Example #1
/* Returns  R_DEBUG_REASON_* */
R_API int r_debug_wait(RDebug *dbg) {
	int ret = 0;
	if (!dbg)
		return false;
	dbg->reason.type = R_DEBUG_REASON_UNKNOWN;
	if (r_debug_is_dead (dbg))
		return dbg->reason.type = R_DEBUG_REASON_DEAD;
	if (dbg->h && dbg->h->wait) {
		dbg->reason.type = R_DEBUG_REASON_UNKNOWN;
		ret = dbg->h->wait (dbg, dbg->pid);
		dbg->newstate = 1;
		if (ret == -1) {
			eprintf ("\n==> Process finished\n\n");
			r_debug_select (dbg, -1, -1);
		if (dbg->trace->enabled)
			r_debug_trace_pc (dbg);
		dbg->reason.type = ret;
		if (ret == R_DEBUG_REASON_SIGNAL && dbg->reason.signum != -1) {
			/* handle signal on continuations here */
			int what = r_debug_signal_what (dbg, dbg->reason.signum);
			const char *name = r_debug_signal_resolve_i (dbg, dbg->reason.signum);
			if (name && strcmp ("SIGTRAP", name))
				r_cons_printf ("[+] signal %d aka %s received %d\n",
						dbg->reason.signum, name, what);
	return ret;
Example #2
static int flag_to_flag(RCore *core, const char *glob) {
	r_return_val_if_fail (glob, 0);
	glob = r_str_trim_ro (glob);
	struct flag_to_flag_t u = { .next = UT64_MAX, .offset = core->offset };
	r_flag_foreach_glob (core->flags, glob, flag_to_flag_foreach, &u);
	if (u.next != UT64_MAX && u.next > core->offset) {
		return u.next - core->offset;
	return 0;

static void cmd_flag_tags (RCore *core, const char *input) {
	char mode = input[1];
	for (; *input && !IS_WHITESPACE (*input); input++) {}
	char *inp = strdup (input);
	char *arg = r_str_trim (inp);
	if (!*arg && !mode) {
		const char *tag;
		RListIter *iter;
		RList *list = r_flag_tags_list (core->flags);
		r_list_foreach (list, iter, tag) {
			r_cons_printf ("%s\n", tag);
		r_list_free (list);
		free (inp);
Example #3
R_API int r_core_visual_hud(RCore *core) {
	const char *c = r_config_get (core->config, "hud.path");
	const char *f = R2_LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/hud/main";
	char *homehud = r_str_home (R2_HOMEDIR"/hud");
	char *res = NULL;
	char *p = 0;

	showcursor (core, true);
	if (c && *c && r_file_exists (c))
		res = r_cons_hud_file (c);
	if (!res && homehud)
		res = r_cons_hud_file (homehud);
	if (!res && r_file_exists (f))
		res = r_cons_hud_file (f);
	if (!res)
		r_cons_message ("Cannot find hud file");

	r_cons_clear ();
	if (res) {
		p = strchr (res, '\t');
		r_cons_printf ("%s\n", res);
		r_cons_flush ();
		if (p) r_core_cmd0 (core, p+1);
		free (res);
	showcursor (core, false);
	r_cons_flush ();
	free (homehud);
	return (int)(size_t)p;
Example #4
/* Returns PID */
R_API int r_debug_wait(RDebug *dbg) {
	int ret = 0;
	if (r_debug_is_dead (dbg))
		return R_FALSE;
	if (dbg && dbg->h && dbg->h->wait) {
		dbg->reason = R_DBG_REASON_UNKNOWN;
		ret = dbg->h->wait (dbg, dbg->pid);
		dbg->reason = ret;
		dbg->newstate = 1;
		if (ret == -1) {
			eprintf ("\n==> Process finished\n\n");
			r_debug_select (dbg, -1, -1);
		//eprintf ("wait = %d\n", ret);
		if (dbg->trace->enabled)
			r_debug_trace_pc (dbg);
		if (ret == R_DBG_REASON_SIGNAL && dbg->signum != -1) {
			/* handle signal on continuations here */
			int what = r_debug_signal_what (dbg, dbg->signum);
			const char *name = r_debug_signal_resolve_i (dbg, dbg->signum);
			if (strcmp ("SIGTRAP", name))
				r_cons_printf ("[+] signal %d aka %s received\n",
					dbg->signum, name);
			if (what & R_DBG_SIGNAL_SKIP) {
				dbg->signum = 0;
				// TODO: use ptrace-setsiginfo to ignore signal
			if (what & R_DBG_SIGNAL_CONT) {
				// XXX: support step, steptrace, continue_until_foo, etc..
				r_debug_continue (dbg);
	return ret;
Example #5
R_API void r_core_visual_prompt_input (RCore *core) {
	int ret;
	ut64 addr = core->offset;
	ut64 bsze = core->blocksize;

	r_cons_printf("\nPress <enter> to return to Visual mode.\n");

	r_cons_show_cursor (true);
	core->vmode = false;
	ut64 newaddr = addr;
	if (curset) {
		if (ocursor != -1) {
			newaddr = core->offset + ocursor;
			r_core_block_size (core, cursor-ocursor);
		} else newaddr = core->offset + cursor;
		r_core_seek (core, newaddr, 1);
	do {
		ret = r_core_visual_prompt (core);
		if (core->offset != newaddr) {
			// do not restore seek anymore
			newaddr = addr;
	} while (ret);
	if (curset) {
		if (addr != newaddr) {
			r_core_seek (core, addr, 1);
			r_core_block_size (core, bsze);
	r_cons_show_cursor (false);
	core->vmode = true;
Example #6
static int r_core_visual_hud(RCore *core) {
	const char *f = R2_LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/hud/main";
	char *homehud = r_str_home(R2_HOMEDIR"/hud");
	char *res = NULL;
	char *p = 0;

	r_cons_show_cursor (R_TRUE);
	if (homehud)
		res = r_cons_hud_file (homehud);
	if (!res) {
		if (r_file_exists (f))
			res = r_cons_hud_file (f);
		else r_cons_message ("Cannot find hud file");
	r_cons_clear ();
	if (res) {
		p = strchr (res, '\t');
		core->printidx = 1;
		r_cons_printf ("%s\n", res);
		r_cons_flush ();
		if (p) r_core_cmd0 (core, p+1);
		free (res);
	r_cons_show_cursor (R_FALSE);
	r_cons_flush ();
	return (int)(size_t)p;
Example #7
static void r_cons_pal_show_rgb () {
	const int inc = 3;
	int i, j, k, n = 0;

	r_cons_print ("\n\nRGB:\n");
	for (i = n = 0; i <= 0xf; i += inc) {
		for (k = 0; k <= 0xf; k += inc) {
			for (j = 0; j <= 0xf; j += inc) {
				char fg[32], bg[32];
				int r = i * 16;
				int g = j * 16;
				int b = k * 16;
				if ((i < 6) && (j <5)) strcpy (fg, Color_WHITE);
				else strcpy (fg, Color_BLACK);
				r_cons_rgb_str (bg, r, g, b, 1);
				r_cons_printf ("%s%s rgb:%02x%02x%02x "
					Color_RESET, fg, bg, r, g, b);
				//if (n++==7) {
				if (n ++== 5) {
					n = 0;
					r_cons_newline ();
Example #8
static bool nextpal_item(RCore *core, int mode, const char *file, int ctr) {
	const char *fn = r_str_lchr (file, '/');
	if (!fn) fn = file;
	switch (mode) {
	case 'j': // json
		r_cons_printf ("%s\"%s\"", ctr?",":"", fn);
	case 'l': // list
		r_cons_println (fn);
	case 'p': // previous
		// TODO: move logic here
	case 'n': // next
		if (getNext) {
			curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, fn);
			getNext = false;
			return false;
		} else if (curtheme) {
			if (!strcmp (curtheme, fn)) {
				getNext = true;
		} else {
			curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, fn);
			return false;
	return true;
Example #9
R_API void r_cons_gotoxy(int x, int y) {
#if 0
#if __WINDOWS__
        static HANDLE hStdout = NULL;
        COORD coord;
        coord.X = x;
        coord.Y = y;
        if (!hStdout)
                hStdout = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, coord);
	r_cons_printf ("\x1b[%d;%dH", y, x);
	r_cons_printf ("\x1b[%d;%dH", y, x);
Example #10
File: pal.c Project: l3acon/radare2
R_API void r_cons_pal_show () {
	const int inc = 3;
	int i, j, k, n = 0;
	for (i=0; colors[i].name; i++) {
		r_cons_printf ("%s%s__"Color_RESET" %s\n",
	r_cons_printf ("\nGreyscale:\n");
	for (i=n=0; i<=0xf; i+=1) {
		char fg[32], bg[32];
		int r = i*16;
		if (i<5) strcpy (fg, Color_WHITE);
		else r_cons_rgb_str (fg, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		r_cons_rgb_str (bg, r, r, r, 1);
		r_cons_printf ("%s%s  rgb:%x%x%x  "
			Color_RESET, fg, bg, i, i, i);
		if (n++==5) {
			n = 0;
	r_cons_printf ("\n\nRGB:\n");
	for (i=n=0; i<=0xf; i+=inc) {
		for (k=0; k<=0xf; k+=inc) {
			for (j=0; j<=0xf; j+=inc) {
				char fg[32], bg[32];
				int r = i*16;
				int g = j*16;
				int b = k*16;
				if ((i<6) && (j<5) ) 
					strcpy (fg, Color_WHITE);
				//if (i<2 && j<6 && k<13) 
				else r_cons_rgb_str (fg, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				r_cons_rgb_str (bg, r, g, b, 1);
				r_cons_printf ("%s%s  rgb:%x%x%x  "Color_RESET,
					fg, bg, i, j, k);
				//if (n++==7) {
				if (n++==5) {
					n = 0;
Example #11
static int config_scrfkey_callback(void *user, void *data) {
	RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
	if (!strcmp (node->value, "help") || *node->value == '?') {
		r_cons_printf ("scr.fkey = fun, hit, flag\n");
		return R_FALSE;
	return R_TRUE;
Example #12
static void handle_sha512 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
	int i = 0;
	RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (R_TRUE, R_HASH_SHA512);
	const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_sha512 (ctx, block, len);
	for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_SHA512; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
	r_cons_newline ();
	r_hash_free (ctx);
Example #13
R_API int r_core_yank_dump (RCore *core, ut64 pos) {
	int res = R_FALSE, i = 0;
	int ybl = core->yank_buf->length;
	if (ybl>0) {
		if (pos<ybl) {
			r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x " %d ",
			for (i = pos; i < core->yank_buf->length; i++)
				r_cons_printf ("%02x",
			r_cons_newline ();
			res = R_TRUE;
		} else eprintf ("Position exceeds buffer length.\n");
	} else eprintf ("No buffer yanked already\n");
	return res;
Example #14
static void rtti_itanium_print_class_type_info (class_type_info *cti, ut64 addr, const char *prefix) {
	r_cons_printf ("%sType Info at 0x%08"PFMT64x ":\n"
			"%s  Reference to RTTI's type class: 0x%08"PFMT32x "\n"
			"%s  Reference to type's name: 0x%08"PFMT32x "\n",
			prefix, addr,
			prefix, cti->vtable_addr,
			prefix, cti->name_addr);
Example #15
static void pair(const char *a, const char *b, int mode, bool last) {
	if (!b || !(*b)) return;

	if (IS_MODE_JSON (mode)) {
		const char *lst = last ? "" : ",";
		r_cons_printf ("\"%s\":%s%s", a, b, lst);
	} else {
		char ws[16];
		int al = strlen (a);

		al = PAIR_WIDTH - al;
		if (al < 0) al = 0;
		memset (ws, ' ', al);
		ws[al] = 0;
		r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s\n", a, ws, b);
Example #16
static void handle_md5 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
	int i = 0;
	RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_MD5);
	const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_md5 (ctx, block, len);
	for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_MD5; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
	r_cons_newline ();
	r_hash_free (ctx);
Example #17
static void algolist(int mode) {
	const char *name;
	ut64 bits;
	int i;
	for (i=0; ; i++) {
		bits = 1<<i;
		name = r_hash_name (bits);
		if (!name||!*name) break;
		if (mode) {
			r_cons_printf ("%s\n", name);
		} else {
			r_cons_printf (" #%s", name);
			if (!((i+1)%10)) r_cons_newline ();
	if (!mode) r_cons_printf ("\n");
Example #18
R_API void r_core_rtr_cmd(RCore *core, const char *input) {
	char bufw[1024], bufr[8];
	const char *cmd = NULL, *cmd_output = NULL;
	int i, cmd_len, fd = atoi (input);

	if (*input==':' && !strchr (input+1, ':')) {
		r_core_cmdf (core, "o rap://%s", input);
	if (fd != 0) {
		if (rtr_host[rtr_n].fd)
			for (rtr_n = 0; rtr_host[rtr_n].fd->fd != fd
				&& rtr_n < RTR_MAX_HOSTS - 1; rtr_n++);
		if (!(cmd = strchr (input, ' '))) {
			eprintf ("Error\n");
	} else cmd = input;

	if (!rtr_host[rtr_n].fd){
		eprintf ("Error: Unknown host\n");
		core->num->value = 1; // fail

	if (!rtr_host[rtr_n].proto == RTR_PROT_RAP){
		eprintf ("Error: Not a rap:// host\n");

	core->num->value = 0; // that's fine
	if (!strlen (cmd)) {
		// just check if we can connect
		r_socket_close (rtr_host[rtr_n].fd);
	/* send */
	bufw[0] = RTR_RAP_CMD;
	i = strlen (cmd) + 1;
	r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)bufw+1, (ut8*)&i, 4, endian);
	memcpy (bufw+5, cmd, i);
	r_socket_write (rtr_host[rtr_n].fd, bufw, 5+i);
	/* read */
	r_socket_read (rtr_host[rtr_n].fd, (ut8*)bufr, 5);
	if (bufr[0] != (char)(RTR_RAP_CMD|RTR_RAP_REPLY)) {
		eprintf ("Error: Wrong reply\n");
	r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)&cmd_len, (ut8*)bufr+1, 4, endian);
	cmd_output = malloc (cmd_len);
	if (!cmd_output) {
		eprintf ("Error: Allocating cmd output\n");
	r_socket_read (rtr_host[rtr_n].fd, (ut8*)cmd_output, cmd_len);
	r_cons_printf ("%s\n", cmd_output);
	free ((void *)cmd_output);
Example #19
static void rtti_itanium_print_vmi_class_type_info_json (vmi_class_type_info *vmi_cti, ut64 addr) {
	r_cons_printf ("{\"vmi_type_info\": {\"found_at\":%"PFMT32u",\"ref_to_type_class\":%"PFMT32u","
			addr, vmi_cti->vtable_addr, vmi_cti->name_addr, vmi_cti->vmi_flags,
	r_cons_printf ("\"base_classes\":[");
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < vmi_cti->vmi_base_count; i++) {
		if (i < vmi_cti->vmi_base_count - 1) {
	r_cons_printf ("]}}");
Example #20
// Below this line are the r_io_zip plugin APIs
static RIODesc *r_io_zip_open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	RIODesc *result = NULL;
	RIOZipFileObj *zipFileObj = NULL;

	char *zip_uri = NULL, *zip_filename = NULL, *filename_in_zipfile = NULL;
	if (!r_io_zip_plugin_open (io, file)) {
		return result;

	zip_uri = strdup(file);
	// 1) Tokenize to the '//' and find the base file directory ('/')
	zip_filename = strstr(zip_uri, "//");
	if (zip_filename && zip_filename[2]) {
		if (zip_filename[0] && zip_filename[0] == '/' &&
			zip_filename[1] && zip_filename[1] == '/' ) {
			*zip_filename++ = 0;	
		*zip_filename++ = 0;

		filename_in_zipfile = strstr(zip_filename, "//");
		if (filename_in_zipfile && filename_in_zipfile[2]) {
			// null terminating uri to filename here.
			*filename_in_zipfile++ = 0;
			*filename_in_zipfile++ = 0;

	if (!zip_filename) {// && !filename_in_zipfile) {
		if (zip_uri)
		eprintf("usage: zip:///path/to/archive//filepath\n");
		eprintf("Archive was not found.\n");

		return result;

	// Failed to find the file name the archive.
	if (!filename_in_zipfile) {
		RList *files = NULL;
		RListIter *iter, *iter_tmp;
		char *name;
		//eprintf("usage: zip:///path/to/archive//filepath\n");
		eprintf("\nFiles in archive\n\n");
		files = r_io_zip_get_files(zip_filename, 0, mode, rw );

		if (files) {
			int i = 0;
			r_list_foreach_safe(files, iter, iter_tmp, name) {
				// XXX - io->printf does not flush
				// io->printf("%s\n", name);
				r_cons_printf("%s\n", name);
				r_cons_flush ();
				free (name);
				r_list_delete (files, iter);
			r_list_free (files);
Example #21
static inline void rgbinit(int r, int g, int b) {
#if __UNIX__
	r_cons_printf ("\x1b]4;%d;rgb:%2.2x/%2.2x/%2.2x\x1b\\",
			16 + (r * 36) + (g * 6) + b,
			(r ? (r * 40 + 55) : 0),
			(g ? (g * 40 + 55) : 0),
			(b ? (b * 40 + 55) : 0));
Example #22
static void printpage (const char *line, int *index, int from, int to) {
	int i;
	r_cons_clear00 ();
	for (i=from; i<to; i++) {
// TODO: chop column width, clear lines
		r_cons_printf ("%s\n", line+index[i]);
	r_cons_flush ();
Example #23
static int bin_pdb(RCore *core, int mode) {
	R_PDB pdb = {0};
	ut64 baddr = r_bin_get_baddr (core->bin);

	pdb.cb_printf = r_cons_printf;
	if (!init_pdb_parser (&pdb, core->bin->file)) {
		return false;

	if (!pdb.pdb_parse (&pdb)) {
		eprintf ("pdb was not parsed\n");
		pdb.finish_pdb_parse (&pdb);
		return false;

	if (mode == R_CORE_BIN_JSON) r_cons_printf("[");

	switch (mode) {
		mode = 's';
		r_core_cmd0 (core, ".iP*");
		return true;
		mode = 'j';
	case '*':
	case 1:
		mode = 'r';
		mode = 'd'; // default

	pdb.print_types (&pdb, mode);

	if (mode == 'j') r_cons_printf (",");
	pdb.print_gvars (&pdb, baddr, mode);
	if (mode == 'j') r_cons_printf ("]");
	pdb.finish_pdb_parse (&pdb);

	return true;
Example #24
static void pair(const char *a, const char *b) {
	char ws[16];
	int al = strlen (a);
	if (!b) b = "";
	memset (ws, ' ', sizeof (ws));
	al = PAIR_WIDTH-al;
	if (al<0) al = 0;
	ws[al] = 0;
	r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s\n", a, ws, b);
Example #25
static void printPadded(RCore *core, int pad) {
	if (pad < 1) {
		pad = 8;
	char *fmt = r_str_newf ("0x%%0%d" PFMT64x, pad);
	char *off = r_str_newf (fmt, core->offset);
	r_cons_printf ("%s\n", off);
	free (off);
	free (fmt);
Example #26
R_API int r_cons_any_key(const char *msg) {
	if (msg && *msg) {
		r_cons_printf ("\n-- %s --\n", msg);
	} else {
		r_cons_print ("\n--press any key--\n");
	r_cons_flush ();
	return r_cons_readchar ();
	//r_cons_strcat ("\x1b[2J\x1b[0;0H"); // wtf?
Example #27
R_API char *r_core_project_info(RCore *core, const char *prjfile) {
	char buf[256], *file = NULL, *prj = r_core_project_file (prjfile);
	FILE *fd = prj? r_sandbox_fopen (prj, "r"): NULL;
	for (;fd;) {
		fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fd);
		if (feof (fd))
		if (!memcmp (buf, "e file.path = ", 14)) {
			file = r_str_new (buf+14);
	fclose (fd);
	r_cons_printf ("Project : %s\n", prj);
	if (file) r_cons_printf ("FilePath: %s\n", file);
	free (prj);
	return file;
Example #28
File: rtr.c Project: moon2l/radare2
R_API void r_core_rtr_help(RCore *core) {
	r_cons_printf (
	" =                  ; list all open connections\n"
	" =<[fd] cmd         ; send output of local command to remote fd\n"
	" =[fd] cmd          ; exec cmd at remote 'fd' (last open is default one)\n"
	" =! cmd             ; run command via r_io_system\n"
	" =+ [proto://]host  ; add host (default=rap://, tcp://, udp://)\n"
	" =-[fd]             ; remove all hosts or host 'fd'\n"
	" ==[fd]             ; open remote session with host 'fd', 'q' to quit\n");
Example #29
static void r_cons_pal_show_gs () {
	int i, n;

	r_cons_printf ("\nGreyscale:\n");
	for (i = 0x08, n = 0;  i <= 0xee; i += 0xa) {
		char fg[32], bg[32];

		if (i < 0x76) strcpy (fg, Color_WHITE);
		else strcpy (fg, Color_BLACK);
		r_cons_rgb_str (bg, i, i, i, 1);
		r_cons_printf ("%s%s rgb:%02x%02x%02x "Color_RESET,
			fg, bg, i, i, i);

		if (n++ == 5) {
			n = 0;
			r_cons_newline ();
Example #30
static void rtti_itanium_print_vmi_class_type_info (vmi_class_type_info *vmi_cti, ut64 addr, const char *prefix) {
	r_cons_printf ("%sVMI Type Info at 0x%08"PFMT64x ":\n"
			"%s  Reference to RTTI's type class: 0x%08"PFMT32x "\n"
			"%s  Reference to type's name: 0x%08"PFMT32x "\n"
			"%s  Flags: 0x%x" "\n"
			"%s  Count of base classes: 0x%x" "\n",
			prefix, addr,
			prefix, vmi_cti->vtable_addr,
			prefix, vmi_cti->name_addr,
			prefix, vmi_cti->vmi_flags,
			prefix, vmi_cti->vmi_base_count);

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < vmi_cti->vmi_base_count; i++) {
		r_cons_printf("%s      Base class type descriptor address: 0x%08"PFMT32x "\n"
				"%s      Base class flags: 0x%x" "\n",
				prefix, vmi_cti->vmi_bases[i].base_class_addr,
				prefix, vmi_cti->vmi_bases[i].flags);