Example #1
//------------------------- ENSURE FORCE CACHE VALID ---------------------------
// This will also calculate potential energy since we can do it on the cheap
// simultaneously with the force. Note that if the strength of gravity was set
// to zero then we already zeroed out the forces and pe during realizeInstance()
// so all we have to do in that case is mark the cache valid now. Also, any
// immune bodies have their force set to zero in realizeInstance() so we don't
// have to do it again here.
void Force::GravityImpl::
ensureForceCacheValid(const State& state) const {
    if (isForceCacheValid(state)) return;

    SimTK_STAGECHECK_GE_ALWAYS(state.getSystemStage(), Stage::Position,

    const Parameters& p = getParameters(state);
    if (p.g == 0) { // no gravity
        markForceCacheValid(state); // zeroes must have been precalculated

    // Gravity is non-zero and gravity forces are not up to date, so this counts
    // as an evaluation.

    const Vec3 gravity      = p.g * p.d;
    const Real zeroPEOffset = p.g * p.z;
    ForceCache& fc = updForceCache(state);
    fc.pe = 0;

    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();
    // Skip Ground since we know it is immune.
    for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < nb; ++mbx) {
        if (p.mobodIsImmune[mbx])
            continue; // don't apply gravity to this body; F already zero

        const MobilizedBody&     mobod  = matter.getMobilizedBody(mbx);
        const MassProperties&    mprops = mobod.getBodyMassProperties(state);
        const Transform&         X_GB   = mobod.getBodyTransform(state);

        Real        m       = mprops.getMass();
        const Vec3& p_CB    = mprops.getMassCenter(); // in B
        const Vec3  p_CB_G  = X_GB.R()*p_CB;          // exp. in G; 15 flops
        const Vec3  p_G_CB  = X_GB.p() + p_CB_G;      // meas. in G; 3 flops

        const Vec3  F_CB_G  = m*gravity; // force at mass center; 3 flops
        fc.F_GB[mbx] = SpatialVec(p_CB_G % F_CB_G, F_CB_G); // body frc; 9 flops

        // odd signs here because height is in -gravity direction.
        fc.pe -= m*(~gravity*p_G_CB + zeroPEOffset); // 8 flops

    const int np = matter.getNumParticles();
    if (np) {
        const Vector&        m    = matter.getAllParticleMasses(state);
        const Vector_<Vec3>& p_GP = matter.getAllParticleLocations(state);
        for (ParticleIndex px(0); px < np; ++px) {
            fc.f_GP[px] = m[px] * gravity;                     // 3 flops
            fc.pe -= m[px]*(~gravity*p_GP[px] + zeroPEOffset); // 8 flops

Example #2
//----------------------------- REALIZE TOPOLOGY -------------------------------
// Allocate the state variables and cache entries. The force cache is a lazy-
// evaluation entry - although it can be calculated any time after
// Stage::Position, it won't be unless someone asks for it. And if it is
// evaluated early, it should not be re-evaluated when used as a force during
// Stage::Dynamics (via the calcForce() call).
// In addition, the force cache has a dependency on the parameter values that
// are stored in a discrete state variable. Changes to that variable
// automatically invalidate Dynamics stage, but must be carefully managed also
// to invalidate the force cache here since it is only Position-dependent.
void Force::GravityImpl::
realizeTopology(State& s) const {
    GravityImpl* mThis = const_cast<GravityImpl*>(this);
    const int nb=matter.getNumBodies(), np=matter.getNumParticles();

    // In case more mobilized bodies were added after this Gravity element
    // was constructed, make room for the rest now. Earlier default immunity
    // settings are preserved.
    if (defMobodIsImmune.size() != nb)
        mThis->defMobodIsImmune.resize(nb, false);

    // Allocate a discrete state variable to hold parameters; see above comment.
    const Parameters p(defDirection,defMagnitude,defZeroHeight,
                       defMobodIsImmune); // initial value
    mThis->parametersIx = getForceSubsystem()
        .allocateDiscreteVariable(s, Stage::Dynamics, new Value<Parameters>(p));

    // Don't allocate force cache space yet since we would have to copy it.
    // Caution -- dependence on Parameters requires manual invalidation.
    mThis->forceCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateLazyCacheEntry(s,
        Stage::Position, new Value<ForceCache>());

    // Now allocate the appropriate amount of space, and set to zero now
    // any forces that we know will end up zero so we don't have to calculate
    // them at run time. Precalculated zeroes must be provided for any
    // immune elements, or for all elements if g==0, and this must be kept
    // up to date if there are runtime changes to the parameters.

    ForceCache& fc = updForceCache(s);
    if (defMagnitude == 0) {
        fc.allocate(nb, np, true); // initially zero since no gravity
    } else {
        fc.allocate(nb, np, false); // initially NaN except for Ground
        for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < nb; ++mbx)
            if (defMobodIsImmune[mbx])
                fc.F_GB[mbx] = SpatialVec(Vec3(0),Vec3(0));
        // This doesn't mean the ForceCache is valid yet.
Example #3
void flexionFDSimulationWithHitMap(Model& model)
	//addTibialLoads(model, 0);


	// init system
	std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
	std::cout << "\nBefore initSystem() " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result)) << endl;
	SimTK::State& si = model.initSystem();
	result = std::time(nullptr);
	std::cout << "\nAfter initSystem() " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result)) << endl;
	// set gravity
	//model.updGravityForce().setGravityVector(si, Vec3(-9.80665,0,0));
	//model.updGravityForce().setGravityVector(si, Vec3(0,0,0));
	//setHipAngle(model, si, 90);
	//setKneeAngle(model, si, 0, false, false);
	//model.equilibrateMuscles( si);

	MultibodySystem& system = model.updMultibodySystem();
	SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = system.updMatterSubsystem();
	GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
	ContactTrackerSubsystem  tracker(system);
    CompliantContactSubsystem contactForces(system, tracker);

	for (int i=0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
		MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(i);
		if (i==19 || i==20 || i==22)// || i==15 || i==16)
			MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.updMobilizedBody(mbx);
			std::filebuf fb;
			//cout << mobod.updBody().
			if (i==19)
				fb.open ( "../resources/femur_lat_r.obj",std::ios::in);
			else if (i==20)
				fb.open ( "../resources/femur_med_r.obj",std::ios::in);
			else if (i==22)
				fb.open ( "../resources/tibia_upper_r.obj",std::ios::in);
			//else if (i==15)
				//fb.open ( "../resources/meniscus_lat_r.obj",std::ios::in);
			//else if (i==16)
				//fb.open ( "../resources/meniscus_med_r.obj",std::ios::in);
			std::istream is(&fb);
			PolygonalMesh polMesh;
			SimTK::ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh mesh(polMesh);
			ContactSurface contSurf;//(mesh, ContactMaterial(1.0e6, 1, 1, 0.03, 0.03), 0.001);
			if (i==19 || i==20 || i==22)
				contSurf = ContactSurface(mesh, ContactMaterial(10, 1, 1, 0.03, 0.03), 0.001);
			//else if (i==15 || i==16)
				//contSurf = ContactSurface(mesh, ContactMaterial(10, 3, 1, 0.03, 0.03), 0.001);
			DecorativeMesh showMesh(mesh.createPolygonalMesh());
			mobod.updBody().addDecoration( showMesh);

	ModelVisualizer& viz(model.updVisualizer());
	//Visualizer viz(system);
	viz.updSimbodyVisualizer().addDecorationGenerator(new HitMapGenerator(system,contactForces));
    Visualizer::InputSilo* silo = new Visualizer::InputSilo();
    Array_<std::pair<String,int> > runMenuItems;
    runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Go", GoItem));
    runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Replay", ReplayItem));
    runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Quit", QuitItem));
    viz.updSimbodyVisualizer().addMenu("Run", RunMenuId, runMenuItems);

    Array_<std::pair<String,int> > helpMenuItems;
    helpMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("TBD - Sorry!", 1));
    viz.updSimbodyVisualizer().addMenu("Help", HelpMenuId, helpMenuItems);

    system.addEventReporter(new MyReporter(system,contactForces,ReportInterval));
	//system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz.updSimbodyVisualizer(), ReportInterval));
    // Check for a Run->Quit menu pick every <x> second.
	system.addEventHandler(new UserInputHandler(*silo, 0.001));


	//Show ContactSurfaceIndex for each contact surface
  //  for (int i=0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
		//MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(i);
  //      const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(mbx);
  //      const int nsurfs = mobod.getBody().getNumContactSurfaces();
        //printf("mobod %d has %d contact surfaces\n", (int)mbx, nsurfs);
		////cout << "mobod with mass: " << (float)mobod.getBodyMass(si) << " has " << nsurfs << " contact surfaces" << endl;
		// //for (int i=0; i<nsurfs; ++i) {
  //          //printf("%2d: index %d\n", i, 
  //                 //(int)tracker.getContactSurfaceIndex(mbx,i)); 
  //      //}
  //  }

	//cout << "tracker num of surfaces: " << tracker.getNumSurfaces() << endl;

	//State state = system.getDefaultState();
	State& state = model.initializeState();

	// Add reporters
    ForceReporter* forceReporter = new ForceReporter(&model);

	CustomAnalysis* customReporter = new CustomAnalysis(&model, "r");

	// Create the integrator and manager for the simulation.
	SimTK::RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(model.getMultibodySystem());
	//SimTK::CPodesIntegrator integrator(model.getMultibodySystem());
	Manager manager(model, integrator);

	// Define the initial and final simulation times
	double initialTime = 0.0;
	double finalTime = 0.2;

	// Integrate from initial time to final time
	std::cout<<"\n\nIntegrating from "<<initialTime<<" to " <<finalTime<<std::endl;

	result = std::time(nullptr);
	std::cout << "\nBefore integrate(si) " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result)) << endl;


	result = std::time(nullptr);
	std::cout << "\nAfter integrate(si) " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result)) << endl;

	// Save the simulation results
	Storage statesDegrees(manager.getStateStorage());
	// force reporter results
	//customReporter->print( "../outputs/custom_reporter_flex.mot");

	//cout << "You can choose 'Replay'" << endl;
	int menuId, item;
	unsigned int frameRate = 5;
	do { 
		cout << "Please choose 'Replay' or 'Quit'" << endl;
		viz.updInputSilo().waitForMenuPick(menuId, item);

        if (item != ReplayItem && item != QuitItem) 
            cout << "\aDude... follow instructions!\n";
		if (item == ReplayItem)
			cout << "Type desired frame rate (integer) for playback and press Enter (default = 1) : ";
			//frameRate = cin.get();		
			cin >> frameRate;
			if (cin.fail()) 
				cout << "Not an int. Setting default frame rate." << endl;
				frameRate = 1;

			//cout << "saveEm size: " << saveEm.size() << endl;
			for (unsigned int i=0; i<saveEm.size(); i++)
				if (frameRate == 0)
					frameRate = 1;
	} while (menuId != RunMenuId || item != QuitItem);