Example #1
void				Graphics::refreshScreen(Map *map)
Example #2
// ================================ START Menu ================================
int GUI::play( )
	Table t;	// choi tren Table nay
	srand(time(NULL)); //Sinh so ngau nhien

	double timeDelay = 1000 - level * 100 ;	//thoi gian de roi
	double tempTimeDelay = timeDelay;
	int IDBrick, IDNextBrick; //So thu tu cua gach
	score = 0; //Diem ban dau
	lines = 0; //So hang da an duoc ban dau
	system( "cls" );
	//Tao 2 khoi gach dau tien
	IDBrick = createIDBrick(); 
	IDNextBrick = createIDBrick();
	//In ra background, level, line va score ban dau
	printBackground( );
	gotoxy( 12, 4 );
	std::cout << level;
	gotoxy( 12, 6 );
	std::cout <<  score;
	gotoxy( 12, 8 );
	std::cout << lines;

		t.create( IDBrick );	//tao khoi moi

		while ( t.checkEmpty( -1, 0 ) )
			//In ra vien gach tiep theo va mau cua no
			setTextColor( IDNextBrick + 7 );
			t.printNextBrick( IDNextBrick );
			Sleep( ( tempTimeDelay ) );
			int count = 5; //So lan xoay toi da trong timeDelay

			while (--count  && kbhit() ) 				//doi phim an	
	        	KEY = key_press( );
	        	if ( KEY == KEY_LEFT ) 			// dich trai neu nhap phim trai
	        		t.moveLeft( );
	        	else if ( KEY == KEY_RIGHT ) 		// dich phai neu nhap phim phai
	        		t.moveRight( );
	        	else if ( KEY == KEY_DOWN ) 		// roi luon neu nhap phim xuong
	        		tempTimeDelay /= 10;
	        	else if ( KEY == KEY_UP ) 		// xoay neu nhap phim len
	        		t.rotate( );
	        	else if ( KEY == PAUSE || KEY == ESCAPE )		// tam dung pause
	        		while ( 1 ) //man hinh pause 
	        			system( "cls" );	//xoa man hinh, chong gian lan

	        			//In ra tuy chon o man hinh pause
    					setTextColor( COLOR );
	        			gotoxy( 20, 9 );
	        			std::cout << "                   _____PAUSE_____                 ";
	        			gotoxy( 20, 12 );
	        			std::cout << "                       RESUME                      ";
	        			gotoxy( 20, 14 );
	        			std::cout << "                       RESTART                     ";
	        			gotoxy( 20, 16 );
	        			std::cout << "                      MAIN MENU                    ";
	        			int chosenMenu = cursor( 12, 16, 1 );
						//Thuc hien lenh tuy theo toa do con tro tuy chon
						if(chosenMenu == 1 ) //tiep tuc
							//In ra nen game, level, lines va score hien tai va tiep tuc game
							printBackground( );
							gotoxy( 12, 4 );
							std::cout << level;
							gotoxy( 12, 6 );
							std::cout << score;
							gotoxy( 12, 8 );
							std::cout << lines;
						else if(chosenMenu == 2 && confirm("RESTART") ) //choi lai ( can  xac nhan )
							return play( );
						else if(chosenMenu == 3 && confirm("BACK TO MAIN MENU") ) //quay ve
							return -1;
							//return restart( );
			t.moveDown( );		// dich xuong
	   	t.setBrickNum( IDBrick + 7 );
	   	t.getFullRows( );	//Lay diem

	   	//Tinh diem hien tai
	   	score = score + level +  level * level * t.getDeletedLines() * t.getDeletedLines();
	   	lines += t.getDeletedLines();

	   	//In ra level, lines va score hien tai
	   	setTextColor ( COLOR ); 
	   	gotoxy( 12, 4 );
		std::cout << level;
	   	gotoxy( 12, 6 );
		std::cout << score;
		gotoxy( 12, 8 );
		std::cout << lines;

	   	IDBrick = IDNextBrick; //Gan khoi cu thanh khoi moi
		IDNextBrick = createIDBrick(); //Tao khoi gach tiep theo

		tempTimeDelay = timeDelay *= 0.99;
		level = ( 1000 - timeDelay ) / 100;
	} while ( t.checkGameOver() == 0 );

	return score;	//lay diem 
Example #3
int main() {    
    // Open the file for reading and writing
    fbfd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
    if (fbfd == -1) {
        perror("Error: cannot open framebuffer device");
    printf("The framebuffer device was opened successfully.\n");

    // Get fixed screen information
    if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1) {
        perror("Error reading fixed information");

    // Get variable screen information
    if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
        perror("Error reading variable information");

    printf("%dx%d, %dbpp\n", vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, vinfo.bits_per_pixel);

    displayWidth = vinfo.xres;
    displayHeight = vinfo.yres;

    // Figure out the SIZE of the screen in bytes
    screensize = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;

    // Map the device to memory
    fbp = (char *)mmap(0, screensize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                        fbfd, 0);
    if (atoi(fbp) == -1) {
        perror("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory");
    printf("The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully.\n");
    // /*
    // Triangle t = MakeTRIANGLE(MakePOINT(100,100),MakePOINT(100,200),MakePOINT(400,200)); 
    // Triangle t1 = scaleTriangle(t,1.5);
    // drawTriangle(t1.P1.X, t1.P1.Y, t1.P2.X, t1.P2.Y, t1.P3.X, t1.P3.Y, 255, 255, 255);
    // drawTriangle(100,100,100,200,400,200,0,0,0);
    // */
    // //drawLine(100,100,100,200);
    // //drawLine(100,100,400,200);
    // //drawLine(100,200,400,200);
    // //drawTriangle(100,100,500,300,250,600);

    // Vector2dVector a;

    // a.push_back( Vector2d(110,110));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(160,110));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(160,190));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(110,190));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(110,150));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(140,150));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(140,130));
    // a.push_back( Vector2d(110,130));

    // Vector2dVector result;

    // //  Invoke the triangulator to triangulate this polygon.
    // Triangulate::Process(a,result);

    // // print out the results.
    // int tcount = result.size()/3;
    // Triangle tri, tri1;
    // for (int i=0; i<tcount; i++) {
    //     const Vector2d &p1 = result[i*3+0];
    //     const Vector2d &p2 = result[i*3+1];
    //     const Vector2d &p3 = result[i*3+2];
    //     tri = MakeTRIANGLE(MakePOINT(p1.GetX(),p1.GetY()),MakePOINT(p2.GetX(),p2.GetY()),MakePOINT(p3.GetX(),p3.GetY()));       
    //     //printf("Triangle %d => (%0.0f,%0.0f) (%0.0f,%0.0f) (%0.0f,%0.0f)\n",i+1,p1.GetX(),p1.GetY(),p2.GetX(),p2.GetY(),p3.GetX(),p3.GetY());
    //     tri1 = scaleTriangle(tri, 1.8);
    //     drawTriangle(tri1.P1.X, tri1.P1.Y, tri1.P2.X, tri1.P2.Y, tri1.P3.X, tri1.P3.Y, (i*15 + 30) % 255 , (i*5 + 100) % 255, (i*10 + 50) % 255);
    // }
    int scale = 2;

    // Membuat pergerakan tulisan
    system("setterm -cursor off");
    for(int i=0; i<85; i++) {
        if (i%10==0) {
            if (i<=30) {
            } else {
        int r = 255;
        int g = 255;
        int b = 255;
        printIrene(200, 700-i*25, scale, r, g, b);
        printWilliam(200, 700-i*25+33*scale, scale, r, g, b);
        printAngela(200, 700-i*25+66*scale, scale, r, g, b);
        printKevin(200, 700-i*25+99*scale, scale, r, g, b);
        printMarcel(200, 700-i*25+132*scale, scale, r, g, b);
        printDevina(200, 700-i*25+165*scale, scale, r, g, b);
        usleep(10000); // dalam miliseconds
    system("setterm -cursor on");

    munmap(fbp, screensize);
    return 0;