Example #1
static void parse_objective(struct dsa *dsa)
{     /* parse objective sense */
      int k, len;
      /* parse the keyword 'minimize' or 'maximize' */
      if (dsa->token == T_MINIMIZE)
         lpx_set_obj_dir(dsa->lp, LPX_MIN);
      else if (dsa->token == T_MAXIMIZE)
         lpx_set_obj_dir(dsa->lp, LPX_MAX);
         xassert(dsa != dsa);
      /* parse objective name */
      if (dsa->token == T_NAME && dsa->c == ':')
      {  /* objective name is followed by a colon */
         lpx_set_obj_name(dsa->lp, dsa->image);
         xassert(dsa->token == T_COLON);
      {  /* objective name is not specified; use default */
         lpx_set_obj_name(dsa->lp, "obj");
      /* parse linear form */
      len = parse_linear_form(dsa);
      for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
         lpx_set_obj_coef(dsa->lp, dsa->ind[k], dsa->val[k]);
Example #2
LPX *lpx_extract_prob(void *_mpl)
{     MPL *mpl = _mpl;
      LPX *lp;
      int m, n, i, j, t, kind, type, len, *ind;
      double lb, ub, *val;
      /* create problem instance */
      lp = lpx_create_prob();
      /* set problem name */
      lpx_set_prob_name(lp, mpl_get_prob_name(mpl));
      /* build rows (constraints) */
      m = mpl_get_num_rows(mpl);
      if (m > 0) lpx_add_rows(lp, m);
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
      {  /* set row name */
         lpx_set_row_name(lp, i, mpl_get_row_name(mpl, i));
         /* set row bounds */
         type = mpl_get_row_bnds(mpl, i, &lb, &ub);
         switch (type)
         {  case MPL_FR: type = LPX_FR; break;
            case MPL_LO: type = LPX_LO; break;
            case MPL_UP: type = LPX_UP; break;
            case MPL_DB: type = LPX_DB; break;
            case MPL_FX: type = LPX_FX; break;
            default: insist(type != type);
         if (type == LPX_DB && fabs(lb - ub) < 1e-9 * (1.0 + fabs(lb)))
         {  type = LPX_FX;
            if (fabs(lb) <= fabs(ub)) ub = lb; else lb = ub;
         lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, i, type, lb, ub);
         /* warn about non-zero constant term */
         if (mpl_get_row_c0(mpl, i) != 0.0)
            print("lpx_read_model: row %s; constant term %.12g ignored",
               mpl_get_row_name(mpl, i), mpl_get_row_c0(mpl, i));
      /* build columns (variables) */
      n = mpl_get_num_cols(mpl);
      if (n > 0) lpx_add_cols(lp, n);
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
      {  /* set column name */
         lpx_set_col_name(lp, j, mpl_get_col_name(mpl, j));
         /* set column kind */
         kind = mpl_get_col_kind(mpl, j);
         switch (kind)
         {  case MPL_NUM:
            case MPL_INT:
            case MPL_BIN:
               lpx_set_class(lp, LPX_MIP);
               lpx_set_col_kind(lp, j, LPX_IV);
               insist(kind != kind);
         /* set column bounds */
         type = mpl_get_col_bnds(mpl, j, &lb, &ub);
         switch (type)
         {  case MPL_FR: type = LPX_FR; break;
            case MPL_LO: type = LPX_LO; break;
            case MPL_UP: type = LPX_UP; break;
            case MPL_DB: type = LPX_DB; break;
            case MPL_FX: type = LPX_FX; break;
            default: insist(type != type);
         if (kind == MPL_BIN)
         {  if (type == LPX_FR || type == LPX_UP || lb < 0.0) lb = 0.0;
            if (type == LPX_FR || type == LPX_LO || ub > 1.0) ub = 1.0;
            type = LPX_DB;
         if (type == LPX_DB && fabs(lb - ub) < 1e-9 * (1.0 + fabs(lb)))
         {  type = LPX_FX;
            if (fabs(lb) <= fabs(ub)) ub = lb; else lb = ub;
         lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, j, type, lb, ub);
      /* load the constraint matrix */
      ind = ucalloc(1+n, sizeof(int));
      val = ucalloc(1+n, sizeof(double));
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
      {  len = mpl_get_mat_row(mpl, i, ind, val);
         lpx_set_mat_row(lp, i, len, ind, val);
      /* build objective function (the first objective is used) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
      {  kind = mpl_get_row_kind(mpl, i);
         if (kind == MPL_MIN || kind == MPL_MAX)
         {  /* set objective name */
            lpx_set_obj_name(lp, mpl_get_row_name(mpl, i));
            /* set optimization direction */
            lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, kind == MPL_MIN ? LPX_MIN : LPX_MAX);
            /* set constant term */
            lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, 0, mpl_get_row_c0(mpl, i));
            /* set objective coefficients */
            len = mpl_get_mat_row(mpl, i, ind, val);
            for (t = 1; t <= len; t++)
               lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, ind[t], val[t]);
      /* free working arrays */
      /* bring the problem object to the calling program */
      return lp;