Example #1
int stdscan(void *private_data, struct tokenval *tv)
    char ourcopy[MAX_KEYWORD + 1], *r, *s;

    (void)private_data;         /* Don't warn that this parameter is unused */

    stdscan_bufptr = nasm_skip_spaces(stdscan_bufptr);
    if (!*stdscan_bufptr)
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_EOS;

    /* we have a token; either an id, a number or a char */
    if (isidstart(*stdscan_bufptr) ||
        (*stdscan_bufptr == '$' && isidstart(stdscan_bufptr[1]))) {
        /* now we've got an identifier */
        bool is_sym = false;
        int token_type;

        if (*stdscan_bufptr == '$') {
            is_sym = true;

        r = stdscan_bufptr++;
        /* read the entire buffer to advance the buffer pointer but... */
        while (isidchar(*stdscan_bufptr))

        /* ... copy only up to IDLEN_MAX-1 characters */
        tv->t_charptr = stdscan_copy(r, stdscan_bufptr - r < IDLEN_MAX ?
                                     stdscan_bufptr - r : IDLEN_MAX - 1);

        if (is_sym || stdscan_bufptr - r > MAX_KEYWORD)
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;       /* bypass all other checks */

        for (s = tv->t_charptr, r = ourcopy; *s; s++)
            *r++ = nasm_tolower(*s);
        *r = '\0';
        /* right, so we have an identifier sitting in temp storage. now,
         * is it actually a register or instruction name, or what? */
        token_type = nasm_token_hash(ourcopy, tv);

        if (likely(!(tv->t_flag & TFLAG_BRC))) {
            /* most of the tokens fall into this case */
            return token_type;
        } else {
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;
    } else if (*stdscan_bufptr == '$' && !isnumchar(stdscan_bufptr[1])) {
         * It's a $ sign with no following hex number; this must
         * mean it's a Here token ($), evaluating to the current
         * assembly location, or a Base token ($$), evaluating to
         * the base of the current segment.
        if (*stdscan_bufptr == '$') {
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_BASE;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_HERE;
    } else if (isnumstart(*stdscan_bufptr)) {   /* now we've got a number */
        bool rn_error;
        bool is_hex = false;
        bool is_float = false;
        bool has_e = false;
        char c;

        r = stdscan_bufptr;

        if (*stdscan_bufptr == '$') {
            is_hex = true;

        for (;;) {
            c = *stdscan_bufptr++;

            if (!is_hex && (c == 'e' || c == 'E')) {
                has_e = true;
                if (*stdscan_bufptr == '+' || *stdscan_bufptr == '-') {
                     * e can only be followed by +/- if it is either a
                     * prefixed hex number or a floating-point number
                    is_float = true;
            } else if (c == 'H' || c == 'h' || c == 'X' || c == 'x') {
                is_hex = true;
            } else if (c == 'P' || c == 'p') {
                is_float = true;
                if (*stdscan_bufptr == '+' || *stdscan_bufptr == '-')
            } else if (isnumchar(c) || c == '_')
                ; /* just advance */
            else if (c == '.')
                is_float = true;
        stdscan_bufptr--;       /* Point to first character beyond number */

        if (has_e && !is_hex) {
            /* 1e13 is floating-point, but 1e13h is not */
            is_float = true;

        if (is_float) {
            tv->t_charptr = stdscan_copy(r, stdscan_bufptr - r);
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_FLOAT;
        } else {
            r = stdscan_copy(r, stdscan_bufptr - r);
            tv->t_integer = readnum(r, &rn_error);
            if (rn_error) {
                /* some malformation occurred */
                return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ERRNUM;
            tv->t_charptr = NULL;
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_NUM;
    } else if (*stdscan_bufptr == '\'' || *stdscan_bufptr == '"' ||
               *stdscan_bufptr == '`') {
        /* a quoted string */
        char start_quote = *stdscan_bufptr;
        tv->t_charptr = stdscan_bufptr;
        tv->t_inttwo = nasm_unquote(tv->t_charptr, &stdscan_bufptr);
        if (*stdscan_bufptr != start_quote)
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ERRSTR;
        stdscan_bufptr++;       /* Skip final quote */
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_STR;
    } else if (*stdscan_bufptr == '{') {
        /* now we've got a decorator */
        int token_len;

        stdscan_bufptr = nasm_skip_spaces(stdscan_bufptr);

        r = ++stdscan_bufptr;
         * read the entire buffer to advance the buffer pointer
         * {rn-sae}, {rd-sae}, {ru-sae}, {rz-sae} contain '-' in tokens.
        while (isbrcchar(*stdscan_bufptr))

        token_len = stdscan_bufptr - r;

        /* ... copy only up to DECOLEN_MAX-1 characters */
        tv->t_charptr = stdscan_copy(r, token_len < DECOLEN_MAX ?
                                        token_len : DECOLEN_MAX - 1);

        stdscan_bufptr = nasm_skip_spaces(stdscan_bufptr);
        /* if brace is not closed properly or token is too long  */
        if ((*stdscan_bufptr != '}') || (token_len > MAX_KEYWORD)) {
                       "invalid decorator token inside braces");
            return tv->t_type = TOKEN_INVALID;

        stdscan_bufptr++;       /* skip closing brace */

        for (s = tv->t_charptr, r = ourcopy; *s; s++)
            *r++ = nasm_tolower(*s);
        *r = '\0';

        /* right, so we have a decorator sitting in temp storage. */
        nasm_token_hash(ourcopy, tv);

        /* handle tokens inside braces */
        return stdscan_handle_brace(tv);
    } else if (*stdscan_bufptr == ';') {
        /* a comment has happened - stay */
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_EOS;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '>' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '>') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_SHR;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '<' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '<') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_SHL;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '/' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '/') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_SDIV;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '%' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '%') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_SMOD;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '=' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '=') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_EQ;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '<' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '>') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_NE;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '!' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '=') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_NE;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '<' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '=') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_LE;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '>' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '=') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_GE;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '&' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '&') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_DBL_AND;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '^' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '^') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_DBL_XOR;
    } else if (stdscan_bufptr[0] == '|' && stdscan_bufptr[1] == '|') {
        stdscan_bufptr += 2;
        return tv->t_type = TOKEN_DBL_OR;
    } else                      /* just an ordinary char */
        return tv->t_type = (uint8_t)(*stdscan_bufptr++);
Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char buffer[INSN_MAX * 2], *p, *ep, *q;
    char outbuf[256];
    char *pname = *argv;
    char *filename = NULL;
    uint32_t nextsync, synclen, initskip = 0L;
    int lenread;
    int32_t lendis;
    bool autosync = false;
    int bits = 16, b;
    bool eof = false;
    iflag_t prefer;
    bool rn_error;
    int64_t offset;
    FILE *fp;


    offset = 0;

    while (--argc) {
        char *v, *vv, *p = *++argv;
        if (*p == '-' && p[1]) {
            while (*p)
                switch (nasm_tolower(*p)) {
                case 'a':      /* auto or intelligent sync */
                case 'i':
                    autosync = true;
                case 'h':
                    fputs(help, stderr);
                    return 0;
                case 'r':
                case 'v':
                            "NDISASM version %s compiled on %s\n",
			    nasm_version, nasm_date);
                    return 0;
                case 'u':	/* -u for -b 32, -uu for -b 64 */
		    if (bits < 64)
			bits <<= 1;
                case 'b':      /* bits */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-b' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
		    b = strtoul(v, &ep, 10);
		    if (*ep || !(bits == 16 || bits == 32 || bits == 64)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument to `-b' should"
                                " be 16, 32 or 64\n", pname);
                    } else {
			bits = b;
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                case 'o':      /* origin */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-o' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    offset = readnum(v, &rn_error);
                    if (rn_error) {
                                "%s: `-o' requires a numeric argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                case 's':      /* sync point */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-s' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    add_sync(readnum(v, &rn_error), 0L);
                    if (rn_error) {
                                "%s: `-s' requires a numeric argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                case 'e':      /* skip a header */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-e' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    initskip = readnum(v, &rn_error);
                    if (rn_error) {
                                "%s: `-e' requires a numeric argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                case 'k':      /* skip a region */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-k' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    vv = strchr(v, ',');
                    if (!vv) {
                                "%s: `-k' requires two numbers separated"
                                " by a comma\n", pname);
                        return 1;
                    *vv++ = '\0';
                    nextsync = readnum(v, &rn_error);
                    if (rn_error) {
                                "%s: `-k' requires numeric arguments\n",
                        return 1;
                    synclen = readnum(vv, &rn_error);
                    if (rn_error) {
                                "%s: `-k' requires numeric arguments\n",
                        return 1;
                    add_sync(nextsync, synclen);
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                case 'p':      /* preferred vendor */
                    v = p[1] ? p + 1 : --argc ? *++argv : NULL;
                    if (!v) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-p' requires an argument\n",
                        return 1;
                    if (!strcmp(v, "intel")) {
                        iflag_clear_all(&prefer); /* default */
                    } else if (!strcmp(v, "amd")) {
                        iflag_set(&prefer, IF_AMD);
                        iflag_set(&prefer, IF_3DNOW);
                    } else if (!strcmp(v, "cyrix")) {
                        iflag_set(&prefer, IF_CYRIX);
                        iflag_set(&prefer, IF_3DNOW);
                    } else if (!strcmp(v, "idt") ||
                               !strcmp(v, "centaur") ||
                               !strcmp(v, "winchip")) {
                        iflag_set(&prefer, IF_3DNOW);
                    } else {
                                "%s: unknown vendor `%s' specified with `-p'\n",
                                pname, v);
                        return 1;
                    p = "";     /* force to next argument */
                default:       /*bf */
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognised option `-%c'\n",
                            pname, *p);
                    return 1;
        } else if (!filename) {
            filename = p;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: more than one filename specified\n",
            return 1;

    if (!filename) {
        fprintf(stderr, help, pname);
        return 0;

    if (strcmp(filename, "-")) {
        fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
        if (!fp) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open `%s': %s\n",
                    pname, filename, strerror(errno));
            return 1;
    } else
        fp = stdin;

    if (initskip > 0)
        skip(initskip, fp);

     * This main loop is really horrible, and wants rewriting with
     * an axe. It'll stay the way it is for a while though, until I
     * find the energy...

    p = q = buffer;
    nextsync = next_sync(offset, &synclen);
    do {
        uint32_t to_read = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p;
	if ((nextsync || synclen) &&
	    to_read > nextsync - offset - (p - q))
            to_read = nextsync - offset - (p - q);
        if (to_read) {
            lenread = fread(p, 1, to_read, fp);
            if (lenread == 0)
                eof = true;     /* help along systems with bad feof */
        } else
            lenread = 0;
        p += lenread;
        if ((nextsync || synclen) &&
	    (uint32_t)offset == nextsync) {
            if (synclen) {
                fprintf(stdout, "%08"PRIX64"  skipping 0x%"PRIX32" bytes\n",
			offset, synclen);
                offset += synclen;
                skip(synclen, fp);
            p = q = buffer;
            nextsync = next_sync(offset, &synclen);
        while (p > q && (p - q >= INSN_MAX || lenread == 0)) {
            lendis = disasm((uint8_t *)q, INSN_MAX, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf),
			    bits, offset, autosync, &prefer);
            if (!lendis || lendis > (p - q)
                || ((nextsync || synclen) &&
		    (uint32_t)lendis > nextsync - offset))
                lendis = eatbyte((uint8_t *) q, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), bits);
            output_ins(offset, (uint8_t *) q, lendis, outbuf);
            q += lendis;
            offset += lendis;
        if (q >= buffer + INSN_MAX) {
            uint8_t *r = (uint8_t *) buffer, *s = (uint8_t *) q;
            int count = p - q;
            while (count--)
                *r++ = *s++;
            p -= (q - buffer);
            q = buffer;
    } while (lenread > 0 || !(eof || feof(fp)));

    if (fp != stdin)

    return 0;