *c = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *d = list_iterator_next(it); assert(a == tj); assert(b == taylor); assert(c == simon); assert(d == NULL); // From tail it = list_iterator_new(list, LIST_TAIL); list_node_t *a2 = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *b2 = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *c2 = list_iterator_next(it); list_node_t *d2 = list_iterator_next(it); assert(a2 == simon); assert(b2 == taylor); assert(c2 == tj); assert(d2 == NULL); list_iterator_destroy(it); }
static struct ospf6 * ospf6_create (void) { struct ospf6 *o; o = XCALLOC (MTYPE_OSPF6_TOP, sizeof (struct ospf6)); /* initialize */ quagga_gettime (QUAGGA_CLK_MONOTONIC, &o->starttime); o->area_list = list_new (); o->area_list->cmp = ospf6_area_cmp; o->lsdb = ospf6_lsdb_create (o); o->lsdb_self = ospf6_lsdb_create (o); o->lsdb->hook_add = ospf6_top_lsdb_hook_add; o->lsdb->hook_remove = ospf6_top_lsdb_hook_remove; o->spf_delay = OSPF_SPF_DELAY_DEFAULT; o->spf_holdtime = OSPF_SPF_HOLDTIME_DEFAULT; o->spf_max_holdtime = OSPF_SPF_MAX_HOLDTIME_DEFAULT; o->spf_hold_multiplier = 1; o->route_table = OSPF6_ROUTE_TABLE_CREATE (GLOBAL, ROUTES); o->route_table->scope = o; o->route_table->hook_add = ospf6_top_route_hook_add; o->route_table->hook_remove = ospf6_top_route_hook_remove; o->brouter_table = OSPF6_ROUTE_TABLE_CREATE (GLOBAL, BORDER_ROUTERS); o->brouter_table->scope = o; o->brouter_table->hook_add = ospf6_top_brouter_hook_add; o->brouter_table->hook_remove = ospf6_top_brouter_hook_remove; o->external_table = OSPF6_ROUTE_TABLE_CREATE (GLOBAL, EXTERNAL_ROUTES); o->external_table->scope = o; o->external_id_table = route_table_init (); o->ref_bandwidth = OSPF6_REFERENCE_BANDWIDTH; return o; }
/* * Procesa el comando cre: crea una sala en el servidor; */ void cre(int sockfd, char *roomName) { Room *room; listIterator roomIter; int found = 0; Room newRoom; msgHeader header; int size; // Busco si la sala ya existe listIterator_create(&Rooms,&roomIter); while (listIterator_hasNext(&roomIter)) { room = (Room *) listIterator_next(&roomIter); if (strcmp(room->name,roomName) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } // En caso de que ya exista if (found) { header.code = MSG_CODE_CRE_ALREADY; header.msgSize = 0; writeBytes(sockfd,(void *) &header,sizeof(header)); return; } // De lo contrario se agrega la sala strncpy(,roomName,NAMES_SIZE); *( + NAMES_SIZE - 1) = '\0'; size = strlen(; if (*( + size - 1) == '\n') *( + size - 1) = '\0'; list_new(&newRoom.users,sizeof(User *)); list_append(&Rooms,(void *) &newRoom); // Se envia el mensaje de correctitud header.code = MSG_CODE_CRE; header.msgSize = 0; writeBytes(sockfd,(void *) &header,sizeof(header)); }
LIST * compile_foreach( PARSE *p, LOL *args, int *jmp ) { LIST *nv = (*p->left->func)( p->left, args, jmp ); LIST *result = 0; LIST *l; /* for each value for var */ for( l = nv; l && *jmp == JMP_NONE; l = list_next( l ) ) { /* Reset $(p->string) for each val. */ var_set( p->string, list_new( L0, l->string, 1 ), VAR_SET ); /* Keep only last result. */ list_free( result ); result = (*p->right->func)( p->right, args, jmp ); /* continue loop? */ if( *jmp == JMP_CONTINUE ) *jmp = JMP_NONE; } /* Here by break/continue? */ if( *jmp == JMP_BREAK || *jmp == JMP_CONTINUE ) *jmp = JMP_NONE; list_free( nv ); /* Returns result of last loop */ return result; }
void install_xml_element(struct list * _hash[], const char*tagName,const char *atrName,u32 tagFlag,u32 flg) { XmlTagnameConfig * xtc; struct listnode * node; s32 tagLength = (tagName)? strlen(tagName) : 0; if( tagLength < 0 || tagLength >KEY_NAME_MAX_LEN ) return ; if( _fast_lookup_last_ == NULL || _fast_lookup_last_->parent != _hash || _fast_lookup_last_->tagLen != tagLength || _fast_lookup_last_->flg != tagFlag || (tagLength ==0|| strcmp(_fast_lookup_last_->tagName,tagName)) ) { _fast_lookup_last_ = NULL; if( !_hash[tagLength] ) _hash[tagLength] = list_new(); for( ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(_hash[tagLength],node,xtc) ) if( xtc && xtc->tagLen == tagLength && (0 == tagLength || 0 == strncmp(tagName,xtc->tagName,tagLength)) ) { _fast_lookup_last_ = xtc ; break; } if( !_fast_lookup_last_ ) { _fast_lookup_last_ = (XmlTagnameConfig*) calloc(1,sizeof(XmlTagnameConfig)); _fast_lookup_last_->parent=_hash; _fast_lookup_last_->tagLen=(u32)tagLength; _fast_lookup_last_->flg = tagFlag; if( tagLength ) memcpy(_fast_lookup_last_->tagName,tagName,tagLength); listnode_add(_hash[tagLength],_fast_lookup_last_); } }