Example #1
 * call-seq:
 *     RepeatedField.==(other) => boolean
 * Compares this repeated field to another. Repeated fields are equal if their
 * element types are equal, their lengths are equal, and each element is equal.
 * Elements are compared as per normal Ruby semantics, by calling their :==
 * methods (or performing a more efficient comparison for primitive types).
 * Repeated fields with dissimilar element types are never equal, even if value
 * comparison (for example, between integers and floats) would have otherwise
 * indicated that every element has equal value.
VALUE RepeatedField_eq(VALUE _self, VALUE _other) {
  if (_self == _other) {
    return Qtrue;
  RepeatedField* self = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_self);

  if (TYPE(_other) == T_ARRAY) {
    VALUE self_ary = RepeatedField_to_ary(_self);
    return rb_equal(self_ary, _other);

  RepeatedField* other = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_other);
  if (self->field_type != other->field_type ||
      self->field_type_class != other->field_type_class ||
      self->size != other->size) {
    return Qfalse;

  upb_fieldtype_t field_type = self->field_type;
  size_t elem_size = native_slot_size(field_type);
  size_t off = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < self->size; i++, off += elem_size) {
    void* self_mem = ((uint8_t *)self->elements) + off;
    void* other_mem = ((uint8_t *)other->elements) + off;
    if (!native_slot_eq(field_type, self_mem, other_mem)) {
      return Qfalse;
  return Qtrue;
Example #2
 * call-seq:
 *     Map.==(other) => boolean
 * Compares this map to another. Maps are equal if they have identical key sets,
 * and for each key, the values in both maps compare equal. Elements are
 * compared as per normal Ruby semantics, by calling their :== methods (or
 * performing a more efficient comparison for primitive types).
 * Maps with dissimilar key types or value types/typeclasses are never equal,
 * even if value comparison (for example, between integers and floats) would
 * have otherwise indicated that every element has equal value.
VALUE Map_eq(VALUE _self, VALUE _other) {
  Map* self = ruby_to_Map(_self);
  Map* other;
  upb_strtable_iter it;

  // Allow comparisons to Ruby hashmaps by converting to a temporary Map
  // instance. Slow, but workable.
  if (TYPE(_other) == T_HASH) {
    VALUE other_map = Map_new_this_type(_self);
    Map_merge_into_self(other_map, _other);
    _other = other_map;

  other = ruby_to_Map(_other);

  if (self == other) {
    return Qtrue;
  if (self->key_type != other->key_type ||
      self->value_type != other->value_type ||
      self->value_type_class != other->value_type_class) {
    return Qfalse;
  if (upb_strtable_count(&self->table) != upb_strtable_count(&other->table)) {
    return Qfalse;

  // For each member of self, check that an equal member exists at the same key
  // in other.
  for (upb_strtable_begin(&it, &self->table);
       upb_strtable_next(&it)) {

    upb_value v = upb_strtable_iter_value(&it);
    void* mem = value_memory(&v);
    upb_value other_v;
    void* other_mem = value_memory(&other_v);

    if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&other->table,
                              &other_v)) {
      // Not present in other map.
      return Qfalse;

    if (!native_slot_eq(self->value_type, mem, other_mem)) {
      // Present, but value not equal.
      return Qfalse;

  return Qtrue;
Example #3
VALUE layout_eq(MessageLayout* layout, void* msg1, void* msg2) {
  upb_msg_field_iter it;
  for (upb_msg_field_begin(&it, layout->msgdef);
       upb_msg_field_next(&it)) {
    const upb_fielddef* field = upb_msg_iter_field(&it);

    void* msg1_memory = slot_memory(layout, msg1, field);
    uint32_t* msg1_oneof_case = slot_oneof_case(layout, msg1, field);
    void* msg2_memory = slot_memory(layout, msg2, field);
    uint32_t* msg2_oneof_case = slot_oneof_case(layout, msg2, field);

    if (upb_fielddef_containingoneof(field)) {
      if (*msg1_oneof_case != *msg2_oneof_case ||
          (*msg1_oneof_case == upb_fielddef_number(field) &&
                           msg2_memory))) {
        return Qfalse;
    } else if (is_map_field(field)) {
      if (!Map_eq(DEREF(msg1_memory, VALUE),
                  DEREF(msg2_memory, VALUE))) {
        return Qfalse;
    } else if (upb_fielddef_label(field) == UPB_LABEL_REPEATED) {
      if (!RepeatedField_eq(DEREF(msg1_memory, VALUE),
                            DEREF(msg2_memory, VALUE))) {
        return Qfalse;
    } else {
      if (slot_is_hasbit_set(layout, msg1, field) !=
	  slot_is_hasbit_set(layout, msg2, field) ||
			  msg1_memory, msg2_memory)) {
        return Qfalse;
  return Qtrue;