Example #1
int main(void) {
	int k[10] = {adventurer, ambassador, village, remodel, baron, mine, 
		gardens, feast, minion, steward};
	struct gameState G;

	printf("Beginning unit testing of Village...\n\n");

	//Initialize game for testing
	initializeGame(2, k, 1111, &G);

	printf("Printing initial state...\n");
	printf("Hand count player 0: %d\n", G.handCount[0]);
	printf("Number of actions: %d\n\n", G.numActions);

	//Case: Player 1 plays Village
	printf("Testing case: Player 1 plays Village.\n");
	playVillage(0, 5, &G);
	check(G.handCount[0] == 5);
	check(G.numActions == 2);

	printf("\nPrinting final state...\n");
	printf("Hand count player 0: %d\n", G.handCount[0]);
	printf("Number of actions: %d\n", G.numActions);

	return 0;
Example #2
int main() {
	struct gameState G;
	int r, oldActions, oldHandCount;
	int player = 0;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine, remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};

	printf("\nTesting Village Card\n");

	r = initializeGame(2, k, 1, &G);
	printf("initializeGame() returned %d, Expected %d\n", r, 0);
	check(r == 0);

	oldHandCount = G.handCount[player];  //store hand count

	oldActions = G.numActions;

	G.hand[player][0] = village;

	r = playVillage(&G, 0);
	printf("\nplayVillage() returned %d, Expected %d\n", r, 0);    //check playVillage
	check(r == 0);

	printf("\nG.handCount = %d, Expected %d\n\n", G.handCount[player], oldHandCount + 1);  //check hand count
  	check(G.handCount[player] == oldHandCount + 1);

	printf("G.numActions = %d, Expected %d\n\n", G.numActions, oldActions + 2);  //check number of actions
	check(G.numActions == oldActions + 2);

	printf("G.discardCount= %d, Expected %d\n\n", G.discardCount[player], 1);   //check discard count
	check(G.discardCount[player] == 1);

	return 0;
Example #3
int main () {
	  int pass = 0;
	  int fail = 0;
	  int r;
	  int p;
	  int index;
	  int handPos;

      struct gameState post, pre;

      printf ("Unit Test: cardtest4.c\n");
      printf ("   Target: Village Card\n");
      for(p=0; p<4; p++) {
    	  for(index=0; index<20; index++) {
    		  for(handPos=0; handPos<5; handPos++) {
    			  reset(&post, p, index, handPos);
    			  memcpy (&pre, &post, sizeof(struct gameState));
    			  set(&pre, p, handPos);
    			  playVillage(&post, handPos);
    			  r = mycompare(&pre, &post, p);
				  if (r == 0) { pass++; }
				  else {
						  printf("\nFailed Test: p:%d index:%d handPos:%d\n", p, index, handPos);
						  myprint(&pre, p);
						  myprint(&post, p);

      if (fail)
          printf ("   Status: FAILED\n");
    	  printf ("   Status: PASSED\n");

	  printf ("   Passed: %d\n", pass);
	  printf ("   Failed: %d\n", fail);

      return 0;
Example #4
int unitTest(int handPos, struct gameState *post, int p) {
  struct gameState pre;
  memcpy(&pre, post, sizeof(struct gameState));
  int failedTests = 0;
  int p2 = 1; // player 2
  int r, j, victoryCount, victoryCount2, kingdomCount, kingdomCount2;

  // run fucntion
  playVillage(handPos, post);
  // cardEffect(village, 0, 0, 0, post, handPos, 0);

  // count victory cards post function call
  victoryCount = getVictoryCount(&pre);
  victoryCount2 = getVictoryCount(post);

  // count all kingdom cards post function call
  kingdomCount2 = getKingdomCount(post);
  kingdomCount  = getKingdomCount(&pre);

  r =  checkCounts(&pre, post, 0, victoryCount, victoryCount2, kingdomCount, kingdomCount2);

  if (r > 0 ) {
// card should be a silver because of our stacked deck/hand
 if(post->hand[p][4] != copper) {
   printf("FAIL: added card isn't copper. Actual: %d\n", post->hand[p][4]);

 // check player 2 state
 printf("Checking Player %d: \n", p2+1);
 j =  checkPlayer2(&pre, post, p2, victoryCount, victoryCount2, kingdomCount, kingdomCount2);

 if(j > 0 ) {
   // check player 2 counts before and after function call
   otherPlayerState(&pre, post, 0, 1, victoryCount, victoryCount2, kingdomCount, kingdomCount2);
   printf("\nERROR: PLAYER 2 STATE HAS CHANGED \n");


return failedTests;
Example #5
int main() {

  int seed = 1000;
  int numPlayer = 2;
  int p, r, handCount, initActions, initPlayedCount, initHandCount;
  int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
             , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};
  struct gameState G;
  int maxHandCount = 5;

  printf ("TESTING playVillage():\n");
  p = 0; // set player 0
  memset(&G, 23, sizeof(struct gameState));   // clear the game state
  r = initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &G); // initialize a new game
  r = gainCard(village, &G, 2, p); // add village to player 0s hand
  initPlayedCount = G.playedCardCount;
  initHandCount = G.handCount[p];
  initActions = G.numActions;
  r = playVillage(&G, 0, initHandCount - 1);
  //Draw +1 card Discard Village - Net 0 Change
  printf("G.handCount[p] = %d, expected = %d\n", G.handCount[p], initHandCount);
  assert(G.handCount[p] == initHandCount); // check if the handcount is correct
  //+2 actions
  printf("G.numActions = %d, expected = %d\n", G.numActions, initActions + 2);
  assert(G.numActions == initActions + 2); // check if the num actions is correct
  //+1 played card count
  printf("G.playedCardCount = %d, expected = %d\n", G.playedCardCount, initPlayedCount + 1);
  assert(G.playedCardCount == initPlayedCount + 1); // check if the played card count is correct

  printf("All tests passed!\n");

  return 0;

Example #6
int checkRandomVillage(int p, struct gameState *postTest, int handPos)
  int fail = 0;
  struct gameState preTest;

  memset(&preTest, 23, sizeof(struct gameState)); 
  memcpy(&preTest, postTest, sizeof(struct gameState));

  playVillage(p, postTest, handPos);

  //ensure the hand is the correct size
  if (preTest.handCount[p] != postTest->handCount[p])
    printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__);
  //ensure the number of actions are correct
  if (postTest->numActions != preTest.numActions + 2)
    printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__);

  //ensure a card is discarded
  if (postTest->discardCount[p] != preTest.discardCount[p] + 1)
    printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__);

  //ensure the correct card is discarded
  if (postTest->discard[p][postTest->discardCount[p] - 1] != village)
    printFailure(p, preTest.handCount[p], handPos, __LINE__);

  return fail;
Example #7
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus)
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  int x;
  int index;
  int currentPlayer = whoseTurn(state);
  int nextPlayer = currentPlayer + 1;

  int tributeRevealedCards[2] = {-1, -1};
  int temphand[MAX_HAND];// moved above the if statement
  int drawntreasure=0;
  int cardDrawn;
  int z = 0;// this is the counter for the temp hand
  if (nextPlayer > (state->numPlayers - 1)){
    nextPlayer = 0;
  //uses switch to select card and perform actions
  switch( card ) 
    case adventurer:
      return playAdventurer(state);
    case council_room:
      //+4 Cards
      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      //+1 Buy
      //Each other player draws a card
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if ( i != currentPlayer )
	      drawCard(i, state);
      //put played card in played card pile
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case feast:
      //gain card with cost up to 5
      //Backup hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	temphand[i] = state->hand[currentPlayer][i];//Backup card
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = -1;//Set to nothing
      //Backup hand

      //Update Coins for Buy
      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 5);
      x = 1;//Condition to loop on
      while( x == 1) {//Buy one card
	if (supplyCount(choice1, state) <= 0){
	  if (DEBUG)
	    printf("None of that card left, sorry!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Cards Left: %d\n", supplyCount(choice1, state));
	else if (state->coins < getCost(choice1)){
	  printf("That card is too expensive!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Coins: %d < %d\n", state->coins, getCost(choice1));

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);

	  gainCard(choice1, state, 0, currentPlayer);//Gain the card
	  x = 0;//No more buying cards

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);


      //Reset Hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = temphand[i];
	temphand[i] = -1;
      //Reset Hand
      return 0;
    case gardens:
      return -1;
    case mine:
      j = state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1];  //store card we will trash

      if (state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] < copper || state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] > gold)
	  return -1;
      if (choice2 > treasure_map || choice2 < curse)
	  return -1;

      if ( (getCost(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]) + 3) > getCost(choice2) )
	  return -1;

      gainCard(choice2, state, 2, currentPlayer);

      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      //discard trashed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == j)
	      discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 0);			
      return 0;
    case remodel:
      j = state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1];  //store card we will trash

      if ( (getCost(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]) + 2) > getCost(choice2) )
	  return -1;

      gainCard(choice2, state, 0, currentPlayer);

      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      //discard trashed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == j)
	      discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;
    case smithy:
      //+3 Cards
      return playSmithy(state, handPos);
	case village:
			return playVillage(state, handPos);
    case baron:
      state->numBuys++;//Increase buys by 1!
      if (choice1 > 0){//Boolean true or going to discard an estate
	int p = 0;//Iterator for hand!
	int card_not_discarded = 1;//Flag for discard set!
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][p] == estate){//Found an estate card!
	    state->coins += 4;//Add 4 coins to the amount of coins
	    state->discard[currentPlayer][state->discardCount[currentPlayer]] = state->hand[currentPlayer][p];
	    for (;p < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; p++){
	      state->hand[currentPlayer][p] = state->hand[currentPlayer][p+1];
	    state->hand[currentPlayer][state->handCount[currentPlayer]] = -1;
	    card_not_discarded = 0;//Exit the loop
	  else if (p > state->handCount[currentPlayer]){
	    if(DEBUG) {
	      printf("No estate cards in your hand, invalid choice\n");
	      printf("Must gain an estate if there are any\n");
	    if (supplyCount(estate, state) > 0){
	      gainCard(estate, state, 0, currentPlayer);
	      state->supplyCount[estate]--;//Decrement estates
	      if (supplyCount(estate, state) == 0){
	    card_not_discarded = 0;//Exit the loop
	    p++;//Next card
	if (supplyCount(estate, state) > 0){
	  gainCard(estate, state, 0, currentPlayer);//Gain an estate
	  state->supplyCount[estate]--;//Decrement Estates
	  if (supplyCount(estate, state) == 0){
      return 0;
    case great_hall:
      //+1 Card
      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      //+1 Actions
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case minion:
      //+1 action
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      if (choice1)		//+2 coins
	  state->coins = state->coins + 2;
      else if (choice2)		//discard hand, redraw 4, other players with 5+ cards discard hand and draw 4
	  //discard hand
	  while(numHandCards(state) > 0)
	      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
	  //draw 4
	  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  //other players discard hand and redraw if hand size > 4
	  for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	      if (i != currentPlayer)
		  if ( state->handCount[i] > 4 )
		      //discard hand
		      while( state->handCount[i] > 0 )
			  discardCard(handPos, i, state, 0);
		      //draw 4
		      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			  drawCard(i, state);
      return 0;
    case steward:
      return playSteward(state, choice1, choice2, choice3, handPos);
    case tribute:
      if ((state->discardCount[nextPlayer] + state->deckCount[nextPlayer]) <= 1){
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	else if (state->discardCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->discard[nextPlayer][state->discardCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	  //No Card to Reveal
	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("No cards to reveal\n");
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] == 0){
	  for (i = 0; i < state->discardCount[nextPlayer]; i++){
	    state->deck[nextPlayer][i] = state->discard[nextPlayer][i];//Move to deck
	    state->discard[nextPlayer][i] = -1;
	  shuffle(nextPlayer,state);//Shuffle the deck
	tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
      if (tributeRevealedCards[0] == tributeRevealedCards[1]){//If we have a duplicate card, just drop one 
	state->playedCards[state->playedCardCount] = tributeRevealedCards[1];
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = -1;

      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i ++){
	if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == copper || tributeRevealedCards[i] == silver || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gold){//Treasure cards
	  state->coins += 2;
	else if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == estate || tributeRevealedCards[i] == duchy || tributeRevealedCards[i] == province || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gardens || tributeRevealedCards[i] == great_hall){//Victory Card Found
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	else{//Action Card
	  state->numActions = state->numActions + 2;
      return 0;
    case ambassador:
      j = 0;		//used to check if player has enough cards to discard

      if (choice2 > 2 || choice2 < 0)
	  return -1;				

      if (choice1 == handPos)
	  return -1;

      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (i != handPos && i == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] && i != choice1)
      if (j < choice2)
	  return -1;				

      if (DEBUG) 
	printf("Player %d reveals card number: %d\n", currentPlayer, state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]);

      //increase supply count for choosen card by amount being discarded
      state->supplyCount[state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]] += choice2;
      //each other player gains a copy of revealed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      gainCard(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1], state, 0, i);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      //trash copies of cards returned to supply
      for (j = 0; j < choice2; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	      if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1])
		  discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 1);

      return 0;
    case cutpurse:

      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 2);
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      for (j = 0; j < state->handCount[i]; j++)
		  if (state->hand[i][j] == copper)
		      discardCard(j, i, state, 0);
		  if (j == state->handCount[i])
		      for (k = 0; k < state->handCount[i]; k++)
			  if (DEBUG)
			    printf("Player %d reveals card number %d\n", i, state->hand[i][k]);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;

    case embargo: 
      //+2 Coins
      state->coins = state->coins + 2;
      //see if selected pile is in play
      if ( state->supplyCount[choice1] == -1 )
	  return -1;
      //add embargo token to selected supply pile
      //trash card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);		
      return 0;
    case outpost:
      //set outpost flag
      //discard card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case salvager:
      return playSalvager(state, handPos, choice1);
    case sea_hag:
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++){
	if (i != currentPlayer){
	  state->discard[i][state->discardCount[i]] = state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--];			    state->deckCount[i]--;
	  state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--] = curse;//Top card now a curse
      return 0;
    case treasure_map:
      //search hand for another treasure_map
      index = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == treasure_map && i != handPos)
	      index = i;
      if (index > -1)
	  //trash both treasure cards
	  discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);
	  discardCard(index, currentPlayer, state, 1);

	  //gain 4 Gold cards
	  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	      gainCard(gold, state, 1, currentPlayer);
	  //return success
	  return 1;
      //no second treasure_map found in hand
      return -1;
  return -1;
Example #8
int main()
	int i;
	int handPos, choice1, choice2, choice3, bonus, player;
	handPos = choice1 = choice2 = choice3 = bonus = player = 0;
	int seed = 1000;
	int numPlayers = 4;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, steward, gardens, mine, remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};
	struct gameState state, controlState;
	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &state);

	state.hand[player][0] = village;

	//Set control state for comparison, call cardEffect
	memcpy(&controlState, &state, sizeof(struct gameState));
	//cardEffect(village, choice1, choice2, choice3, &state, handPos, &bonus);
	playVillage(&state, player, handPos);

	printf("\nTESTING Village cardEffect\n");

	//************** Test hand count **************
	printf("Testing Hand Count\n");
	if(state.handCount[player] == controlState.handCount[player])
		printf("PASS: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", controlState.handCount[player], state.handCount[player]);
		printf("FAIL: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", controlState.handCount[player], state.handCount[player]);

	//************** Test deck + discard count **************
	printf("Testing Discard and Deck Counts\n");
	if((state.deckCount[player] + state.discardCount[player]) == 
		(controlState.deckCount[player] + controlState.discardCount[player] - 1))
		printf("PASS: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", state.deckCount[player] + state.discardCount[player], 
			controlState.deckCount[player] + controlState.discardCount[player] - 1);
		printf("FAIL: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", state.deckCount[player] + state.discardCount[player], 
			controlState.deckCount[player] + controlState.discardCount[player] - 1);

	//************** Test actions count **************
	printf("Testing Actions Count\n");
	if(state.numActions == controlState.numActions + 1)
		printf("PASS: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", controlState.numActions + 1, state.numActions);
		printf("FAIL: Expected Value: %d  Actual Value: %d\n", controlState.numActions + 1, state.numActions);

	//************** Test other players' deck / discard / hand **************
	printf("Testing other players' deck / discard / hand counts\n");
	for(i = 1; i < numPlayers; i++)
		assert(state.deckCount[i] == controlState.deckCount[i]);
		assert(state.discardCount[i] == controlState.discardCount[i]);
		assert(state.handCount[i] == controlState.handCount[i]);
	printf("PASS: Other players' states unchanged\n");

	//************** Test supply piles **************
	printf("Test Supply Counts\n");
	for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
		assert(state.supplyCount[i] == controlState.supplyCount[i]);
	printf("PASS: All supply counts unchanged.\n");

	return 0;
Example #9
int main()
     int r;
     int player;
     int numPlayer = 2;

     int seed = 1000;
     int k[10] = { adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
          , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall };

#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
     const char* cards[] = //All 27 cards in game

     struct gameState prevState; //untouched game state to compare with after running tests
     struct gameState postState; //game state that will be used for tests

     int testResult;

     int numTests = 1; //how many test iterations to run.
     int failedTests = 0;
     int passedTests = 0;

     printf("    Beginning testing for playVillage()\r\n");

     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
          memset(&prevState, 23, sizeof(struct gameState));   // clear the game state
          r = initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &prevState); // initialize a new game

          for (player = 0; player < numPlayer; player++)
               prevState.handCount[player] = 1;        // set the number of cards on hand
               int villageHand[1];
               villageHand[0] = village;
               memcpy(prevState.hand[player], villageHand, sizeof(int));

               prevState.deckCount[player] = 5;        // set the number of cards in deck
               int mixedDeck[5];
               mixedDeck[0] = copper;
               mixedDeck[1] = silver;
               mixedDeck[2] = gold;
               mixedDeck[3] = gardens;
               mixedDeck[4] = tribute;
               memcpy(prevState.deck[player], mixedDeck, sizeof(int) * 5);

               memcpy(&postState, &prevState, sizeof(struct gameState)); //create clone of game state to run tests on
               playVillage(player, &postState, 0);

               //Check that exactly 1 card was indeed added to current player's hand by comparing handCount value
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("Testing that player[%d] handCount is still the same...\r\n", player);

               testResult = postState.handCount[player];

               if (testResult == prevState.handCount[player]) //due to village needing being discarded, handCount should still be the same
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("handCount = %d, Expected = %d\r\n", testResult, prevState.handCount[player]);
               printf("Testing that player[%d] playedCardCount has increased by 1..\r\n", player);
               //Check that playedCardCount increased by 1

               testResult = postState.playedCardCount;

               if (testResult == prevState.playedCardCount + 1) //passed
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("playedCardCount = %d, Expected = %d\r\n", testResult, prevState.playedCardCount + 1);
               printf("Checking that the village card was added to the played cards pile...\r\n");
               //Check that the village card was added to the played cards pile

               testResult = findCard(player, &postState, village, 0);

               if (testResult == -1) //failed, if variable is still -1, village was not found

#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               if (testResult == -1) //failed
                    printf("Failed! village card was not found in played cards pile!\r\n");
                    printf("Passed! village card was found in played cards pile at position %d!\r\n", testResult);
               printf("Checking that village card is not in player[%d]'s hand...\r\n", player);
               //Check that village card is not in player's hand

               testResult = findCard(player, &postState, village, 1);

               if (testResult == -1) //passed, if variable is still -1, village was not found

#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               if (testResult == -1) //passed
                    printf("Passsed! village card was not found in the player's hand!\r\n");
                    printf("Failed! village card was found in player's hand at position %d!\r\n", testResult);
               printf("Checking that the card added came from the player's own deck...\r\n");

               //Check that the 1 card added came from the player's own deck

               //int y;
               //for (y = 0; y < postState.handCount[player]; y++)
               //printf("%s Card at position %d \r\n", cards[postState.hand[player][y]], y);
               // }

               int card;
               int cardCount = 0;
               int foundCards[MAX_DECK];
               int j;
               for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)

                    if (j == 0)
                         card = copper;
                    if (j == 1)
                         card = silver;
                    if (j == 2)
                         card = gold;
                    if (j == 3)
                         card = gardens;
                    if (j == 4)
                         card = tribute;

                    testResult = findCard(player, &postState, card, 1);

                    if (testResult != -1) //card found
                         foundCards[cardCount - 1] = card;

#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                         printf("Found %s card in player[%d]'s hand at position %d! Number of cards found: %d\r\n", cards[card], player, testResult, cardCount);

               if (cardCount == 1) //passed

#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("cardCount = %d, Expected = 1\r\n", cardCount);

               //check that the found cards are not in the deck anymore
               for (j = 0; j < cardCount; j++)
                    testResult = findCard(player, &postState, foundCards[j], 2);

                    if (testResult == -1) //card not found
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                         printf("Found %s card in player[%d]'s deck at position %d\r\n", cards[card], player, testResult);
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("Testing that player[%d] deckCount has decreased by 1..\r\n", player);
               //Check that deckCount decreased by 1

               testResult = postState.deckCount[player];

               if (testResult == prevState.deckCount[player] - 1) //passed
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("deckCount = %d, Expected = %d\r\n", testResult, prevState.deckCount[player] - 1);
               printf("Checking that the the number of actions have increased by 2...\r\n");

               //Check that number of actions have increased by 2

               testResult = postState.numActions;

               if (testResult == prevState.numActions + 2) //passed
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
               printf("numActions = %d, Expected = %d\r\n", testResult, prevState.numActions + 2);


     printf("%d out of %d tests passed!\r\n", passedTests, passedTests + failedTests);
     printf("%d out of %d tests failed!\r\n", failedTests, passedTests + failedTests);

     return 0;
Example #10
int main()
	int i, j, currentPlayer;
	int handPos, choice1, choice2, choice3, bonus;
	int failFlag;
	choice1 = choice2 = choice3 = bonus = 0;
	struct gameState state, controlState;


	printf("Beginning Village Random Testing\n\n");

	//Test Expected Results
	for(i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++)
		//Generate randomized game state, copy to a control, and call cardEffect
		handPos = generateState(&state);
		memcpy(&controlState, &state, sizeof(struct gameState));
		//cardEffect(village, choice1, choice2, choice3, &state, handPos, &bonus);
		currentPlayer = state.whoseTurn;
		playVillage(&state, currentPlayer, handPos);
		failFlag = 0;
		printf("------------ %d ------------\n", i);

		//Test hand count
		//Expected: unchanged
		if(state.handCount[currentPlayer] != controlState.handCount[currentPlayer])
			failFlag = 1;
			printf("FAIL: Hand Count | Expected: %d | Actual: %d\n", controlState.handCount[currentPlayer], state.handCount[currentPlayer]);

		//Test deck count
		//Expected: decrement by one
		if(controlState.deckCount[currentPlayer] - 1 < state.deckCount[currentPlayer])
			failFlag = 1;
			printf("FAIL: Deck Count | Expected: %d or less | Actual: %d\n", controlState.handCount[currentPlayer] - 1, state.deckCount[currentPlayer]);

		//Test action count
		//Expected: increment by one
		if(controlState.numActions + 1 != state.numActions)
			failFlag = 1;
			printf("FAIL: Action count | Expected: %d | Actual: %d\n", controlState.numActions + 1, state.numActions);

		//Test other players' hand count and deck count
		//Expected: unchanged
		for(j = 0; j < state.numPlayers; j++)
			if(j != currentPlayer)
				if(state.handCount[j] != controlState.handCount[j])
					failFlag = 1;
					printf("FAIL: Player %d's Hand Count | Expected: %d | Actual: %d\n", j, controlState.handCount[j], state.handCount[j]);
				if(state.deckCount[j] != controlState.deckCount[j])
					failFlag = 1;
					printf("FAIL: Player %d's Deck Count | Expected: %d | Actual: %d\n", j, controlState.deckCount[j], state.deckCount[j]);


		//Test supply piles
		//Expected: unchanged
		for(j = 0; j < 25; j++)
			if(state.supplyCount[j] != controlState.supplyCount[j])
				failFlag = 1;
				printf("FAIL: Supply Count %d | Expected: %d | Actual: %d\n", j, controlState.supplyCount[j], state.supplyCount[j]);

		//Print out the inputs that lead to a failure
		if(failFlag == 1)
			printf("Inputs: \n numPlayers %d\n current player %d\n numActions %d\n handCount %d\n deckCount %d\n discardCount %d\n", 
				state.numPlayers, currentPlayer, state.numActions, state.handCount[currentPlayer], state.deckCount[currentPlayer], state.discardCount[currentPlayer]);
			printf("All tests passed!\n");

	printf("Village tests complete.\n");

	return 0;
Example #11
int main(){
	//Initialize Game
	int init;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, smithy, remodel, gardens, minion, steward, tribute, 
				ambassador, baron, mine};
	struct gameState G;
	init = initializeGame(2, k, 1, &G);
	printf("Testing Card: Villages\n");
	//Setup the cards for user 1
	G.deckCount[0] = 5;
	G.handCount[0] = 5;
	G.discardCount[0] = 0;
	G.hand[0][0] = 1; //estate
	G.hand[0][1] = 1; //estate
	G.hand[0][2] = 4; //copper
	G.hand[0][3] = 4; //copper
	G.hand[0][4] = 14; //villages

	G.deck[0][0] = 1; //estate
	G.deck[0][1] = 2; //duchy
	G.deck[0][2] = 4; //copper
	G.deck[0][3] = 5; //silver
	G.deck[0][4] = 6; //gold
	printf("Top card in deck: %d\n", G.deck[0][G.deckCount[0] - 1]);
	printf("\nHand prior to playing Village\n");
	//Get the number of actions prior to playing the Village card
	int numActionsprior = G.numActions;
	printf("\nNumber of actions prior to playing Village: %d\n", numActionsprior);

	//Run test #1
	int test1 = playVillage(0, 4, &G);
	if(test1 != 0){
		printf("Test #1 Failed to run.");
	printf("\nHand after playing Village\n");
	int numActionsafter = G.numActions;
	printf("\nNumber of actions after playing Village: %d\n\n", numActionsafter);
	printf("Test #1: Village card removed.\n");
	if(G.hand[0][4]!= 14){
		printf("Result: Pass\n\n");
		printf("Result: Fail\n\n");
	printf("Test #2: Added card is the top card of the deck.\n");
	if(G.hand[0][4] == 6){
		printf("Result: Pass\n\n");
		printf("Result: Fail\n\n");
	printf("Test #3: More than 1 card is added.\n");
	if(G.hand[0][5] == -1){
		printf("Result: Pass\n\n");
		printf("Result: Fail\n\n");
	printf("Test #4: Actions should be incremented by 2.\n");
	if(numActionsafter == numActionsprior+2){
		printf("Result: Pass\n\n");
		printf("Result: Fail\n\n");

Example #12
int main()
	printf("Testing playVillage()...\n");
	struct gameState* state = newGame();
	int player = 0;
	state->numActions = 1;
	state->numPlayers = 4;
	state->playedCardCount = 0;
	int failCount = 0;
	// set hand to a known state
	state->handCount[player] = 3;
	state->hand[player][0] = copper;
	state->hand[player][1] = village;
	state->hand[player][2] = estate;
	// set deck to a known state
	state->deckCount[player] = 3;
	state->deck[player][0] = copper;
	state->deck[player][1] = gold;
	state->deck[player][2] = copper;

	// set other players' cards to a known state
	int i;
	for (i = 1; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
		state->handCount[i] = 0;
		state->deckCount[i] = 0;
		state->discardCount[i] = 0;
	// call the function being tested
	playVillage(state, 1, player);
	// check that handCount has not changed (1 card added, 1 discarded)
	if (state->handCount[player] != 3)
		printf("Error: handCount is %d instead of 3\n", state->handCount[player]);
	// check that numActions has increased by 2
	if (state->numActions != 3)
		printf("Error: numActions is %d instead of 3\n", state->numActions);
	// check that deck has had a card removed
	if (state->deckCount[player] != 2)
		printf("Error: deckCount is %d instead of 2\n", state->deckCount[player]);
	// check that village card is no longer in the player's hand
	for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[player]; i++)
		if (state->hand[player][i] == village)
			printf("Error: village card not discarded\n");
	// check that the played card count has incremented
	if (state->playedCardCount != 1)
		printf("Error: playedCardCount is %d instead of 1\n", state->playedCardCount);
	// check that the other players' cards were not modified
	for (i = 1; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
		if (state->handCount[i] != 0)
			printf("Error: player %d's handCount is %d instead of 0\n", i + 1, state->handCount[i]);
		if (state->deckCount[i] != 0)
			printf("Error: player %d's deckCount is %d instead of 0\n", i + 1, state->deckCount[i]);
		if (state->discardCount[i] != 0)
			printf("Error: player %d's discardCount is %d instead of 0\n", i + 1, state->discardCount[i]);
	printf("Testing complete!\n%d errors found.\n", failCount);
	return 0;
Example #13
int main()
	int i;
	int numPlayers = 2, thisPlayer = 0, handPos = 0;
	int seed = rand() % 65535;
	int k[10] = { adventurer, smithy, village, great_hall, council_room, salvager, sea_hag, gardens, remodel, ambassador };
	int totalSuccesses, totalFailures, numTests = 1000;

	int successBool; // Assume all tests pass unless otherwise specified.

	totalSuccesses = numTests;

	struct gameState state, testState;

	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &state);

	totalFailures = 0;


	for(i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
		successBool = 1;
		printf("\nITERATION %d\n", i+1);

		memcpy(&testState, &state, sizeof(struct gameState));
		state.hand[thisPlayer][0] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer][1] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer][2] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer][3] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer][4] = rand() % 27;

		state.hand[thisPlayer+1][0] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer+1][1] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer+1][2] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer+1][3] = rand() % 27;
		state.hand[thisPlayer+1][4] = rand() % 27;

		state.deck[thisPlayer][0] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer][1] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer][2] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer][3] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer][4] = rand() % 27;

		state.deck[thisPlayer+1][0] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer+1][1] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer+1][2] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer+1][3] = rand() % 27;
		state.deck[thisPlayer+1][4] = rand() % 27;

		memcpy(&testState, &state, sizeof(struct gameState));

		//testState.hand[thisPlayer][0] = rand() % 27;
		//testState.hand[thisPlayer][1] = rand() % 27;
		//testState.hand[thisPlayer][2] = rand() % 27;
		//testState.hand[thisPlayer][3] = rand() % 27;
		//testState.hand[thisPlayer][4] = rand() % 27;

		// Make sure we have all of the victory cards are in order.
/*		if(testState.supplyCount[estate] != 8 || testState.supplyCount[duchy] != 8 || testState.supplyCount[province] != 8)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Victory card supplies are incorrect.\n");
			successBool = 0;

		if(testState.supplyCount[copper] != 46 || testState.supplyCount[silver] != 40 || testState.supplyCount[gold] != 30)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Treasure Card supplies are not correct\n");
			successBool = 0;
		if(testState.supplyCount[copper] + testState.supplyCount[silver] + testState.supplyCount[gold] != 116);
			printf("\nFailed Test: Treasure Card Totals Do Not Equal 116\n");
			successBool = 0;
		playVillage(&testState, thisPlayer, handPos);

		if(testState.deckCount[thisPlayer] != state.deckCount[thisPlayer] - 1)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Player did not pick up extra card properly.\n");
			printf("Deck Count: %d, Pre-Deck Count: %d\n", testState.deckCount[thisPlayer], state.deckCount[thisPlayer] - 1);
			successBool = 0;

		if(testState.numActions != state.numActions + 2)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Number of actions did not increase properly for Player 1.\n");
			successBool = 0;

		if(testState.discardCount[thisPlayer] != state.discardCount[thisPlayer] + 1) // should fail
			printf("\nFailed Test: Number of cards discarded did not increase properly for Player 1.\n");
			printf("Deck Count: %d, Pre-Deck Count: %d\n", testState.discardCount[thisPlayer], state.discardCount[thisPlayer] + 1);
			successBool = 0;


		// Player 2

		playVillage(&testState, thisPlayer, handPos);

		if(testState.deckCount[thisPlayer] != state.deckCount[thisPlayer] - 1)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Player 2 did not pick up extra card properly.\n");
			printf("Deck Count: %d, Pre-Deck Count: %d\n", testState.deckCount[thisPlayer], state.deckCount[thisPlayer] - 1);
			successBool = 0;

		if(testState.numActions != state.numActions + 2)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Number of actions did not increase properly for Player 2.\n");
			successBool = 0;

		if(testState.discardCount[thisPlayer] != state.discardCount[thisPlayer] - 6)
			printf("\nFailed Test: Number of cards discarded did not increase properly for Player 2.\n");
			printf("Deck Count: %d, Pre-Deck Count: %d\n", testState.discardCount[thisPlayer], state.discardCount[thisPlayer] + 1);
			successBool = 0;



	printf("Testing complete for %s.\n", TESTCARD);
	printf("Total Tests: %d\n", numTests);
	printf("Total Successful: %d\n", (numTests * 6) - totalFailures);
	printf("Total Unsuccessful: %d\n", totalFailures);

	return 0;

Example #14
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus)
   //uses switch to select card and perform actions
  switch( card ) 
    case adventurer:
       return (playAdventurer(state));
    case council_room:
       return (playCouncil_Room(state, handPos));
    case feast:
       return(playFeast(state, choice1)); 
    case gardens:
       return -1;

    case smithy:
      return (playSmithy(state, handPos));
    case village:
      return (playVillage(state, handPos));
    case mine:
      return(playMine(state, choice1, choice2, handPos));
    case remodel:
      return(playRemodel(state, choice1, choice2, handPos));
    case baron:
      return(playBaron(state, choice1, choice2, handPos));
    case great_hall:
      return(playGreat_hall(state, handPos));
    case minion:
      return(playMinion(state, choice1, choice2, handPos));

    case steward:
      return(playSteward(state, choice1, choice2, choice3, handPos));
    case tribute:

    case ambassador:
      return(playAmbassador(state,choice1, choice2, handPos));
    case cutpurse:
      return(playCutpurse(state, handPos));
    case embargo:
      return(playEmbargo(state, choice1, handPos));
    case outpost:
      return(playOutpost(state, handPos));
    case salvager:
      return(playSalvager(state, choice1, handPos));
    case sea_hag:
    case treasure_map:
      return(playTreasure_map(state, handPos));
  return -1;
Example #15
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
  printf("Testing playVillage().\n");
  int i, p, r, j;
  int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine, smithy, village, baron, great_hall, tribute};
  int fail = 0;
  int tempHand[5];
  int tempDeck[20];
  int handSize = 5;
  int deckSize = 20;
  struct gameState G;

  for (i = 0; i < handSize; ++i)
    tempHand[i] = village;

  for (i = 0; i < deckSize; ++i)
    if (i % 2 == 0)
      tempDeck[i] = copper;
    }else if (i % 3 == 0)
      tempDeck[i] = silver;
    }else if (i % 7 == 0)
      tempDeck[i] = estate;
      tempDeck[i] = gold;

  /*set up the game*/
  memset(&G, 0, sizeof(struct gameState));
  r = initializeGame(NUM_PLAYERS, k, SEED_NUMBER, &G);

  for (p = 0; p < NUM_PLAYERS; ++p)
    memcpy(G.hand[p], tempHand, sizeof(int) * handSize);
    memcpy(G.deck[p], tempDeck, sizeof(int) * deckSize);
    G.handCount[p] = handSize;
    G.deckCount[p] = deckSize;
    for ( j = handSize -1; j >= 0; --j)
      int oldHandCount = G.handCount[p];
      int oldDiscardCount = G.discardCount[p];
      int oldNumActions = G.numActions;
      playVillage(p, &G, j);
      //ensure the hand is the correct size
      if (oldHandCount != G.handCount[p])
        printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount);

      //ensure the number of actions are correct
      if (G.numActions != oldNumActions + 2)
        printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount);

      //ensure a card is discarded
      if (G.discardCount[p] != oldDiscardCount + 1)
        printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount);

      //ensure the correct card is discarded
      if (G.discard[p][G.discardCount[p] - 1] != village)
        printFailure(p, j, oldHandCount);
  if (fail > 0)
    printf("%d tests failed.\n", fail);
    printf("ALL TESTS PASSED!\n");
  return 0;