Example #1
int GetHWInfo(const char *confile, char *info)
    FILE *fp   = NULL;

    if (NULL == confile || NULL == info)
        return -1;

    if ((fp = fopen(confile, "r")) == NULL)
        mxLog("Can not open confile!");
        return -1;
    fgets(info, MAXHWINFOLEN, fp);

    //clean up string
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(info); i++)
        if( '\n' == info[i])
            info[i] = '\0';
    if (fclose(fp) < 0)
        mxLog("ERROR: Close confile failed!");
        return -1;
    return 0;
Example #2
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Freeing %d Constraints.", (int) conListX.size());}
	for(int k = 0; k < (int) conListX.size(); k++) {
		delete conListX[k];

	for(size_t ax = 0; ax < algebraList.size(); ax++) {
		// free argument tree

	for(size_t ax = 0; ax < algebraList.size(); ax++) {
		algebraList[ax]->hasMatrixNumber = false;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Freeing %d Matrices.", (int) matrixList.size());}
	for(size_t mk = 0; mk < matrixList.size(); mk++) {
		matrixList[mk]->hasMatrixNumber = false;
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Freeing %d Model Expectations.", (int) expectationList.size());}
	for(size_t ex = 0; ex < expectationList.size(); ex++) {
Example #3
void omxInitNormalExpectation(omxExpectation* ox) {
	SEXP rObj = ox->rObj;
	omxState* currentState = ox->currentState;

    if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Initializing Normal expectation."); }

	omxNormalExpectation *one = (omxNormalExpectation*) R_alloc(1, sizeof(omxNormalExpectation));
	/* Set Expectation Calls and Structures */
	ox->computeFun = omxComputeNormalExpectation;
	ox->destructFun = omxDestroyNormalExpectation;
	ox->componentFun = omxGetNormalExpectationComponent;
	ox->populateAttrFun = omxPopulateNormalAttributes;
	ox->argStruct = (void*) one;
	/* Set up expectation structures */
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Processing cov."); }
	one->cov = omxNewMatrixFromSlot(rObj, currentState, "covariance");

	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Processing Means."); }
	one->means = omxNewMatrixFromSlot(rObj, currentState, "means");

	one->thresholds = omxNewMatrixFromSlot(rObj, currentState, "thresholds");
Example #4
*Name: CheckUpdate
*Input: bfUpdateJson: Json file in mem
*Output: N/A
*Return:  0: need update. -1: no update
int DownloadResourceFile(const char *url, const char* pathname)
	char md5[33]           = {0};
    char command[MAXURL]   = {0};

    if (NULL == url || NULL == pathname)
    	mxLog("url or pathname is NULL");
        return -1;

    strcat(command, "wget ");
    strcat(command, (const char *)url);
    strcat(command, " -O  ");
    strcat(command, (const char *)pathname);
	mxLog("DOWNLOAD command: %s", command);

    if ( 0 != system(command)) 
        mxLog("Download Resource File Failed");
	GetMD5FromJsonPart(pathname, md5);
    return CheckMD5(pathname, md5);  

Example #5
void omxRaiseErrorf(const char* msg, ...)
	std::string str;
	va_list ap;
	va_start(ap, msg);
	string_vsnprintf(msg, ap, str);

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Error raised: %s", str.c_str());

	bool overflow = false;
#pragma omp critical(bads)
		if (Global->bads.size() > 100) {
			overflow = true;
		} else {

        // mxLog takes a lock too, so call it outside of critical section
        if (overflow) mxLog("Too many errors: %s", str.c_str());
Example #6
int ReportUpdateFirewareFailed(mx_Data * pD)
	char *jsonFormat = "{\"type\":\"0x000c\",\"cfv\":\"%s\"}\0";
	char *json = (char *) malloc (strlen(jsonFormat) - 2 + strlen(pD->ngxData.localVersion) + 1);
	if(NULL == json)
		return -1;
		mxLog("malloc failed");
	sprintf(json, jsonFormat, pD->ngxData.localVersion);
	mxLog("Report to bf's json is:%s", json);
	//send to bf
	if(0 != ReportJson(atoi(pD->reportPort), pD->reportDomain, pD->reportPath, pD->encryptMAC, json))
		mxLog("Report type=0x000c to bf failed");
		return -1;
	mxLog("Report type=0x000c to bf success");
	return 0;
Example #7
void omxSadmvnWrapper(omxFitFunction *oo, omxMatrix *cov, omxMatrix *ordCov, 
	double *corList, double *lThresh, double *uThresh, int *Infin, double *likelihood, int *inform) {
    // SADMVN calls Alan Genz's sadmvn.f--see appropriate file for licensing info.
   	// TODO: Check with Genz: should we be using sadmvn or sadmvn?
   	// Parameters are:
   	// 	N 		int			# of vars
   	//	Lower	double*		Array of lower bounds
   	//	Upper	double*		Array of upper bounds
   	//	Infin	int*		Array of flags: 0 = (-Inf, upper] 1 = [lower, Inf), 2 = [lower, upper]
   	//	Correl	double*		Array of correlation coeffs: in row-major lower triangular order
   	//	MaxPts	int			Maximum # of function values (use 1000*N or 1000*N*N)
   	//	Abseps	double		Absolute Rf_error tolerance.  Yick.
   	//	Releps	double		Relative Rf_error tolerance.  Use EPSILON.
   	//	Error	&double		On return: absolute real Rf_error, 99% confidence
   	//	Value	&double		On return: evaluated value
   	//	Inform	&int		On return: 0 = OK; 1 = Rerun, increase MaxPts; 2 = Bad input
   	// TODO: Separate block diagonal covariance matrices into pieces for integration separately
   	double Error;
	double absEps = Global->absEps;
	double relEps = Global->relEps;
	int MaxPts = Global->maxptsa + Global->maxptsb * cov->rows + Global->maxptsc * cov->rows * cov->rows;
	int numVars = ordCov->rows;
	int fortranThreadId = omx_absolute_thread_num() + 1;
    /*	numVars = 2;
   	lThresh[0] = -2;
   	uThresh[0] = -1.636364;
   	Infin[0] = 2;
   	lThresh[1] = 0;
   	uThresh[1] = 0;
   	Infin[1] = 0;
   	smallCor[0] = 1.0; smallCor[1] = 0; smallCor[2] = 1.0; */
   	F77_CALL(sadmvn)(&numVars, lThresh, uThresh, Infin, corList, &MaxPts, 
		&absEps, &relEps, &Error, likelihood, inform, &fortranThreadId);

   	if(OMX_DEBUG && !oo->matrix->currentState->currentRow) {
   		char infinCodes[3][20];
   		strcpy(infinCodes[0], "(-INF, upper]");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[1], "[lower, INF)");
   		strcpy(infinCodes[2], "[lower, upper]");
   		mxLog("Input to sadmvn is (%d rows):", numVars); //:::DEBUG:::
		omxPrint(ordCov, "Ordinal Covariance Matrix"); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
			mxLog("Row %d: %f, %f, %d(%s)", i, lThresh[i], uThresh[i], Infin[i], infinCodes[Infin[i]]);

		mxLog("Cor: (Lower %d x %d):", cov->rows, cov->cols); //:::DEBUG:::
		for(int i = 0; i < cov->rows*(cov->rows-1)/2; i++) {
			// mxLog("Row %d of Cor: ", i);
			// for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			mxLog(" %f", corList[i]); // (i*(i-1)/2) + j]);
			// mxLog("");

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Output of sadmvn is %f, %f, %d.", Error, *likelihood, *inform); 
Example #8
void omxExpectation::loadThresholds()
	bool debug = false;
	CheckAST(thresholdsMat, 0);
	numOrdinal = 0;

	//omxPrint(thresholdsMat, "loadThr");

	auto dc = base::getDataColumns();
	std::vector<bool> found(thresholdsMat->cols, false);
	for(int dx = 0; dx < int(dc.size()); dx++) {
		int index = dc[dx];
		omxThresholdColumn col;
		col.dColumn = index;

		const char *colname = data->columnName(index);
		int tc = thresholdsMat->lookupColumnByName(colname);

		if (tc < 0 || (data->rawCols.size() && !omxDataColumnIsFactor(data, index))) {	// Continuous variable
			if(debug || OMX_DEBUG) {
				mxLog("%s: column[%d] '%s' is continuous (tc=%d isFactor=%d)",
				      name, index, colname, tc, omxDataColumnIsFactor(data, index));
		} else {
			found[tc] = true;
			col.column = tc;
			if (data->rawCols.size()) {
				col.numThresholds = omxDataGetNumFactorLevels(data, index) - 1;
			} else {
				// See omxData::permute

			if(debug || OMX_DEBUG) {
				mxLog("%s: column[%d] '%s' is ordinal with %d thresholds in threshold column %d.", 
				      name, index, colname, col.numThresholds, tc);

	if (numOrdinal != thresholdsMat->cols) {
		std::string buf;
		for (int cx=0; cx < thresholdsMat->cols; ++cx) {
			if (found[cx]) continue;
			buf += string_snprintf(" %d", 1+cx);
		omxRaiseErrorf("%s: cannot find data for threshold columns:%s\n(Do appropriate threshold column names match data column names?)", name, buf.c_str());

	if(debug || OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("%d threshold columns processed.", numOrdinal);
Example #9
static void nloptEqualityFunction(unsigned m, double* result, unsigned n, const double* x, double* grad, void* f_data)
	context &ctx = *(context *)f_data;
	GradientOptimizerContext &goc = ctx.goc;
	assert(n == goc.fc->numParam);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Epoint((double*)x, n);
	Eigen::VectorXd Eresult(ctx.origeq);
	Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian(n, ctx.origeq);
	equality_functional ff(goc);
	ff(Epoint, Eresult);
	if (grad) {
		fd_jacobian(goc.gradientAlgo, goc.gradientIterations, goc.gradientStepSize,
			    ff, Eresult, Epoint, jacobian);
		if (ctx.eqmask.size() == 0) {
			ctx.eqmask.assign(m, false);
			for (int c1=0; c1 < int(m-1); ++c1) {
				for (int c2=c1+1; c2 < int(m); ++c2) {
					bool match = (Eresult[c1] == Eresult[c2] &&
						      (jacobian.col(c1) == jacobian.col(c2)));
					if (match && !ctx.eqmask[c2]) {
						ctx.eqmask[c2] = match;
						if (goc.verbose >= 2) {
							mxLog("nlopt: eq constraint %d is redundent with %d",
							      c1, c2);
			if (ctx.eqredundent) {
				if (goc.verbose >= 1) {
					mxLog("nlopt: detected %d redundent equality constraints; retrying",
				nlopt_opt opt = (nlopt_opt) goc.extraData;
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Uresult(result, m);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > Ujacobian(grad, n, m);
	int dx=0;
	for (int cx=0; cx < int(m); ++cx) {
		if (ctx.eqmask[cx]) continue;
		Uresult[dx] = Eresult[cx];
		if (grad) {
			Ujacobian.col(dx) = jacobian.col(cx);
	if (goc.verbose >= 4 && grad) {
		mxPrintMat("eq result", Uresult);
		mxPrintMat("eq jacobian", Ujacobian);
Example #10
*Name: EncryptMAC
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int EncryptMAC(char *mac, char *EncryptMAC)
    unsigned char keys[13]      = {0xcc, 0xcb, 0xa1, 0xfe, 0xaf, 0x9a, 0x8b, 0x33, 0xde, 0xee, 0x52, 0xff, 0x00};	
    unsigned char result[12]    = {0};
    unsigned char randValue[4];
    unsigned char finalValue[16];

    if (NULL == mac || NULL == EncryptMAC || 12 != strlen(mac))
    	mxLog("char * is NULL");
        return -1;
	mxLog("keys=%s", keys);
    //step A;
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        result[i] = mac[i] ^ keys[i];
        //mxLog("result=%X,  mac=%X, key=%X, i=%X", result[i],mac[i], keys[i], i);

	//Step B;
	// rand result max is 0x7FFF
	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); 
	randValue[0] = (unsigned char)rand();
	randValue[1] = (unsigned char)rand();
	randValue[2] = (unsigned char)rand();
	randValue[3] = (unsigned char)rand();

	//Step C
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) //12 /4 = 3 times
    	for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			result[i*4 + j] = randValue[j] ^ result[i*4 + j];
            //mxLog("result=%X,  randV=%X, index=%d", result[i*4 + j],randValue[j], i*4 + j);

	//Step D
	memcpy(finalValue, randValue, 4);
	memcpy(finalValue+4, result, 12);

	//Step E
	for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		OneByteToTwoChar(finalValue[i], EncryptMAC);
		EncryptMAC += 2;
        //mxLog("finalValue[i]=0x%X, EncryptMAC=%c and %c", finalValue[i], *EncryptMAC, *(EncryptMAC+1));
	*EncryptMAC = '\0';

    return 0; 

Example #11
int MoveFile(const char * srcNamePath,  const char * targetNamePath)
    char command[MAXURL]  = {0};
    char temppath[MAXURL] = {0};

    if (NULL == srcNamePath || NULL == targetNamePath )
    	mxLog("srcNamePath or targetNamePath is NULL");
        return -1;
    memset(temppath, 0, sizeof(temppath));
    strcpy(temppath, (const char *)targetNamePath);
 //   mxLog("temppath before: %s",temppath);
    for(int i=strlen(temppath); i>0;i--)
        if(temppath[i-1] == '/')
            temppath[i-1] = '\0';
//    mxLog("temppath after: %s",temppath);
    // prepare dir
    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
    strcat(command, "mkdir -p "); 
    strcat(command, temppath);
    mxLog("Mkdir command is: %s", command);
    if ( 0 != system(command)) 
        mxLog("Make Directory Failed");
    //mkdir -p root/Folder/iso/bsldata/76/be/765564bb2f3787c6d00964697383e1be

    // move file
    memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
    strcat(command, "mv -f "); 
    strcat(command, (const char *)srcNamePath); 
    strcat(command, " ");
    strcat(command, (const char *)targetNamePath);
    mxLog("MoveFile command: %s", command);
    if ( 0 != system(command)) 
        mxLog("Move welcome.zip Failed");
    return 0;
Example #12
int ReportResourceDownloadFailed(mx_Data *pD)
	char json[] = "{\"type\":\"0x0004\"}\0";
	mxLog("Report to bf's json is:%s", json);
	//send to bf
	if(0 != ReportJson(atoi(pD->reportPort), pD->reportDomain, pD->reportPath, pD->encryptMAC, json))
		mxLog("Report type=0x0004 to bf failed");
		return -1;
	mxLog("Report type=0x0004 to bf success");
	return 0;
Example #13
*Name: GetID
*Usage: to get bapfeng net Version
*Input: void
*Output: mac string
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int GetID(const char *IDFile, char *id)
    FILE * fp       = NULL;
    char * buf      = NULL;
	long   bufsize  = 0;
    if (NULL == IDFile || NULL == id)
    	mxLog("IDFile or id is NULL");
        return -1;

	bufsize = getFileSize(IDFile) +1;
	buf = (char *)malloc(bufsize);
	memset(buf, 0, bufsize);
	if(0==bufsize || NULL ==buf)
		mxLog("bufsize or buf is NULL");
		return -1;

    if ((fp = fopen(IDFile, "r")) == NULL)
		mxLog("open IDFile failed");
        return -1;

    fgets(buf, bufsize, fp);
    char *p = buf;
    while ('\0' != *p && *p != '\n')
        *id++ = *p++;
    mxLog("GetCurrentVersion : %s", buf);
    if (fclose(fp) < 0)
        mxLog("ERROR: Close confile failed!");
        return -1;
    return 0;

Example #14
void omxPopulateFIMLAttributes(omxFitFunction *off, SEXP algebra) {
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Populating FIML Attributes."); }
	omxFIMLFitFunction *argStruct = ((omxFIMLFitFunction*)off->argStruct);
	SEXP expCovExt, expMeanExt, rowLikelihoodsExt;
	omxMatrix *expCovInt, *expMeanInt;
	expCovInt = argStruct->cov;
	expMeanInt = argStruct->means;
	Rf_protect(expCovExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expCovInt->rows, expCovInt->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < expCovInt->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < expCovInt->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * expCovInt->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(expCovInt, row, col);
	if (expMeanInt != NULL && expMeanInt->rows > 0  && expMeanInt->cols > 0) {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expMeanInt->rows, expMeanInt->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < expMeanInt->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < expMeanInt->cols; col++)
				REAL(expMeanExt)[col * expMeanInt->rows + row] =
					omxMatrixElement(expMeanInt, row, col);
	} else {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));		

	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expCov"), expCovExt);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expMean"), expMeanExt);
		omxMatrix *rowLikelihoodsInt = argStruct->rowLikelihoods;
		Rf_protect(rowLikelihoodsExt = Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, rowLikelihoodsInt->rows));
		for(int row = 0; row < rowLikelihoodsInt->rows; row++)
			REAL(rowLikelihoodsExt)[row] = omxMatrixElement(rowLikelihoodsInt, row, 0);
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("likelihoods"), rowLikelihoodsExt);
Example #15
void omxGlobal::reportProgress(const char *context, FitContext *fc)
	if (omx_absolute_thread_num() != 0) {
		mxLog("omxGlobal::reportProgress called in a thread context (report this bug to developers)");


	time_t now = time(0);
	if (Global->maxSeconds > 0 && now > Global->startTime + Global->maxSeconds && !Global->timedOut) {
		Global->timedOut = true;
		Rf_warning("Time limit of %d minutes %d seconds exceeded",
			   Global->maxSeconds/60, Global->maxSeconds % 60);
	if (silent || now - lastProgressReport < 1 || fc->getGlobalComputeCount() == previousComputeCount) return;

	lastProgressReport = now;

	std::string str;
	if (previousReportFit == 0.0 || previousReportFit == fc->fit) {
		str = string_snprintf("%s %d %.6g",
				      context, fc->getGlobalComputeCount(), fc->fit);
	} else {
		str = string_snprintf("%s %d %.6g %.4g",
				      context, fc->getGlobalComputeCount(), fc->fit, fc->fit - previousReportFit);

	previousReportLength = str.size();
	previousReportFit = fc->fit;
	previousComputeCount = fc->getGlobalComputeCount();
Example #16
void omxCallLISRELExpectation(omxExpectation* oo, FitContext *fc, const char *, const char *) {
    if(OMX_DEBUG) {
        mxLog("LISREL Expectation Called.");
    omxLISRELExpectation* oro = (omxLISRELExpectation*)(oo->argStruct);

    omxRecompute(oro->LX, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->LY, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->BE, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->GA, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->PH, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->PS, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->TD, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->TE, fc);
    omxRecompute(oro->TH, fc);
    if(oro->TX != NULL) {     // Update means?
        omxRecompute(oro->TX, fc);
        omxRecompute(oro->KA, fc);
    if(oro->TY != NULL) {
        omxRecompute(oro->TY, fc);
        omxRecompute(oro->AL, fc);

Example #17
static void nloptInequalityFunction(unsigned m, double *result, unsigned n, const double* x, double* grad, void* f_data)
	GradientOptimizerContext *goc = (GradientOptimizerContext *) f_data;
	assert(n == goc->fc->numParam);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Epoint((double*)x, n);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Eresult(result, m);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > jacobian(grad, n, m);
	if (grad && goc->verbose >= 2) {
		if (m == 1) {
			mxLog("major iteration ineq=%.12f", Eresult[0]);
		} else {
			mxPrintMat("major iteration ineq", Eresult);
	inequality_functional ff(*goc);
	ff(Epoint, Eresult);
	if (grad) {
		fd_jacobian(goc->gradientAlgo, goc->gradientIterations, goc->gradientStepSize,
			    ff, Eresult, Epoint, jacobian);
		if (!std::isfinite(Eresult.sum())) {
			// infeasible at start of major iteration
			nlopt_opt opt = (nlopt_opt) goc->extraData;
	if (goc->verbose >= 3 && grad) {
		mxPrintMat("inequality jacobian", jacobian);
Example #18
void omxExpectationPrint(omxExpectation* ox, char* d) {
	if(ox->printFun != NULL) {
	} else {
		mxLog("(Expectation, type %s) ", (ox->expType==NULL?"Untyped":ox->expType));
Example #19
static void setLatentStartingValues(omxFitFunction *oo, FitContext *fc) //remove? TODO
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState*) oo->argStruct;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) oo->expectation->argStruct;
	std::vector<int> &latentMap = state->latentMap;
	ba81NormalQuad &quad = estate->getQuad();
	int maxAbilities = quad.maxAbilities;
	omxMatrix *estMean = estate->estLatentMean;
	omxMatrix *estCov = estate->estLatentCov;

	for (int a1 = 0; a1 < maxAbilities; ++a1) {
		if (latentMap[a1] >= 0) {
			int to = latentMap[a1];
			fc->est[to] = omxVectorElement(estMean, a1);

		for (int a2 = 0; a2 <= a1; ++a2) {
			int to = latentMap[maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(a1) + a2];
			if (to < 0) continue;
			fc->est[to] = omxMatrixElement(estCov, a1, a2);

	if (estate->verbose >= 1) {
		mxLog("%s: set latent parameters for version %d",
		      oo->name(), estate->ElatentVersion);
Example #20
*Name: OneByteToTwoChar
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int  OneByteToTwoChar(unsigned char value, char *twoChar)
    if (NULL == twoChar)
    	mxLog("towChar is NULL");
        return -1;

    //char 1
    unsigned char ch =  (unsigned char)((value & 0xF0) >> 4 ) & 0x0F;
    if( 9 >= ch ) // 0~9
        *(twoChar) = ch + '0';
    if( 0xA <= ch && ch <= 0xF )  // a~f
        *(twoChar) = ch + 'a' - 10;

    //get  char 2
    ch = (unsigned char)(value & 0x0F);
    if( 9 >= ch ) // 0~9
		*(twoChar+1) = ch + '0';
	if( 0xA <= ch && ch <= 0xF )  // a~f
		*(twoChar+1) = ch + 'a' - 10;

	//get 2 char
    return 0;
Example #21
static double nloptObjectiveFunction(unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *f_data)
	GradientOptimizerContext *goc = (GradientOptimizerContext *) f_data;
	nlopt_opt opt = (nlopt_opt) goc->extraData;
	FitContext *fc = goc->fc;
	assert(n == fc->numParam);
	int mode = 0;
	double fit = goc->solFun((double*) x, &mode);
	if (grad) {
		fc->iterations += 1;
		if (goc->maxMajorIterations != -1 && fc->iterations >= goc->maxMajorIterations) {
	if (grad && goc->verbose >= 2) {
		mxLog("major iteration fit=%.12f", fit);
	if (mode == -1) {
		if (!goc->feasible) {
		return nan("infeasible");
	if (!grad) return fit;

	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Epoint((double*) x, n);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > Egrad(grad, n);
	if (fc->wanted & FF_COMPUTE_GRADIENT) {
		Egrad = fc->grad;
	} else if (fc->CI && fc->CI->varIndex >= 0) {
		Egrad[fc->CI->varIndex] = fc->lowerBound? 1 : -1;
		fc->grad = Egrad;
	} else {
		if (goc->verbose >= 3) mxLog("fd_gradient start");
		fit_functional ff(*goc);
		gradient_with_ref(goc->gradientAlgo, goc->gradientIterations, goc->gradientStepSize,
				  ff, fit, Epoint, Egrad);
		fc->grad = Egrad;
	if (goc->verbose >= 3) {
		mxPrintMat("gradient", Egrad);
	return fit;
Example #22
static void ba81Destroy(omxExpectation *oo) {
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Freeing %s function.", oo->name);
	BA81Expect *state = (BA81Expect *) oo->argStruct;
	delete state;
Example #23
void FitMultigroup::compute(int want, FitContext *fc)
	omxMatrix *fitMatrix = matrix;
	double fit = 0;
	double mac = 0;

	FitMultigroup *mg = (FitMultigroup*) this;

	for (size_t ex=0; ex < mg->fits.size(); ex++) {
		omxMatrix* f1 = mg->fits[ex];
		if (f1->fitFunction) {
			omxFitFunctionCompute(f1->fitFunction, want, fc);
				mac = std::max(fc->mac, mac);
				if (units == FIT_UNITS_UNINITIALIZED) {
					units = f1->fitFunction->units;
				} else if (units != f1->fitFunction->units) {
					mxThrow("%s: cannot combine units %s and %s (from %s)",
						matrix->name(), fitUnitsToName(units),
						fitUnitsToName(f1->fitFunction->units), f1->name());
		} else {
			omxRecompute(f1, fc);
		if (want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT) {
			if(f1->rows != 1 || f1->cols != 1) {
				omxRaiseErrorf("%s[%d]: %s of type %s does not evaluate to a 1x1 matrix",
					       fitMatrix->name(), (int)ex, f1->name(), f1->fitFunction->fitType);
			fit += f1->data[0];
			if (mg->verbose >= 1) { mxLog("%s: %s fit=%f", fitMatrix->name(), f1->name(), f1->data[0]); }

	if (fc) fc->mac = mac;

	if (want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT) {
		fitMatrix->data[0] = fit;
		if (mg->verbose >= 1) { mxLog("%s: fit=%f", fitMatrix->name(), fit); }
Example #24
static void buildLatentParamMap(omxFitFunction* oo, FitContext *fc)
	FreeVarGroup *fvg = fc->varGroup;
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState *) oo->argStruct;
	std::vector<int> &latentMap = state->latentMap;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) oo->expectation->argStruct;
	int maxAbilities = estate->grp.maxAbilities;

	if (state->haveLatentMap == fc->varGroup->id[0]) return;
	if (estate->verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: rebuild latent parameter map for var group %d",
					oo->name(), fc->varGroup->id[0]);

	state->freeLatents = false;

	int numLatents = maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(maxAbilities);
	latentMap.assign(numLatents, -1);

	int meanNum = 0;
	if (estate->_latentMeanOut) meanNum = ~estate->_latentMeanOut->matrixNumber;
	int covNum = 0;
	if (estate->_latentCovOut) covNum = ~estate->_latentCovOut->matrixNumber;

	int numParam = int(fvg->vars.size());
	for (int px=0; px < numParam; px++) {
		omxFreeVar *fv = fvg->vars[px];
		for (size_t lx=0; lx < fv->locations.size(); lx++) {
			omxFreeVarLocation *loc = &fv->locations[lx];
			int matNum = loc->matrix;
			if (matNum == meanNum && estate->_latentMeanOut) {
				latentMap[loc->row + loc->col] = px;
				state->freeLatents = true;
			} else if (matNum == covNum && estate->_latentCovOut) {
				int a1 = loc->row;
				int a2 = loc->col;
				if (a1 < a2) std::swap(a1, a2);
				int cell = maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(a1) + a2;
				if (latentMap[cell] == -1) {
					latentMap[cell] = px;

					if (a1 == a2 && fv->lbound == NEG_INF) {
						fv->lbound = BA81_MIN_VARIANCE;  // variance must be positive
						Global->boundsUpdated = true;
						if (fc->est[px] < fv->lbound) {
							Rf_error("Starting value for variance %s is not positive", fv->name);
				} else if (latentMap[cell] != px) {
					// doesn't detect similar problems in multigroup constraints TODO
					Rf_error("Covariance matrix must be constrained to preserve symmetry");
				state->freeLatents = true;
	state->haveLatentMap = fc->varGroup->id[0];
Example #25
void omxExpectation::loadFromR()
	if (!rObj || !data) return;

	auto ox = this;

	int numCols=0;
	bool isRaw = strEQ(omxDataType(data), "raw");
	if (isRaw || data->hasSummaryStats()) {
		ProtectedSEXP Rdcn(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumnNames")));
		loadCharVecFromR(name, Rdcn, dataColumnNames);

		ProtectedSEXP Rdc(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumns")));
		numCols = Rf_length(Rdc);
		if(OMX_DEBUG) mxPrintMat("Variable mapping", base::getDataColumns());
		if (isRaw) {
			auto dc = base::getDataColumns();
			for (int cx=0; cx < numCols; ++cx) {
				int var = dc[cx];

	if (R_has_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholds"))) {
		if(OMX_DEBUG) {
			mxLog("Accessing Threshold matrix.");
		ProtectedSEXP threshMatrix(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("thresholds")));

		if(INTEGER(threshMatrix)[0] != NA_INTEGER) {
			ox->thresholdsMat = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(threshMatrix, ox->currentState);
		} else {
			if (OMX_DEBUG) {
				mxLog("No thresholds matrix; not processing thresholds.");
			ox->numOrdinal = 0;
Example #26
void omxResizeMatrix(omxMatrix *om, int nrows, int ncols)
	// Always Recompute() before you Resize().
		mxLog("Resizing matrix from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)",
			om->rows, om->cols, nrows, ncols);

	if( (om->rows != nrows || om->cols != ncols)) {
		om->data = (double*) Calloc(nrows * ncols, double);
Example #27
*Name: GetCurrentVersion
*Usage: to get bapfeng net Version
*Input: void
*Output: mac string
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int GetVersion(const char *VERFile, char *versionNum)
    FILE * fp       = NULL;
    char * buf      = NULL;	
    char * p        = NULL;
    long   bufsize  = 0;

    if (NULL == VERFile || NULL == versionNum)
    	mxLog("VERFile or versionNum is NULL");
            return -1;

	bufsize = getFileSize(VERFile) +1;
    if(bufsize < 1)
        mxLog("ERR! getFileSize");
        return -1;
	buf = (char *)malloc(bufsize);
    memset(buf, 0, bufsize);
	if(0==bufsize || NULL ==buf)
		mxLog("bufsize or buf is NULL");
		return -1;

    if ((fp = fopen(VERFile, "r")) == NULL)
        mxLog("Can not open macFile!");
		mxLog("open VERFile failed");
        return -1;

    fgets(buf, bufsize, fp);

	p = buf;
    while ('\0' != *p )
        if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
            *versionNum++ = *p;
    if (fclose(fp) < 0)
        mxLog( "ERROR: Close confile failed!");
        return -1;
    return 0;
Example #28
*Name: GetCurrentVersion
*Usage: to get bapfeng net Version
*Input: void
*Output: mac string
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int AssembleJsonURL(const char* urlhead, const char *id, char *JsonUrl)
    if (NULL == JsonUrl || NULL == id)
    	mxLog("jsonUrl or id is NULL");
        return -1;
    memset(JsonUrl, 0, MAXURL*sizeof(char));
    strcpy(JsonUrl, urlhead);
    strcat(JsonUrl, "?id=");
    strcat(JsonUrl, id);
    return 0;
Example #29
*Name: GetCurrentVersion
*Usage: to get bapfeng net Version
*Input: void
*Output: mac string
*Return:  0: success. -1: fail
int DownJson(const char *JsonUrlAddr, const char* jsonFileName)
    char command[MAX_CHAR_ONE_LINE] = {0};

    if (NULL == JsonUrlAddr)
    	mxLog("jsonUrlAddr is NULL");
        return -1;
    strcat(command, "wget ");
    strcat(command, JsonUrlAddr);
    strcat(command, " -O  ");
    strcat(command, jsonFileName);
    mxLog("command is: %s", command);

    if ( 0 != system(command)) 
        mxLog("Download JSON Failed");
    return 0;
Example #30
int UpdateNginxVersion(char * versionFile)
    FILE *fp = NULL;

    if(NULL == versionFile)
        mxLog("ERROR: open Nginx File Fail!");
        return -1;
    if (NULL == (fp = fopen(versionFile, "w+")))
        mxLog("ERROR Can not open fileName!");
        return -1;
    fputs(pMXData->ngxData.jsonVersion, fp);
    if (fclose(fp) < 0)
        mxLog("ERROR: Close NginxVersion File failed!");
return 0;