Example #1
int piggy_init()
	int sbytes = 0;
	char temp_name_read[16];
	char temp_name[16];
	grs_bitmap temp_bitmap;
	digi_sound temp_sound;
	DiskBitmapHeader bmh;
	DiskSoundHeader sndh;
	int header_size, N_bitmaps, N_sounds;
	int i,size, length, x, y;
	char * filename;
	int read_sounds = 1;
	int Pigdata_start;

	hashtable_init( &AllBitmapsNames, MAX_BITMAP_FILES );
	hashtable_init( &AllDigiSndNames, MAX_SOUND_FILES );

	if ( FindArg( "-nosound" ) || (digi_driver_board<1) )		{
		read_sounds = 0;
		mprintf(( 0, "Not loading sound data!!!!!\n" ));
	for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUND_FILES; i++ )	{
		GameSounds[i].length = 0;
		GameSounds[i].data = NULL;
		SoundOffset[i] = 0;

	for (i=0; i<MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++ )		{
		GameBitmapXlat[i] = i;
		GameBitmaps[i].bm_flags = BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT;

	if ( !bogus_bitmap_initialized )	{
		int i;
		ubyte c;
		bogus_bitmap_initialized = 1;
		memset( &bogus_bitmap, 0, sizeof(grs_bitmap) );
		bogus_bitmap.bm_w = bogus_bitmap.bm_h = bogus_bitmap.bm_rowsize = 64;
		bogus_bitmap.bm_data = bogus_data;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 0, 0, 63 );
		for (i=0; i<4096; i++ ) bogus_data[i] = c;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 63, 0, 0 );
		// Make a big red X !
		for (i=0; i<64; i++ )	{
			bogus_data[i*64+i] = c;
			bogus_data[i*64+(63-i)] = c;
		piggy_register_bitmap( &bogus_bitmap, "bogus", 1 );
		bogus_sound.length = 64*64;
		bogus_sound.data = bogus_data;
		GameBitmapOffset[0] = 0;

	filename = "DESCENT.PIG";
	if ( FindArg( "-bigpig" ))
		BigPig = 1;

	if ( FindArg( "-lowmem" ))
		piggy_low_memory = 1;

	if ( FindArg( "-nolowmem" ))
		piggy_low_memory = 0;

	if (piggy_low_memory)
		digi_lomem = 1;

	if ( (i=FindArg( "-piggy" )) )	{
		filename	= Args[i+1];
		mprintf( (0, "Using alternate pigfile, '%s'\n", filename ));
	Piggy_fp = cfopen( filename, "rb" );
	if (Piggy_fp==NULL) return 0;

	cfread( &Pigdata_start, sizeof(int), 1, Piggy_fp );
#ifdef EDITOR
	if ( FindArg("-nobm") )
		bm_read_all( Piggy_fp );	// Note connection to above if!!!
		cfread( GameBitmapXlat, sizeof(ushort)*MAX_BITMAP_FILES, 1, Piggy_fp );

	cfseek( Piggy_fp, Pigdata_start, SEEK_SET );
	size = cfilelength(Piggy_fp) - Pigdata_start;
	length = size;
	mprintf( (0, "\nReading data (%d KB) ", size/1024 ));

	cfread( &N_bitmaps, sizeof(int), 1, Piggy_fp );
	size -= sizeof(int);
	cfread( &N_sounds, sizeof(int), 1, Piggy_fp );
	size -= sizeof(int);

	header_size = (N_bitmaps*sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader)) + (N_sounds*sizeof(DiskSoundHeader));

	x = 60; y = 189 * f2fl(Scale_y);

	gr_set_curfont( Gamefonts[GFONT_SMALL] );	
	gr_set_fontcolor(gr_find_closest_color_current( 20, 20, 20 ),-1 );
	gr_scale_printf( 0x8000, y-10*f2fl(Scale_y), Scale_factor, Scale_factor, "%s...", TXT_LOADING_DATA );

#ifdef OGLES

	for (i=0; i<N_bitmaps; i++ )	{
		cfread( &bmh, sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader), 1, Piggy_fp );
		//size -= sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader);
		memcpy( temp_name_read, bmh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		if ( bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_ABM )	
			sprintf( temp_name, "%s#%d", temp_name_read, bmh.dflags & 63 );
			strcpy( temp_name, temp_name_read );
		memset( &temp_bitmap, 0, sizeof(grs_bitmap) );
		if ( bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_LARGE )
			temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = bmh.width+256;
			temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = bmh.width;
		temp_bitmap.bm_h = bmh.height;
		temp_bitmap.bm_flags = BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT;
		temp_bitmap.avg_color = bmh.avg_color;
		temp_bitmap.bm_data = Piggy_bitmap_cache_data;
#ifdef OGLES
		temp_bitmap.bm_ogles_tex_id = 0;

		GameBitmapFlags[i+1] = 0;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_RLE ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_RLE;

		GameBitmapOffset[i+1] = bmh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2) + Pigdata_start;
		Assert( (i+1) == Num_bitmap_files );
		piggy_register_bitmap( &temp_bitmap, temp_name, 1 );

	for (i=0; i<N_sounds; i++ )	{
		cfread( &sndh, sizeof(DiskSoundHeader), 1, Piggy_fp );
		//size -= sizeof(DiskSoundHeader);
		temp_sound.length = sndh.length;
		temp_sound.data = (ubyte *)(sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start);
		SoundOffset[Num_sound_files] = sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start;
		memcpy( temp_name_read, sndh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		piggy_register_sound( &temp_sound, temp_name_read, 1 );
		sbytes += sndh.length;
		//mprintf(( 0, "%d bytes of sound\n", sbytes ));

	SoundBits = malloc( sbytes + 16 );
	if ( SoundBits == NULL )
		Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG sounds\n" );

#ifdef EDITOR
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_size	= size - header_size - sbytes + 16;
	Assert( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size > 0 );
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_size = PIGGY_BUFFER_SIZE;
	BitmapBits = malloc( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size );
	if ( BitmapBits == NULL )
		Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG bitmaps\n" );
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_data = BitmapBits;	
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_next = 0;
	mprintf(( 0, "\nBitmaps: %d KB   Sounds: %d KB\n", Piggy_bitmap_cache_size/1024, sbytes/1024 ));


//	mprintf( (0, "<<<<Paging in all piggy bitmaps...>>>>>" ));
//	for (i=0; i < Num_bitmap_files; i++ )	{
//		bitmap_index bi;
//		bi.index = i;
//		PIGGY_PAGE_IN( bi );
//	}
//	mprintf( (0, "\n (USed %d / %d KB)\n", Piggy_bitmap_cache_next/1024, (size - header_size - sbytes + 16)/1024 ));
//	key_getch();

	return 0;
Example #2
int properties_init()
	int sbytes = 0;
	char temp_name_read[16];
	char temp_name[16];
	grs_bitmap temp_bitmap;
	digi_sound temp_sound;
	DiskBitmapHeader bmh;
	DiskSoundHeader sndh;
	int header_size, N_bitmaps, N_sounds;
	int i,size;
	int Pigdata_start;
	int pigsize;
	int retval;

	hashtable_init( &AllBitmapsNames, MAX_BITMAP_FILES );
	hashtable_init( &AllDigiSndNames, MAX_SOUND_FILES );

	for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUND_FILES; i++ )	{
#ifdef ALLEGRO
		GameSounds[i].len = 0;
		GameSounds[i].length = 0;
		GameSounds[i].data = NULL;
		SoundOffset[i] = 0;

//added on 11/13/99 by Victor Rachels to ready for changing freq
                GameSounds[i].bits = 0;
                GameSounds[i].freq = 0;
//end this section addition - VR

	for (i=0; i<MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++ )		{
		GameBitmapXlat[i] = i;
		GameBitmaps[i].bm_flags = BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT;

	if ( !bogus_bitmap_initialized )	{
		int i;
		ubyte c;
		bogus_bitmap_initialized = 1;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 0, 0, 63 );
		for (i=0; i<4096; i++ ) bogus_data[i] = c;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 63, 0, 0 );
		// Make a big red X !
		for (i=0; i<64; i++ )	{
			bogus_data[i*64+i] = c;
			bogus_data[i*64+(63-i)] = c;
		gr_init_bitmap (&bogus_bitmap, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64, 64, bogus_data);
		piggy_register_bitmap( &bogus_bitmap, "bogus", 1 );
#ifdef ALLEGRO
		bogus_sound.len = 64*64;
        bogus_sound.length = 64*64;
		bogus_sound.data = bogus_data;
//added on 11/13/99 by Victor Rachels to ready for changing freq
                bogus_sound.freq = 11025;
                bogus_sound.bits = 8;
//end this section addition - VR
		GameBitmapOffset[0] = 0;
	if (Piggy_fp==NULL)
		if (!PHYSFSX_exists("BITMAPS.TBL",1) && !PHYSFSX_exists("BITMAPS.BIN",1))
		return 1;	// need to run gamedata_read_tbl

	pigsize = PHYSFS_fileLength(Piggy_fp);
	switch (pigsize) {
		case D1_SHARE_10_PIGSIZE:
			PCSharePig = 1;
			Pigdata_start = 0;
		case D1_10_BIG_PIGSIZE:
		case D1_10_PIGSIZE:
			Pigdata_start = 0;
			Warning("Unknown size for " DEFAULT_PIGFILE_REGISTERED);
			// fall through
		case D1_MAC_PIGSIZE:
			MacPig = 1;
		case D1_PIGSIZE:
		case D1_OEM_PIGSIZE:
			Pigdata_start = PHYSFSX_readInt(Piggy_fp );
	HiresGFXAvailable = MacPig;	// for now at least

	if (PCSharePig)
		retval = PIGGY_PC_SHAREWARE;	// run gamedata_read_tbl in shareware mode
	else if (GameArg.EdiNoBm || (!PHYSFSX_exists("BITMAPS.TBL",1) && !PHYSFSX_exists("BITMAPS.BIN",1)))
		properties_read_cmp( Piggy_fp );	// Note connection to above if!!!
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++)
			GameBitmapXlat[i] = PHYSFSX_readShort(Piggy_fp);
			if (PHYSFS_eof(Piggy_fp))
		retval = 0;	// don't run gamedata_read_tbl
		retval = 1;	// run gamedata_read_tbl

	PHYSFSX_fseek( Piggy_fp, Pigdata_start, SEEK_SET );
	size = PHYSFS_fileLength(Piggy_fp) - Pigdata_start;

	N_bitmaps = PHYSFSX_readInt(Piggy_fp);
	size -= sizeof(int);
	N_sounds = PHYSFSX_readInt(Piggy_fp);
	size -= sizeof(int);

	header_size = (N_bitmaps*sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader)) + (N_sounds*sizeof(DiskSoundHeader));

	for (i=0; i<N_bitmaps; i++ )	{
		DiskBitmapHeader_read(&bmh, Piggy_fp);
		GameBitmapFlags[i+1] = 0;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_RLE ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_RLE;

		GameBitmapOffset[i+1] = bmh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2) + Pigdata_start;
		Assert( (i+1) == Num_bitmap_files );

		//size -= sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader);
		memcpy( temp_name_read, bmh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		if ( bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_ABM )	
			sprintf( temp_name, "%s#%d", temp_name_read, bmh.dflags & 63 );
			strcpy( temp_name, temp_name_read );

		memset( &temp_bitmap, 0, sizeof(grs_bitmap) );
		gr_init_bitmap( &temp_bitmap, 0, 0, 0, 
			(bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_LARGE) ? bmh.width + 256 : bmh.width, bmh.height,
			(bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_LARGE) ? bmh.width + 256 : bmh.width, Piggy_bitmap_cache_data);
		temp_bitmap.bm_flags |= BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT;
		temp_bitmap.avg_color = bmh.avg_color;

		if (MacPig)
			// HACK HACK HACK!!!!!
			if (!strnicmp(bmh.name, "cockpit", 7) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "status", 6) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "rearview", 8)) {
				temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = 640;
				if (GameBitmapFlags[i+1] & BM_FLAG_RLE)
					GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_RLE_BIG;
			if (!strnicmp(bmh.name, "cockpit", 7) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "rearview", 8))
				temp_bitmap.bm_h = 480;
		piggy_register_bitmap( &temp_bitmap, temp_name, 1 );

	for (i=0; !MacPig && i<N_sounds; i++ )     {
		DiskSoundHeader_read(&sndh, Piggy_fp);
		//size -= sizeof(DiskSoundHeader);
#ifdef ALLEGRO
		temp_sound.len = sndh.length;
		temp_sound.length = sndh.length;

//added on 11/13/99 by Victor Rachels to ready for changing freq
                temp_sound.bits = 8;
                temp_sound.freq = 11025;
//end this section addition - VR
		temp_sound.data = (ubyte *)(sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start);
		SoundOffset[Num_sound_files] = sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start;
		if (PCSharePig)
			SoundCompressed[Num_sound_files] = sndh.data_length;
		memcpy( temp_name_read, sndh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		piggy_register_sound( &temp_sound, temp_name_read, 1 );
                sbytes += sndh.length;

	if (!MacPig)
		SoundBits = d_malloc( sbytes + 16 );
		if ( SoundBits == NULL )
			Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG sounds\n");

#if 1	//def EDITOR
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_size	= size - header_size - sbytes + 16;
	Assert( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size > 0 );
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_size = PIGGY_BUFFER_SIZE;
	if (GameArg.SysLowMem)
		Piggy_bitmap_cache_size = PIGGY_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE;
	BitmapBits = d_malloc( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size );
	if ( BitmapBits == NULL )
		Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG bitmaps\n" );
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_data = BitmapBits;	
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_next = 0;

	return retval;
Example #3
int piggy_init()
	int sbytes = 0;
	char temp_name_read[16];
	char temp_name[16];
	grs_bitmap temp_bitmap;
	digi_sound temp_sound;
	DiskBitmapHeader bmh;
	DiskSoundHeader sndh;
	int header_size, N_bitmaps, N_sounds;
	int i,size, length;
	char * filename;
	int read_sounds = 1;
	int Pigdata_start;

	hashtable_init( &AllBitmapsNames, MAX_BITMAP_FILES );
//	hashtable_init( &AllDigiSndNames, MAX_SOUND_FILES );
	if (GameBitmaps == NULL) {
		GameBitmaps = (grs_bitmap *)mymalloc(sizeof(grs_bitmap) * MAX_BITMAP_FILES);
		if (GameBitmaps == NULL)
			Error("Cannot allocate space for game bitmaps in piggy.c");

	if (AllBitmaps == NULL) {
		AllBitmaps = (BitmapFile *)mymalloc(sizeof(BitmapFile) * MAX_BITMAP_FILES);
		if (AllBitmaps == NULL)
			Error("Cannot allocate space for bitmap filenames in piggy.c");
#if 0
	if (AllSounds == NULL) {
		AllSounds = (SoundFile *)mymalloc(sizeof(SoundFile) * MAX_SOUND_FILES);
		if (AllSounds == NULL)
			Error("Cannot allocate space for sound filenames in piggy.c");
	if ( FindArg( "-nosound" ) || (digi_driver_board<1) )		{
		read_sounds = 0;
		mprintf(( 0, "Not loading sound data!!!!!\n" ));
	for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUND_FILES; i++ )	{
		GameSounds[i].length = 0;
		GameSounds[i].data = NULL;
		SoundOffset[i] = 0;

	for (i=0; i<MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++ )	
		GameBitmapXlat[i] = i;

	if ( !bogus_bitmap_initialized )	{
		int i;
		ubyte c;
		bogus_bitmap_initialized = 1;
		memset( &bogus_bitmap, 0, sizeof(grs_bitmap) );
		bogus_bitmap.bm_w = bogus_bitmap.bm_h = bogus_bitmap.bm_rowsize = 64;
		bogus_bitmap.bm_data = bogus_data;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 0, 0, 63 );
		for (i=0; i<4096; i++ ) bogus_data[i] = c;
		c = gr_find_closest_color( 63, 0, 0 );
		// Make a big red X !
		for (i=0; i<64; i++ )	{
			bogus_data[i*64+i] = c;
			bogus_data[i*64+(63-i)] = c;
		piggy_register_bitmap( &bogus_bitmap, "bogus", 1 );
		bogus_sound.length = 64*64;
		bogus_sound.data = bogus_data;
		GameBitmapOffset[0] = 0;

	filename = ":Data:DESCENT.PIG";
	if ( FindArg( "-bigpig" ))
		BigPig = 1;

	if ( FindArg( "-lowmem" ))
		piggy_low_memory = 1;

	if ( FindArg( "-nolowmem" ))
		piggy_low_memory = 0;

	if (use_alt_textures)
		piggy_low_memory = 1;
//MWA	if (piggy_low_memory)
//MWA		digi_lomem = 1;

	if ( (i=FindArg( "-piggy" )) )	{
		filename	= Args[i+1];
		mprintf( (0, "Using alternate pigfile, '%s'\n", filename ));
	Piggy_fp = cfopen( filename, "rb" );
	if (Piggy_fp==NULL) return 0;

	Pigdata_start = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
#ifdef EDITOR
	if ( FindArg("-nobm") )
		bm_read_all( Piggy_fp );	// Note connection to above if!!!
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_BITMAP_FILES; i++)
			GameBitmapXlat[i] = read_short_swap(Piggy_fp);

	cfseek( Piggy_fp, Pigdata_start, SEEK_SET );
	size = cfilelength(Piggy_fp) - Pigdata_start;
	length = size;
	mprintf( (0, "\nReading data (%d KB) ", size/1024 ));

	N_bitmaps = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
	size -= sizeof(int);
	N_sounds = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
	size -= sizeof(int);

//	header_size = (N_bitmaps*sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader)) + (N_sounds*sizeof(DiskSoundHeader));
	header_size = ((N_bitmaps*17) + (N_sounds*20));

	gr_set_curfont( Gamefonts[GFONT_SMALL] );	
	gr_set_fontcolor(gr_find_closest_color_current( 20, 20, 20 ),-1 );
	gr_printf( 0x8000, grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap.bm_h - 25, "%s...", TXT_LOADING_DATA );

// put a couple of event loop calls here.  This should take care of TM driver!!!
	for (i=0; i<N_bitmaps; i++ )	{
		cfread(bmh.name, 8, 1, Piggy_fp);
		bmh.dflags = read_byte(Piggy_fp);
		bmh.width = read_byte(Piggy_fp);
		bmh.height = read_byte(Piggy_fp);
		bmh.flags = read_byte(Piggy_fp);
		bmh.avg_color = read_byte(Piggy_fp);
		bmh.offset = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
		//size -= sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader);
		memcpy( temp_name_read, bmh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		if ( bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_ABM )	
			sprintf( temp_name, "%s#%d", temp_name_read, bmh.dflags & 63 );
			strcpy( temp_name, temp_name_read );
		memset( &temp_bitmap, 0, sizeof(grs_bitmap) );
		if ( bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_LARGE )
			temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = bmh.width+256;
			temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = bmh.width;
		temp_bitmap.bm_h = bmh.height;
		temp_bitmap.bm_flags = BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT;
		temp_bitmap.avg_color = bmh.avg_color;
		temp_bitmap.bm_data = Piggy_bitmap_cache_data;

		if (!strnicmp(bmh.name, "cockpit", 7) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "status", 6) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "rearview", 8)) {
			temp_bitmap.bm_w = temp_bitmap.bm_rowsize = 640;
		if (!strnicmp(bmh.name, "cockpit", 7) || !strnicmp(bmh.name, "rearview", 8))
			temp_bitmap.bm_h = 480;

		GameBitmapFlags[i+1] = 0;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_SUPER_TRANSPARENT;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_NO_LIGHTING;
		if ( bmh.flags & BM_FLAG_RLE ) GameBitmapFlags[i+1] |= BM_FLAG_RLE;

		GameBitmapOffset[i+1] = bmh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2) + Pigdata_start;
		Assert( (i+1) == Num_bitmap_files );
		piggy_register_bitmap( &temp_bitmap, temp_name, 1 );

#if 0
	for (i=0; i<N_sounds; i++ )	{
		cfread(sndh.name, 8, 1, Piggy_fp);
		sndh.length = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
		sndh.data_length = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
		sndh.offset = read_int_swap(Piggy_fp);
		//size -= sizeof(DiskSoundHeader);
		temp_sound.length = sndh.length;
		temp_sound.data = (ubyte *)(sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start);
		SoundOffset[Num_sound_files] = sndh.offset + header_size + (sizeof(int)*2)+Pigdata_start;
		memcpy( temp_name_read, sndh.name, 8 );
		temp_name_read[8] = 0;
		piggy_register_sound( &temp_sound, temp_name_read, 1 );
		sbytes += sndh.length;
		//mprintf(( 0, "%d bytes of sound\n", sbytes ));

	SoundBits = mymalloc( sbytes + 16 );
	if ( SoundBits == NULL )
		Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG sounds\n" );

#ifdef EDITOR
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_size	= size - header_size - sbytes + 16;
	Assert( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size > 0 );
	if (!piggy_low_memory)
		Piggy_bitmap_cache_size = PIGGY_BUFFER_SIZE;
		Piggy_bitmap_cache_size = LOW_PIGGY_BUFFER_SIZE;
	BitmapBits = mymalloc( Piggy_bitmap_cache_size );
	if ( BitmapBits == NULL )
		Error( "Not enough memory to load DESCENT.PIG bitmaps\n" );
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_data = BitmapBits;	
	Piggy_bitmap_cache_next = 0;
	mprintf(( 0, "\nBitmaps: %d KB   Sounds: %d KB\n", Piggy_bitmap_cache_size/1024, sbytes/1024 ));


//	mprintf( (0, "<<<<Paging in all piggy bitmaps...>>>>>" ));
//	for (i=0; i < Num_bitmap_files; i++ )	{
//		bitmap_index bi;
//		bi.index = i;
//		PIGGY_PAGE_IN( bi );
//	}
//	mprintf( (0, "\n (USed %d / %d KB)\n", Piggy_bitmap_cache_next/1024, (size - header_size - sbytes + 16)/1024 ));
//	key_getch();

	return 0;