Example #1
 * Voronoi iteration: new palette color is computed from weighted average of colors that map to that palette entry.
static void viter_init(const colormap *map,
                     f_pixel *average_color, float *average_color_count,
                     f_pixel *base_color, float *base_color_count)
    colormap_item *newmap = map->palette;
    int newcolors = map->colors;
    for (int i=0; i < newcolors; i++) {
        average_color_count[i] = 0;
        average_color[i] = (f_pixel){0,0,0,0};

    // Rather than only using separate mapping and averaging steps
    // new palette colors are computed at the same time as mapping is done
    // but to avoid first few matches moving the entry too much
    // some base color and weight is added
    if (base_color) {
        for (int i=0; i < newcolors; i++) {
            float value = 1.0+newmap[i].popularity/2.0;
            base_color_count[i] = value;
            base_color[i] = (f_pixel){
                .a = newmap[i].acolor.a * value,
                .r = newmap[i].acolor.r * value,
                .g = newmap[i].acolor.g * value,
                .b = newmap[i].acolor.b * value,

static void viter_update_color(f_pixel acolor, float value, colormap *map, int match,
                             f_pixel *average_color, float *average_color_count,
                             const f_pixel *base_color, const float *base_color_count)
    average_color[match].a += acolor.a * value;
    average_color[match].r += acolor.r * value;
    average_color[match].g += acolor.g * value;
    average_color[match].b += acolor.b * value;
    average_color_count[match] += value;

    if (base_color) {
        map->palette[match].acolor = (f_pixel){
            .a = (average_color[match].a + base_color[match].a) / (average_color_count[match] + base_color_count[match]),
            .r = (average_color[match].r + base_color[match].r) / (average_color_count[match] + base_color_count[match]),
            .g = (average_color[match].g + base_color[match].g) / (average_color_count[match] + base_color_count[match]),
            .b = (average_color[match].b + base_color[match].b) / (average_color_count[match] + base_color_count[match]),

static void viter_finalize(colormap *map, f_pixel *average_color, float *average_color_count)
    for (int i=0; i < map->colors; i++) {
        if (average_color_count[i]) {
            map->palette[i].acolor = (f_pixel){
                .a = (average_color[i].a) / average_color_count[i],
                .r = (average_color[i].r) / average_color_count[i],
                .g = (average_color[i].g) / average_color_count[i],
                .b = (average_color[i].b) / average_color_count[i],
        map->palette[i].popularity = average_color_count[i];

void viter_do_interation(const hist *hist, colormap *map, float min_opaque_val)
    f_pixel average_color[map->colors];
    float average_color_count[map->colors];

    hist_item *achv = hist->achv;
    viter_init(map, average_color,average_color_count, NULL,NULL);

    for(int j=0; j < hist->size; j++) {

        int match = best_color_index(achv[j].acolor, map, min_opaque_val, NULL);
        viter_update_color(achv[j].acolor, achv[j].perceptual_weight, map, match, average_color,average_color_count, NULL,NULL);

    viter_finalize(map, average_color,average_color_count);

pngquant_error pngquant(read_info *input_image, write_info *output_image, int floyd, int reqcolors, int ie_bug, int speed_tradeoff)
    float min_opaque_val;

    verbose_printf("  reading file corrected for gamma %2.1f\n", 1.0/input_image->gamma);

    min_opaque_val = modify_alpha(input_image,ie_bug);

    hist *hist = histogram(input_image, reqcolors, speed_tradeoff);
    hist_item *achv = hist->achv;

    colormap *acolormap = NULL;
    float least_error = -1;
    int feedback_loop_trials = 56-9*speed_tradeoff;
    const double percent = (double)(feedback_loop_trials>0?feedback_loop_trials:1)/100.0;

        verbose_printf("  selecting colors");

        colormap *newmap = mediancut(hist, min_opaque_val, reqcolors);


        float total_error=0;
        f_pixel average_color[newmap->colors], base_color[newmap->colors];
        float average_color_count[newmap->colors], base_color_count[newmap->colors];

        if (feedback_loop_trials) {

            viter_init(newmap, average_color,average_color_count,base_color,base_color_count);

            for(int i=0; i < hist->size; i++) {
                float diff;
                int match = best_color_index(achv[i].acolor, newmap, min_opaque_val, &diff);
                assert(diff >= 0);
                assert(achv[i].perceptual_weight > 0);
                total_error += diff * achv[i].perceptual_weight;

                viter_update_color(achv[i].acolor, achv[i].perceptual_weight, newmap, match,

                achv[i].adjusted_weight = (achv[i].perceptual_weight+achv[i].adjusted_weight) * (1.0+sqrtf(diff));

        if (total_error < least_error || !acolormap) {
            if (acolormap) pam_freecolormap(acolormap);

            acolormap = newmap;

            viter_finalize(acolormap, average_color,average_color_count);

            least_error = total_error;
            feedback_loop_trials -= 1; // asymptotic improvement could make it go on forever
        } else {
            feedback_loop_trials -= 6;
            if (total_error > least_error*4) feedback_loop_trials -= 3;

    while(feedback_loop_trials > 0);

    verbose_printf("  moving colormap towards local minimum\n");

    int iterations = MAX(5-speed_tradeoff,0); iterations *= iterations;
    for(int i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
        viter_do_interation(hist, acolormap, min_opaque_val);


    output_image->width = input_image->width;
    output_image->height = input_image->height;
    output_image->gamma = 0.45455;

    ** Step 3.7 [GRR]: allocate memory for the entire indexed image

    output_image->indexed_data = malloc(output_image->height * output_image->width);
    output_image->row_pointers = malloc(output_image->height * sizeof(output_image->row_pointers[0]));

    if (!output_image->indexed_data || !output_image->row_pointers) {
        fprintf(stderr, "  insufficient memory for indexed data and/or row pointers\n");
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;

    for (int row = 0;  row < output_image->height;  ++row) {
        output_image->row_pointers[row] = output_image->indexed_data + row*output_image->width;

    // tRNS, etc.
    sort_palette(output_image, acolormap);

     ** Step 4: map the colors in the image to their closest match in the
     ** new colormap, and write 'em out.
    verbose_printf("  mapping image to new colors...");

    float remapping_error;

    if (floyd) {
        // if dithering, save rounding error and stick to that palette
        // otherwise palette can be improved after remapping
        set_palette(output_image, acolormap);
        remapping_error = remap_to_palette_floyd(input_image, output_image, acolormap, min_opaque_val, ie_bug);
    } else {
        remapping_error = remap_to_palette(input_image, output_image, acolormap, min_opaque_val, ie_bug);
        set_palette(output_image, acolormap);

    verbose_printf("MSE=%.3f\n", remapping_error*256.0f);


    return SUCCESS;
Example #2
struct nearest_map *nearest_init(const colormap *map)
    mempool m = NULL;
    struct nearest_map *centroids = mempool_new(&m, sizeof(*centroids));
    centroids->mempool = m;

    unsigned int skipped=0;
    unsigned int skip_index[map->colors]; for(unsigned int j=0; j < map->colors; j++) skip_index[j]=0;

    colormap *subset_palette = get_subset_palette(map);
    const int selected_heads = subset_palette->colors;
    centroids->heads = mempool_new(&centroids->mempool, sizeof(centroids->heads[0])*(selected_heads+1)); // +1 is fallback head

    unsigned int h=0;
    for(; h < selected_heads; h++)
        unsigned int num_candiadtes = 1+(map->colors - skipped)/((1+selected_heads-h)/2);

        centroids->heads[h] = build_head(subset_palette->palette[h].acolor, map, num_candiadtes, &centroids->mempool, skip_index, &skipped);
        if (centroids->heads[h].num_candidates == 0) {

    centroids->heads[h].radius = MAX_DIFF;
    centroids->heads[h].center = (f_pixel){0,0,0,0};
    centroids->heads[h].num_candidates = 0;
    centroids->heads[h].candidates = mempool_new(&centroids->mempool, (map->colors - skipped) * sizeof(centroids->heads[h].candidates[0]));
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < map->colors; i++) {
        if (skip_index[i]) continue;

        centroids->heads[h].candidates[centroids->heads[h].num_candidates++] = (struct color_entry) {
            .color = map->palette[i].acolor,
            .index = i,
            .radius = 999,
    centroids->num_heads = ++h;

    // get_subset_palette could have created a copy
    if (subset_palette != map->subset_palette) {

    return centroids;

unsigned int nearest_search(const struct nearest_map *centroids, const f_pixel px, const float min_opaque_val, float *diff)
    const int iebug = px.a > min_opaque_val;

    const struct head *const heads = centroids->heads;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < centroids->num_heads; i++) {
        float headdist = colordifference(px, heads[i].center);

        if (headdist <= heads[i].radius) {
            unsigned int ind=heads[i].candidates[0].index;
            float dist = colordifference(px, heads[i].candidates[0].color);

            /* penalty for making holes in IE */
            if (iebug && heads[i].candidates[0].color.a < 1) {
                dist += 1.f/1024.f;

            for(unsigned int j=1; j < heads[i].num_candidates; j++) {
                float newdist = colordifference(px, heads[i].candidates[j].color);

                /* penalty for making holes in IE */
                if (iebug && heads[i].candidates[j].color.a < 1) {
                    newdist += 1.f/1024.f;

                if (newdist < dist) {

                    dist = newdist;
                    ind = heads[i].candidates[j].index;
            if (diff) *diff = dist;
            return ind;
    return 0;

void nearest_free(struct nearest_map *centroids)