TripleDecompositionProtocolInstance TripleDecompositionProtocolInstance::random
( int braid_rank , int conjugator_length , int element_length )
  int lowerIndex = braid_rank/3;
  int upperIndex = 2*lowerIndex;
  // A. Choose randomly the set of conjugators
  quadruple< Word , Word , Word , Word > C;
  C.first  = Word::randomWord( braid_rank-1 , conjugator_length );
  C.second = Word::randomWord( braid_rank-1 , conjugator_length );
  C.third  = Word::randomWord( braid_rank-1 , conjugator_length );
  C.fourth = Word::randomWord( braid_rank-1 , conjugator_length );
  // B. Choose randomly the private keys for both parties
  quintuple< Word , Word , Word , Word , Word > thePrivateKeyA;
  thePrivateKeyA.first  = randomWord( 1 , braid_rank-1 , element_length );                        // a1
  thePrivateKeyA.fourth = -C.first  * randomWord( 1 , lowerIndex-1 , element_length ) * C.first;  // x1
  thePrivateKeyA.second = -C.second * randomWord( 1 , lowerIndex-1 , element_length ) * C.second; // a2
  thePrivateKeyA.fifth  = -C.third  * randomWord( 1 , upperIndex-1 , element_length ) * C.third;  // x2
  thePrivateKeyA.third  = -C.fourth * randomWord( 1 , upperIndex-1 , element_length ) * C.fourth; // a3

  quintuple< Word , Word , Word , Word , Word > thePrivateKeyB;
  thePrivateKeyB.first  = -C.first  * randomWord( lowerIndex+1 , braid_rank-1 , element_length ) * C.first;  // b1
  thePrivateKeyB.fourth = -C.second * randomWord( lowerIndex+1 , braid_rank-1 , element_length ) * C.second; // y1
  thePrivateKeyB.second = -C.third  * randomWord( upperIndex+1 , braid_rank-1 , element_length ) * C.third;  // b2
  thePrivateKeyB.fifth  = -C.fourth * randomWord( upperIndex+1 , braid_rank-1 , element_length ) * C.fourth; // y2
  thePrivateKeyB.third  = randomWord( 1            , braid_rank-1 , element_length );                        // b3

  // return the result
  return TripleDecompositionProtocolInstance( braid_rank , C , thePrivateKeyA , thePrivateKeyB );
Example #2
void benchmark_insert(int num_words, int word_len) {

    Cord::Ptr res = NULL;
    res = Cord::cord_from_char_star(randomWord(word_len));
    for (int i = 1; i < num_words; i++) {
        const char *rand_string = randomWord(word_len);
        int insertion_pos = rand() % (res->length());
        res = Cord::insert(res, rand_string, insertion_pos);
    Picks the next word in the Markov chain by choosing a random number between zero and the total weights of all current's edges.
    It then iterates through current's edges by subtracting each edge's weight one at a time until random is less than zero.
    Whatever edge it's on then becomes the next word.

    This effectively chooses a word based on the probability that it follows the current word. This word becomes current.

    Some text has been added to the chain.

    Current* changes to a new word.
Word * MarkovChain::nextWord(Word * current)
    int totalWeight = 0; //stores the sum of all the weights of all the edges of Word* current
    for(int i = 0; i < current->edgeSize; i++)
        totalWeight+= current->edges[i].occurrences;
    std::random_device generator;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomweight (0,totalWeight-1);
    //Generate a random number between 0 and totalWeight-1
    int random = randomweight(generator);
    Word * next = new Word;
    if(current->edges.size() > 0)
        int j = 0;
            random -= current->edges[j].occurrences;
            if(random < 0)
                next = current->edges[j].next;
        next = randomWord();
    return next;
Example #4
GACPforORGSolverChromosome* GACPforORGSolverGene::randomChromosome( bool deg ) const 
  int cLen = 0;
  while( GAConjProblemForORGroupSolver::roulette( 1 , 3 ) ) 
  Word c = randomWord( theGroup.numberOfGenerators( ), cLen );
  return new GACPforORGSolverChromosome( c , deg );
    GenerateString() makes a string of words, the length of which is passed in as an argument. This is printed to the console.
    It does this by selecting a random word from everything that it has read in.
    Every subsequent word is based off the probability that it would follow the previous word.

    Some text has been added to the Markov chain.
    Length is greater than zero.
std::string MarkovChain::generateString(int length)
    bool empty = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < hashTable->arraySize; i++)
        std::cout << "[" << i << "]" << " : ";
        Word currentWord = hashTable->hashTable[i];
        while( != NULL)
            std::cout << " (" <<>word << ")->";
            currentWord = *(;
                empty = false;
        std::cout << std::endl;
        return "";

    std::cout << length << std::endl;
    std::string output;
    Word * current = randomWord();
    output.append(" ");
    for(int l = 0; l < length; l++)
        if(current->edges.size() > 0)
            current = nextWord(current);
            output.append(" ");
    output.append("\b" ".");
        std::cout << output << std::endl;
    currentWord = current;
    return output;