Example #1
 * Applique euclide etendu a nb1 et nb2
 * @param resultat tableau de 3 entiers : u, v et r tels que r=pgcd(nb1, nb2) et a*u+b*v=r
void euclide_etendu(mpz_t nb1, mpz_t nb2, mpz_t *resultat){

  mpz_t r, r1, u, u1, v, v1;
  mpz_inits(r, r1, NULL);
  mpz_set(r, nb1);
  mpz_set(r1, nb2);
  mpz_init_set_si(u, 1);
  mpz_init_set_si(u1, 0);
  mpz_init_set_si(v, 0);
  mpz_init_set_si(v1, 1);
  /* printf("u=%ld, v=%ld, pgcd=%ld\n",mpz_get_si(u),mpz_get_si(v), mpz_get_si(r)); */

  mpz_t q, r_temp, u_temp, v_temp, tmp;
  mpz_inits(q, r_temp, u_temp, v_temp, tmp, NULL);
  while (mpz_get_si(r1) != 0){
    mpz_cdiv_q(q,r,r1); /* Division entiere */



    mpz_mul(tmp, q, r1);
    mpz_sub(r1, r_temp, tmp);
    /* r1=r_temp-q*r1; */
    mpz_mul(tmp, q, u1);
    mpz_sub(u1, u_temp, tmp);
    mpz_mul(tmp, q, v1);
    mpz_sub(v1, v_temp, tmp);
  /* Creer une fonction */
  /* Clear */
//~ eq : (a*X^2 + Y^2)*Z^2 = Z^4 + d*(X^2)*(Y^2)
int is_on_curve_extProj(ExtProjPoint *op){
	int rep;
	mpz_t leq, req, lx, ly, lz;
	mpz_inits (leq, req, lx, ly, lz, NULL);
	mpz_mul (lx, op->X, op->X);
	mpz_mod (lx, lx, p); 
	mpz_mul (ly, op->Y, op->Y);
	mpz_mod (ly, ly, p);
	mpz_mul (lz, op->Z, op->Z);
	mpz_mod (lz, lz, p); 
	mpz_mul (leq, lx, curve_a);
	mpz_add (leq, leq, ly);
	mpz_mul (leq, leq, lz);
	mpz_mod (leq, leq, p);		// leq <-- (a*X^2 + Y^2)*Z^2
	mpz_mul (lz, lz, lz);
	mpz_mod (lz, lz, p);		// lz  <-- Z^4 
	mpz_mul (req, lx, ly);
	mpz_mul (req, req, curve_d);
	mpz_add (req, req, lz);
	mpz_mod (req, req, p);		// req <-- Z^4 + d*(X^2)*(Y^2)
	rep = mpz_cmp (leq, req);
	mpz_clears (leq, req, lx, ly, lz, NULL);
	return (rep==0);
Example #3
// sign a hash using ECDSA, hash must be a string in base used during initialisation.
// private key and a generator point are required for it to work (look SetDomain 
// and SetKeys)
void ECDSA::Sign( char *hash, char *&r, char *&s )
	mpz_t z,k,rr,ss,t,u;
	ECPoint kG;

	mpz_init_set_str(z, hash, m_base);
	mpz_inits(k, rr, ss, t, u, NULL);

		mpz_urandomm(k, m_st, ecc->m_n);
		ecc->MultiplePoint(k, ecc->m_G, kG);
		mpz_set(rr, kG.x);
		mpz_mod(rr, rr, ecc->m_n);
	} while (!mpz_cmp_ui(rr, 0));

		mpz_mul(ss, t, u);
		mpz_mod(ss, ss, ecc->m_n);
	} while (!mpz_cmp_ui(ss, 0));

	mpz_get_str(r, m_base, rr);
	mpz_get_str(s, m_base, ss);


Example #4
PaillierAdapter::keygen( unsigned int modulusbits,
    paillier_pubkey* pub,
    paillier_prvkey* prv,
    unsigned int init_s)
  mpz_t p, q;

  mpz_inits(p, q, NULL);

  /* pick random (modulusbits/2)-bit primes p and q */
    get_prime_of_size(p, modulusbits / 2);
    get_prime_of_size(q, modulusbits / 2);

    mpz_mul(*pub->getnj(1), p, q);

  }while(mpz_sizeinbase(*pub->getnj(1), 2) != modulusbits);

  pub->complete_key(init_s+1); /*we don't know if it will be used beyond one level*/

  /* compute the private key lambda = lcm(p-1,q-1) */
  mpz_sub_ui(p, p, 1);
  mpz_sub_ui(q, q, 1);
  mpz_lcm(prv->d, p, q);
  mpz_invert(prv->inv_d, prv->d ,*pub->getnj(init_s));

  /* clear temporary integers */
  mpz_clears(p, q, NULL);
Example #5
int verifyZZ_p(Sig * sig, char * msg, PointZZ_p * Q, const CurveZZ_p * curve) {
    mpz_t e, w, u1, u2;
    PointZZ_p tmp;
    mpz_inits(w, u1, u2, tmp.x, tmp.y, NULL);

    // convert digest to integer (digest is computed as hex in ecdsa.py)
    mpz_init_set_str(e, msg, 16);
    int orderBits = mpz_sizeinbase(curve->q, 2);
    int digestBits = strlen(msg) * 4;

    if(digestBits > orderBits) {
        mpz_fdiv_q_2exp(e, e, digestBits - orderBits);

    mpz_invert(w, sig->s, curve->q);
    mpz_mul(u1, e, w);
    mpz_mod(u1, u1, curve->q);
    mpz_mul(u2, sig->r, w);
    mpz_mod(u2, u2, curve->q);

    pointZZ_pShamirsTrick(&tmp, curve->g, u1, Q, u2, curve);
    mpz_mod(tmp.x, tmp.x, curve->q);

    int equal = (mpz_cmp(tmp.x, sig->r) == 0);
    mpz_clears(e, w, u1, u2, tmp.x, tmp.y, NULL);
    return equal;
int is_on_curve_jac(JacPoint *jp, const mpz_t a, const mpz_t b){
	int rep;
	mpz_t c, d, e;
	mpz_inits (c, d, e, NULL);
	//~ c= Z^2
	mpz_mul (c, jp->Z, jp->Z);
	mpz_mod (c, c, p); 
	//~ d= Z^4 
	mpz_mul (d, c, c);
	mpz_mod (d, d, p);
	//~ c = bZ^6
	mpz_mul (c, c, d);
	mpz_mul (c, c, b);
	mpz_mod (c, c, p); 
	//~ d=aXZ^4 (p)
	mpz_mul (d, d, a);
	mpz_mul (d, d, jp->X);
	mpz_mod (d, d, p); 
	//~ e= X^3 (p)
	mpz_mul (e, jp->X, jp->X);
	mpz_mul (e, e, jp->X);
	mpz_mod (e, e, p); 
	//~ e = X^3 +aXZ^4 +bZ^6 (p)
	mpz_add (e, e, c);
	mpz_add (e, e, d);
	mpz_mod (e, e, p); 
	//~ c= Y^2 (p)
	mpz_mul (c, jp->Y, jp->Y);
	mpz_mod (c, c, p); 
	rep = mpz_cmp (c, e);
	mpz_clears(c, d, e, NULL);
	return (rep==0);
Example #7
void signZZ_p(Sig * sig, char * msg, mpz_t d, mpz_t k, const CurveZZ_p * curve) {
    mpz_t e, kinv;

    // R = k * G, r = R[x]
    PointZZ_p R;
    pointZZ_pMul(&R, curve->g, k, curve);
    mpz_init_set(sig->r, R.x);
    mpz_mod(sig->r, sig->r, curve->q);

    // convert digest to integer (digest is computed as hex in ecdsa.py)
    mpz_init_set_str(e, msg, 16);
    int orderBits = mpz_sizeinbase(curve->q, 2);
    int digestBits = strlen(msg) * 4;

    if(digestBits > orderBits) {
        mpz_fdiv_q_2exp(e, e, digestBits - orderBits);

    // s = (k^-1 * (e + d * r)) mod n
    mpz_inits(kinv, sig->s, NULL);
    mpz_invert(kinv, k, curve->q);
    mpz_mul(sig->s, d, sig->r);
    mpz_add(sig->s, sig->s, e);
    mpz_mul(sig->s, sig->s, kinv);
    mpz_mod(sig->s, sig->s, curve->q);

    mpz_clears(R.x, R.y, e, kinv, NULL);
Example #8
void ecc_init_set_afn(ecc_afn_t *P, ecc_afn_t *Q)
	mpz_inits(P->x, P->y, NULL);

	mpz_set(P->x, Q->x);
	mpz_set(P->y, Q->y);
Example #9
/* void RSA_decrypt_chunk(string, mpz_t, RSA_PRIVATE)
 * decrypts cipher using one's private key
void RSA_decrypt_chunk(string &message, mpz_t &cipher, RSA_PRIVATE &priv) {
    mpz_t m, m1, m2, h;
    mpz_inits(m, m1, m2, h, NULL);

    mpz_powm(m1, cipher, priv.dP, priv.p);
    mpz_powm(m2, cipher, priv.dQ, priv.q);

    if (mpz_cmp(m1, m2) < 0)
        mpz_add(m1, m1, priv.p);
    mpz_sub(m1, m1, m2);
    mpz_mul(h, priv.qInv, m1);
    mpz_mod(h, h, priv.p);
    mpz_mul(h, h, priv.q);
    mpz_add(m, m2, h);

    // now we have m decrypted, but we still need to unhask
    // the message from it
    // EB = 00 || 02 || PS || 00 || D

    message = mpz_get_str(NULL, 16, m);
    int msg_start = message.rfind("00") + 2;
    message = message.substr(msg_start);
    // message now contains decrypted text but in numbers in base 16

    // below code converts number from base 16 into chars
    string msg(message.length() / 2, ' ');
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<message.length(); i+=2) {
        msg[0.5*i] = (unsigned char) hex2decbyte(message[i], message[i+1]);
    message = msg;

    mpz_clears(m, m1, m2, h, NULL); // tidying
Example #10
static void
randomize(mpz_t u, mpz_t v, const mpz_t g, const mpz_t h, const mpz_t gp,
          const mpz_t hp, struct params *p)
    mpz_t s, t, tmp;

    mpz_inits(s, t, tmp, NULL);

    random_element(s, p);
    random_element(t, p);

    /* compute g^s h^t */
    mpz_powm(tmp, g, s, p->p);
    mpz_powm(u, h, t, p->p);
    mpz_mul(u, u, tmp);
    mpz_mod(u, u, p->p);

    /* compute gp^s hp^t */
    mpz_powm(tmp, gp, s, p->p);
    mpz_powm(v, hp, t, p->p);
    mpz_mul(v, v, tmp);
    mpz_mod(v, v, p->p);

    mpz_clears(s, t, tmp, NULL);
Example #11
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    mp_bitcnt_t bit_width = 0;
    int base = kDefaultBase;

    static const struct option long_options[] = {
        { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
        { "use-random", no_argument, NULL, 'r' },
        { "base", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
        { "bit-width", required_argument, NULL, 's' },
        { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
    for (;;) {
        int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hrb:s:", long_options, NULL);
        if (opt == -1)

        switch (opt) {
        case 'r':
            gRNGFilename = "/dev/random";
        case 'b':
            if (simple_strtoi(&base, optarg, 10) < 0 ||
                (base > -2 && base < 2) || base < -36 || base > 62)
                fatal("invalid base: '%s'", optarg);
        case 's':
            if (simple_strtoul(&bit_width, optarg, 10) < 0 || bit_width == 0)
                fatal("invalid bit width: '%s'", optarg);
        case 'h':
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    argv += optind;
    argc -= optind;
    if (argc > 2 || (bit_width != 0 && argc > 0))
        fatal("too many arguments");

    mpz_t low, high, result;
    mpz_inits(low, high, result, NULL);
    if (argc == 2) {
        arg_to_mpz(low, argv[0]);
        arg_to_mpz(high, argv[1]);
    } else if (argc == 1) {
        arg_to_mpz(high, argv[0]);
    } else if (bit_width != 0) {
        mpz_setbit(high, bit_width);
    } else {
        mpz_set_ui(high, kDefaultUpperBound);

    get_random_mpz(result, low, high);
    mpz_out_str(stdout, base, result);
    mpz_clears(low, high, result, NULL);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #12
void ecc_init_setstr_afn(ecc_afn_t *P, char *x, char *y)
	mpz_inits(P->x, P->y, NULL);

	mpz_set_str(P->x, x, 10);
	mpz_set_str(P->y, y, 10);
Example #13
static void
dm_ddh_setup_dec(struct dm_ddh_crs *crs, struct params *p)
    mpz_t x, y;
    int file;
    unsigned long seed;

    mpz_inits(x, y, NULL);

    /* fix seed of random number generator */
    gmp_randseed_ui(p->rnd, 0UL);

    find_generator(crs->g0, p);
    random_element(y, p);
    mpz_powm(crs->g1, crs->g0, y, p->p);
    mpz_powm(crs->h0, crs->g0, x, p->p);
    mpz_powm(crs->h1, crs->g1, x, p->p);

    mpz_clears(x, y, NULL);

    /* re-seed random number generator */
    if ((file = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error opening /dev/urandom\n");
    } else {
        if (read(file, &seed, sizeof seed) == -1) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from /dev/urandom\n");
            (void) close(file);
    gmp_randseed_ui(p->rnd, seed);
    (void) close(file);
Example #14
 *	Private encrypt methode.
 *	Params :
 *		- paillier_pubkey* pub : Paillier public key pointer ;
 *		- mpz_t m	: data to encrypt ;
 *		- unsigned int s : recursion level ;
 *		- mpz_t c				 : result operande .
PaillierAdapter::enc( paillier_pubkey* pub,
    mpz_t m,
    unsigned int s,
    mpz_t c )
  mpz_t gm, rns, r;
  mpz_inits( gm, rns, r, NULL);
  unsigned int modulusbits = publicParameters.getKeyBitsize();
    mpz_urandomb(r, rand, (s+1)*modulusbits); 
  } while( mpz_cmp(r, *pub->getnj(s+1)) >= 0 );
  mpz_powm(gm, *pub->getg(), m,  *pub->getnj(s+1));
  mpz_powm(rns, r, *pub->getnj(s), *pub->getnj(s+1));
  mpz_mul(c, gm, rns);
  mpz_mod(c,c, *pub->getnj(s+1));

  mpz_t test;
  dec(pub, privateParameters.getPrvKey(), c, s, test); 
  gmp_printf("Decrypting %Zd into %Zd\n\n", c, test);

  mpz_clears(gm, rns, r, NULL);
Example #15
/* Test operands from a table of seed data.  This variant creates the operands
   using a division chain.  This is a hack for better coverage of the gcd
   code, which depends on that the random number generators give the exact
   numbers we expect.  */
check_kolmo2 (void)
  static const struct {
    unsigned int seed;
    int nb, chain_len;
  } data[] = {
    {  917, 15, 5 },
    { 1032, 18, 6 },
    { 1167, 18, 6 },
    { 1174, 18, 6 },
    { 1192, 18, 6 },

  gmp_randstate_t rs;
  mpz_t  bs, a, b, want;
  int    i;

  gmp_randinit_default (rs);

  mpz_inits (bs, a, b, want, NULL);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      gmp_randseed_ui (rs, data[i].seed);
      make_chain_operands (want, a, b, rs, data[i].nb, data[i].nb, data[i].chain_len);
      one_test (a, b, want, -1);

  mpz_clears (bs, a, b, want, NULL);
  gmp_randclear (rs);
Example #16
 * Recombine les racines modulo mod1 et mod2 pour trouver les racines finales.
 * rac_modi[0]contient les valeurs en x des racines et rac_modi[1] celles en y. 
 * @param rac_mod1 tableau des couples (x, y) de racines modulo mod1
 * @param rac_mod2 tableau des couples (x, y) de racines modulo mod2
 * @param nb1 nombre de racines (x, y) dans rac_mod1
 * @param nb2 nombre de racines (x, y) dans rac_mod2 
void find_roots(mpz_t *rac_mod1[2], mpz_t *rac_mod2[2], int nb1, int nb2,  mpz_t mod1, mpz_t mod2, mpz_t **PY, mpz_t **QY, int *degres_PY, int *degresQY, int deg_P, int deg_Q, mpz_t mod){
  int i, j, nb_racines=0;
  mpz_t rx, ry, isroot;
  mpz_inits(rx, ry, isroot, NULL);

  for(i=0; i<nb1; i++){
    for(j=0; j<nb2; j++){

      /* crt sur la i eme racine mod1 et la j eme mod2 */ 
      crt(rx, rac_mod1[0][i], rac_mod2[0][j], mod1, mod2);
      crt(ry, rac_mod1[1][i], rac_mod2[1][j], mod1, mod2);

      /* on evalue en le resultat (rx, ry) trouve */
      eval_bivXY(isroot, rx, ry, PY, degres_PY, deg_P, mod);

      /* on teste si le resultat est bien racine */
      if (!mpz_cmp_si(isroot, 0)){
	printf("(%ld, %ld) est racine\n", mpz_get_si(rx), mpz_get_si(ry));
  printf("%d racines au total\n", nb_racines);
Example #17
void ecc_doubling(ecc_jcb_t *ROP, ecc_jcb_t *P, ecc_curve *curve)
    mpz_t alfa, alfa1, alfa2, beta, x3_2, y3_2, y2, z3_2;
    if((strcmp(mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, P->x), "0") == 0) && (strcmp(mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, P->y), "0") == 0) && (strcmp(mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, P->z), "0") == 0))
        ecc_cp_jcb(ROP, P);
        mpz_inits(alfa, alfa1, alfa2, beta, x3_2, y3_2, z3_2, y2, NULL);
        // alfa = 3*(x1)**2 + a * (z1**4)
        fp_mul_mpz(alfa1, P->x, P->x, curve->p);
        fp_mul_mpz(alfa2, P->z, P->z, curve->p);
        fp_mul_mpz(alfa2, alfa2, alfa2, curve->p);
        fp_mul_si(alfa1, alfa1, 3, curve->p);
        fp_mul_mpz(alfa2, alfa2, curve->a, curve->p);
        fp_add_mpz(alfa, alfa1, alfa2, curve->p);

        // y2 = y1**2
        fp_mul_mpz(y2, P->y, P->y, curve->p);
        // beta = 4*x1*(y1**2)
        fp_mul_mpz(beta, y2, P->x, curve->p);
        fp_mul_si(beta, beta, 4, curve->p);
        mpz_set(ROP->z, P->z);
        // z3 = y1*z1
        fp_mul_mpz(ROP->z, P->z, P->y, curve->p);
        // z3 = 2*y1*z1
        fp_mul_si(ROP->z, ROP->z, 2, curve->p);
        mpz_init_set(x3_2, beta);
        // x3_2 = 2*beta
        fp_mul_si(x3_2, x3_2, 2, curve->p);
        mpz_set(ROP->x, alfa);
        // x3 = alfa**2 - 2*beta
        fp_mul_mpz(ROP->x, ROP->x, ROP->x, curve->p);
        fp_sub_mpz(ROP->x, ROP->x, x3_2, curve->p);
        mpz_init_set(y3_2, P->y);
        mpz_set(ROP->y, beta);
        // y3 = alfa(beta -x3) 
        fp_sub_mpz(ROP->y, ROP->y, ROP->x, curve->p);
        fp_mul_mpz(ROP->y, ROP->y, alfa, curve->p);
        // y3_2 = 8*y1**4
        fp_mul_mpz(y3_2, y2, y2, curve->p);
        fp_mul_si(y3_2, y3_2, 8, curve->p);
        // y3 = alfa(beta -x3) - 8*y1**4
        fp_sub_mpz(ROP->y, ROP->y, y3_2, curve->p);
        mpz_clears(alfa, alfa1, alfa2, beta, x3_2, y3_2, z3_2, y2, NULL);
Example #18
void ecc_init_setstr_jcb(ecc_jcb_t *P, char *x, char *y, char *z)
	mpz_inits(P->x, P->y, P->z, NULL);

	mpz_set_str(P->x, x, 10);
	mpz_set_str(P->y, y, 10);
	mpz_set_str(P->z, z, 10);
Example #19
void ecc_init_set_jcb(ecc_jcb_t *P, ecc_jcb_t *Q)
	mpz_inits(P->x, P->y, P->z, NULL);

	mpz_set(P->x, Q->x);
	mpz_set(P->y, Q->y);
	mpz_set(P->z, Q->z);
Example #20
djcs_private_key* djcs_init_private_key(void)
    djcs_private_key *vk = malloc(sizeof(djcs_private_key));
    if (!vk) return NULL;

    mpz_inits(vk->d, vk->mu, NULL);
    vk->s = 0;
    vk->n = NULL;
    return vk;
Example #21
// Calculate euler's totient of n, assuming n = p*q. Then,
// phi(n) = phi(p)phi(q) = (p-1)(q-1)
void rsa_phi(mpz_t phi_n, const mpz_t p, const mpz_t q) {
  mpz_t p_minus_one, q_minus_one;
  mpz_inits(p_minus_one, q_minus_one, '\0');

  mpz_sub_ui(p_minus_one, p, 1);
  mpz_sub_ui(q_minus_one, q, 1);
  mpz_mul(phi_n, p_minus_one, q_minus_one);

  mpz_clears(p_minus_one, q_minus_one, '\0');
Example #22
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
   mpz_t c, m1, m2, pc, q1, q2, e, d1, d2, phi1, phi2, tmp1, tmp2,
    key1, key2;
   FILE *fp, *fp1;
   char chars[3];

   mpz_inits(c, m1, m2, pc, q1, q2, e, d1, d2, phi1, phi2, tmp1, tmp2,
    key1, key2, NULL);

   printf("Begin task 4 / 5...\n");
   printf("Welcome to fun with big numbers\n");
   printf("Lets do some decryption\n");

   //Get needed input from file
   fp = fopen("p4in.txt", "r");
   gmp_fscanf(fp, "%Zd\n%Zd\n%Zd\n%Zd", &key1, &key2, &pc, &c);
   gmp_printf("key1=%Zd\n\nkey2=%Zd\n\nCommon factor=%Zd\n\ncipher=%Zd\n\n",
    key1, key2, pc, c);

   //setup calculating needed values
   mpz_cdiv_q(q1, key1, pc);
   mpz_cdiv_q(q2, key2, pc);
   mpz_set_ui(e, 65537);
   mpz_sub_ui(tmp1, pc, 1);
   mpz_sub_ui(tmp2, q1, 1);
   mpz_mul(phi1, tmp1, tmp2);
   mpz_sub_ui(tmp2, q2, 1);
   mpz_mul(phi2, tmp1, tmp2);
   mpz_invert(d1, e, phi1);
   mpz_invert(d2, e, phi2);

   //Lets try and decrypt
   decrypt(&m1, c, d1, key1);
   decrypt(&m2, c, d2, key2);

   fp = fopen("p4out.txt", "w");
   gmp_fprintf(fp, "%Zx\n%Zx\n", m1, m2);
   mpz_clears(c, m1, m2, pc, q1, q2, e, d1, d2, phi1, phi2, tmp1, tmp2,
    key1, key2, NULL);

   fp = fopen("p4out.txt", "r");
   chars[2] = 0;
   while (fscanf(fp, "%c%c", chars, chars + 1) > 0){
     printf("%c", (int)strtol(chars, NULL, 16));

   return 0;
Example #23
File: l5.c Project: krasm/coursera
l5_lhs_t * l5_rhs_new(mpz_t g, mpz_t h, mpz_t p, unsigned long x) {
	mpz_t tmp;
	l5_lhs_t * ret = (l5_lhs_t*)malloc(sizeof(l5_lhs_t));
	assert(ret != NULL);
	mpz_inits(ret->value, tmp, NULL);

	ret->x = x;
	mpz_powm_ui(tmp, g, B20, p);
	mpz_powm_ui(ret->value, tmp, x, p);
	return ret;
//~ Note : PP contains P, (-P + PHI_P), PHI_P and (P + PHI_P) resp.
void point_from_GLVScalar(ExtProjPoint *rop, GLVScalar *k, ExtAffPoint *pp){
	int j,u;
	mpz_t tmpX, tmpT;
	mpz_inits (tmpX, tmpT, NULL);
	j = k->j;
	u = k->tk1[j] + 3 * k->tk2[j]; 
	if (u < 0){
		mpz_set_ui (rop->Z, 1);
		mpz_set (rop->Y, pp[-u-1].y);
		mpz_neg (rop->X, pp[-u-1].x);
		mpz_neg (rop->T, pp[-u-1].t);
		mpz_set_ui (rop->Z, 1);
		mpz_set (rop->Y, pp[u-1].y);
		mpz_set (rop->X, pp[u-1].x);
		mpz_set (rop->T, pp[u-1].t);

	j = j - 1;
	while (j > 0){
		u = k->tk1[j] + 3 * k->tk2[j];
		if (u < 0){
			mpz_neg (tmpX, pp[-u-1].x);
			mpz_neg (tmpT, pp[-u-1].t);
			add_extProj_extAff_to_Proj(rop, tmpX, pp[-u-1].y, tmpT);
		else if (u > 0){
			add_extProj_extAff_to_Proj(rop, pp[u-1].x, pp[u-1].y, pp[u-1].t);
		j = j - 1;
	//~ For the last turn, it is preferable to calculate 'rop->T', if u != 0.
	u = k->tk1[j] + 3 * k->tk2[j];
	if (u < 0){
		mpz_neg (tmpX, pp[-u-1].x);
		mpz_neg (tmpT, pp[-u-1].t);
		add_extProj_extAff_to_extProj(rop, tmpX, pp[-u-1].y, tmpT);
	else if (u > 0){
		add_extProj_extAff_to_extProj(rop, pp[u-1].x, pp[u-1].y, pp[u-1].t);
	mpz_clears (tmpX, tmpT, NULL);
Example #25
void S1(mpz_t n, uint64_t crn, int8_t* mu, mpz_t result)
  mpz_t tmp;
  mpz_inits(result, tmp, NULL);
  uint64_t i;
  for(i=1; i<=crn; i++)
      mpz_tdiv_q_ui(tmp, n, i);
      mpz_mul_si(tmp, tmp, mu[i]);
      mpz_add(result, result, tmp);
Example #26
/* void RSA_encrypt_chunk(mpz_t, string, RSA_PUBLIC)
 * encrypts one part of message using one's public key, part fits the
 * requirements for itself, so that |part| <= k - 11
void RSA_encrypt_chunk(mpz_t &cipher, string &message, RSA_PUBLIC &pub) {
    // encrypting chunk has below format:
    // EB = 00 || 02 || PS || 00 || D
    // where k = |n| (it's in bytes)
    // D = message, |D|<=k-11

    long long k = mpz_sizeinbase(pub.n, 2) / 8;

    // PS = random octets, |PS|=k-|D|-3
    long long ps_len = k - 3 - message.length();

    string EB("0002"); // EB = 00 || 02

    string PS_tab; PS_tab.reserve(2*ps_len);
    for (int i=0; i<ps_len; i++) {
        PS_tab.append( decbyte2hex( random(255)+1 ) );

    EB.append(PS_tab); // EB = 00 || 02 || PS
    EB.append("00");   // EB = 00 || 02 || PS || 00

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<message.length(); i++) {
        EB.append( decbyte2hex((unsigned int)message[i]) );
    } // EB = 00 || 02 || PS || 00 || D

    // now we have EB generated

    // algorithm for faster computing y = x^e (mod n)
    // e = e(k-1)e(k-2)...e(1)e(0)
    // e has the value of 11, 10001 or 10000000000000001 (3, 17, 65537)
    string e_str = mpz_get_str(NULL, 2, pub.e);
    int k_e = e_str.length();

    mpz_t y, x;
    mpz_inits(y, x, NULL);

    mpz_set_str(x, EB.c_str(), 16); // x == EB

    mpz_set(y, x); // y == x

    for (long long i=1; i<k_e; i++) {
        mpz_powm_ui(y, y, 2, pub.n);
        if (e_str[i]=='1') {
            mpz_mul(y, y, x);
            mpz_mod(y, y, pub.n);
    mpz_set(cipher, y); // cipher is now encrypted EB

    mpz_clears(y, x, NULL); // tidying
Example #27
static void
dm_ddh_crs_setup(struct dm_ddh_crs *crs, enum crs_type mode, struct params *p)
    mpz_inits(crs->g0, crs->h0, crs->g1, crs->h1, NULL);
    switch (mode) {
    case EXT:
        dm_ddh_setup_messy(crs, p);
    case DEC:
        dm_ddh_setup_dec(crs, p);
Example #28
// Compute private key d, given n, p, and q. Assume e = 2^16+1
int rsa_compute_d(mpz_t d, const mpz_t n, const mpz_t p, const mpz_t q) {
  mpz_t e, phi_n, gcd;
  mpz_inits(e, phi_n, gcd, '\0');

  rsa_phi(phi_n, p, q);
  mpz_set_ui(e, 65537);

  if (mpz_invert(d, e, phi_n) == 0)

  mpz_clears(phi_n, gcd, '\0');
  return 0;
Example #29
void eg_encrypt( eg_pub_key_t pub, mpz_t plain, eg_message_t *cipher )
	gmp_randstate_t r_state;
	mpz_t y; mpz_init(y);
	mpz_t c1; mpz_init(c1);
	mpz_t c2; mpz_init(c2);
	mpz_t s; mpz_init(s);
	mpz_inits(cipher->mask, cipher->message, NULL);
	gen_range_ui(y, 1, pub.p, r_state);
	mpz_powm(c1, pub.g, y, pub.p);
	mpz_powm(s, pub.beta, y, pub.p);
	mpz_mul(c2, plain, s);
	mpz_mod(c2, c2, pub.p);

	mpz_inits(cipher->mask, cipher->message, NULL);
	mpz_set(cipher->mask, c1);
	mpz_set(cipher->message, c2);

	mpz_clears(y, c1, c2, s, NULL);
Example #30
void ecc_jcb_to_afn(ecc_afn_t *ROP, ecc_jcb_t *P, ecc_curve *curve)
	mpz_t g, s, inv, tmp;	
	mpz_inits(g, s, inv, tmp, NULL);

	mpz_gcdext(g, s, inv, curve->p, P->z); // inv = Z^1

	fp_mul_mpz(tmp, inv, inv, curve->p); // (Z^1)^2
	fp_mul_mpz(ROP->x, P->x, tmp, curve->p); // X*((Z^1)^2)

	fp_mul_mpz(tmp, tmp, inv, curve->p); // (Z^1)^3
	fp_mul_mpz(ROP->y, P->y, tmp, curve->p); // Y*((Z^1)^3)

	mpz_clears(g, s, inv, tmp, NULL);