Example #1
static void
run_test (void)
    int i;
    QofSession *sess;
    QofBook *book;
    QofInstance *ent;
    QofCollection *col;
    QofIdType type;
    GncGUID guid;

    sess = get_random_session ();
    book = qof_session_get_book (sess);
    do_test ((NULL != book), "book not created");

    col = qof_book_get_collection (book, "asdf");
    type = qof_collection_get_type (col);

    for (i = 0; i < NENT; i++)
        ent = static_cast<QofInstance*>(g_object_new(QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE, NULL));
        ent = static_cast<QofInstance*>(g_object_new(QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE,
                                                     "guid", &guid, NULL));
        do_test ((NULL == qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, &guid)),
                 "duplicate guid");
        ent->e_type = type;
        qof_collection_insert_entity (col, ent);
        do_test ((NULL != qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, &guid)),
                 "guid not found");

    /* Make valgrind happy -- destroy the session. */
Example #2
static void
load_slot_for_list_item( GncSqlBackend* be, GncSqlRow* row, QofCollection* coll )
    slot_info_t slot_info = { NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, 0, NULL, FRAME, NULL, NULL };
    const GncGUID* guid;
    QofInstance* inst;

    g_return_if_fail( be != NULL );
    g_return_if_fail( row != NULL );
    g_return_if_fail( coll != NULL );

    guid = load_obj_guid( be, row );
    g_assert( guid != NULL );
    inst = qof_collection_lookup_entity( coll, guid );

    slot_info.be = be;
    slot_info.pKvpFrame = qof_instance_get_slots( inst );
    slot_info.context = NONE;

    gnc_sql_load_object( be, row, TABLE_NAME, &slot_info, col_table );

    if ( slot_info.path != NULL )
        (void)g_string_free( slot_info.path, TRUE );
Example #3
qof_instance_init_data (QofInstance *inst, QofIdType type, QofBook *book)
    QofInstancePrivate *priv;
    QofCollection *col;
    QofIdType col_type;

    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);

    priv->book = book;
    col = qof_book_get_collection (book, type);
    g_return_if_fail(col != NULL);

    /* XXX We passed redundant info to this routine ... but I think that's
     * OK, it might eliminate programming errors. */

    col_type = qof_collection_get_type(col);
    if (safe_strcmp(col_type, type))
        PERR ("attempt to insert \"%s\" into \"%s\"", type, col_type);
    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);
    inst->e_type = CACHE_INSERT (type);


        if (NULL == qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, &priv->guid))

        PWARN("duplicate id created, trying again");
    while (1);

    priv->collection = col;

    qof_collection_insert_entity (col, inst);
Example #4
static void
qof_instance_coll_foreach(QofInstance *original, gpointer user_data)
    QofInstanceCopyData *qecd;
    const GncGUID *g;
    QofBook *targetBook;
    QofCollection *coll;
    QofInstance *copy;

    g_return_if_fail(original != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
    copy = NULL;
    qecd = (QofInstanceCopyData*)user_data;
    targetBook = qof_session_get_book(qecd->new_session);
    g = qof_instance_get_guid(original);
    coll = qof_book_get_collection(targetBook, original->e_type);
    copy = qof_collection_lookup_entity(coll, g);
    if (copy)
        qecd->error = TRUE;
Example #5
static gboolean
validate_type(const char *url_type, const char *location,
              const char *entity_type, GNCURLResult *result,
              GncGUID *guid, QofInstance **entity)
    QofCollection *col;
    QofBook     * book = gnc_get_current_book();
    if (!string_to_guid (location + strlen(url_type), guid))
        result->error_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Bad URL: %s"), location);
        return FALSE;
    col = qof_book_get_collection (book, entity_type);
    *entity = qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, guid);
    if (NULL == *entity)
        result->error_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Entity Not Found: %s"),
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Example #6
static gboolean
qof_instance_guid_match(QofSession *new_session, QofInstance *original)
    QofInstance *copy;
    const GncGUID *g;
    QofIdTypeConst type;
    QofBook *targetBook;
    QofCollection *coll;

    copy = NULL;
    g_return_val_if_fail(original != NULL, FALSE);
    targetBook = qof_session_get_book(new_session);
    g_return_val_if_fail(targetBook != NULL, FALSE);
    g = qof_instance_get_guid(original);
    type = g_strdup(original->e_type);
    coll = qof_book_get_collection(targetBook, type);
    copy = qof_collection_lookup_entity(coll, g);
    if (copy)
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #7
QofInstance *
qof_instance_lookup_twin (const QofInstance *src, QofBook *target_book)
    QofCollection *col;
    KvpFrame *fr;
    GncGUID * twin_guid;
    QofInstance * twin;
    QofInstancePrivate *bpriv;

    if (!src || !target_book) return NULL;
    ENTER (" ");

    bpriv = GET_PRIVATE(QOF_INSTANCE(target_book));
    fr = gnc_kvp_bag_find_by_guid (src->kvp_data, "gemini",
                                   "book_guid", &bpriv->guid);

    twin_guid = kvp_frame_get_guid (fr, "inst_guid");

    col = qof_book_get_collection (target_book, src->e_type);
    twin = (QofInstance *) qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, twin_guid);

    LEAVE (" found twin=%p", twin);
    return twin;
Example #8
static void
load_slot_for_list_item (GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row,
                         QofCollection* coll)
    slot_info_t slot_info = { NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, KvpValue::Type::INVALID,
                              NULL, FRAME, NULL, "" };
    const GncGUID* guid;
    QofInstance* inst;

    g_return_if_fail (sql_be != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (coll != NULL);

    guid = load_obj_guid (sql_be, row);
    g_assert (guid != NULL);
    inst = qof_collection_lookup_entity (coll, guid);

    slot_info.be = sql_be;
    slot_info.pKvpFrame = qof_instance_get_slots (inst);
    slot_info.context = NONE;

    gnc_sql_load_object (sql_be, row, TABLE_NAME, &slot_info, col_table);
