Example #1
File: lvm.c Project: jcubic/ToME
** Function to index a table.
** Receives the table at `t' and the key at top.
const TObject *luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, StkId t) {
  Closure *tm;
  int tg;
  if (ttype(t) == LUA_TTABLE &&  /* `t' is a table? */
      ((tg = hvalue(t)->htag) == LUA_TTABLE ||  /* with default tag? */
        luaT_gettm(L, tg, TM_GETTABLE) == NULL)) { /* or no TM? */
    /* do a primitive get */
    const TObject *h = luaH_get(L, hvalue(t), L->top-1);
    /* result is no nil or there is no `index' tag method? */
    if (ttype(h) != LUA_TNIL || ((tm=luaT_gettm(L, tg, TM_INDEX)) == NULL))
      return h;  /* return result */
    /* else call `index' tag method */
  else {  /* try a `gettable' tag method */
    tm = luaT_gettmbyObj(L, t, TM_GETTABLE);
  if (tm != NULL) {  /* is there a tag method? */
    luaD_checkstack(L, 2);
    *(L->top+1) = *(L->top-1);  /* key */
    *L->top = *t;  /* table */
    clvalue(L->top-1) = tm;  /* tag method */
    ttype(L->top-1) = LUA_TFUNCTION;
    L->top += 2;
    luaD_call(L, L->top - 3, 1);
    return L->top - 1;  /* call result */
  else {  /* no tag method */
    luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    return NULL;  /* to avoid warnings */
void luaG_aritherror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2)
    TValue temp;
    if (luaV_tonumber(p1, &temp) == NULL)
        p2 = p1;  /* first operand is wrong */
    luaG_typeerror(L, p2, "perform arithmetic on");
Example #3
void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val)
	int loop;
	TValue temp;
	for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
		const TValue *tm;
		if (ttistable(t) || ttisrotable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
			void *h = ttistable(t) ? hvalue(t) : rvalue(t);
			const TValue *res = ttistable(t) ? luaH_get((Table *)h, key) : luaH_get_ro(h, key); /* do a primitive get */
			if (!ttisnil(res) ||  /* result is no nil? */
			    (tm = fasttm(L, ttistable(t) ? ((Table *)h)->metatable : (Table *)luaR_getmeta(h), TM_INDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
				setobj2s(L, val, res);
			/* else will try the tag method */
		} else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX)))
			luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
		if (ttisfunction(tm) || ttislightfunction(tm)) {
			callTMres(L, val, tm, t, key);
		/* else repeat with `tm' */
		setobj(L, &temp, tm);  /* avoid pointing inside table (may rehash) */
		t = &temp;
	luaG_runerror(L, "loop in gettable");
Example #4
File: lvm.c Project: devilogic/xlua
 * 获取哈希表
 * L 虚拟机状态
 * t 哈希表的指针
 * key 哈希表的键
 * val 哈希表的值在栈中的索引
void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;
	/* 遍历 */
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
		/* 如果t是哈希表类型 */
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);        /* 获取哈希表值 */
			/* 从键中取出值 */
      const TValue *res = luaH_get(h, key); /* do a primitive get */
			/* 如果不是空值或者其表的元运算为空 */
      if (!ttisnil(res) ||  /* result is not nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_INDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
				/* 设置哈希值到指定的栈索引位置 */
        setobj2s(L, val, res);
      /* else will try the tag method */
		/* 如果t不是哈希表则判断其元运算是否为空值 */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
		/* 如果元运算是函数则进行调用 */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 1);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat with 'tm' */
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in gettable");
Example #5
** Finish the table access 'val = t[key]'.
** if 'slot' is NULL, 't' is not a table; otherwise, 'slot' points to
** t[k] entry (which must be nil).
void luaV_finishget (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val,
                      const TValue *slot) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  const TValue *tm;  /* metamethod */
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    if (slot == NULL) {  /* 't' is not a table? */
      tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX);
      if (ttisnil(tm))
        luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");  /* no metamethod */
      /* else will try the metamethod */
    else {  /* 't' is a table */
      tm = fasttm(L, hvalue(t)->metatable, TM_INDEX);  /* table's metamethod */
      if (tm == NULL) {  /* no metamethod? */
        setnilvalue(val);  /* result is nil */
      /* else will try the metamethod */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {  /* is metamethod a function? */
      luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 1);  /* call it */
    t = tm;  /* else try to access 'tm[key]' */
    if (luaV_fastget(L,t,key,slot,luaH_get)) {  /* fast track? */
      setobj2s(L, val, slot);  /* done */
    /* else repeat (tail call 'luaV_finishget') */
  luaG_runerror(L, "'__index' chain too long; possible loop");
Example #6
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;
  TValue temp;
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);
      TValue *oldval = luaH_set(L, h, key); /* do a primitive set */
      if (!ttisnil(oldval) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        setobj2t(L, oldval, val);
        h->flags = 0;
        luaC_barriert(L, h, val);
      /* else will try the tag method */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val);
    /* else repeat with `tm' */
    setobj(L, &temp, tm);  /* avoid pointing inside table (may rehash) */
    t = &temp;
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in settable");
Example #7
l_noret luaG_concaterror (StkId p1, StkId p2) {
  LuaResult result = LUA_OK;
  if (p1->isString() || p1->isNumber()) p1 = p2;
  assert(!p1->isString() && !p2->isNumber());
  result = luaG_typeerror(p1, "concatenate");
Example #8
l_noret luaG_opinterror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1,
                         const TValue *p2, const char *msg) {
  lua_Number temp;
  if (!tonumber(p1, &temp))  /* first operand is wrong? */
    p2 = p1;  /* now second is wrong */
  luaG_typeerror(L, p2, msg);
Example #9
** Main operation 'ra' = #rb'.
void luaV_objlen (lua_State *L, StkId ra, const TValue *rb) {
  const TValue *tm;
  switch (ttype(rb)) {
    case LUA_TTABLE: {
      Table *h = hvalue(rb);
      tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_LEN);
      if (tm) break;  /* metamethod? break switch to call it */
      setivalue(ra, luaH_getn(h));  /* else primitive len */
    case LUA_TSHRSTR: {
      setivalue(ra, tsvalue(rb)->shrlen);
    case LUA_TLNGSTR: {
      setivalue(ra, tsvalue(rb)->u.lnglen);
    default: {  /* try metamethod */
      tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, rb, TM_LEN);
      if (ttisnil(tm))  /* no metamethod? */
        luaG_typeerror(L, rb, "get length of");
  luaT_callTM(L, tm, rb, rb, ra, 1);
Example #10
File: lvm.c Project: iboB/lua
** Main function for table assignment (invoking metamethods if needed).
** Compute 't[key] = val'
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* 't' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);
      TValue *oldval = cast(TValue *, luaH_get(h, key));
      /* if previous value is not nil, there must be a previous entry
         in the table; a metamethod has no relevance */
      if (!ttisnil(oldval) ||
         /* previous value is nil; must check the metamethod */
         ((tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL &&
         /* no metamethod; is there a previous entry in the table? */
         (oldval != luaO_nilobject ||
         /* no previous entry; must create one. (The next test is
            always true; we only need the assignment.) */
         (oldval = luaH_newkey(L, h, key), 1)))) {
        /* no metamethod and (now) there is an entry with given key */
        setobj2t(L, oldval, val);  /* assign new value to that entry */
        luaC_barrierback(L, h, val);
      /* else will try the metamethod */
    else  /* not a table; check metamethod */
      if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
        luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    /* try the metamethod */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 0);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat assignment over 'tm' */
Example #11
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t) || ttisrotable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      void *h = ttistable(t) ? hvalue(t) : rvalue(t);
      TValue *oldval = ttistable(t) ? luaH_set(L, (Table*)h, key) : NULL; /* do a primitive set */
      if ((oldval && !ttisnil(oldval)) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, ttistable(t) ? ((Table*)h)->metatable : (Table*)luaR_getmeta(h), TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        if(oldval) {
          setobj2t(L, oldval, val);
          luaC_barriert(L, (Table*)h, val);
      /* else will try the tag method */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    if (ttisfunction(tm) || ttislightfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat with `tm' */ 
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in settable");
Example #12
File: lvm.c Project: chaosren/HHHH
void luaV_gettable(lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val)
	int loop;
	for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++)
		const TValue *tm;
		if (ttistable(t))
		{ /* `t' is a table? */
			Table *h = hvalue(t);
			const TValue *res = luaH_get(h, key); /* do a primitive get */
			if (!ttisnil(res) || /* result is no nil? */
			(tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_INDEX)) == NULL)
			{ /* or no TM? */
				setobj2s(L, val, res);
			/* else will try the tag method */
		else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX)))
			luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
		if (ttisfunction(tm))
			callTMres(L, val, tm, t, key);
		t = tm; /* else repeat with `tm' */
	luaG_runerror(L, "loop in gettable");
Example #13
luaG_concaterror(lua_State * L, StkId p1, StkId p2)
  if (ttisstring(p1))
    p1 = p2;
  luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "concatenate");
Example #14
static const TObject *luaV_getnotable (lua_State *L, const TObject *t,
                                       TObject *key, int loop) {
  const TObject *tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX);
  if (ttisnil(tm))
    luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
  if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
    callTMres(L, tm, t, key);
    return L->top;
  else return luaV_gettable(L, tm, key, loop);
Example #15
void luaG_aritherror (lua_State *L, const TObject *p1, const TObject *p2) {
  TObject temp;
  if (luaV_tonumber(L, p1, &temp) == NULL)
    p2 = p1;  /* first operand is wrong */
  luaG_typeerror(L, p2, "perform arithmetic on");
Example #16
File: lvm.c Project: zapline/zlib
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  TValue tmp;
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);
      TValue *oldval = luaH_set(L, h, key); /* do a primitive set */
      if (!ttisnil(oldval) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        setobj2t(L, oldval, val);
        luaC_barriert(L, h, val);
        if (ttisnil(val)) {
          Node* keyNode = luaH_getkey(h, key);
          if (keyNode) {
            luaH_removekey(L, h, keyNode);
#endif /* LUA_REFCOUNT */
      /* else will try the tag method */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val);
        TValue *newval;
        if (ttistable(t)) {
          newval = luaH_set(L, hvalue(t), key);
          if (ttisnil(newval)) {
            Node* keyNode = luaH_getkey(hvalue(t), key);
            if (keyNode)
              luaH_removekey(L, hvalue(t), keyNode);
#endif /* LUA_REFCOUNT */
    setobj(L, &tmp, tm);
    t = &tmp;  /* else repeat with copy of `tm' */
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in settable");
Example #17
File: ldo.c Project: jcubic/ToME
** Call a function (C or Lua). The function to be called is at *func.
** The arguments are on the stack, right after the function.
** When returns, the results are on the stack, starting at the original
** function position.
** The number of results is nResults, unless nResults=LUA_MULTRET.
void luaD_call (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nResults) {
  lua_Hook callhook;
  StkId firstResult;
  CallInfo ci;
  Closure *cl;
  if (ttype(func) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    /* `func' is not a function; check the `function' tag method */
    Closure *tm = luaT_gettmbyObj(L, func, TM_FUNCTION);
    if (tm == NULL)
      luaG_typeerror(L, func, "call");
    luaD_openstack(L, func);
    clvalue(func) = tm;  /* tag method is the new function to be called */
    ttype(func) = LUA_TFUNCTION;
  cl = clvalue(func);
  ci.func = cl;
  infovalue(func) = &ci;
  ttype(func) = LUA_TMARK;
  callhook = L->callhook;
  if (callhook)
    luaD_callHook(L, func, callhook, "call");
  firstResult = (cl->isC ? callCclosure(L, cl, func+1) :
                           luaV_execute(L, cl, func+1));
  if (callhook)  /* same hook that was active at entry */
    luaD_callHook(L, func, callhook, "return");
  LUA_ASSERT(ttype(func) == LUA_TMARK, "invalid tag");
  /* move results to `func' (to erase parameters and function) */
  if (nResults == LUA_MULTRET) {
    while (firstResult < L->top)  /* copy all results */
      *func++ = *firstResult++;
    L->top = func;
  else {  /* copy at most `nResults' */
    for (; nResults > 0 && firstResult < L->top; nResults--)
      *func++ = *firstResult++;
    L->top = func;
    for (; nResults > 0; nResults--) {  /* if there are not enough results */
      ttype(L->top) = LUA_TNIL;  /* adjust the stack */
      incr_top;  /* must check stack space */
Example #18
File: lvm.c Project: uvbs/wx2Server
** Receives table at `t', key at `key' and value at top.
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, StkId t, StkId key) {
  int tg;
  if (ttype(t) == LUA_TTABLE &&  /* `t' is a table? */
      ((tg = hvalue(t)->htag) == LUA_TTABLE ||  /* with default tag? */
        luaT_gettm(L, tg, TM_SETTABLE) == NULL)) /* or no TM? */
    *luaH_set(L, hvalue(t), key) = *(L->top-1);  /* do a primitive set */
  else {  /* try a `settable' tag method */
    Closure *tm = luaT_gettmbyObj(L, t, TM_SETTABLE);
    if (tm != NULL) {
      luaD_checkstack(L, 3);
      *(L->top+2) = *(L->top-1);
      *(L->top+1) = *key;
      *(L->top) = *t;
      clvalue(L->top-1) = tm;
      ttype(L->top-1) = LUA_TFUNCTION;
      L->top += 3;
      luaD_call(L, L->top - 4, 0);  /* call `settable' tag method */
    else  /* no tag method... */
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
Example #19
** Main function for table assignment (invoking metamethods if needed).
** Compute 't[key] = val'
void luaV_finishset (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key,
                     StkId val, const TValue *oldval) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (oldval != NULL) {
      Table *h = hvalue(t);  /* save 't' table */
      /* must check the metamethod */
      if ((tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL &&
         /* no metamethod; is there a previous entry in the table? */
         (oldval != luaO_nilobject ||
         /* no previous entry; must create one. (The next test is
            always true; we only need the assignment.) */
         (oldval = luaH_newkey(L, h, key), 1))) {
        /* no metamethod and (now) there is an entry with given key */
        setobj2t(L, cast(TValue *, oldval), val);
        luaC_barrierback(L, h, val);
      /* else will try the metamethod */
    else {  /* not a table; check metamethod */
      if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
        luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    /* try the metamethod */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 0);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat assignment over 'tm' */
    if (luaV_fastset(L, t, key, oldval, luaH_get, val))
      return;  /* done */
    /* else loop */
  luaG_runerror(L, "settable chain too long; possible loop");
Example #20
** Complete a table access: if 't' is a table, 'tm' has its metamethod;
** otherwise, 'tm' is NULL.
void luaV_finishget (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val,
                      const TValue *tm) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  lua_assert(tm != NULL || !ttistable(t));
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    if (tm == NULL) {  /* no metamethod (from a table)? */
      if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX)))
        luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");  /* no metamethod */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {  /* metamethod is a function */
      luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 1);  /* call it */
    t = tm;  /* else repeat access over 'tm' */
    if (luaV_fastget(L,t,key,tm,luaH_get)) {  /* try fast track */
      setobj2s(L, val, tm);  /* done */
    /* else repeat */
  luaG_runerror(L, "gettable chain too long; possible loop");
Example #21
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
  int loop;
  TValue temp;
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;
    if (ttistable(t) || ttisrotable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      void *h = ttistable(t) ? hvalue(t) : rvalue(t);
      TValue *oldval = ttistable(t) ? luaH_set(L, (Table*)h, key) : NULL; /* do a primitive set */
      if ((oldval && !ttisnil(oldval)) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, ttistable(t) ? ((Table*)h)->metatable : (Table*)luaR_getmeta(h), TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        if(oldval) {
          setobj2t(L, oldval, val);
          ((Table *)h)->flags = 0;
          luaC_barriert(L, (Table*)h, val);
      /* else will try the tag method */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    if (ttisfunction(tm) || ttislightfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val);
    /* else repeat with `tm' */
    setobj(L, &temp, tm);  /* avoid pointing inside table (may rehash) */
    t = &temp;
    setobj2s(L, L->top-1, t);  /* need to protect value from EGC. */
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in settable");
Example #22
void luaV_objlen (lua_State *L, StkId ra, const TValue *rb) {
  const TValue *tm;
  switch (ttype(rb)) {
    case LUA_TTABLE: {
      Table *h = hvalue(rb);
      tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_LEN);
      if (tm) break;  /* metamethod? break switch to call it */
      setnvalue(ra, cast_num(luaH_getn(h)));  /* else primitive len */
    case LUA_TSTRING: {
      setnvalue(ra, cast_num(tsvalue(rb)->len));
    default: {  /* try metamethod */
      tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, rb, TM_LEN);
      if (ttisnil(tm))  /* no metamethod? */
        luaG_typeerror(L, rb, "get length of");
  callTMres(L, ra, tm, rb, luaO_nilobject);
Example #23
** Receives table at `t', key at `key' and value at `val'.
void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TObject *t, TObject *key, StkId val) {
  const TObject *tm;
  int loop = 0;
  do {
    if (ttistable(t)) {  /* `t' is a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);
      TObject *oldval = luaH_set(L, h, key); /* do a primitive set */
      if (!ttisnil(oldval) ||  /* result is no nil? */
          (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
        setobj2t(oldval, val);  /* write barrier */
      /* else will try the tag method */
    else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
      luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      callTM(L, tm, t, key, val);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat with `tm' */ 
  } while (++loop <= MAXTAGLOOP);
  luaG_runerror(L, "loop in settable");
Example #24
** Finish a table assignment 't[key] = val'.
** If 'slot' is NULL, 't' is not a table.  Otherwise, 'slot' points
** to the entry 't[key]', or to 'luaO_nilobject' if there is no such
** entry.  (The value at 'slot' must be nil, otherwise 'luaV_fastset'
** would have done the job.)
void luaV_finishset (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key,
                     StkId val, const TValue *slot) {
  int loop;  /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
  for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
    const TValue *tm;  /* '__newindex' metamethod */
    if (slot != NULL) {  /* is 't' a table? */
      Table *h = hvalue(t);  /* save 't' table */
      lua_assert(ttisnil(slot));  /* old value must be nil */
      tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_NEWINDEX);  /* get metamethod */
      if (tm == NULL) {  /* no metamethod? */
        if (slot == luaO_nilobject)  /* no previous entry? */
          slot = luaH_newkey(L, h, key);  /* create one */
        /* no metamethod and (now) there is an entry with given key */
        setobj2t(L, cast(TValue *, slot), val);  /* set its new value */
        luaC_barrierback(L, h, val);
      /* else will try the metamethod */
    else {  /* not a table; check metamethod */
      if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_NEWINDEX)))
        luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");
    /* try the metamethod */
    if (ttisfunction(tm)) {
      luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 0);
    t = tm;  /* else repeat assignment over 'tm' */
    if (luaV_fastset(L, t, key, slot, luaH_get, val))
      return;  /* done */
    /* else loop */
  luaG_runerror(L, "'__newindex' chain too long; possible loop");
Example #25
** Main function for table access (invoking metamethods if needed).
** Compute 'val = t[key]'
void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key, StkId val) {
    int loop;    /* counter to avoid infinite loops */
    for (loop = 0; loop < MAXTAGLOOP; loop++) {
        const TValue *tm;
        if (ttistable(t)) {    /* 't' is a table? */
            Table *h = hvalue(t);
            const TValue *res = luaH_get(h, key); /* do a primitive get */
            if (!ttisnil(res) ||    /* result is not nil? */
                    (tm = fasttm(L, h->metatable, TM_INDEX)) == NULL) { /* or no TM? */
                setobj2s(L, val, res);    /* result is the raw get */
            /* else will try metamethod */
        else if (ttisnil(tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, t, TM_INDEX)))
            luaG_typeerror(L, t, "index");    /* no metamethod */
        if (ttisfunction(tm)) {    /* metamethod is a function */
            luaT_callTM(L, tm, t, key, val, 1);
        t = tm;    /* else repeat access over 'tm' */
    luaG_runerror(L, "gettable chain too long; possible loop");
Example #26
void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, int nexeccalls) {
  LClosure *cl;
  StkId base;
  TValue *k;
  const Instruction *pc;
 reentry:  /* entry point */
  pc = L->savedpc;
  cl = &clvalue(L->ci->func)->l;
  base = L->base;
  k = cl->p->k;
  /* main loop of interpreter */
  for (;;) {
    const Instruction i = *pc++;
    StkId ra;
    if ((L->hookmask & (LUA_MASKLINE | LUA_MASKCOUNT)) &&
        (--L->hookcount == 0 || L->hookmask & LUA_MASKLINE)) {
      traceexec(L, pc);
      if (L->status == LUA_YIELD) {  /* did hook yield? */
        L->savedpc = pc - 1;
      base = L->base;
    /* warning!! several calls may realloc the stack and invalidate `ra' */
    ra = RA(i);
    lua_assert(base == L->base && L->base == L->ci->base);
    lua_assert(base <= L->top && L->top <= L->stack + L->stacksize);
    lua_assert(L->top == L->ci->top || luaG_checkopenop(i));
    switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) {
      case OP_MOVE: {
        setobjs2s(L, ra, RB(i));
      case OP_LOADK: {
        setobj2s(L, ra, KBx(i));
      case OP_LOADBOOL: {
        setbvalue(ra, GETARG_B(i));
        if (GETARG_C(i)) pc++;  /* skip next instruction (if C) */
      case OP_LOADNIL: {
        TValue *rb = RB(i);
        do {
        } while (rb >= ra);
      case OP_GETUPVAL: {
        int b = GETARG_B(i);
        setobj2s(L, ra, cl->upvals[b]->v);
      case OP_GETGLOBAL: {
        TValue g;
        TValue *rb = KBx(i);
        sethvalue(L, &g, cl->env);
        Protect(luaV_gettable(L, &g, rb, ra));
      case OP_GETTABLE: {
        Protect(luaV_gettable(L, RB(i), RKC(i), ra));
      case OP_SETGLOBAL: {
        TValue g;
        sethvalue(L, &g, cl->env);
        Protect(luaV_settable(L, &g, KBx(i), ra));
      case OP_SETUPVAL: {
        UpVal *uv = cl->upvals[GETARG_B(i)];
        setobj(L, uv->v, ra);
        luaC_barrier(L, uv, ra);
      case OP_SETTABLE: {
        Protect(luaV_settable(L, ra, RKB(i), RKC(i)));
      case OP_NEWTABLE: {
        int b = GETARG_B(i);
        int c = GETARG_C(i);
        sethvalue(L, ra, luaH_new(L, luaO_fb2int(b), luaO_fb2int(c)));
      case OP_SELF: {
        StkId rb = RB(i);
        setobjs2s(L, ra+1, rb);
        Protect(luaV_gettable(L, rb, RKC(i), ra));
      case OP_ADD: {
        arith_op(luai_numadd, TM_ADD);
      case OP_SUB: {
        arith_op(luai_numsub, TM_SUB);
      case OP_MUL: {
        arith_op(luai_nummul, TM_MUL);
      case OP_DIV: {
        arith_op(luai_numdiv, TM_DIV);
      case OP_MOD: {
        arith_op(luai_nummod, TM_MOD);
      case OP_POW: {
        arith_op(luai_numpow, TM_POW);
      case OP_UNM: {
        TValue *rb = RB(i);
        if (ttisnumber(rb)) {
          lua_Number nb = nvalue(rb);
          setnvalue(ra, luai_numunm(nb));
        else {
          Protect(luaV_arith(L, ra, rb, rb, TM_UNM));
      case OP_NOT: {
        int res = l_isfalse(RB(i));  /* next assignment may change this value */
        setbvalue(ra, res);
      case OP_LEN: {
        const TValue *rb = RB(i);
        switch (ttype(rb)) {
          case LUA_TTABLE: {
            setnvalue(ra, cast_num(luaH_getn(hvalue(rb))));
          case LUA_TSTRING: {
            setnvalue(ra, cast_num(tsvalue(rb)->len));
          default: {  /* try metamethod */
              if (!call_binTM(L, rb, luaO_nilobject, ra, TM_LEN))
                luaG_typeerror(L, rb, "get length of");
      case OP_CONCAT: {
        int b = GETARG_B(i);
        int c = GETARG_C(i);
        Protect(luaV_concat(L, c-b+1, c); luaC_checkGC(L));
        setobjs2s(L, RA(i), base+b);
      case OP_JMP: {
        dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i));
      case OP_EQ: {
        TValue *rb = RKB(i);
        TValue *rc = RKC(i);
          if (equalobj(L, rb, rc) == GETARG_A(i))
            dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(*pc));
      case OP_LT: {
          if (luaV_lessthan(L, RKB(i), RKC(i)) == GETARG_A(i))
            dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(*pc));
      case OP_LE: {
          if (luaV_lessequal(L, RKB(i), RKC(i)) == GETARG_A(i))
            dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(*pc));
Example #27
l_noret luaG_aritherror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2) {
  lua_Number temp;
  if (!tonumber(p1, &temp))  /* first operand is wrong? */
    p2 = p1;  /* now second is wrong */
  luaG_typeerror(L, p2, "perform arithmetic on");
Example #28
l_noret luaG_concaterror (lua_State *L, StkId p1, StkId p2) {
	if (ttisstring(p1) || ttisnumber(p1)) p1 = p2;
	lua_assert(!ttisstring(p1) && !ttisnumber(p1));
	luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "concatenate");
Example #29
l_noret luaG_concaterror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2) {
  if (ttisstring(p1) || cvt2str(p1)) p1 = p2;
  luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "concatenate");
Example #30
void luaG_logicerror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2) {
  TValue temp;
  if (luaV_tonumber(p1, &temp) == NULL)
    p2 = p1;  /* first operand is wrong */
  luaG_typeerror(L, p2, "perform bitwise operation on");