Example #1
progress_bar_set (struct progress_bar *bar,
                  uint64_t position, uint64_t total)
  size_t i, cols;
  int pulse_mode;
  double ratio;
  const char *s_open, *s_dot, *s_dash, *s_close;

  if (bar->machine_readable || bar->have_terminfo == 0) {
    printf ("%" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "\n", position, total);
  } else {
    cols = tgetnum ((char *) "co");
    if (cols < 32) goto dumb;

    /* Update an existing progress bar just printed? */
    if (bar->count > 0)
      tputs (UP, 2, putchar);

    /* Find out if we're in "pulse mode". */
    pulse_mode = position == 0 && total == 1;

    ratio = (double) position / total;
    if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0; else if (ratio > 1) ratio = 1;

    if (pulse_mode) {
      printf ("%s --- ", spinner (bar, bar->count));
    else if (ratio < 1) {
      int percent = 100.0 * ratio;
      printf ("%s%3d%% ", spinner (bar, bar->count), percent);
    else {
      fputs (" 100% ", stdout);

    if (bar->utf8_mode) {
      s_open = "\u27e6";
      s_dot = "\u2593";
      s_dash = "\u2550";
      s_close = "\u27e7";
    } else {
      s_open = "["; s_dot = "#"; s_dash = "-"; s_close = "]";

    fputs (s_open, stdout);

    if (!pulse_mode) {
      size_t dots = ratio * (double) (cols - COLS_OVERHEAD);

      for (i = 0; i < dots; ++i)
        fputs (s_dot, stdout);
      for (i = dots; i < cols - COLS_OVERHEAD; ++i)
        fputs (s_dash, stdout);
    else {           /* "Pulse mode": the progress bar just pulses. */
      for (i = 0; i < cols - COLS_OVERHEAD; ++i) {
        int cc = (bar->count * 3 - i) % (cols - COLS_OVERHEAD);
        if (cc >= 0 && cc <= 3)
          fputs (s_dot, stdout);
          fputs (s_dash, stdout);

    fputs (s_close, stdout);
    fputc (' ', stdout);

    /* Time estimate. */
    double estimate = estimate_remaining_time (bar, ratio);
    if (estimate >= 100.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 /* >= 100 hours */) {
      /* Display hours<h> */
      estimate /= 60. * 60.;
      int hh = floor (estimate);
      printf (">%dh", hh);
    } else if (estimate >= 100.0 * 60.0 /* >= 100 minutes */) {
      /* Display hours<h>minutes */
      estimate /= 60. * 60.;
      int hh = floor (estimate);
      double ignore;
      int mm = floor (modf (estimate, &ignore) * 60.);
      printf ("%02dh%02d", hh, mm);
    } else if (estimate >= 0.0) {
      /* Display minutes:seconds */
      estimate /= 60.;
      int mm = floor (estimate);
      double ignore;
      int ss = floor (modf (estimate, &ignore) * 60.);
      printf ("%02d:%02d", mm, ss);
    else /* < 0 means estimate was not meaningful */
      fputs ("--:--", stdout);

    fputc ('\n', stdout);
  fflush (stdout);
Example #2
real_t Triangle::intersect(ray_t myRay){
	//variable names taken from shirley text
	//corresponding to equation 4.2

	real_t a = vertices[0].position.x - vertices[1].position.x; 
	real_t b = vertices[0].position.y - vertices[1].position.y;
	real_t c = vertices[0].position.z - vertices[1].position.z;
	real_t d = vertices[0].position.x - vertices[2].position.x; 
	real_t e = vertices[0].position.y - vertices[2].position.y;
	real_t f = vertices[0].position.z - vertices[2].position.z;
	real_t g = myRay.direction.x;
	real_t h = myRay.direction.y;
	real_t i = myRay.direction.z;
	real_t j = vertices[0].position.x - myRay.eye.x;
	real_t k = vertices[0].position.y - myRay.eye.y;
	real_t l = vertices[0].position.z - myRay.eye.z;
	real_t akMinusjb = a * k - j * b;
	real_t jcMinusal = j * c - a * l;
	real_t blMinuskc = b * l - k * c;
	real_t eiMinushf = e * i - h * f;
	real_t gfMinusdi = g * f - d * i;
	real_t dhMinuseg = d * h - e * g;

	real_t M = a * eiMinushf + b * gfMinusdi + c * dhMinuseg;
	real_t t = -1.0 * (f * akMinusjb + e * jcMinusal + d * blMinuskc)/M;

	if( (t < SLOP_FACTOR) || (t > 100) )
		return -1;

	real_t gamma = (i * akMinusjb + h * jcMinusal + g * blMinuskc)/M;

	if( (gamma < 0) || (gamma > 1) )
		return -1;

	real_t beta = (j * eiMinushf + k * gfMinusdi + l * dhMinuseg)/M;

	if( (beta < 0) || (beta > 1 - gamma) )
		return -1;

	Vector2 coords = (beta * vertices[1].tex_coord) + (gamma * vertices[2].tex_coord) + ((1-beta-gamma) * vertices[0].tex_coord);

	double scratch;

	coords.x = modf(coords.x, &scratch);
	coords.y = modf(coords.y, &scratch);

	int width;
	int height;
	int x;
	int y;

	vertices[1].material->get_texture_size(&width, &height);

	x = coords.x * width;
	y = coords.y * height;

	Color3 betaPixel = vertices[1].material->get_texture_pixel(x,y);

	vertices[2].material->get_texture_size(&width, &height);

	x = coords.x * width;
	y = coords.y * height;

	Color3 gammaPixel = vertices[2].material->get_texture_pixel(x, y);

	vertices[0].material->get_texture_size(&width, &height);

	x = coords.x * width;
	y = coords.y * height;

	Color3 betaGammaPixel = vertices[0].material->get_texture_pixel(x, y);

	texture = beta * betaPixel + gamma * gammaPixel + (1-beta-gamma) * betaGammaPixel;

	diffuse = (beta * vertices[1].material->diffuse) + (gamma * vertices[2].material->diffuse) + ((1-beta-gamma) * vertices[0].material->diffuse);

	ambient = (beta * vertices[1].material->ambient) + (gamma * vertices[2].material->ambient) + ((1-beta-gamma) * vertices[0].material->ambient);
	specular = (beta * vertices[1].material->specular) + (gamma * vertices[2].material->specular) + ((1-beta-gamma) * vertices[0].material->specular);
	normal = (beta * vertices[1].normal) + (gamma * vertices[2].normal) + ((1-beta-gamma) * vertices[0].normal);
	normal = normalize(normal);

	intersection = myRay.eye + (t * myRay.direction);

	return t;
Example #3
File: rb_grpc.c Project: cluo/grpc
 * grpc_rb_time_timeval creates a time_eval from a ruby time object.
 * This func is copied from ruby source, MRI/source/time.c, which is published
 * under the same license as the ruby.h, on which the entire extensions is
 * based.
gpr_timespec grpc_rb_time_timeval(VALUE time, int interval) {
  gpr_timespec t;
  gpr_timespec *time_const;
  const char *tstr = interval ? "time interval" : "time";
  const char *want = " want <secs from epoch>|<Time>|<GRPC::TimeConst.*>";

  switch (TYPE(time)) {
    case T_DATA:
      if (CLASS_OF(time) == grpc_rb_cTimeVal) {
        Data_Get_Struct(time, gpr_timespec, time_const);
        t = *time_const;
      } else if (CLASS_OF(time) == rb_cTime) {
        t.tv_sec = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(time, id_tv_sec, 0));
        t.tv_nsec = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(time, id_tv_nsec, 0));
      } else {
        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "bad input: (%s)->c_timeval, got <%s>,%s", tstr,
                 rb_obj_classname(time), want);

    case T_FIXNUM:
      t.tv_sec = FIX2LONG(time);
      if (interval && t.tv_sec < 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s must be positive", tstr);
      t.tv_nsec = 0;

    case T_FLOAT:
      if (interval && RFLOAT_VALUE(time) < 0.0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s must be positive", tstr);
      else {
        double f, d;

        d = modf(RFLOAT_VALUE(time), &f);
        if (d < 0) {
          d += 1;
          f -= 1;
        t.tv_sec = (time_t)f;
        if (f != t.tv_sec) {
          rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "%f out of Time range",
        t.tv_nsec = (time_t)(d * 1e9 + 0.5);

    case T_BIGNUM:
      t.tv_sec = NUM2LONG(time);
      if (interval && t.tv_sec < 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s must be positive", tstr);
      t.tv_nsec = 0;

      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "bad input: (%s)->c_timeval, got <%s>,%s", tstr,
               rb_obj_classname(time), want);
  return t;
Example #4
static bool IsIntegral(double d) {
  double integral_part;
  return modf(d, &integral_part) == 0.0;
Example #5
pixel *Graphics::resample_img(pixel *src, int sw, int sh, int rw, int rh)

	unsigned char * source = (unsigned char*)src;
	int sourceWidth = sw, sourceHeight = sh;
	int resultWidth = rw, resultHeight = rh;
	int sourcePitch = sourceWidth*PIXELSIZE, resultPitch = resultWidth*PIXELSIZE;
	// Filter scale - values < 1.0 cause aliasing, but create sharper looking mips.
	const float filter_scale = 0.75f;
	const char* pFilter = "lanczos12";

	Resampler * resamplers[PIXELCHANNELS];
	float * samples[PIXELCHANNELS];

	//Resampler for each colour channel
	if (sourceWidth <= 0 || sourceHeight <= 0 || resultWidth <= 0 || resultHeight <= 0)
		return NULL;
	resamplers[0] = new Resampler(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, resultWidth, resultHeight, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, NULL, NULL, filter_scale, filter_scale);
	samples[0] = new float[sourceWidth];
	for (int i = 1; i < PIXELCHANNELS; i++)
		resamplers[i] = new Resampler(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, resultWidth, resultHeight, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, resamplers[0]->get_clist_x(), resamplers[0]->get_clist_y(), filter_scale, filter_scale);
		samples[i] = new float[sourceWidth];

	unsigned char * resultImage = new unsigned char[resultHeight * resultPitch];
	std::fill(resultImage, resultImage + (resultHeight*resultPitch), 0);

	//Resample time
	int resultY = 0;
	for (int sourceY = 0; sourceY < sourceHeight; sourceY++)
		unsigned char * sourcePixel = &source[sourceY * sourcePitch];

		//Move pixel components into channel samples
		for (int c = 0; c < PIXELCHANNELS; c++)
			for (int x = 0; x < sourceWidth; x++)
				samples[c][x] = sourcePixel[(x*PIXELSIZE)+c] * (1.0f/255.0f);

		//Put channel sample data into resampler
		for (int c = 0; c < PIXELCHANNELS; c++)
			if (!resamplers[c]->put_line(&samples[c][0]))
				printf("Out of memory!\n");
				return NULL;

		//Perform resample and Copy components from resampler result samples to image buffer
		for ( ; ; )
			int comp_index;
			for (comp_index = 0; comp_index < PIXELCHANNELS; comp_index++)
				const float* resultSamples = resamplers[comp_index]->get_line();
				if (!resultSamples)

				unsigned char * resultPixel = &resultImage[(resultY * resultPitch) + comp_index];

				for (int x = 0; x < resultWidth; x++)
					int c = (int)(255.0f * resultSamples[x] + .5f);
					if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c > 255) c = 255;
					*resultPixel = (unsigned char)c;
					resultPixel += PIXELSIZE;
			if (comp_index < PIXELCHANNELS)


	//Clean up
	for(int i = 0; i < PIXELCHANNELS; i++)
		delete resamplers[i];
		delete[] samples[i];

	return (pixel*)resultImage;
#ifdef DEBUG
	std::cout << "Resampling " << sw << "x" << sh << " to " << rw << "x" << rh << std::endl;
	bool stairstep = false;
	if(rw < sw || rh < sh)
		float fx = (float)(((float)sw)/((float)rw));
		float fy = (float)(((float)sh)/((float)rh));

		int fxint, fyint;
		double fxintp_t, fyintp_t;

		float fxf = modf(fx, &fxintp_t), fyf = modf(fy, &fyintp_t);
		fxint = fxintp_t;
		fyint = fyintp_t;

		if(((fxint & (fxint-1)) == 0 && fxf < 0.1f) || ((fyint & (fyint-1)) == 0 && fyf < 0.1f))
			stairstep = true;

#ifdef DEBUG
			std::cout << "Downsampling by " << fx << "x" << fy << " using stairstepping" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Downsampling by " << fx << "x" << fy << " without stairstepping" << std::endl;

	int y, x, fxceil, fyceil;
	//int i,j,x,y,w,h,r,g,b,c;
	pixel *q = NULL;
	if(rw == sw && rh == sh){
		//Don't resample
		q = new pixel[rw*rh];
		std::copy(src, src+(rw*rh), q);
	} else if(!stairstep) {
		float fx, fy, fyc, fxc;
		double intp;
		pixel tr, tl, br, bl;
		q = new pixel[rw*rh];
		//Bilinear interpolation for upscaling
		for (y=0; y<rh; y++)
			for (x=0; x<rw; x++)
				fx = ((float)x)*((float)sw)/((float)rw);
				fy = ((float)y)*((float)sh)/((float)rh);
				fxc = modf(fx, &intp);
				fyc = modf(fy, &intp);
				fxceil = (int)ceil(fx);
				fyceil = (int)ceil(fy);
				if (fxceil>=sw) fxceil = sw-1;
				if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1;
				tr = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil];
				tl = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)];
				br = src[sw*fyceil+fxceil];
				bl = src[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)];
				q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB(
					(int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
					(int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
					(int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc))
	} else {
		float fx, fy, fyc, fxc;
		double intp;
		pixel tr, tl, br, bl;
		int rrw = rw, rrh = rh;
		pixel * oq;
		oq = new pixel[sw*sh];
		std::copy(src, src+(sw*sh), oq);
		rw = sw;
		rh = sh;
		while(rrw != rw && rrh != rh){
			if(rw > rrw)
				rw *= 0.7;
			if(rh > rrh)
				rh *= 0.7;
			if(rw <= rrw)
				rw = rrw;
			if(rh <= rrh)
				rh = rrh;
			q = new pixel[rw*rh];
			//Bilinear interpolation
			for (y=0; y<rh; y++)
				for (x=0; x<rw; x++)
					fx = ((float)x)*((float)sw)/((float)rw);
					fy = ((float)y)*((float)sh)/((float)rh);
					fxc = modf(fx, &intp);
					fyc = modf(fy, &intp);
					fxceil = (int)ceil(fx);
					fyceil = (int)ceil(fy);
					if (fxceil>=sw) fxceil = sw-1;
					if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1;
					tr = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil];
					tl = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)];
					br = oq[sw*fyceil+fxceil];
					bl = oq[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)];
					q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB(
						(int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
						(int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
						(int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc))
			delete[] oq;
			oq = q;
			sw = rw;
			sh = rh;
	return q;
Example #6
sas_file_spectral_get_frame (sas_file_spectral_t sp, sas_frame_t dest, int n)
  int length;
  int harmonics;
  double fundamental;
  double amplitudes[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTIALS];
  double frequencies[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTIALS];
  int coefficients[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTIALS];

  length = sp->t_max - sp->t_min;
  assert (n < length);

  /* Find out fundamental and number of harmonics. */
    int t;
    sas_file_partial_t p;
    double f_min, f_max;
    double fp, ip;
    int i;

    t = sp->t_min + n;

    f_max = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < sp->used; i++)
	p = sp->tracks[i];

	if ((p->start <= t) && (t < (p->start + p->length)))
	    if (p->frequency[t - p->start] < f_min)
	      f_min = p->frequency[t - p->start];

	    if (p->frequency[t - p->start] > f_max)
	      f_max = p->frequency[t - p->start];

    assert (f_min > 0);

    fp = modf (f_max / f_min, &ip);
    if (fp >= 0.5)
	ip += 1;
	fp -= 1;

    harmonics = (int) ip;
    fundamental = f_min;

  /* Adjust number of harmonics. */
  if (harmonics > MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTIALS)
	 "sas_file_spectral_get_frame: %s: too much harmonics in frame %d\n",
	 sp->filename, n);
      harmonics = MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARTIALS;
      /* return NULL; */

  /* Compute amplitudes. */
    int t;
    sas_file_partial_t p;
    REAL frequency, coefficient;
    int i;

    frequency = 0;
    coefficient = 0;

    t = sp->t_min + n;

    /* Zero arrays. */
    for (i = 0; i < harmonics; i++)
	amplitudes[i] = 0.0;
	frequencies[i] = 0.0;
	coefficients[i] = 0;

    /* Scan partials. */
    for (i = 0; i < sp->used; i++)
	p = sp->tracks[i];

	if ((p->start <= t) && (t < (p->start + p->length)))
	    double fp, ip;
	    int h;

	    fp = modf (p->frequency[t - p->start] / fundamental, &ip);
	    if (fp >= 0.5)
		ip += 1;
		fp -= 1;

	    h = (int) ip - 1;

	    assert (h < harmonics);

	    /* On harmonic conflict, keep the highest amplitude partial. */
	    if (amplitudes[h] < p->amplitude[t - p->start])
		amplitudes[h] = p->amplitude[t - p->start];
		frequency -= frequencies[h];
		coefficient -= coefficients[h];
		frequencies[h] = p->frequency[t - p->start];
		coefficients[h] = ip;
		frequency += frequencies[h];
		coefficient += coefficients[h];

    frequency /= coefficient;

    fundamental = frequency;

  /* We may have a new fundamental; should we recompute the amplitudes
     of harmonics?. */

  /* Fill frame. */
    sas_envelope_t C;
    double A;
    int i;

    /* SM idea: use the following formula to determine properly
       perceived amplitude.  Not implemented.

       A = (1/sqrt(2)) * sqrt(sum(a_i^2)) */

    /* A */
    A = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < harmonics; i++)
      A += amplitudes[i];
    if (A > 1.0)
      A = 1.0;
    sas_frame_set_amplitude (dest, A);

    /* F */
    sas_frame_set_frequency (dest, fundamental);

    /* C */
    C = sas_envelope_make (fundamental, harmonics, amplitudes);
    sas_envelope_adjust_for_color (C);
    sas_frame_set_color (dest, C);

    /* W */
    /* Keep identity mapping. */

  return dest;
Example #7
 * rspamd_dispatcher.create(base,fd, read_cb, write_cb, err_cb[, timeout])
static int
lua_io_dispatcher_create (lua_State *L)
	struct rspamd_io_dispatcher_s *io_dispatcher, **pdispatcher;
	gint fd;
	struct lua_dispatcher_cbdata *cbdata;
	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
	double tv_num, tmp;

	if (lua_gettop (L) >= 5 && lua_isfunction (L, 3) && lua_isfunction (L, 5)) {
		cbdata = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct lua_dispatcher_cbdata));
		cbdata->base = lua_check_event_base (L);
		if (cbdata->base == NULL) {
			/* Create new event base */
			msg_warn ("create new event base as it is not specified");
			cbdata->base = event_init ();
		cbdata->L = L;
		fd = lua_tointeger (L, 2);
		lua_pushvalue (L, 3);
		cbdata->cbref_read = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
		if (lua_isfunction (L, 4)) {
			/* Push write callback as well */
			lua_pushvalue (L, 4);
			cbdata->cbref_write = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
		/* Error callback */
		lua_pushvalue (L, 5);
		cbdata->cbref_err = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

		if (lua_gettop (L) > 5) {
			tv_num = lua_tonumber (L, 6);
			tv.tv_sec = trunc (tv_num);
			tv.tv_usec = modf (tv_num, &tmp) * 1000.;
			io_dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (cbdata->base,
		else {
			io_dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (cbdata->base,

		cbdata->d = io_dispatcher;
		/* Push result */
		pdispatcher =
			lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct rspamd_io_dispatcher_s *));
		rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{io_dispatcher}", -1);
		*pdispatcher = io_dispatcher;
	else {
		msg_err ("invalid number of arguments to io_dispatcher.create: %d",
			lua_gettop (L));
		lua_pushnil (L);

	return 1;
Example #8
// hud_calculate_lock_position()  will determine where on the screen to draw the lock 
// indicator, and will determine when a lock has occurred.  If the lock indicator is not
// on the screen yet, hud_calculate_lock_start_pos() is called to pick a starting location
void hud_calculate_lock_position(float frametime)
	ship_weapon *swp;
	weapon_info	*wip;

	static float pixels_moved_while_locking;
	static float pixels_moved_while_degrading;
	static int Need_new_start_pos = 0;

	static double accumulated_x_pixels, accumulated_y_pixels;
	double int_portion;

	static float last_dist_to_target;
	static int catching_up;

	static int maintain_lock_count = 0;

	static float catch_up_distance = 0.0f;

	double hypotenuse, delta_x, delta_y;

	swp = &Player_ship->weapons;
	wip = &Weapon_info[swp->secondary_bank_weapons[swp->current_secondary_bank]];

	if (Player->target_in_lock_cone) {
		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible) {
			last_dist_to_target = 0.0f;

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible = 1;

			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = i2fl(wip->min_lock_time);
			catching_up = 0;

		Need_new_start_pos = 1;

		if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Player->current_target_sx;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Player->current_target_sy;

		delta_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Player->current_target_sx;
		delta_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Player->current_target_sy;

		if (!delta_y && !delta_x) {
			hypotenuse = 0;
		else {
			hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

		Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target = (float)hypotenuse;

		if (last_dist_to_target == 0) {
			last_dist_to_target = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target;

		//nprintf(("Alan","dist to target: %.2f\n",Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target));
		//nprintf(("Alan","last to target: %.2f\n\n",last_dist_to_target));

		if (catching_up) {
			//nprintf(("Alan","IN CATCH UP MODE  catch_up_dist is %.2f\n",catch_up_distance));	
			if ( Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target < catch_up_distance )
				catching_up = 0;
		else {
			//nprintf(("Alan","IN NORMAL MODE\n"));
			if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target - last_dist_to_target) > 2.0f ) {
				catching_up = 1;
				catch_up_distance = last_dist_to_target + wip->catchup_pixel_penalty;

		last_dist_to_target = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target;

		if (!catching_up) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target -= frametime;
			if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target < 0.0f)
				Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = 0.0f;

		float lock_pixels_per_sec;
		if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target > 0) {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target / Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target;
		} else {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = i2fl(wip->lock_pixels_per_sec);

		if (lock_pixels_per_sec > wip->lock_pixels_per_sec) {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = i2fl(wip->lock_pixels_per_sec);
		if (catching_up) {
			pixels_moved_while_locking = wip->catchup_pixels_per_sec * frametime;
		} else {
			pixels_moved_while_locking = lock_pixels_per_sec * frametime;
		if ((delta_x != 0) && (hypotenuse != 0)) {
			accumulated_x_pixels += pixels_moved_while_locking * delta_x/hypotenuse; 

		if ((delta_y != 0) && (hypotenuse != 0)) {
			accumulated_y_pixels += pixels_moved_while_locking * delta_y/hypotenuse; 

		if (fl_abs((float)accumulated_x_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_x_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs((float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - (float)Player->current_target_sx) < fl_abs((float)int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Player->current_target_sx;

			accumulated_x_pixels -= int_portion;

		if (fl_abs((float)accumulated_y_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_y_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs((float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - (float)Player->current_target_sy) < fl_abs((float)int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Player->current_target_sy;

			accumulated_y_pixels -= int_portion;

		if ( Missile_track_loop == -1 ) {
			if (wip->hud_tracking_snd >= 0)
				Missile_track_loop = snd_play_looping( &Snds[wip->hud_tracking_snd], 0.0f , -1, -1);
				Missile_track_loop = snd_play_looping( &Snds[ship_get_sound(Player_obj, SND_MISSILE_TRACKING)], 0.0f , -1, -1);

		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target) {
			if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x == Player->current_target_sx) && (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y == Player->current_target_sy) ) {
				if (maintain_lock_count++ > 1) {
					Player_ai->current_target_is_locked = 1;
			} else {
				maintain_lock_count = 0;

	} else {

		if ( Missile_track_loop > -1 )	{
			Missile_track_loop = -1;

		Player_ai->current_target_is_locked = 0;

		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible) {

		catching_up = 0;
		last_dist_to_target = 0.0f;

		if (Need_new_start_pos) {
			Need_new_start_pos = 0;
			accumulated_x_pixels = 0.0f;
			accumulated_y_pixels = 0.0f;

		delta_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;
		delta_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;

		if (!delta_y && !delta_x) {
			hypotenuse = 0;
		else {
			hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

		Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target += frametime;

		if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target > wip->min_lock_time)
			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = i2fl(wip->min_lock_time);

		pixels_moved_while_degrading = 2.0f * wip->lock_pixels_per_sec * frametime;

		if ((delta_x != 0) && (hypotenuse != 0))
			accumulated_x_pixels += pixels_moved_while_degrading * delta_x/hypotenuse; 

		if ((delta_y != 0) && (hypotenuse != 0))
			accumulated_y_pixels += pixels_moved_while_degrading * delta_y/hypotenuse; 

		if (fl_abs((float)accumulated_x_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_x_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs((float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - (float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x) < fl_abs((float)int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;

			accumulated_x_pixels -= int_portion;

		if (fl_abs((float)accumulated_y_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_y_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs((float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - (float)Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y) < fl_abs((float)int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;

			accumulated_y_pixels -= int_portion;

		if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x == Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x) && (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y == Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y) ) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible = 0;
Example #9
void Fl_Roller::draw()
    if (damage()&(FL_DAMAGE_ALL|FL_DAMAGE_HIGHLIGHT)) draw_box();
    int X=0; int Y=0; int W=w(); int H=h(); box()->inset(X,Y,W,H);
    if (W<=0 || H<=0) return;

    double s = step();
    if (!s) s = (maximum()-minimum())/100;
    int offset = int(value()/s);

    const double ARC = 1.5;      // 1/2 the number of radians visible
    const double delta = .2;     // radians per knurl
    if (type()==HORIZONTAL)
        // draw shaded ends of wheel:
        int h1 = W/4+1;          // distance from end that shading starts
        fl_color(button_color()); fl_rectf(X+h1,Y,W-2*h1,H);
        for (int i=0; h1; i++)
            int h2 = FL_GRAY-i-1 > FL_DARK3 ? 2*h1/3+1 : 0;
            h1 = h2;
        if (active_r())
            // draw ridges:
            double junk;
            for (double y = -ARC+modf(offset*sin(ARC)/(W/2)/delta,&junk)*delta;;
                    y += delta)
                int y1 = int((sin(y)/sin(ARC)+1)*W/2);
                if (y1 <= 0) continue; else if (y1 >= W-1) break;
                fl_color(FL_DARK3); fl_line(X+y1,Y+1,X+y1,Y+H-1);
                if (y < 0) y1--; else y1++;
            // draw edges:
            h1 = W/8+1;          // distance from end the color inverts
    }                            // vertical one
        offset = (1-offset);
        // draw shaded ends of wheel:
        int h1 = H/4+1;          // distance from end that shading starts
        fl_color(button_color()); fl_rectf(X,Y+h1,W,H-2*h1);
        for (int i=0; h1; i++)
            int h2 = FL_GRAY-i-1 > FL_DARK3 ? 2*h1/3+1 : 0;
            h1 = h2;
        if (active_r())
            // draw ridges:
            double junk;
            for (double y = -ARC+modf(offset*sin(ARC)/(H/2)/delta,&junk)*delta;
                    ; y += delta)
                int y1 = int((sin(y)/sin(ARC)+1)*H/2);
                if (y1 <= 0) continue; else if (y1 >= H-1) break;
                fl_color(FL_DARK3); fl_line(X+1,Y+y1,X+W-1,Y+y1);
                if (y < 0) y1--; else y1++;
            // draw edges:
            h1 = H/8+1;          // distance from end the color inverts
    if (focused())
        focus_box()->draw(0,0,w(),h(), FL_BLACK, FL_INVISIBLE);
Example #10
CC_FILE_ERROR LASFilter::saveToFile(ccHObject* entity, const char* filename)
   if (!entity || !filename)
      return CC_FERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;

   ccHObject::Container clouds;
   if (entity->isKindOf(CC_POINT_CLOUD))
      entity->filterChildren(clouds, true, CC_POINT_CLOUD);

   if (clouds.empty())
      ccConsole::Error("No point cloud in input selection!");
   else if (clouds.size()>1)
      ccConsole::Error("Can't save more than one cloud per LAS file!");

   //the cloud to save
   ccGenericPointCloud* theCloud = static_cast<ccGenericPointCloud*>(clouds[0]);
   unsigned numberOfPoints = theCloud->size();

   if (numberOfPoints==0)
      ccConsole::Error("Cloud is empty!");

   bool hasColor = theCloud->hasColors();

   //classification (as a scalar field)
   CCLib::ScalarField* classifSF = 0;
   if (theCloud->isA(CC_POINT_CLOUD))
      ccPointCloud* pc = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(theCloud);
      int sfIdx = pc->getScalarFieldIndexByName(CC_LAS_CLASSIFICATION_FIELD_NAME);
      if (sfIdx>=0)
         classifSF = pc->getScalarField(sfIdx);
         if (/*classifSF->getMax()>(ScalarType)liblas::Classification::class_table_size ||*/ classifSF->getMin()<0)
            ccConsole::Warning("[LASFilter] Found a 'classification' scalar field, but its values outbounds LAS specifications (0-255)...");
            classifSF = 0;
            //we check that it's only integer values!
            unsigned i,count=classifSF->currentSize();
            double integerPart = 0.0;
            for (i=0;i<count;++i)
               if (modf(classifSF->getCurrentValue(),&integerPart) != 0.0)
                  ccConsole::Warning("[LASFilter] Found a 'classification' scalar field, but its values are not pure integers...");
                  classifSF = 0;

   //open binary file for writing
   std::ofstream ofs;
   ofs.open(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

   if (ofs.fail())
      return CC_FERR_WRITING;

   const double* shift = theCloud->getOriginalShift();

   liblas::Writer* writer = 0;
      liblas::Header header;

      //LAZ support based on extension!
      if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toUpper() == "LAZ")

      ccBBox bBox = theCloud->getBB();
      if (bBox.isValid())
         CCVector3 diag = bBox.getDiagVec();

         //Set offset & scale, as points will be stored as boost::int32_t values (between 0 and 4294967296)
         //int_value = (double_value-offset)/scale
         header.SetScale(1.0e-9*std::max<double>(diag.x,ZERO_TOLERANCE), //result must fit in 32bits?!

      writer = new liblas::Writer(ofs, header);
   catch (...)
      return CC_FERR_WRITING;

   //progress dialog
   ccProgressDialog pdlg(true); //cancel available
   CCLib::NormalizedProgress nprogress(&pdlg,numberOfPoints);
   pdlg.setMethodTitle("Save LAS file");
   char buffer[256];
   sprintf(buffer,"Points: %i",numberOfPoints);

   //liblas::Point point(boost::shared_ptr<liblas::Header>(new liblas::Header(writer->GetHeader())));
   liblas::Point point(&writer->GetHeader());

   for (unsigned i=0; i<numberOfPoints; i++)
      const CCVector3* P = theCloud->getPoint(i);
         double x=-shift[0]+(double)P->x;
         double y=-shift[1]+(double)P->y;
         double z=-shift[2]+(double)P->z;
         point.SetCoordinates(x, y, z);
      if (hasColor)
         const colorType* rgb = theCloud->getPointColor(i);
         point.SetColor(liblas::Color(rgb[0]<<8,rgb[1]<<8,rgb[2]<<8)); //DGM: LAS colors are stored on 16 bits!

      if (classifSF)
         liblas::Classification classif;

      if (!nprogress.oneStep())

   delete writer;

   return CC_FERR_NO_ERROR;
Example #11
static double
sinus(double x, int cos_flag)
	/*      Algorithm and coefficients from:
			"Software manual for the elementary functions"
			by W.J. Cody and W. Waite, Prentice-Hall, 1980

	static double r[] = {

	double  y;
	int     neg = 1;

	if (__IsNan(x)) {
		errno = EDOM;
		return x;
	if (x < 0) {
		x = -x;
		neg = -1;
	if (cos_flag) {
		neg = 1;
		y = M_PI_2 + x;
	else    y = x;

	/* ??? avoid loss of significance, if y is too large, error ??? */

	y = y * M_1_PI + 0.5;

	if (y >= DBL_MAX/M_PI) return 0.0;

	/*      Use extended precision to calculate reduced argument.
		Here we used 12 bits of the mantissa for a1.
		Also split x in integer part x1 and fraction part x2.
#define A1 3.1416015625
#define A2 -8.908910206761537356617e-6
		double x1, x2;

		modf(y, &y);
		if (modf(0.5*y, &x1)) neg = -neg;
		if (cos_flag) y -= 0.5;
		x2 = modf(x, &x1);
		x = x1 - y * A1;
		x += x2;
		x -= y * A2;
#undef A1
#undef A2
	if (x < 0) {
		neg = -neg;
		x = -x;

	/* ??? avoid underflow ??? */

	y = x * x;
	x += x * y * POLYNOM7(y, r);
	return neg==-1 ? -x : x;
Example #12
static char*
cvt(double arg, size_t ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, int eflag)
	register int r2;
	double fi, fj;
	register char *p, *p1;
	static char buf[NDIG];

#ifdef IEEE
	/* XXX */
	if (__isspecial(arg, buf))
	if (ndigits>=NDIG-1)
		ndigits = NDIG-2;
	r2 = 0;
	*sign = 0;
	p = &buf[0];
	if (arg<0) {
		*sign = 1;
		arg = -arg;
	arg = modf(arg, &fi);
	p1 = &buf[NDIG];
	 * Do integer part
	if (fi != 0) {
		p1 = &buf[NDIG];
		while (fi != 0) {
			fj = modf(fi/10, &fi);
			*--p1 = (int)((fj+.03)*10) + '0';
		while (p1 < &buf[NDIG])
			*p++ = *p1++;
	} else if (arg > 0) {
		while ((fj = arg*10) < 1) {
			arg = fj;
	p1 = &buf[ndigits];
	if (eflag==0)
		p1 += r2;
	*decpt = r2;
	if (p1 < &buf[0]) {
		buf[0] = '\0';
	while (p<=p1 && p<&buf[NDIG]) {
		arg *= 10;
		arg = modf(arg, &fj);
		*p++ = (int)fj + '0';
	if (p1 >= &buf[NDIG]) {
		buf[NDIG-1] = '\0';
	p = p1;
	*p1 += 5;
	while (*p1 > '9') {
		*p1 = '0';
		if (p1>buf)
		else {
			*p1 = '1';
			if (eflag==0) {
				if (p>buf)
					*p = '0';
	*p = '\0';
Example #13
double wrapper_get_frac(wrapper_t *wrap)
    double i;

    return modf(wrap->fu.f, &i);
Example #14
	return newDinar;

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &out, const Dinar &x)
	double currencyValue = x.getWholeVal() + x.getFractVal();
	out << to_string(currencyValue);
	return out;
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream &in, Dinar &x)
	double fract,

	in >> val;

	// Extract whole and fractional parts
	fract = modf(val, &whole);
	fract *= 100;
	fract = round(fract);

	Dinar newDinar;

	x.setFractVal(fract + x.getFractVal());
	return in;
Example #15
void SpectrumPanel::drawPanelContents() {

    glLoadMatrixf(transform * (CubicVR::mat4::translate(-1.0f, -0.75f, 0.0f) * CubicVR::mat4::scale(2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f)));

    if (points.size()) {
        glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
        double range = ceilValue-floorValue;
        double ranges[3][4] = { { 90.0, 5000.0, 10.0, 100.0 }, { 20.0, 150.0, 10.0, 10.0 }, { -20.0, 30.0, 10.0, 1.0 } };
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double p = 0;
            double rangeMin = ranges[i][0];
            double rangeMax = ranges[i][1];
            double rangeTrans = ranges[i][2];
            double rangeStep = ranges[i][3];
            if (range >= rangeMin && range <= rangeMax) {
                double a = 1.0;
                if (range <= rangeMin+rangeTrans) {
                    a *= (range-rangeMin)/rangeTrans;
                if (range >= rangeMax-rangeTrans) {
                    a *= (rangeTrans-(range-(rangeMax-rangeTrans)))/rangeTrans;
                glColor4f(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, a);
                for (double l = floorValue; l<=ceilValue+rangeStep; l+=rangeStep) {
                    p += rangeStep/range;
                    glVertex2f(0,p);  glVertex2f(1,p);
        glColor3f(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->fftLine.r, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->fftLine.g, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->fftLine.b);
        glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &points[0]);
        glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, points.size() / 2);
        if (peak_points.size()) {
            glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            glColor4f(0, 1.0, 0, 0.5);
            glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &peak_points[0]);
            glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, peak_points.size() / 2);
    GLint vp[4];
    glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, vp);
    float viewHeight = (float) vp[3];
    float viewWidth = (float) vp[2];

    long long leftFreq = (double) freq - ((double) bandwidth / 2.0);
    long long rightFreq = leftFreq + (double) bandwidth;

    long long hzStep = 1000000;
    long double mhzStep = (100000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
    double mhzVisualStep = 0.1;

    std::stringstream label;

    double fontScale = GLFont::getScaleFactor();

    if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
        mhzStep = (250000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
        mhzVisualStep = 0.25;

        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (500000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 0.5;

        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (1000000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 1.0;
        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (2500000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 2.5;
        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (5000000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 5.0;

        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (10000000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 10.0;

        if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth < 40 * fontScale) {
            mhzStep = (50000000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
            mhzVisualStep = 50.0;
    } else if (mhzStep * 0.5 * viewWidth > 350 * fontScale) {
        mhzStep = (10000.0 / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
        mhzVisualStep = 0.01;
    long long firstMhz = (leftFreq / hzStep) * hzStep;
    long double mhzStart = ((long double) (firstMhz - leftFreq) / (long double) (rightFreq - leftFreq)) * 2.0;
    long double currentMhz = trunc(floor(firstMhz / (long double)1000000.0));
    double hPos = 1.0 - (16.0 / viewHeight) *  GLFont::getScaleFactor();
    double lMhzPos = 1.0 - (5.0 / viewHeight);
    int fontSize = 12;
    if (viewHeight > 135) {

        fontSize = 16;
        hPos = 1.0 - (18.0 / viewHeight) *  GLFont::getScaleFactor();
    GLFont::Drawer refDrawingFont = GLFont::getFont(fontSize, GLFont::getScaleFactor());

    for (double m = -1.0 + mhzStart, mMax = 1.0 + ((mhzStart>0)?mhzStart:-mhzStart); m <= mMax; m += mhzStep) {
        if (m < -1.0) {
            currentMhz += mhzVisualStep;
        if (m > 1.0) {
        label << std::fixed << currentMhz;
        double fractpart, intpart;
        fractpart = modf(currentMhz, &intpart);
        if (fractpart < 0.001) {
            glColor3f(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.r, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.g, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.b);
        } else {
            glColor3f(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.r * 0.65, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.g * 0.65,
                      ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->freqLine.b * 0.65);
        glVertex2f(m, lMhzPos);
        glVertex2f(m, 1);
        glColor4f(ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->text.r, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->text.g, ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme->text.b,1.0);
        refDrawingFont.drawString(label.str(), m, hPos, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, true);
        currentMhz += mhzVisualStep;

    if (showDb) {
        float dbPanelWidth = (1.0 / viewWidth)*88.0 * GLFont::getScaleFactor();
        float dbPanelHeight = (1.0/viewHeight)*14.0 * GLFont::getScaleFactor();
        std::stringstream ssLabel("");
        if (getCeilValue() != getFloorValue() && fftSize) {
            ssLabel << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << (20.0 * log10(2.0*(getCeilValue())/(double)fftSize)) << "dB";
        dbPanelCeil.setText(ssLabel.str(), GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
        dbPanelCeil.setSize(dbPanelWidth, dbPanelHeight);
        dbPanelCeil.setPosition(-1.0 + dbPanelWidth, 1.0 - dbPanelHeight);

        if (getCeilValue() != getFloorValue() && fftSize) {
            ssLabel <<  (20.0 * log10(2.0*(getFloorValue())/(double)fftSize)) << "dB";

        dbPanelFloor.setText(ssLabel.str(), GLFont::GLFONT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
        dbPanelFloor.setSize(dbPanelWidth, dbPanelHeight);
        dbPanelFloor.setPosition(-1.0 + dbPanelWidth, - 1.0 + dbPanelHeight);
Example #16
 * u >= 0 only
Vec3D Spline::getPoint(float u) {
	double part;
	double frac = modf(u, &part);
	int v = ((int) part ) % (getNumKeyFrames() - 1);
	return catmull_rom(getKeyPoint(v-1), getKeyPoint(v), getKeyPoint(v+1), getKeyPoint(v+2), frac);
Example #17
void PushbroomStereo::RunStereoPushbroomStereo( Mat leftImage, Mat rightImage, Mat laplacian_left, Mat laplacian_right,
	cv::vector<Point3f> *pointVector3d, cv::vector<Point3i> *pointVector2d, cv::vector<uchar> *pointColors,
	int row_start,  int row_end, PushbroomStereoState state )
    // we will do this by looping through every block in the left image
    // (defined by blockSize) and checking for a matching value on
    // the right image

    cv::vector<Point3f> localHitPoints;

    int blockSize = state.blockSize;
    int disparity = state.disparity;
    int sadThreshold = state.sadThreshold;

    int startJ = 0;
    int stopJ = leftImage.cols - (disparity + blockSize);
    if (disparity < 0)
        startJ = -disparity;
        stopJ = leftImage.cols - blockSize;

    //printf("row_start: %d, row_end: %d, startJ: %d, stopJ: %d, rows: %d, cols: %d\n", row_start, row_end, startJ, stopJ, leftImage.rows, leftImage.cols);

    int hitCounter = 0;

    if (state.random_results < 0) {
		int *sadArray = new int[ leftImage.rows * leftImage.step ];
		int iStep, jStep;
#ifdef USE_GPU
		StopWatchInterface	*timer;
		sdkCreateTimer( &timer );
		sdkResetTimer( &timer );
		sdkStartTimer( &timer );

		//GetSADBlock(row_start, row_end, blockSize, startJ, stopJ, sadArray, leftImage, rightImage, laplacian_left, laplacian_right, state);
		m_sadCalculator.runGetSAD( row_start, row_end, startJ, stopJ, sadArray, leftImage.data, rightImage.data, laplacian_left.data, laplacian_right.data, leftImage.step,
			state.blockSize, state.disparity, state.sobelLimit );

		sdkStopTimer( &timer );
		//printf("RunStereo bottleneck timer: %.2f ms \n", sdkGetTimerValue( &timer) );
		sdkDeleteTimer( &timer );


		int gridY = (row_end - row_start)/blockSize;
		int gridX = (stopJ - startJ)/blockSize;

		for (int y=0; y< gridY; y++)
			for (int x=0; x< gridX; x++)
                // check to see if the SAD is below the threshold,
                // indicating a hit
				int i = row_start + y * blockSize;
				int j = startJ + x * blockSize;
#ifdef USE_GPU
				int sad = sadArray[ y * gridX + x];
				int sad= GetSAD(leftImage, rightImage, laplacian_left, laplacian_right, j, i, state);
                if (sad < sadThreshold && sad >= 0)
                    // got a hit

                    // now check for horizontal invariance
                    // (ie check for parts of the image that look the same as this
                    // which would indicate that this might be a false-positive)

                    if (!state.check_horizontal_invariance || CheckHorizontalInvariance(leftImage, rightImage, laplacian_left, laplacian_right, j, i, state) == false) {

                        // add it to the vector of matches
                        // don't forget to offset it by the blockSize,
                        // so we match the center of the block instead
                        // of the top left corner
                        localHitPoints.push_back(Point3f(j+blockSize/2.0, i+blockSize/2.0, -disparity));

                        //localHitPoints.push_back(Point3f(state.debugJ, state.debugI, -disparity));

                        uchar pxL = leftImage.at<uchar>(i,j);
                        pointColors->push_back(pxL); // TODO: this is the corner of the box, not the center

                        hitCounter ++;

                        if (state.show_display)
                            pointVector2d->push_back(Point3i(j, i, sad));
                    } // check horizontal invariance
    } else {

        double intpart;

        float fractpart = modf(state.random_results , &intpart);
        hitCounter = int(intpart);

        // determine if this is a time we'll use that last point
        std::random_device rd;
        std::default_random_engine generator(rd()); // rd() provides a random seed
        std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(0, 1);

        if (fractpart > distribution(generator)) {
            hitCounter ++;

        for (int i = 0; i < hitCounter; i++) {

            int randx = rand() % (stopJ - startJ) + startJ;
            int randy = rand() % (row_end - row_start) + row_start;

            localHitPoints.push_back(Point3f(randx, randy, -disparity));

    // now we have an array of hits -- transform them to 3d points
    if (hitCounter > 0) {

        perspectiveTransform(localHitPoints, *pointVector3d, state.Q);

Example #18
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* dftfold:  Does complex plane vector addition of a DFT freq */
/* Written by Scott Ransom on 31 Aug 00 based on Ransom and   */
/* Eikenberry paper I (to be completed sometime...).          */
   FILE *infile;
   char infilenm[200], outfilenm[200];
   int dataperread;
   unsigned long N;
   double T, rr = 0.0, norm = 1.0;
   dftvector dftvec;
   infodata idata;
   Cmdline *cmd;

   /* Call usage() if we have no command line arguments */

   if (argc == 1) {
      Program = argv[0];

   /* Parse the command line using the excellent program Clig */

   cmd = parseCmdline(argc, argv);

#ifdef DEBUG

   printf("        DFT Vector Folding Routine\n");
   printf("            by Scott M. Ransom\n");
   printf("              31 August, 2000\n\n");

   /* Open the datafile and read the info file */

   sprintf(infilenm, "%s.dat", cmd->argv[0]);
   infile = chkfopen(infilenm, "rb");
   readinf(&idata, cmd->argv[0]);

   /* The number of points in datafile */

   N = chkfilelen(infile, sizeof(float));
   dataperread = N / cmd->numvect;
/*   N = cmd->numvect * dataperread; */
   T = N * idata.dt;

   /* Calculate the Fourier frequency */

   if (!cmd->rrP) {
      if (cmd->ffP)
         rr = cmd->ff;
      else if (cmd->ppP)
         rr = T / cmd->pp;
      else {
         printf("\n  You must specify a frequency to fold!  Exiting.\n\n");
   } else
      rr = cmd->rr;

   /* Calculate the amplitude normalization if required */

   if (cmd->normP)
      norm = 1.0 / sqrt(cmd->norm);
   else if (cmd->fftnormP) {
      FILE *fftfile;
      int kern_half_width, fftdatalen, startbin;
      double rrfrac, rrint;
      char fftfilenm[200];
      fcomplex *fftdata;

      sprintf(fftfilenm, "%s.fft", cmd->argv[0]);
      fftfile = chkfopen(fftfilenm, "rb");
      kern_half_width = r_resp_halfwidth(HIGHACC);
      fftdatalen = 2 * kern_half_width + 10;
      rrfrac = modf(rr, &rrint);
      startbin = (int) rrint - fftdatalen / 2;
      fftdata = read_fcomplex_file(fftfile, startbin, fftdatalen);
      norm = 1.0 / sqrt(get_localpower3d(fftdata, fftdatalen,
                                         rrfrac + fftdatalen / 2, 0.0, 0.0));

   /* Initialize the dftvector */

   init_dftvector(&dftvec, dataperread, cmd->numvect, idata.dt, rr, norm, T);

   /* Show our folding values */

   printf("\nFolding data from '%s':\n", infilenm);
   printf("   Folding Fourier Freq = %.5f\n", rr);
   printf("      Folding Freq (Hz) = %-.11f\n", rr / T);
   printf("     Folding Period (s) = %-.14f\n", T / rr);
   printf("  Points per sub-vector = %d\n", dftvec.n);
   printf("  Number of sub-vectors = %d\n", dftvec.numvect);
   printf(" Normalization constant = %g\n", norm * norm);

   /* Perform the actual vector addition */

      int ii, jj;
      float *data;
      double real, imag, sumreal = 0.0, sumimag = 0.0;
      double theta, aa, bb, cc, ss, dtmp;
      double powargr, powargi, phsargr, phsargi, phstmp;

      data = gen_fvect(dftvec.n);
      theta = -TWOPI * rr / (double) N;
      dtmp = sin(0.5 * theta);
      aa = -2.0 * dtmp * dtmp;
      bb = sin(theta);
      cc = 1.0;
      ss = 0.0;
      for (ii = 0; ii < dftvec.numvect; ii++) {
         chkfread(data, sizeof(float), dftvec.n, infile);
         real = 0.0;
         imag = 0.0;
         for (jj = 0; jj < dftvec.n; jj++) {
            real += data[jj] * cc;
            imag += data[jj] * ss;
            cc = aa * (dtmp = cc) - bb * ss + cc;
            ss = aa * ss + bb * dtmp + ss;
         dftvec.vector[ii].r = norm * real;
         dftvec.vector[ii].i = norm * imag;
         sumreal += dftvec.vector[ii].r;
         sumimag += dftvec.vector[ii].i;
      printf("             Vector sum = %.3f + %.3fi\n", sumreal, sumimag);
      printf("      Total phase (deg) = %.2f\n", PHASE(sumreal, sumimag));
      printf("            Total power = %.2f\n", POWER(sumreal, sumimag));

   /* Write the output structure */

   sprintf(outfilenm, "%s_%.3f.dftvec", cmd->argv[0], rr);
   write_dftvector(&dftvec, outfilenm);

   /* Free our vector and return */

   return (0);
int ReadFiles(struct CommandLineArgsTag CLA)
  char line[256];
  INT4 i;
  FILE *fpS,*fpR,*fpA,*fpSeg;
  REAL8 Cmag,Cphase,Rmag,Rphase,Amag,Aphase,freq,x,y;
  static COMPLEX16FrequencySeries R0;
  static COMPLEX16FrequencySeries C0;
  static COMPLEX16FrequencySeries A0;

  /* Allocate space for response and sensing functions; just enough to read first 1200Hz */
  LALZCreateVector( &status, &R0.data, MAXLINERS);
  LALZCreateVector( &status, &C0.data, MAXLINERS);
  LALZCreateVector( &status, &A0.data, MAXLINERS);

  /* Fill in R0, C0 data */
  R0.deltaF=1.0/64.0;                   /*ACHTUNG: HARDWIRED !!*/
  C0.deltaF=1.0/64.0;                   /*ACHTUNG: HARDWIRED !!*/
  A0.deltaF=1.0/64.0;                   /*ACHTUNG: HARDWIRED !!*/

 /* This is kinda messy... Unfortunately there's no good way of doing this */
 /* ------ Open and read Sensing file ------ */
 if (fpS==NULL)
     fprintf(stderr,"That's weird... %s doesn't exist!\n",CLA.CFile);
     return 1;
     if(*line == '#') continue;
     if(*line == '%') continue;
     if (i > MAXLINERS-1)
	 /* done reading file */
     sscanf(line,"%le %le %le",&freq,&Cmag,&Cphase);
 /* -- close Sensing file -- */

 /* ------ Open and read Response file ------ */
 if (fpR==NULL)
     fprintf(stderr,"That's weird... %s doesn't exist!\n",CLA.RFile);
     return 1;
     if(*line == '#') continue;
     if(*line == '%') continue;
     if (i > MAXLINERS-1)
	 /* done reading file */
     sscanf(line,"%le %le %le",&freq,&Rmag,&Rphase);
 /* -- close Sensing file -- */

 /* ------ Open and read Response file ------ */
 if (fpA==NULL)
     fprintf(stderr,"That's weird... %s doesn't exist!\n",CLA.AFile);
     return 1;
     if(*line == '#') continue;
     if(*line == '%') continue;
     if (i > MAXLINERS-1)
	 /* done reading file */
     sscanf(line,"%le %le %le",&freq,&Amag,&Aphase);
 /* -- close Sensing file -- */

 /* ------ Open and read Segment file ------ */
 if (fpSeg==NULL)
     fprintf(stderr,"That's weird... %s doesn't exist!\n",CLA.SegmentsFile);
     return 1;
     if(*line == '#') continue;
     if(*line == '%') continue;
     if (i > MAXLINESEGS-1)
	 fprintf(stderr,"Too many lines in file %s! Exiting... \n", CLA.SegmentsFile);
	 return 1;
     sscanf(line,"%d %d %f",&SL[i].nseg,&SL[i].tgps,&SL[i].seglength);
 /* -- close Sensing file -- */

  /* compute C0 and R0 at correct frequency */
  /* use linear interpolation */

  x = modf( CLA.f / R0.deltaF, &y );
  i = floor( y );
  Rf0.re  = ( 1 - x ) * R0.data->data[i].re;
  Rf0.re += x * R0.data->data[i].re;
  Rf0.im  = ( 1 - x ) * R0.data->data[i].im;
  Rf0.im += x * R0.data->data[i].im;
  x = modf( CLA.f / C0.deltaF, &y );
  i = floor( y );
  Cf0.re  = ( 1 - x ) * C0.data->data[i].re;
  Cf0.re += x * C0.data->data[i].re;
  Cf0.im  = ( 1 - x ) * C0.data->data[i].im;
  Cf0.im += x * C0.data->data[i].im;
  x = modf( CLA.f / A0.deltaF, &y );
  i = floor( y );
  Af0.re  = ( 1 - x ) * A0.data->data[i].re;
  Af0.re += x * A0.data->data[i].re;
  Af0.im  = ( 1 - x ) * A0.data->data[i].im;
  Af0.im += x * A0.data->data[i].im;

 /* create Frame cache */
 framecache = XLALCacheImport(CLA.FrCacheFile);



 return 0;
Example #20
static void TestMath()
	double eps = 0.000001;

	double res = fabs(21.091);
	TEST((21.091 - res) < eps);
	res = fabs(-1.91);
	TEST((res - 1.91) < eps);

	res = atan(0.0);
	TEST(fabs(res) < eps);
	// 90 degrees
	res = tan(KPi/2);
	TEST(res > 1000000000.0);
	res = atan(res);
	TEST(fabs(res - KPi/2) < eps);
	// 45 degrees
	res = tan(KPi/4);
	TEST(fabs(res - 1.0) < eps);
	res = atan(res);
	TEST(fabs(res - KPi/4) < eps);
	// 135 degrees
	res = tan((3 * KPi) / 4);
	TEST(fabs(res + 1.0) < eps);
	res = atan(res);
	TEST(fabs((KPi + res) - (3 * KPi) / 4) < eps);

	// 0 degrees
	res = cos(0.0);
	TEST(fabs(res - 1) < eps);
	// 90 degrees
	res = cos(KPi/2);
	TEST(res < eps);
	// 180 degrees
	res = cos(KPi);
	TEST(fabs(res + 1.0) < eps);

	// 0 degrees
	res = sin(0.0);
	TEST(res < eps);
	// 90 degrees
	res = sin(KPi/2);
	TEST(fabs(res - 1) < eps);
	// 180 degrees
	res = sin(KPi);
	TEST(res < eps);

	res = tanh(1.0);
	TEST(fabs(res - 0.761594) < eps);

	int exponent;
	res = frexp(0.51E+2, &exponent);
	TEST((0.51E+2 - res * pow(2.0, exponent)) < eps);

	double integer;
	res = modf(34.567, &integer);
	TEST(fabs(res - 0.567) < eps);
	TEST(fabs(integer - 34.0) < eps);
	res = modf(-35.567, &integer);
	TEST(fabs(res + 0.567) < eps);
	TEST(fabs(integer + 35.0) < eps);

	res = ceil(245.8903);
	TEST(fabs(res - 246.0) < eps);
	res = ceil(-11.91);
	TEST(fabs(res + 11.0) < eps);

	res = floor(245.8903);
	TEST(fabs(res - 245.0) < eps);
	res = floor(-11.91);
	TEST(fabs(res + 12.0) < eps);

	res = copysign(4.789, -9.001);
	TEST((res + 4.789) < eps);
	res = copysign(-4.789, 9.001);
	TEST((res - 4.789) < eps);

Example #21
static char *cvt(double arg, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char *buf, int eflag)
  int r2;
  double fi, fj;
  char *p, *p1;

  if (ndigits < 0) ndigits = 0;
  if (ndigits >= CVTBUFSIZE - 1) ndigits = CVTBUFSIZE - 2;
  r2 = 0;
  *sign = 0;
  p = &buf[0];
  if (arg < 0)
    *sign = 1;
    arg = -arg;
  arg = modf(arg, &fi);
  p1 = &buf[CVTBUFSIZE];

  if (fi != 0) 
    p1 = &buf[CVTBUFSIZE];
    while (fi != 0) 
      fj = modf(fi / 10, &fi);
      *--p1 = (int)((fj + .03) * 10) + '0';
		\bug Some large doubles seem to generate errors on MosyncLib here.
		do a check for now.
	  if(r2>=CVTBUFSIZE) break;
    while (p1 < &buf[CVTBUFSIZE]) *p++ = *p1++;
  else if (arg > 0)
    while ((fj = arg * 10) < 1) 
      arg = fj;
  p1 = &buf[ndigits];
  if (eflag == 0) p1 += r2;
  *decpt = r2;
  if (p1 < &buf[0]) 
    buf[0] = '\0';
    return buf;
  while (p <= p1 && p < &buf[CVTBUFSIZE])
    arg *= 10;
    arg = modf(arg, &fj);
    *p++ = (int) fj + '0';
  if (p1 >= &buf[CVTBUFSIZE]) 
    buf[CVTBUFSIZE - 1] = '\0';
    return buf;
  p = p1;
  *p1 += 5;
  while (*p1 > '9') 
    *p1 = '0';
    if (p1 > buf)
      *p1 = '1';
      if (eflag == 0) 
        if (p > buf) *p = '0';
  *p = '\0';
  return buf;
void PolarFreqDomainFilter::Initialize(void)
   int i;
   int samp_num, bin_num;
   char line_buf[100];
   char *item;
   double tmp_nsexp, frac_part, int_part;
   double min_data_freq, max_data_freq;
   double left_freq, right_freq;
   double bin_freq, left_val, right_val, slope, base;
   std::complex<float> *time_resp;
   //PointDataFile input_file;
   std::complex<float> exponent;
   std::complex<float> pseudo_complex;
   ofstream *resp_file;

   tmp_nsexp = log10(double(Fft_Size))/log10(2.0);
   frac_part = modf(tmp_nsexp, &int_part);

   double delta_f = 1.0/(Fft_Size*Dt_For_Fft);

   //  initialize derived parameters

   Ns_Exp = int_part;

   Full_Buffer = new std::complex<float>[Fft_Size];
   for(i=0; i<Fft_Size; i++)
      Full_Buffer[i] = std::complex<float>(0.0,0.0);

   time_resp = new std::complex<float>[Fft_Size];
   for(i=0; i<Fft_Size; i++)
      time_resp[i] = std::complex<float>(0.0,0.0);
   FftDitNipo( time_resp, Fft_Size);

   Mag_Resp = new float[Fft_Size];
   Phase_Resp = new float[Fft_Size];

   //  Read in the raw response data

   Magnitude_Data_File = new ifstream(Magnitude_Data_Fname, ios::in);
   *Magnitude_Data_File >> Num_Mag_Samps;
   Raw_Magnitude_Resp = new float[Num_Mag_Samps];
   Freqs_For_Magnitude = new float[Num_Mag_Samps];
   for(samp_num=0;samp_num<Num_Mag_Samps; samp_num++)
      item = strtok(line_buf,",\n\t");
      Freqs_For_Magnitude[samp_num] = atof(item);
      item = strtok(NULL,",\n\t");
      Raw_Magnitude_Resp[samp_num] = atof(item);

   resp_file = new ofstream("mag_resp.txt\0", ios::out);

   min_data_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[0];
   max_data_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[Num_Mag_Samps-1];

   right_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[0];
   right_val = pow(10.0,(Raw_Magnitude_Resp[0]/20.0));
   left_freq = -delta_f*Fft_Size/2;
   slope = right_val/(right_freq-left_freq);
   base = -left_freq*slope;

      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;

      if(bin_freq < min_data_freq)
      // put straight-line skirt on negative frequency portion
      // not covered by input data
         Mag_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      //  do negative-frequency portion that is covered by input data
         if(bin_freq >= right_freq) 
            left_freq = right_freq;
            right_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[samp_num+1];
            left_val = pow(10.0, Raw_Magnitude_Resp[samp_num]/20.0);
            right_val = pow(10.0, Raw_Magnitude_Resp[samp_num+1]/20.0);
            slope = (right_val - left_val)/(right_freq - left_freq);
            base = left_val - left_freq*slope;
         Mag_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Mag_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] << endl;

   //  do the positive frequency portion which is covered by input data
   bin_freq = 0;
   bin_num = 0;
   while(bin_freq<max_data_freq && bin_num<Fft_Size/2)
      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;
      if(bin_freq >= right_freq)
         left_freq = right_freq;
         right_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[samp_num+1];
         left_val = pow(10.0, Raw_Magnitude_Resp[samp_num]/20.0);
         right_val = pow(10.0, Raw_Magnitude_Resp[samp_num+1]/20.0);
         slope = (right_val - left_val)/(right_freq - left_freq);
         base = left_val - left_freq*slope;
      Mag_Resp[bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Mag_Resp[bin_num] << endl;
   // put straight-line skirt on positive frequency portion not coverd by input data
   left_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Magnitude[Num_Mag_Samps-1];
   left_val = pow(10.0,(Raw_Magnitude_Resp[Num_Mag_Samps-1]/20.0));
   right_freq = delta_f*(Fft_Size-2)/2;
   slope = -left_val/(right_freq-left_freq);
   base = left_val-left_freq*slope;
      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;
      Mag_Resp[bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Mag_Resp[bin_num] << endl;

   Phase_Data_File = new ifstream(Phase_Data_Fname, ios::in);
   *Phase_Data_File >> Num_Phase_Samps;

   Raw_Phase_Resp = new float[Num_Phase_Samps];
   Freqs_For_Phase = new float[Num_Phase_Samps];

   for(samp_num=0;samp_num<Num_Phase_Samps; samp_num++)
      item = strtok(line_buf,",\n\t");
      Freqs_For_Phase[samp_num] = atof(item);
      item = strtok(NULL,",\n\t");
      Raw_Phase_Resp[samp_num] = atof(item);

   resp_file = new ofstream("Phase_resp.txt\0", ios::out);

   min_data_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[0];
   max_data_freq = Mag_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[Num_Phase_Samps-1];

   right_freq = Phase_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[0];
   right_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[0];
   left_freq = -delta_f*Fft_Size/2;
   slope = right_val/(right_freq-left_freq);
   base = -left_freq*slope;

      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;
      if(bin_freq < min_data_freq)
      // put straight-line skirt on negative frequency portion
      // not covered by input data
         //Phase_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
         Phase_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] = Raw_Phase_Resp[0];
      //  do negative-frequency portion that is covered by input data
         if(bin_freq >= right_freq) 
            left_freq = right_freq;
            right_freq = Phase_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[samp_num+1];
            left_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[samp_num];
            right_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[samp_num+1];
            slope = (right_val - left_val)/(right_freq - left_freq);
            base = left_val - left_freq*slope;
         Phase_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Phase_Resp[Fft_Size+bin_num] << endl;

   //  do the positive frequency portion which is covered by input data
   bin_freq = 0;
   bin_num = 0;
   while(bin_freq<max_data_freq && bin_num<Fft_Size/2)
      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;
      if(bin_freq >= right_freq)
         left_freq = right_freq;
         right_freq = Phase_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[samp_num+1];
         left_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[samp_num];
         right_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[samp_num+1];
         slope = (right_val - left_val)/(right_freq - left_freq);
         base = left_val - left_freq*slope;
      Phase_Resp[bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Phase_Resp[bin_num] << endl;
   // put straight-line skirt on positive frequency portion not coverd by input data
   left_freq = Phase_Freq_Scaling_Factor * Freqs_For_Phase[Num_Phase_Samps-1];
   left_val = Raw_Phase_Resp[Num_Phase_Samps-1];
   right_freq = delta_f*(Fft_Size-2)/2;
   slope = -left_val/(right_freq-left_freq);
   base = left_val-left_freq*slope;
      bin_freq = bin_num * delta_f;
      //Phase_Resp[bin_num] = bin_freq * slope + base;
      Phase_Resp[bin_num] = Raw_Phase_Resp[Num_Phase_Samps-1];
      *resp_file << bin_num << ", " << Phase_Resp[bin_num] << endl;

Example #23
int32_t processGPGGA (int8_t count, int8_t *f[],
                       struct gps_device_t * session)
	double d, m;
	double lat;
	double lon;
	int8_t *p;

	session->nmea.type = TYPE_GPGGA;
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.time.hour = DD(f[0]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.time.min = DD(&f[0][2]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.time.sec = DD(&f[0][4]);

	/*double d, m;
	double lat;*/
	lat = atof(f[1]);
    m = 100.0 * modf(lat / 100.0, &d);
    lat = d + m / 60.0;
    if (f[2][0] == 'S')
        lat = -lat;
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.lat = lat;

	//double lon;
	lon = atof(f[3]);
    m = 100.0 * modf(lon / 100.0, &d);
    lon = d + m / 60.0;
    if (f[4][0] == 'S')
        lon = -lon;
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.lon = lon;

		case '0':
		session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.gps_quality = FIX_NOT_AVAIL;	

		case '1':
		session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.gps_quality = FIX;

		case '2':
		session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.gps_quality = DIFF_FIX;

		session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.gps_quality = FIX_UNDEF;	/* unknow */

	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.nsv = atoi(f[6]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.hdp = atof(f[7]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.antenna = atof(f[8]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.geoidal = atof(f[10]);
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.age = atof(f[12]);

	//int8_t *p;
	p = f[13];
	while(*p != '*')
	*p = '\0';
	session->nmea.nmea_u.gpgga.stationID = atof(f[13]);

	return true;
__attribute__((weak)) long double modfl(long double x, long double* y) { return modf((double)x, (double *)y); }
Example #25
// Returns the fractional part of x
inline f32 my_modf(f32 x)
	double dummy;
	return modf(x, &dummy);
Example #26
void AFogOfWarWorker::UpdateFowTexture() 
	Manager->LastFrameTextureData = TArray<FColor>(Manager->TextureData);
	uint32 halfTextureSize = Manager->TextureSize / 2;
	int signedSize = (int)Manager->TextureSize; //For convenience....
	TSet<FVector2D> texelsToBlur;
	int sightTexels = Manager->SightRange * Manager->SamplesPerMeter;
	float dividend = 100.0f / Manager->SamplesPerMeter;


	for (auto Itr(Manager->FowActors.CreateIterator()); Itr; Itr++) 
		if (StopTaskCounter.GetValue() != 0) 

		//Find actor position
		if (!*Itr) continue;
		FVector position = (*Itr)->GetActorLocation();

		//We divide by 100.0 because 1 texel equals 1 meter of visibility-data.
		int posX = (int)(position.X / dividend) + halfTextureSize;
		int posY = (int)(position.Y / dividend) + halfTextureSize;
		float integerX, integerY;

		FVector2D fractions = FVector2D(modf(position.X / 50.0f, &integerX), modf(position.Y / 50.0f, &integerY));
		FVector2D textureSpacePos = FVector2D(posX, posY);
		int size = (int)Manager->TextureSize;

		FCollisionQueryParams queryParams(FName(TEXT("FOW trace")), false, (*Itr));
		int halfKernelSize = (Manager->blurKernelSize - 1) / 2;

		//Store the positions we want to blur
		for (int y = posY - sightTexels - halfKernelSize; y <= posY + sightTexels + halfKernelSize; y++) 
			for (int x = posX - sightTexels - halfKernelSize; x <= posX + sightTexels + halfKernelSize; x++) 
				if (x > 0 && x < size && y > 0 && y < size) {
					texelsToBlur.Add(FIntPoint(x, y));

		//Unveil the positions our actors are currently looking at
		for (int y = posY - sightTexels; y <= posY + sightTexels; y++) 
			for (int x = posX - sightTexels; x <= posX + sightTexels; x++) 
				//Kernel for radial sight
				if (x > 0 && x < size && y > 0 && y < size) 
					FVector2D currentTextureSpacePos = FVector2D(x, y);
					int length = (int)(textureSpacePos - currentTextureSpacePos).Size();
					if (length <= sightTexels) 
						FVector currentWorldSpacePos = FVector(
							((x - (int)halfTextureSize)) * dividend,
							((y - (int)halfTextureSize)) * dividend,

						//CONSIDER: This is NOT the most efficient way to do conditional unfogging. With long view distances and/or a lot of actors affecting the FOW-data
						//it would be preferrable to not trace against all the boundary points and internal texels/positions of the circle, but create and cache "rasterizations" of
						//viewing circles (using Bresenham's midpoint circle algorithm) for the needed sightranges, shift the circles to the actor's location
						//and just trace against the boundaries. 
						//We would then use Manager->GetWorld()->LineTraceSingle() and find the first collision texel. Having found the nearest collision
						//for every ray we would unveil all the points between the collision and origo using Bresenham's Line-drawing algorithm.
						//However, the tracing doesn't seem like it takes much time at all (~0.02ms with four actors tracing circles of 18 texels each),
						//it's the blurring that chews CPU..
						if (!Manager->GetWorld()->LineTraceTestByObjectType(position, currentWorldSpacePos, ECC_WorldStatic, queryParams))
						//if (!Manager->GetWorld()->LineTraceTestByChannel(position, currentWorldSpacePos, ECC_WorldStatic, queryParams))
							//Unveil the positions we are currently seeing
							Manager->UnfoggedData[x + y * Manager->TextureSize] = true;
							//Store the positions we are currently seeing.
							Manager->CurrentlyInSight.Add(FVector2D(x, y));

	if (Manager->GetIsBlurEnabled()) 
		//Horizontal blur pass
		int offset = floorf(Manager->blurKernelSize / 2.0f);
		for (auto Itr(texelsToBlur.CreateIterator()); Itr; ++Itr) 
			int x = (Itr)->IntPoint().X;
			int y = (Itr)->IntPoint().Y;
			float sum = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < Manager->blurKernelSize; i++) 
				int shiftedIndex = i - offset;
				if (x + shiftedIndex >= 0 && x + shiftedIndex <= signedSize - 1) 
					if (Manager->UnfoggedData[x + shiftedIndex + (y * signedSize)])
						//If we are currently looking at a position, unveil it completely
						if (Manager->CurrentlyInSight.Contains(FVector2D(x + shiftedIndex, y)))
							sum += (Manager->blurKernel[i] * 255);
						//If this is a previously discovered position that we're not currently looking at, put it into a "shroud of darkness".							
							sum += (Manager->blurKernel[i] * 100);
			Manager->HorizontalBlurData[x + y * signedSize] = (uint8)sum;

		//Vertical blur pass
		for (auto Itr(texelsToBlur.CreateIterator()); Itr; ++Itr) 
			int x = (Itr)->IntPoint().X;
			int y = (Itr)->IntPoint().Y;
			float sum = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < Manager->blurKernelSize; i++) 
				int shiftedIndex = i - offset;
				if (y + shiftedIndex >= 0 && y + shiftedIndex <= signedSize - 1) 
					sum += (Manager->blurKernel[i] * Manager->HorizontalBlurData[x + (y + shiftedIndex) * signedSize]);

			Manager->TextureData[x + y * signedSize] = FColor((uint8)FMath::Max(sum, 100.0f), (uint8)FMath::Max(sum, 100.0f), (uint8)FMath::Max(sum, 100.0f), 255);
		for (int y = 0; y < signedSize; y++) 
			for (int x = 0; x < signedSize; x++) 
				if (Manager->UnfoggedData[x + (y * signedSize)]) 
					if (Manager->CurrentlyInSight.Contains(FVector2D(x, y)))
						Manager->TextureData[x + y * signedSize] = FColor((uint8)255, (uint8)255, (uint8)255, 255);
						Manager->TextureData[x + y * signedSize] = FColor((uint8)100, (uint8)100, (uint8)100, 255);
	Manager->bHasFOWTextureUpdate = true;
Example #27
bool EffectToneGen::MakeTone(float *buffer, sampleCount len)
   double throwaway = 0;        //passed to modf but never used
   sampleCount i;
   double f = 0.0;
   double a,b;
   int k;

   double frequencyQuantum;
   double BlendedFrequency;
   double BlendedAmplitude;
   double BlendedLogFrequency = 0.0f;

   // calculate delta, and reposition from where we left
   double amplitudeQuantum = (amplitude[1]-amplitude[0]) / numSamples;
   BlendedAmplitude = amplitude[0] + amplitudeQuantum * mSample;

   // precalculations:
   double pre2PI = 2 * M_PI;
   double pre4divPI = 4. / M_PI;

   // initial setup should calculate deltas
   if( mbLogInterpolation )
      // this for log interpolation
      logFrequency[0] = log10( frequency[0] );
      logFrequency[1] = log10( frequency[1] );
      // calculate delta, and reposition from where we left
      frequencyQuantum = (logFrequency[1]-logFrequency[0]) / numSamples;
      BlendedLogFrequency = logFrequency[0] + frequencyQuantum * mSample;
      BlendedFrequency = pow( 10.0, (double)BlendedLogFrequency );
   } else {
      // this for regular case, linear interpolation
      frequencyQuantum = (frequency[1]-frequency[0]) / numSamples;
      BlendedFrequency = frequency[0] + frequencyQuantum * mSample;

   // synth loop
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      switch (waveform) {
      case 0:    //sine
         f = (float) sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles/mCurRate);
      case 1:    //square
         f = (modf(mPositionInCycles/mCurRate, &throwaway) < 0.5) ? 1.0f :-1.0f;
      case 2:    //sawtooth
         f = (2 * modf(mPositionInCycles/mCurRate+0.5f, &throwaway)) -1.0f;
      case 3:    //square, no alias.  Good down to 110Hz @ 44100Hz sampling.
         //do fundamental (k=1) outside loop
         b = (1. + cos((pre2PI * BlendedFrequency)/mCurRate))/pre4divPI;  //scaling
         f = (float) pre4divPI * sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles/mCurRate);
         for(k=3; (k<200) && (k * BlendedFrequency < mCurRate/2.); k+=2)
               //Hanning Window in freq domain
               a = 1. + cos((pre2PI * k * BlendedFrequency)/mCurRate);
               //calc harmonic, apply window, scale to amplitude of fundamental
               f += (float) a * sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles/mCurRate * k)/(b*k);
      // insert value in buffer
      buffer[i] = BlendedAmplitude * f;
      // update freq,amplitude
      mPositionInCycles += BlendedFrequency;
      BlendedAmplitude += amplitudeQuantum;
      if (mbLogInterpolation) {
         BlendedLogFrequency += frequencyQuantum;
         BlendedFrequency = pow( 10.0, (double)BlendedLogFrequency);
      } else {
         BlendedFrequency += frequencyQuantum;

   // update external placeholder
   mSample += len;
   return true;
Example #28
/* this takes only non-negative (except -0) numbers that are not NaN or inf */
static char *double2str(
	char *end,
	double x,
	int width,
	int prec,
	enum format_flags flags
	char *begin = end;
	double frac, whole;
	frac = modf(x, &whole);

	if (prec > 0) {
		/* round fractional part */
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < prec; i++) {
			frac *= 10.0;

		frac = floor(frac + 0.5);

		for (i = 0; i < prec; i++) {
			int digit = fmod(frac, 10.0);
			*--begin = '0' + digit;
			frac /= 10.0;

		*--begin = '.';

		whole += frac;
	} else {
		/* round to integers */
		whole = floor(x + 0.5);

	do {
		int digit = fmod(whole, 10.0);
		*--begin = '0' + digit;
		whole /= 10.0;
	} while (whole >= 1.0);

	if (flags & FLAG_ZEROPAD) {
		while (width >= 0 && width > end - begin + 1) {
			*--begin = '0';

		if (flags & FLAG_NEGATIVE) {
			*--begin = '-';
		} else if (flags & FLAG_EXPLICITSIGN) {
			*--begin = '+';
		} else if (flags & FLAG_PADSIGN) {
			*--begin = ' ';
		} else {
			*--begin = '0';
	} else {
		if (flags & FLAG_NEGATIVE) {
			*--begin = '-';
		} else if (flags & FLAG_EXPLICITSIGN) {
			*--begin = '+';
		} else if (flags & FLAG_PADSIGN) {
			*--begin = ' ';

		while (width >= 0 && width > end - begin) {
			*--begin = ' ';

	return begin;
Example #29
color_t getColor(double fraction, double intensity)
    /* fraction is a part of the rainbow (0.0 - 1.0) = (Red-Yellow-Green-Cyan-Blue-Magenta-Red)
    intensity (0.0 - 1.0) 0 = black, 1 = full color, 2 = white
    double red, green, blue;
    int r,g,b;
    double dtemp;

    fraction = fabs(modf(fraction, &dtemp));

    if (intensity > 2.0)
	intensity = 2.0;
    if (intensity < 0.0)
	intensity = 0.0;

    dtemp = 1.0/6.0;

    if (fraction < 1.0/6.0)
	red = 1.0;
	green = fraction / dtemp;
	blue = 0.0;
	if (fraction < 1.0/3.0)
	    red = 1.0 - ((fraction - dtemp) / dtemp);
	    green = 1.0;
	    blue = 0.0;
	    if (fraction < 0.5)
		red = 0.0;
		green = 1.0;
		blue = (fraction - (dtemp*2.0)) / dtemp;
		if (fraction < 2.0/3.0)
		    red = 0.0;
		    green = 1.0 - ((fraction - (dtemp*3.0)) / dtemp);
		    blue = 1.0;
		    if (fraction < 5.0/6.0)
			red = (fraction - (dtemp*4.0)) / dtemp;
			green = 0.0;
			blue = 1.0;
			red = 1.0;
			green = 0.0;
			blue = 1.0 - ((fraction - (dtemp*5.0)) / dtemp);

    if (intensity > 1)
	intensity = intensity - 1.0;
	red = red + ((1.0 - red) * intensity);
	green = green + ((1.0 - green) * intensity);
	blue = blue + ((1.0 - blue) * intensity);
	red = red * intensity;
	green = green * intensity;
	blue = blue * intensity;

    r = (int)(red * 255.0);
    g = (int)(green * 255.0);
    b = (int)(blue * 255.0);

    return RGBtocolor_t(r,g,b);