void LLDockControl::repositionDockable()
	if (!mDockWidget) return;
	LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect();
	LLRect rootRect;
	LLRect floater_rect = mDockableFloater->calcScreenRect();

	// recalculate dockable position if:
	if (mPrevDockRect != dockRect					//dock position   changed
		|| mDockWidgetVisible != isDockVisible()	//dock visibility changed
		|| mRootRect != rootRect					//root view rect  changed
		|| mFloaterRect != floater_rect				//floater rect    changed
		|| mRecalculateDockablePosition				//recalculation is forced
		// undock dockable and off() if dock not visible
		if (!isDockVisible())
			// force off() since dockable may not have dockControll at this time
			LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater =
					dynamic_cast<LLDockableFloater*> (mDockableFloater);
			if(dockable_floater != NULL)
			LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater =
					dynamic_cast<LLDockableFloater*> (mDockableFloater);
			if(dockable_floater != NULL)

		mPrevDockRect = dockRect;
		mRootRect = rootRect;
		mFloaterRect = floater_rect;
		mRecalculateDockablePosition = false;
		mDockWidgetVisible = isDockVisible();
void LLDockControl::moveDockable()
	// calculate new dockable position
	LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect();
	LLRect rootRect;

	bool use_tongue = false;
	LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater =
			dynamic_cast<LLDockableFloater*> (mDockableFloater);
	if (dockable_floater != NULL)
		use_tongue = dockable_floater->getUseTongue();

	LLRect dockableRect = mDockableFloater->calcScreenRect();
	S32 x = 0;
	S32 y = 0;
	LLRect dockParentRect;
	switch (mDockAt)
	case LEFT:

		x = dockRect.mLeft - dockableRect.getWidth();
		y = dockRect.getCenterY() + dockableRect.getHeight() / 2;
		if (use_tongue)
			x -= mDockTongue->getWidth();

		mDockTongueX = dockableRect.mRight;
		mDockTongueY = dockableRect.getCenterY() - mDockTongue->getHeight() / 2;

	case RIGHT:

		x = dockRect.mRight;
		y = dockRect.getCenterY() + dockableRect.getHeight() / 2;

		if (use_tongue)
			x += mDockTongue->getWidth();

		mDockTongueX = dockRect.mRight;
		mDockTongueY = dockableRect.getCenterY() - mDockTongue->getHeight() / 2;


	case TOP:
		x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2;
		y = dockRect.mTop + dockableRect.getHeight();
		// unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height to the Y coordinate
		if (use_tongue)
			y += mDockTongue->getHeight();

			if ( y > rootRect.mTop)
				y = rootRect.mTop;

		// check is dockable inside root view rect
		if (x < rootRect.mLeft)
			x = rootRect.mLeft;
		if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight)
			x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth();

		// calculate dock tongue position
		dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect();
		if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;;
			mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		mDockTongueY = dockRect.mTop;

	case BOTTOM:
		x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2;
		y = dockRect.mBottom;
		// unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height to the Y coordinate
		if (use_tongue)
			y -= mDockTongue->getHeight();

		// check is dockable inside root view rect
		if (x < rootRect.mLeft)
			x = rootRect.mLeft;
		if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight)
			x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth();

		// calculate dock tongue position
		dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect();
		if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;;
			mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		mDockTongueY = dockRect.mBottom - mDockTongue->getHeight();


	S32 max_available_height = rootRect.getHeight() - (rootRect.mBottom -  mDockTongueY) - mDockTongue->getHeight();

	// A floater should be shrunk so it doesn't cover a part of its docking tongue and
	// there is a space between a dockable floater and a control to which it is docked.
	if (use_tongue && dockableRect.getHeight() >= max_available_height)
		dockableRect.setLeftTopAndSize(x, y, dockableRect.getWidth(), max_available_height);
		mDockableFloater->reshape(dockableRect.getWidth(), dockableRect.getHeight());
		// move dockable
		dockableRect.setLeftTopAndSize(x, y, dockableRect.getWidth(),

	LLRect localDocableParentRect;

	mDockableFloater->getParent()->screenRectToLocal(dockableRect, &localDocableParentRect);
	mDockableFloater->screenPointToLocal(mDockTongueX, mDockTongueY, &mDockTongueX, &mDockTongueY);

Example #3
void LLDockControl::moveDockable()
	// calculate new dockable position
	LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect();
	LLRect rootRect;

	bool use_tongue = false;
	LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater =
			dynamic_cast<LLDockableFloater*> (mDockableFloater);
	if (dockable_floater != NULL)
		use_tongue = dockable_floater->getUseTongue();

	LLRect dockableRect = mDockableFloater->calcScreenRect();
	S32 x = 0;
	S32 y = 0;
	LLRect dockParentRect;
	switch (mDockAt)
	case LEFT:
		x = dockRect.mLeft;
		y = dockRect.mTop + mDockTongue->getHeight() + dockableRect.getHeight();
		// check is dockable inside root view rect
		if (x < rootRect.mLeft)
			x = rootRect.mLeft;
		if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight)
			x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth();
		mDockTongueX = x + dockableRect.getWidth()/2 - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		mDockTongueY = dockRect.mTop;

	case TOP:
		x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2;
		y = dockRect.mTop + dockableRect.getHeight();
		// unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height o the Y coordinate
		if (use_tongue)
			y += mDockTongue->getHeight();

		// check is dockable inside root view rect
		if (x < rootRect.mLeft)
			x = rootRect.mLeft;
		if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight)
			x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth();

		// calculate dock tongue position
		dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect();
		if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;;
			mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		mDockTongueY = dockRect.mTop;

	case BOTTOM:
		x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2;
		y = dockRect.mBottom;
		// unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height o the Y coordinate
		if (use_tongue)
			y -= mDockTongue->getHeight();

		// check is dockable inside root view rect
		if (x < rootRect.mLeft)
			x = rootRect.mLeft;
		if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight)
			x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth();

		// calculate dock tongue position
		dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect();
		if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight)
			mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;;
			mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;
		mDockTongueY = dockRect.mBottom - mDockTongue->getHeight();


	// move dockable
	dockableRect.setLeftTopAndSize(x, y, dockableRect.getWidth(),
	LLRect localDocableParentRect;

	mDockableFloater->screenPointToLocal(mDockTongueX, mDockTongueY,
			&mDockTongueX, &mDockTongueY);
