int stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while(*s1 && makeLower(*s1) == makeLower(*s2)) s1++, s2++; return makeLower(*s1) - makeLower(*s2); }
static bool differentSeparated(register char *s1, register char *s2) { register char c1, c2; if ( *s1 != *s2 || *s1 == EOS ) fail; c1 = *++s1, c2 = *++s2; while(c1 && c1 == c2) { if ((c1 = *++s1) == '_') { c1 = *++s1; } else { if (isLower(s1[-1]) && isUpper(c1)) c1 = makeLower(c1); } if ((c2 = *++s2) == '_') { c2 = *++s2; } else { if (isLower(s2[-1]) && isUpper(c2)) c2 = makeLower(c2); } } if (c1 == EOS && c2 == EOS) succeed; fail; }
void BisonCSSParser::tokenToLowerCase(CSSParserString& token) { // Since it's our internal token, we know that we created it out // of our writable work buffers. Therefore the const_cast is just // ugly and not a potential crash. size_t length = token.length(); if (token.is8Bit()) { makeLower(token.characters8(), const_cast<LChar*>(token.characters8()), length); } else { makeLower(token.characters16(), const_cast<UChar*>(token.characters16()), length); } }
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { #ifdef HAVE_STRICMP return stricmp(s1, s2); #else while(*s1 && makeLower(*s1) == makeLower(*s2)) s1++, s2++; return makeLower(*s1) - makeLower(*s2); #endif }
BOOL CutupProtocol::Str2CPGuid( LPCTSTR str, CPGUID& cpguid ) { tstring s = str; if (s.size() != 32) return FALSE; LPBYTE p = (LPBYTE) &cpguid; makeLower(s); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i+=2, p++) { BYTE b = 0; TCHAR ch = s[i]; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') b = ch - '0'; else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') b = ch - 'a' + 10; b <<= 4; ch = s[i + 1]; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') b |= ch - '0'; else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') b |= ch - 'a' + 10; *p = b; } return TRUE; }
void FTSSpec::_scoreStringV2( const Tools& tools, StringData raw, TermFrequencyMap* docScores, double weight ) const { ScoreHelperMap terms; unsigned numTokens = 0; Tokenizer i( tools.language, raw ); while ( i.more() ) { Token t =; if ( t.type != Token::TEXT ) continue; string term =; makeLower( &term ); if ( tools.stopwords->isStopWord( term ) ) { continue; } term = tools.stemmer->stem( term ); ScoreHelperStruct& data = terms[term]; if ( data.exp ) { data.exp *= 2; } else { data.exp = 1; } data.count += 1; data.freq += ( 1 / data.exp ); numTokens++; } for ( ScoreHelperMap::const_iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); ++i ) { const string& term = i->first; const ScoreHelperStruct& data = i->second; // in order to adjust weights as a function of term count as it // relates to total field length. ie. is this the only word or // a frequently occuring term? or does it only show up once in // a long block of text? double coeff = ( 0.5 * data.count / numTokens ) + 0.5; // if term is identical to the raw form of the // field (untokenized) give it a small boost. double adjustment = 1; if ( raw.size() == term.length() && raw.equalCaseInsensitive( term ) ) adjustment += 0.1; double& score = (*docScores)[term]; score += ( weight * data.freq * coeff * adjustment ); verify( score <= MAX_WEIGHT ); } }
char * strlwr(char *s) { char *q; for(q=s; *q; q++) *q = makeLower(*q); return s; }
void SearchEng::add_parse_page(std::string filename, PageParser* parser) { MySetString currentWords; MySetString currentLinks_strings; parser->parse(filename, currentWords, currentLinks_strings); std::cout << "Just ran parse" << std::endl; WebPage* currentPage = new WebPage; currentPage->filename( filename ); currentPage->all_words(currentWords); for( MySetString::iterator it = currentLinks_strings.begin(); it != currentLinks_strings.end(); ++it) { currentPage->add_outgoing_link(looks_for_webpage(*it)); //Need to deal with links still /*MySetString::iterator it2 = allPages.find(*it); if(it2 != allPages.end() ) { currentPage->add_outgoing_link(it); }*/ } allPages.insert(currentPage); // std::cout << "inserted page" << std::endl; //debug MySetString::iterator it; for( it = currentWords.begin(); it != currentWords.end(); ++it ) { // makes wordMap; std::string word = *it; makeLower(word); std::map<std::string, MySetWebPage>::iterator it2 = wordMap.find(word); //std::cout << "trying to insert: " << word << std::endl; //debug if(it2 != wordMap.end()) { it2->second.insert(currentPage); //std::cout << "added page to " << it2->first << std::endl; //debug } else { MySetWebPage newSet; newSet.insert( currentPage ); wordMap.insert( make_pair(word, newSet)); //std::cout << "inserted: " << word << std::endl; //debug } //std::cout << "went through for loop" << std::endl; //debug } //deals with all incoming links; MySetWebPage::iterator it3; for( it3 = allPages.begin(); it3!= allPages.end(); ++it3) { WebPage* outgoingPage = *it3; MySetWebPage outgoingLinks = outgoingPage->outgoing_links(); MySetWebPage::iterator it4; for( it4 = outgoingLinks.begin(); it4 != outgoingLinks.end(); ++it4) { WebPage* incomingPage = *it4; incomingPage->add_incoming_link(outgoingPage); } } //delete currentPage; return; }
BOOL ClientInfoManager::InstallModule( LPCTSTR clientid, LPCTSTR moduleName ) { tstring modname = moduleName; makeLower(modname); tstring datFilepath; if (! ClientmodManager::GetInstanceRef().GetModuleDatFilepath(modname.c_str(), datFilepath)) { errorLog(_T("no such clientmodule [%s]"), moduleName); return FALSE; } CommData sendData; sendData.SetMsgID(MSGID_INSTALL_MODULE); sendData.SetData(_T("modname"), moduleName); if (! ReadDataFile(datFilepath.c_str(), sendData)) { errorLog(_T("read datafile failed[%s]"), datFilepath.c_str()); return FALSE; } MSGSERIALID requestInstallModMsgID = CommManager::GetInstanceRef().AddToSendMessage(clientid, sendData, TRUE); if (INVALID_MSGSERIALID == requestInstallModMsgID) { errorLog(_T("send msg to install mod[%s] in [%s] failed"), moduleName, clientid); return FALSE; } BOOL bPushOK = FALSE; m_infoMapSection.Enter(); { ClientBaseInfoMap::iterator iter = m_clientBaseInfoMap.find(clientid); if (iter != m_clientBaseInfoMap.end()) { iter->second.installModMsgIDMap[moduleName] = requestInstallModMsgID; bPushOK = TRUE; } } m_infoMapSection.Leave(); if (bPushOK) { infoLog(_T("send install msg OK. install mod[%s] to [%s]"), moduleName, clientid); } else { errorLog(_T("send install msg but no info for client[%s]"), requestInstallModMsgID, clientid); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CommandManager::Execute( LPCTSTR cmdline, tstring& replyText ) { //分割并整理命令行的各个部分 TStringVector parts; splitByChar(cmdline, parts, ' '); TStringVector::iterator iter = parts.begin(); while (iter != parts.end()) { tstring& part = *iter; trim(part); if (part.size() == 0) { iter = parts.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } //检查是否有可用的部分 if (parts.size() == 0) { replyText = _T("invalid command."); return FALSE; } //查找可用的命令 tstring& cmdname = parts[0]; makeLower(cmdname); CommandMap::iterator cmdIter = m_cmdMap.find(cmdname); if (cmdIter == m_cmdMap.end()) { replyText = _T("no such command."); return FALSE; } //执行命令 ICmd* pCmd = cmdIter->second; BOOL bExecuteOK = pCmd->Execute(parts, replyText, m_env); return bExecuteOK; }
static char * subWord(register char *s, register char *store) { *store++ = makeLower(*s); s++; for(;;) { if (*s == EOS) { *store = EOS; return s; } if (*s == '_') { *store = EOS; return ++s; } if (isLower(s[-1]) && isUpper(s[0]) ) { *store = EOS; return s; } *store++ = *s++; } }
std::string xlw::StringUtilities::toLower(std::string inputString) { makeLower(inputString); return inputString; }
BOOL Shell::ExecuteCommand( LPCTSTR cmdlinestr, tstring& reply ) { //分割并整理命令行的各个部分 tstring cmdline = cmdlinestr; trim(cmdline, ' '); trim(cmdline, '\n'); trim(cmdline, '\r'); TStringVector parts; splitByChar(cmdline.c_str(), parts, ' '); //清理无效参数 TStringVector::iterator iter = parts.begin(); while (iter != parts.end()) { tstring& part = *iter; trim(part); if (part.size() == 0) { iter = parts.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } //检查是否有可用的部分 if (parts.size() == 0) { reply = _T(""); return TRUE; } //查找可用的命令 tstring& cmdname = parts[0]; makeLower(cmdname); if (cmdname == _T("dir")) { return Execute_Dir(parts, reply); } else if (cmdname == _T("cd")) { return Execute_Cd(parts, reply); } else if (cmdname == _T("disks")) { return Execute_Disks(parts, reply); } //将命令发到客户端去执行 CommData commandCommData; commandCommData.SetMsgID(MSGID_EXECUTE_CMDLINE); commandCommData.SetData(_T("cmdline"), cmdline.c_str()); CommData replyCommData; if (! AskAndWaitForReply(commandCommData, replyCommData)) { reply = _T("等待客户端回应超时"); return FALSE; } else { tstring result; replyCommData.GetStrData(_T("result"), result); if (result == _T("OK")) { reply = s2ws(std::string((LPCSTR)(LPBYTE)replyCommData.GetByteData(), replyCommData.GetByteData().Size())); return TRUE; } else { reply = result; return FALSE; } } }
int main(int argc, char* arg[]){ int flag = 1; char index_file[MAX_WORD_LEN]; char target_dir[MAX_WORD_LEN]; struct stat sb; // used for stat call INVERTED_INDEX *index; printf("starting the program\n"); // initialize the qholder for first time initializeQHOLDER(); // initialize index index = (INVERTED_INDEX*)malloc(sizeof(INVERTED_INDEX)+1); if(index == NULL){ printf("No enough memory at %s:line%d ", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(-1); } bzero(index, sizeof(INVERTED_INDEX)+1); index->start = index->end = NULL; // input arg check // check to see if the user inputs too many or too few args if(argc != 3){ printf("You did not enter the correct number of arguments.\n"); exit(-1); } // copy in filename of the printed index strcpy(index_file, arg[1]); // set target directory and check if it's available strcpy(target_dir, arg[2]); stat(target_dir, &sb); if(!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)){ printf("The directory you chose is not available.\n"); return 1; } // read file into new index -- now index is loaded from file index = readFile(index_file); // initialize user input variable char *input; input = malloc(sizeof(char)*(MAX_WORD_LEN+1)); if(index == NULL){ printf("No enough memory at %s:line%d ", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(-1); } bzero(input, MAX_WORD_LEN+1); // Main while loop used in query - see psuedocode above // Used to create a node for every word containing a list of the // documents the word is in. Each node will contain the // list of DOCUMENTNODES which contain the document id and // the frequency of the word in that document. int keepInWhile = 1; while(keepInWhile){ // initialize the QHOLDER so it is empty for every search // only want words in the qholder from each different search flag = 0; // prompt user for a query search printf("\nTinySearch > "); fgets(input, MAX_WORD_LEN, stdin); if(strcmp(input, "c\n") == 0){ printf("You are now exitting the program.\n"); break; } printf("The word you are searching for is %s\n", input); // load input words into list of words using getNextWord... // create and zero word and list inputs will be written to int currentPosition =0; int i = 0; char **wordList; wordList = malloc(sizeof(char)*(MAX_WORD_LEN+1)); if(wordList == NULL){ printf("No enough memory at %s:line%d ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ exit(-1); } bzero(wordList, MAX_WORD_LEN); // Get a list of all the user input words to be searched. // The list is called wordList and after getNextWord is called, // the wordList will be loaded getNextWord(input, currentPosition, wordList, i); // initialize new word node to be set at the correct // position in the index WORDNODE *wn; i = 0; while(wordList[i] != NULL){ // if user wrote AND or OR, keep it in list, but don't add node if(strcmp(wordList[i], "OR") == 0){ printf("continuing...\n"); i++; continue; } else if(strcmp(wordList[i], "AND") == 0){ printf("continuing...\n"); i++; continue; } else{ // find the wordnode form index for the current query word makeLower(wordList[i]); wn = searchIndex(&flag, wordList[i], index); // this flag is for if the word was found or not. 1 is yes. if(flag == 0){ printf("Word not found. Try again.\n"); break; } // add WORDNODE to the qholder to be used later addWORDNODE(wn); i++; } } if(flag == 0) continue; if(rankWords(wordList, i) == 0){ continue; } printDOCs(target_dir); bzero(input, MAX_WORD_LEN+1); initializeQHOLDER(); } return 0; }
static char *compile_pattern(compiled_pattern *, char *, int); static bool match_pattern(matchcode *, char *); #define Output(c) { if ( Out->size > MAXCODE-1 ) \ { warning("pattern too large"); \ return (char *) NULL; \ } \ Out->code[Out->size++] = c; \ } static inline void setMap(matchcode *map, int c) { GET_LD if ( !truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_FILE_CASE) ) c = makeLower(c); map[(c)/8] |= 1 << ((c) % 8); } static bool compilePattern(char *p, compiled_pattern *cbuf) { cbuf->size = 0; if ( compile_pattern(cbuf, p, NOCURL) == (char *) NULL ) fail; succeed; }
string toLower(const string & str) { string s(str); makeLower(s); return s; }